cny RoAn BAiH.'R-BAGH KOAO O THERE YOU MAY DISCOVER HOW TO ELECTRIFY YOUR HOME ; HOW TO SAVE UNNECESSARY LABOUR; TO BANISH DIRT; TO COOK MORE PERFECTLY ; TO HEAT WATER ; TO LAUNDER ; TO COOL YOUR ROOMS ; TO SLIM YOUR FIGURE ; OUR DEMONS- TRATOR WILL BE AT YOUR SERVICE TO SHOW YOU HOW THESE things may be accomplished, AND TO ASSIST YOU WITH ALL necessary INFORMATION AT THE PUBLICITY SHOW ROOM OF H. E. H. The NIZAMIS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT. 1936 HYDERABAD DIRECTORY WITH A PAGP TO A DAY DIARY A Descripttve Guide of Hyderabad State and its Markets. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. THE ROAD MAP OF HYDERABAD CITY AND THE MAP OF THE DOMINIONS SHOWING RAIL. ROAD AND BUS ROUTES (All Righis Reserved) WEST END ADCRAFT CO.. NEWS CORNER, JAMES STREET. SECUNDERABAD. CONTENTS H. E, H. The Nizam Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, G^C,S.I., O.B,E. History of Hyderabad in outlino. Physical Aspc:cts — History — The present ruler — Progress & Pros- Pagk parity — Administration — Finance — Agriculture — Industries and Commerco—Education, etc., etc. ... ... ... 1 The Administrative Divisions. Districts of Warangal, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Auran- gabad, Birh, Parbhani, Nanded Gulbarga, Raichur, Osinana- bad, Bidar, Medak, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Atraf-i- Baida, with Administrative Staff ... ... ... ... 7 Places of Interest. Ajanta, Alampur, Assaye, Aundl.a, Aurangabad, Bliadrachalani, Bidar, Chitapur, Dichpalli, Ellora, Nizarasagar, Gulbarga, Jalna, Kalyan, Kulpak, Wudgal, Naldrug, Nagulapadu, Nanded Paithan, Pakhal, Palampet, Parenda, Phulmari, Pillalanuiri, Raichur, Roaza or Khuldabad, Shorapnr, Nadgir. Vikarabad, Warangal, Hyderabad City The Road Map of Hyderabad City H. E. H. Tile Nizam’s Government Departments Hyderabad Corporation The Residency Secunderabad Cantonment Authority Deccan District Bolarum -British Forces and allied Departments Walashan Prince Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur, with Inf a ni son H. E. H. The Nizam’s Regular Forces Educational Institutions Religious Intitutions, Associations, Clubs, Hospitals Mills, Factories and other Industrial concerns Indigenous Industries Traders’ List Places of Amusement Believe it or not ! Masonic Lodges Postal Information Customs Information Road Routes Walashan Prince Nawab Muazzam Jab Bahadur 4ii 50 a, 50 h 05 N7 89 90 94 100 .. no .. r:o .. 130 .. 149 .. .. 170 178, 178 a .. 18(1 .. 181 .. 183 184 The Produce of Hydoradad Imports and Exports in a Nut-shell The Map of A/. £. H. the Nizam's Dominions Rail, Road and Bus Routes ... 192 ... 193 /94 a, /94 b CONTENTS Pac.k Rail Routes ... ... .. ... 197 Who is Who .... ... .. ... ... 200 Lawyers and Doctors ... ... ... ... ... 255 Currency ... ... ... ... ... .. 267 Exchange Tables, Tables of Daily pay or Allowance ... ... 267 Sports Events ... ... ... ... ... 275 H. E. H. The Nizam's Govt. Holidays ... ... ... 277 Bank Holidays ... ... ... ... 278 Where to ^ay ... ... ... ... 3G9 A Pago to a Day Diary 1936 with a thoaght for j^^ j^c ^ h^ ^da C Bhimjee Poonja Sons. 20, Khokha Bazar, BOMBAY. Leading Iwporters of PLAIN AND DECORATED PLYWOOO, VENEERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FURNITURE INLAYS AND MARQUETRY. DECORATED PLYWOOD PANELS FOR WALL AND CEILINGS, CHAIR SEATS IN ALL SIZES, expanded METAL. WIRE NETTING OF SQUARE AND HEXAGONAL MESHES, WIRE SCREENS AND FENCES, METAL WIRE GAUZES, PLAIN A PERFORATED SHEETS IN ALL METALS, ZINC SPELTER, PIG LEAD, BEDSTEADS, FOLDING CHAIRS. FOLDING IRON AND WOOD FURNITURE, CELOTEX AND DECORATED INSULATING LUMBER BOARDS. ETC.. ETC. MICKEY THE MOUSE STRUCK A HOUSE WHERE THE BEST OF CHOICE IS FOUND TRY WHEREVER YOU LIKE THE BEST BARGAINS STRIKE BUT NEVER THE PURCHASE SO SOUND I The Crockery Ch Toy Emporium 19-20, James St., SECUNDERABAD H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. L th* f ? H ® Hyderabad state ocoupiee a central position on the map of Ind.a-the actual geographical position being 17° 21-4 inches North latrtude and 78° 3010 inches East longitude. Excluding the assigned terri! tory of Berar it has an area of 82,698 sq. miles, which is equal to that of ng and and Ireland put together and as extensive as the Bengal Presidency. Hy derabad is a table-land averaging about 1,250 ft. above sea level. The rain fall IB scanty being only 30 inc. per year. A noteworthy feature of the TO THE READERS. A great part of the success of this reference book Is due, as ire gratefully acknowledge, to the enthusiastic co-operation of readers and advertisers. What is set down here is from up-to-date information available ; changes take place, both in town and country, with such rapidity that it is difficult even for the most alert and pains-taking staff to keep pace with thorn all. We confidently appeal to our readers to kindly draw our attention, to omissions and commissions and welcome any such helpful suggestions to be included in the subsequent editions. Many of the life sketches had to be held back and the section WHO IS WHO had to combined with the RESIDENTS IN HYDERABAD for fear of making the work bulkier. Such defects of this pioneer attempt we hope to remedy in our next edition. The Hyderabad Directory,' 16, Jamea Street, Secunderabad. Ch. raja RAO, fv r BRITISH GOVERNMENT. Tho unswerving loyal tyof.he Asaf Jahi dynasty to the British is unparalleled m the annals oi he history of India. In 1747 when Madras fell into the hands of the French and o power o t 0 ritish in India was threatened with extinction, Asaf Jah Bahadur came to the aid of the British and stemmed the tide of disaster. Haifa century later when the military genuis of Tippu Sultan once again threatened the power of the British in India, the Nizam of Hyderabad rendered meritorious JOHN A CO CATERERS A GENERAl MERCHANTS CHAOABGHAT H. E. H. THE NIZAM'S DOMINIONS. service to the British. Again, during the great Indian Mutiny of 1857, it was the timely help of the Nizam that stood the British in good stead in the Deccan. When in 1914, the nations of the world were involved in a deadly conflict in a gamble for power, the present rulnr of Hyderab .d, Nawab Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, true to the hoary traditions of his illustrious dynasty, stood loyal to the British crown. In October 1914, when tho Outoman Empire made common cause with Germany, and the entire Muslim world looked up to the Niaam for guidance, Nawab Sir Mir Osman All Khan Bahadur rose equal to the occasion and issued a clarion call to the Muslim world, to rally round the British flag. In recognition of the signal services rendered by Nawab Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur the Faithful Ally of vhe British Goveimment, i»he distinguished title of “His Exalted Highness “ was conferred on him by the British Govern- ment at the close of the Great War. THE PRESENT RULER I Lieutenant General Asaf Jah, Muzaffar-ul- Mulk, Val Mumalik Nizcam-ul-Mulk Nizam-ud-Dowla, Nawob Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, G.C.S.I., G.B.E., the tenth ruler of the Asaf Jahi House, was installed in 1911, and reprosenis tho only surviving link between tho India of tho Great Moghuls and the India of to-day. He is the foremost Muslim ruler of the present day, and the marriage of the Heir- Apparent with tho only daughter of the Ex-Khalif, His Majesty Abdul Majid Khan, has brought together two of the most illustrious Muslim dynasties of the world. PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY I H. E. H. the Nizam ranks among the greatest rulers of the world. He is one of the most sagacious, benevolent and on. lightened rulers of the present day. W.thm two decades of H.E.H. the Nizam’s reign, the State has made phcnomonal strides towards progress and prosperity in every direction. Tho State which but ^O’years ago was convent to lag behind her sister states, now bids fair to run foremost among the progressive and enlight* enod states in Innia. Under tho benign and sagacious rule of H. E. H. the Nizam, Hyderabad is adapting herself, with amazing rapidity, to the needs of the modern conditions. That Hyderabad has to play ca great and historic part in the creatoin of a new and greater India, is beyond dispute. H. E. H. the Nizam was the first prince to announce his readiness to enter into an All-India Federation. administration; lathe ac’ministration of the State H. E. H. the Nizam IS assisted by an Execuuvo Council consistins of seven members, each controlling different depar.monts. In tho matters of legislation, H.E.H. the Nizam IS assisted by a Legislative Council consisting of 20 members. There is now a Bchomo under contemplation to extend tho franchise and to make the Legislative Council more representative in character. In 1921, the Judiciary was separated boy world s best RCA RADIO AT THE DECCAN RADIO HOUSE, HYD IAO, H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. from the Executive and a High Court of Judicature with an appellate jurisdic- tion was created. STATE FINANCE \ It is in finance, the great machinery of administra- tion, that the State is now in the very fore front of prosperous nations. When to-day, the nations of the world are seeking a way out of the fin*, noial crisis by over-taxation and retrenchment, Hyderabad under the able rnd foresighved guidance of Nawab Sir Akbar Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur, the Finance Minister faces the future with easy confidence. The statesmanlike fin *ncial policy of Sir Akbar Hyderi has resulted in the creation of a reserve of 9 croros of rupees. This has helped the progress of the various nation-building departments of the State. A noteworthy feature of Sir Akbar’s regime has been the “ sation of Finances”, under which each Department is provided with an incentive to speed up its work independently of other Departments. This system is not known to other parts of India and its success is due to the genius of the present Finance Member. According to the Budget Note for 1345, F., issued recently, the total budgettod receipt amounts to Ks. 855 92 lakhs against an expanditure of Rs. 839*46 lakhs, thus showing a surplus of Rs. 16*46 lakhs. AGRICULTURE, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE; The Indus- tries and Commerce Department has been created. An Industrial Trust Fund with a capital of one orore has boon started. In the field of Agriculture, the Government has started new expo^’imental farms. Plant breeding and research works have boon started on cotton, rice, wheat, Jawari and castor crops. Propaganda for the use of imp^'oved seeds and implements, better manure and improved methods of cultivation, is being carried on through agricultural inspectors. The toual trade o? the Dommi^^ns increased by 9*26 % from 23*48 orores in 1341 F. to 25*66. croros in 1342 F. Tlio aggregate value of imports decre'^sod by 5*63 % (12*60 crores againf-t 13*56 crores), while that of exports incroasod by 28*91 % (13*06 crores against 10*13 crores.) The shopwar Auction system was introduced by the Excise Department in the Mahabubuagar District and the Secunderabad area. The revenue decreased from Rs. 1,82,49,751 to Rs. 1,79,70,871, showing a decrease of Rs. 2,78,880. This decrease is attributed >o economic depression and admini&»»rativo measures. HATIMBROS.. WHOLESALE OPTICIANS-a 02 ABDUL RAHMAN ST. BOMBAY. H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. W 2 . -to 8 substantial deduction in the Number of shops and to the steady iTicroQpo in duty. IRRIGATION PROJECTS’. Many important irrigation projects were completed during the last decade. The most important of those was the Nizam- sagar Project, which cost Rs. 426 lakhs and is capahlo of irrigating 275,000 rcros^ The Pocharam Project cost Rs. 32 Lakhs and is capahlo of irrigating 13,000 acres of rice hm^s. The Palari Reservoir cost 24 lakhs and is capable of irrigat- ing about 20,000 acres of rice and sugar-cano cultivation. The Wyra Project cost 31^ lakhs and is capable of irrigating about 17,500 acres. Many other minor projects were carried out at a cost of nearly Rs. 11 lakhs. Besides these main projects, many tanks were restored and maint iinod in good order for irrigation purpose. To alleviate the harvlships caused by the water-scarcity in the Raichur district, a good number of tube wells are boing bored all over the district. CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT! With a view to formulating measures for the furtherance of the economic well-boing of the people, the Government instituted enquiries into the banking facilities available in rural areas. As a result the Govornmoiit has introduced the co-oporative banking system and there are at present 2,677 sookties with a total membership of 75,596, with a working capital of Rs. 2,31,90,000. The ideal that a co-operative movement should be a people’s movement, solf-controllod and self-financed, h*a.s always been kept in view. The Department has also carried out the education of the panchayat members of the societies and the public by moans of lectures and literature. Apart from the important ohj 'ct of organising funds to provide credit, the co-operative movement has given birth to and fostered a co-operative feeling among the masses. EDUCATION ! During recent years II. E. H. the Nizam’s Government has followed a policy of rapid expansion of the Primary and the Secondary Educa- tion. The greatest venture has been in the lino of vernacularising education Nawab Sir Akhar II.> der Nawaz Juiig Bahadur originated a schoino of Univer- sity Education through the medium of the Urdu language. Thus in 1921, autho- rized by a Royal Charter, the Osmaiiia University came into being. This University has under it 3 first grade colleges, 3 second grade colleges, and also a Medical College, an Engmoering College, a Training College and a Law Collogo. The Education of girls has not bo^n over-looked by the Goveriinieiik, jihysical education has been made compulsory in all public institutions and the policy of introducing vocational education, such as carpentary, weaving, embroidery, mat and basket-making lias been adopted. The total amount spent in 1342 Fasli on all grades of institutions including College education was Rs. 1,06,60,110. INTERNATIONAL CALENDER CORPORATION, P. O. BOX No. 2114, BOMBAY 2 H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. STATE CURRENCY, POSTAL SYSTEM ETC I The state has its own currency, consisting of gold, silver, copiior and nickel coins, and also a largo circu- lation of paper curroncy. It possesses a postal system for internal purposes, the total number of Post Offices being 794, bringing a total revenue of Rs. 9,87,325. It has also a telephone system and electricity, and recently throe of the District Headquarters have boon electrified. Lately the State has been linked direct by air route between Karachi and Madras. It has taken enthusiastically to Broad- casting and there is a scheme to extend this to all Districts for educational purposes. SOME IMPROVEMENTS ! The present roign is responsible for the con- struction of nearly 3,500 miles of roads with its complement of bridges. The city itself boasts of the finest comont- concrete roads in India, which may bo com- pared with those of any city abroad. A scheme of slum clearing and town improvement has boon taken on hand by the City Improvement Board and the old city is being transformed into a beautiful modern metropolis befitting tho premier Indian State. An extensive drainage scheme is nearing completion. The drainage of tho sewage into tho Musi which provides a natural outlet, will mako Hyderabad tho cleanest City in India. A very ambitious programme of irrigational development, costing the Govornmont about 30 crores of rupees, is shortly to be undertaken by the Tunga- bhadra Project. When complotod, it is confidently expected that tho greater part of tho famine area in tho State will be transformed into a smiling garden bringing peace and plenty among tho rural population. A scheme of aviation is on foot and under tho control of an Aviation Board an area of about 50 acros has boon acquired in Beguinpot behind the Jagirdar's Collego. Tho provision of landing ground all over the State is under contempla- tion. Hyderabad has been linked with Karachi for a bi-weekly mail sorvico. A Broadcasting Station, undor tho private management of Mr. Mahbub Ali, has been takon over by the Stato and a comprohonsivo schomo which will include tho important head- quarters is in tho making. The schomo has been approved by Col. Hardmgo and has boon already sanctioned by the Govornmont. The Hyderabad City Broadcasting Station will be soon under construction and will include a powerful Broadcasting sot and an uptodate studio with the latest Television equipment. A plan of Sports Grounds, costing over 4 lakhsofrupoes,undortheHussain- sagar Bund is under contemplation. The money will bo utilised in laying out a cricket pitch, a pavilion, two Polo grounds, an Athlotic Track, two Football INTERNATIONAL CALENDER CORPORATION P O. BOX No. P114. BOMBA/ 2. H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. Fields, and a. number of tennis Courts. The site will be midway between Hyder- abad and Secunderabad and will be an admirable meeting- ground for the sporting fans of both cities. Another forward step has been the purchase of the N. S. Ely., at an enormous cost of £ 8,300,000. The Railway is under efficient administration and new routes connecting the trade centres are being slowly added. The gross earnings of the Railway, amounood in 1342 F. to B G. Rs. 1,97,36,222, and the working expenses amounted to B G Rs. 1,15,94,893. and the net earnings to B G Rs. 81,41,329. The Hyderabad Broad Gauge Station, according to information, may be turned nto a magnificent structure and will comparo favourably with any station in India or abroad. Another wiso move by the Railway has boen the introduction of an extensive Bus system. Besides the fliiost, air conditioned, giant buses plying in the City, there is a Suburban system vv hicli connocts all important District Headquarters. The N. S. Rly. Bus sorv ice lias passed tho experimental stage successfully and ex- pansion on larger scale is awaited by tho public. Tho N. S. Rly. Bus service was started With a capiuiil cost of about Rs. 4^ lakhs and earned gross earnings of about Rs. 4 lakhs in the year 1342 F. Tho Army, again, has been ro-organised on British lines and under tho popular administration of Walashan Prince Azam Jah Bahadur, the Commander- in- Chief, the State will have efficient military protection. Tho Total Military expenditure is about Rs 88,58,013 per year. Tho health of the City too, has bad its due shpre of attention. Malaria and plague departments have been created to look after tho health of the City and the Districts. Malaria. Plague and othor epidemics are combated by systematic orga- nisation. Statistical records show a decided improvement as far as preventing opidoniics are concorned and tho medical and tho Sanitation Department can bo said to be on the best of footing. There are about 148 medical institutions There jS a proposal to establish a tuberculosis sanitorium at Vikarabad. The Total expenditure of the Medical Department is about Rs. 19,36,191. Tho Hydorabid Municipality has been turned into a popular institution and tho first election of the City eldors has boen an unqualified success. This is the first time that the people havo boon vested with such a large measure of civic responsibility. Thera has thus been an all-round iraprovement and progress in every depart- ment of His Exaltod Highness* Government and if this pace is maintained Uydorabad ere long will bo in the forefront of the New India. BUY WORLD’S BEST RCA RADIO AT THE DECCAN RADIO HOUSE, HYD'BAD. LIEUT-GEN. ri»S EXALTED HIGHNESS, ASAF JAH, Nl UZ A F F A R-U L- M U LK WAL MAMALIK N IZ A M - U L- M U LK , N IZ A M - U D - D A U LA NAWAB SIR MIR OSMAN ALI KHAN BAHADUR, FATEH JUNG. FAITHFUL ALLY OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, G. C S. I., G, B. E., NIZAM OF HYDERABAD. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS HYDERABAD DOMINIONS for the purpose of administration, is divided into four Subas, namely, Warangal, Aurangabad, Gulbarga and Medak. These Subas in turn are divided into districts including Bagath, there are sixteen districts. The Subedar is the administrative head of the Suba while under him are the Taluqdars in-charge of the districts. WARANGAL SUBA It has an area of about 24, 225> sq. miles and consists of the districts of Warangal, Karimnagar, Adilabad and Nizamabad. THE DISTRICT OF WARANGAL: has Karimnagar on its Northern side, Godavari tui the South, Krishna on the West and the Districts of Nalgonda and Medak on the East, It has an area of 8,205 sq. miles. It is intersected by the Bivers Godavari, Krishna and Palari. It is hilly track of land and has several large beautiful lakes such as Pakhal, Ghunpura and Dharamsagar. CLIMATE : Although its climate is dry it is healthy. Has an average rain- fall of 35 inches. PRODUCTS : Rice, Bajra, Grams, Tur and Castor seeds. POPULATION : Its population numbers 1,117,693. The city of Warangal boasts of 62,119. TALUQS [ It has eight Taluqs: — (1) Warangal (5) Madra (2) Pakhal (6) Palvancha (3) Mahboobabad (7) Yollandu (4) Khamara (8) Mulug. WARANGAL CITY : It is an ancient town founded by Prodda Raja of the Kakatiya Dynasty in the 12th century. In consideration of its historical impor- tance it is now treated as a city. Being a Subadari it possesses civil and criminal courts. It has an Arts Oollego and a High School affiliatod to the Osmania University. TRADE : It is a central market for the export of oil seeds, cotton and carpets. There are quite a number of ginning factories and oil mills, twelve rico mills, and one cotton spinning and weaving niills~ti.e Azamjahi Cotton Mills. It manu- factures carpets and Dhurries. It possesses 21 tanneries out of tlie 28 tanneries in the State. It has also an indigenous paper industry. Silk spinning and weaving is a well developed industry in Warangal where a largo number of spinners are engaged in the silk worm industry. IMPORTANT TOWNS. Y#lland« or Singaroni possesses coal mines and ex- ports coal. KHANDUBHAI ACO.MILL AGINSTOREMERCHTS LOHAR CHAWLL. BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS Pakhal. It is the reserve forest of H. E. H. the Nizam with a dense forest. It is noted for its carpet and Shatranji Industry. Kazipet. It is a railway junol ion. The tomb of Saint Shah Afzal makes it a scone of annual Urs. Hanamiconda It is the seat of the Subedari and is also the district heads quarters — famous for its Thousand Pillars Temple and the Tomb of Shah Abdul Gani. Munditog : Near Singaroni Collories, possesses excellent marble quarries. Haisanparti ; It contains many weavers who are engaged in making silk dhoties. In its neighbourhood iron-ore is found. Garla ; Is famous for its timber, which is exported in large quantities It is a railway station. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. Subedar 1st Talukdar A-sst. Talukdar* Warangal ... do Kliammam ... do Mahbubabad... i^Bst. Subedar Thasildar, Warangal do Warangal do Pakhal ... do Khammam do Mahboobabad Tahsildar Yellandu do Paluncha do Bakaya Warangal do Madhra do Mulug ... Treasury Officer ... Asst. Land Record Officer Asst, of Forests, Khammam ... Asst. Inspector-General of Forest Supdt. of Customs, Madhra ... Asst. do Madhra ... Dy. Director of Agriculture ... do Md. Abdul Basith Khan Md. Rahmatullah Sheriff MirKazim All Khan, B.A. Zahir ALinod, B. A., II. C. S. G. S. Dastagir Mirza Nasoer Ahmed Beg Govind Rao Md. Nasir Khan, B.A. Syed Abu Turab Razvi Md. Abdul Hafiz Khan Mohd. Sayoeduddin Hasan Md. Ghousuddin Syed Sajjtid Husain Mohd. Abdul Rahim Sheriff Durgiah, B.A. Md. Nizumuddin Mirza Sulaiman Bog Mirza Md. All Bog B. K. R. Iyengar Mir Nawazish All, L.F. S. Mirza Tahir Ah Khan Rustumji Mehandra Bahadur, B.A.,M.s. Unkaram FOR PASSAGE AND ROUND-TRIPS BY AIR ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE Excise Suporintendont Asst. Registrar, Co-operative Sociota Eeputy Assistant ... Divisional Judge Dist. Civil Judge ... Govt. Pleader Munsiff, Warangal do Mahboobabad do Madhra ... do Khammam Ag, do Paluncha do Yollandu do Pakhal ... Supt. Jail Asst. Surgeon, Jail Superintendent Police Asst. do Divisional Inspector of Schools Dist. do Principal, Intormodiato College School Section ... Asst. do do Headmistress do H. Master, Mathwada High School do High School, Khammam Lecturer, Intormodiato College do do do do Headmaster Nirmal Civil Surgeon Asst. do Woman Asst. Surgeon Superintending Engineer P. A. to Superintending Engr. Executive Engineer Asst. Engr., Khammam do Warangal STAFF — { Continued), ... Md. Daulath Yar Khan .. Khaja Ghousuddin ... Mir Ahmed Ali Khan ... Gaziuddm Ahmed ... Md. Siddiq Ahmed ... Md. Abdulla Quraishi .. MirMohd. Ali Khan, B. A., LL. B. .. D. A. Banaji, B.A., LL. 13. (Cantab) .. Md. Abdur Rahim . Abu Tayab Md. Yahya ... Md. HashimAli Khan .. Md. Abdul Hasan, B. a., ll. B. ... Raghow Nath Pershad .. Md. Qamruddin All Khan ... S. B. Kulkarni, L. M & s. ... Mukthar Ah Khan, M.A.LL.B.H.0.8. ... Ghulam Mohd. Khan, P.T.S. .. Ahmed Husain Khan, B. A. ... Md. Jawad, B.A., B.T. High Md. Abdul Aziz Khan Md. Abdus Salam Huzurunnissa Begum K. Balasubrmaniam Iyer Vednath Iyer Ghulam Md. Ali Syed Za inula bad in A. V. Gopal Rao Md. Afzaluddin Farooqi Inayath Khan Syed Mohd. Husain P. Somasundaram, M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P. Md. Alam Shah Khan, L. C. P. & S. Miss C. Mahdovi, L. M. & S. Mirza Akbc r Bog Khan Bdr. Mohd. Ashuriff Md. Ibrahim, B. E. (Madras) Md. Farhatullah Niamatullah Khan, B.Sc. (Man) APPLY VENSIMAL BASSARMAL AND BROS.. BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF— Continued) Asst. Engr., Mahboobabad ... ... B. Ranga Beddi, B. Sc. (Manchester) Sub-Engmoor, Warangal •• K. Sreoramlu Pantlu do Khamniam .. ... Abdul Rahman do T. R. S. Division ... ... Shamshir All IT LOWER PRICES MEANS JAPAN QUALITY LENSES which cauts cataract, glaucoma, eye-strain in old age. H WRONGLY FITTING SPECTA- CLES ARE A POISON to the eyes. H LOWER PRICED SPECTACLES MEAN lower grade lenses ^ lower professional service. H You run risk when you buy GLASSES WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINA- TION. BUY SUPSR-TORIC PITCH POLISHED LENSES PROM QUALIFIED OPTICIANS HARDY 6- Co., I2A, James Street, ♦ ♦ SECUNDERABAD. KHANDUBHAl A. Co. P. W.D. A GOVT. CONTRS. LOHAR CHAWL. BOMBAY. KRYPTOK ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF KARIMNAGAR : It is bounded in the North end Easi by the Kiver Godavari, South by Warangal and Nalgonda, West by Medak anc Nizam a badland has an area of 5,369 sq.miks. It is a hilly district and potsossesa range of mountains and many hiUs suoh rs Kardikal and Karunclia. It abounds ■with forests oftoakwood. The Rivers of Godavari ana Krishna How through th( District. It has the lakes of Shankaram and Jami Opal. CLIMATE I The climato though dry is healthy and has a rainfall of 31 inchei per year. PRODUCTS ; Rice, Jawar, Grams, Cornflour, Cotton, Til, Indigo an( Tobacco. POPULATION I It has a population of 1,241,405 one-third of which ar Muslims and the rest Hindus. TALUQS : It possesses the following Taluqs : — (1) Karimnagar (5) Jagtial (2) Sircilla (6) Mahadevpur (3) Huzurabad (7) Parkal (4) Sultatiabad karimnagar: it IS the headquarters of the Tivluqdar. It is a commorcia town. Cotton spinning and weaving are carried on lu're. It munufactures San and Sojnis. Fligroc work of silver is a flourishing industry. There are tw’ rice mills. IMPORTANT TOWNS : A^alagoor and Jagtial have historic forts. Manthani i a strong hold of educated Brahmins. Manakundur manurac.urcs bcmutiful silver wares. Koratia is famous for paper-making and also poss.^ssos two rice mil h Partabgada is famous for its Fort huilt by tho great Pratapurudra, Rajah c warangal. Darampuri is well-known for its Temples. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. l8t Talukdar .. Agha Sh.;ik Yawar All Asst. do Karimnagar Moliuiddm Hasan do do Jagtial ... Razuiddiii Ahmed, II. C. 8. Asst. Talukdar, Huzurabad ... ... Mirza Me lull Rev. Asst., Karimnagar .. Raj Porshivd, B. A. Tahsildar, Sircilla ... ... Syod Ahmed Ali do Huzurabad ... Khaja Badiuddin do Parkal ... ... Zamiruddin Ahmed KHANDUBHAI A CO. PIPES FITTINGS A GENERAL MERCHANTS BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF— (Continued) Tahsildar, Jagtial ... do Osmannngar do Kariinnagar do Mahadevpur Treasury Officer ... Asst. (Land Record Officer) ... Asst., Fon st. Dept. . Excis.i Su perm ton dent District Civil Judge Munsiff, Vorkal do Jagtial do Osmannagar (Sultanabad) do Kariinnagar do Sircilla do Huzurabad District Inspector of Schools .. Headmaster High School, Kariinnagar do do Civil Surgeon Asst. Surgeon Executive Enginoor do Asst. Engineer, Jagtial Sub-Division do Karimnagar... Asst. Engineer Sub-Engineer Sub-Engineer, Karimnagar ... do Huzurabad Ahamedullali Khan Mansoor Md. Ibrahim Md. Abdul Hamood Fiyaz Husain Mirza Baqir Ali Beg Jadobans Chund Mir Samiulla Alinud Abdul Aziz Mohammed Bhai, B. A. Mahond(‘r Kishore, B.A., LL. B. Md. A. Rahim Khalid, Bar-at-law Sirajuddin Ahmed Syod Riaz Ahmod, B.A., Bar-at-law Vasdov Porshad, B. a., ll. b. Md. Sarmast Klian Md. Ahamdullah, B.A,, B. T. Sharif-ul-Husan Burni, M.Sc., B.T» V. R. Manvikar, B. A. Md. Akber Khan, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S D. Sham Rao Lokondra Bahadur, B.8c.,C.E. Sitaram Rao Sarwar Husain Syed Ali Raza, B, Sc. (Manchostor) Md. Zakiuddin Venkat Ramiah, U. S. (Hyd.) M. Ramachandriah S. K. Wadookar * * INTERNATIONAL CALENDER CORPORATION, P. O. BOX No. 2114, BOMBAY 2, ADIVUNISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF ADILABAD t Boundod on tho North by tho Rivorf Gaiiga and Warda, East by Warda, South by Kariranagar and Niz'imabad District? and on tho West by Nandod. It has an aroa of 7,403 square miles. Throughoui this district one finds ranges of hills passing eastward CLIMATE ; Unhealthy, tho district boing full of forests. Rainfall h 37 inc. iior year. PRODUCTS ; Wheat, Rice, Jawar, Cotton and Linseed, POPULATION ! Its population is 762,030 tho major portion of tho populatior are Goods a hill tribe who are industrious and hardworking. TALUQS ■ This district is sub-divided into ton taliiqs : — (1) Asifabad (6) Lakshatipot (2) Sirpur (7) Kinwat (3) Rajura (8) Adilabad (4) Nirmal (9) Bothe (5) Chinnoor (10) Otnoor Asifabad— is tho headquarters of tho district possessing tho Courts of Civil an( Criminal Jurisdiction. IMPORTANT towns; Rajura is situated on tho banks of the Pengang; and liesat a distfliioo of 3 miles from Balarshah Railwa^' Station, possesses ooa mines. Manekguda ; is famous for its historical fort. Chinnoor : produces ^Tood rico and iron oro is found. Mahoor : has tho famous oaves of Pandolina. Unkudru : is 24 miles from Nirmal, possesses hot springs or Gayseers, has an annui Jatra. Nirmal : has a fort and is famous for its industry of woodwork and woe 3 )aint. It also manufactures leather water bottles. Galgadapa : exports rico in largo quantities. Sirpur iron oro is found. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. 1st Talukdnr .. ... Raja Dharaiii Karam Asst. Talukdar, Niimal .. ... Azi/. Ahmed -df/. CIO ChipTioor ... .. 1 T:ii1’m. duddui Ahiiv'd, ll.t'.S. do Abif.'.bid .. . K hur'diKi All K ii ii INTERNATIONAL CALENDER CORPORATION, P O. BOX No 2114, BOMBAY 2 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF— (Continued) Tahsildar, Rev. Asst. Adilabad do Nirmiil ... do Otnoor .. do Asifabad do Sirpur ... do Chinnoor do Bolhe ... do Laksliatipet do Adilabad do Rajoora Treasury Officjr Asst. I.-G. of Forests, Lakshatipet do Nirmal Excise Supdt District Civil Judge MunsifT, Laksliatipot do Adilabad ... do Rajoora ... do Sirpur do Kinwat ... do Chinnoor .. do Nirmal do Otnnoor Botho Superintendent of Police Assist, Supdt. of Policj District Inspector of Police .. Headmaster, High School, Nirmal In charge Civil Surgeon Assit. Surgeon, Asifabad Exocotivo Engineer, Asifabad do Nirmal ... Asst. do Nirmal do do Lakshatipot Sub-Engineor, Adilabad do do Syed Wasiullah Hasani, B. A. Aziz Ahmed Syed Mazhuruddin Md. Amod Ansari S. B. Venkat Ramiah R. J. Paul Rao Vasdev Rao Ahmed Abdul Hameed Barveli Anant Ramiah, B A , LL B. Raj Pershad Syed Jalaluddin Sajan Lai, B. A. Horn u -jeo Rustomjee SyodMd. Fariduddin Khan Md, Rashid-ul-Hasain Khan Mirza Md. Bahadur Mirza Husain Ah Beg Murtuza Khan, H C S. Afzal Husain Farooqi Mir Sa’adat All Khan Md. Wazir Ali, M A , LL B. Abd-i-Ali Kayumi, B A., LL B Mir Wajid Husain Khan Syed Noorul Monibullah Syed Shahid Husain, Brr-at-law, Md. Raoful-Husan Quraishi, B. A . Trimal Rao, B A , B T. V. Ramachandran, B A , B. T. A. Namasivayara, L M & 8. Alimod Hussain, M B., B s (Os) C. Srinivasa Rao, B A , L.C.E.Poona Sita Ram Rao, B. A., B. E (Madras) Md. Zakiuddin, B E. (Madras) V. C. Muttana T. V. Narsirnlu Naidu S. H. Razvi, u. 8. (Hyderabad) Abdullah Ansari, U L (Madras) KHANDUBHAI A Co.. HARDWARE MERCHANTS. LOHAR CHAWL, BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF NIZANIABAD I This district is to the South of tho Godavari and North of the Medak District. It has an aroa of 3,382 sq. miles. With tho Bivors of Manjira and Godavari flowing through tho district, it has a rich black soil. climate : Agreeable with a rainfall of 32 inches. POPULATION \ Its populacion is 6,23,225. PRODUCTS : mustard, corn, jawar, cotton, sugar-cane and tamarind. TALUQS : There aro 5 taluqa. (1) Nizamabad (4) Armoor (2) Kamaroddi (5) Bodhan (3) Ycllareddi Nizamabad — is on the Metro Gauge lino about 100 miles North of S?cunderabad and is the Head-quarters of the Taluqdar. It has about 554 weavers of Padma Sali and Bhosar caste who make Coarse Series. It possesses Ginning and Pressing Factories, Bico Mills and an Industrial School. IMPORTANT TOWNS : Botham is famous for its perfumes. Yellaraddipet is noted for its temples. Ramaraddypet is a village in Kamaroddy Taluq 5 miles from the Kamareddy Station, with a population of 3,189 of whom 520 are weavers engaged in wea- ving cotton coloured Saries with Silk Borders and Hand Spun Khedar Cloth. Dichpalii has a leper asylum. It is one of tho best lopor Hoispitals in India managed by the Wesleyan Mission. It receivt^s a liberal annual grant from the Government. Kamaraddy has the Government Industrial School Factory, the Cottage Industries Institute and a Sales Depot. Bhimagallu exports timber. Armoor noted for manufacture of Khadi cloth. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. 1st Talukdar Asst. Talukdar, Kamareddi ... do ... Mlrza Mohamod Beg ... Syod Md. Ali ... Md. Farhatullah HATIM BROS.. WHOLESALE OPTICIANS 302. ABDUL RAGMAN ST. BOMBAY. administrative divisions administrative BTA.YW'-iContinued) Asst. Talukdar, Borlum do Thasildar, Rov. Asst., Nizamabad do Banswada do Kamareddi do Nizamabad do Yollaroddi do Bodhan do Armoor do do Treasury Officer ... Land Record Asst. Asst. I.-G. Forest Dopt Excise Superintendent Asst. Registrar, C. C. Societies Dept Civil Judge Munsiff, Armoor do Yellareddi. do Kamareddi. do Nizamabad Suponntondmt of Police Inspector of Schools. H. M. High Schools Civil Surgeon Ex. Engineer Asst. Engineer, do Armoor do do Supdt., Nizamabad Power House. Syed Mohiuddin Ahmed Razvi Moieduddin Hasan Syod Md. Ali Md. Samiullah Syed Md. Mukarrara Aga Mahmood Ali, B. A. Syod Zainulabedin Razvi Jag Jivan Chund Govind Rao Khayam Khani Syed Vasiullah Husaini Syod Md. Taqi Ata-ur. Rahman Vaman Rao Md. Abdul Majid Khan Md. Qudus Husain Mirza Abbas Husain Khan Ranga Rao Mir Azzullah, H. C. S. Syod Fida Plussain Md. Asadullah Narayan Roddy Allauddin Ahmed Khan, Bar-at-law Syod Mohd. Husain, B.A., B. E. Marthand Rainapoorkar, L. M. & s. Ramchandcr Rao B.A., B.E., Madras Himayat Ali Khan Abdur Raliman Khan Najab’iath All B.A., B. E., Madras Mohd. Jaffar A1 j,B.E. Mohd, Makdoom Husaini, B. A.Alig M. I.E., A.S.G. I., London * INTERNATIONAL CALENDER CORPORATION. P. O. BOX No. 2114, BOMBAY 2. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS AURANGABAD SUBA : It is divided into four Districts:— (1) Aurangabad, (2) Birh, (3) Parbhani, (4) Nanded DISTRICT OF AURANGABAD : Bounded on the North by Kandesh, on the East by Borar and Parbhani, on the South by Godavari and on its West by Ahmadnagar, with an area of 6,176 sq. miles. This district is interspersed with ghats, the Ballagliat and Ajanta. The Rivers of Godavari and Purna intersect the District. PRODUCTS I Wheat, Barley, Cotton, Sugar-cane and Fruits such as figi and grapes. CLIMATE : good, rain- fall of about 24 inches per year. POPULATION : about 9,44,793. TALUQS : It has ten taluqs (1) Aurangabad, (2) Ambad, (3) Bhakordan, (4) Gangapur, (5) Jalna. ^6) Kannad, (7) Patan, (8) Vijapur, (9) Khuldabad (10) Sillod, and tlio Jagirs ot Takli, Savuli and Ajanta. IMPORTANT TOWNS I Aurangabad City. The city dates back to Malik A mbar 1610 A. D. who as responsible for the construction of the old city, now in rums. After his death, his son Fateh Khan named it after him. But with the coming of Aurangazob who died there, it took his name, and it became his capital in the Deccan. He was responsible foi building the city wall and a mosque. He also ordered tho construction of the Mausoleum of Rahia Durani and Mahal surrounded by a beautiful garden, at a cost of Ks. 61 lakhs. It is the replioa of the Taj Mahal. It has its own caves hut due to the Ajanta and Ellora Caves, which arc world famous, these caves are not so well-known. Thera are many other historical buildings prominent among which is the Baradari, It IS tho head-quarters of the Subhadar. With a population of 36,870, it is one of tho four Cities of tho Nizam’s Dominions. It is a prosperous industrial city, famous for its “Kinquab” known as Hainru and Muslim and other embroidery laco work in Silver and Gold aud an indigenous paper Industry. It has an arts college and a High Schoo‘1 affiliatod to the Osmnnia University. Daulatabad— tho historic Doogadh of Ram Dev King, is an old fort. Near by lies the Charininar of Allaudin Kbilji, whilo the Caves of Ajanta and Ellora make this place a pilgi image for art lovers and tourists from all over the world. MESSRS. KAJIJIBROS., RLY. CONTRACTORS, 178-80 NAGDEVI ST. BOMBAY ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS Kiildabad— Is known for the Mausoleiimi of Saints and is a health-resort. Tho town of Roza or the garden of paradise surrounded by handsome stone wall erected by Aurangazeb is situated 14 miles North West of Aurangabad, about 2,300 ffc. above tho sea level. Hero lie tho ashes of two Mohammadan Saints, Syed Bushanuddin and his brother, Nizam-ul-Mulk Asafjah and his son and sucoossor and of tho Nizam Shahi Kings. Jalna : It is said that Sita, the wife of Rama, was residing hero whon this place was known in those days by the name of Chankpoor. Under Akbar the Groat’s regime it was tho jagir of a Moghal Sardar and was at one time the residence of Abul Kazal, one of tho nine gems of Akbar’s Court. Aurangazeb also had bis residence hero. It has historic buildings. Tho Juma Musjid was built by the Subodar Jamshed Khan. Nizam-ul-Mulk made Jalna his residence and constructed a Fort. It is now a prosperous commercial town and a trading outlet for Aurangabad. It exports oranges, and possesses cotton spinning and ginning factories. Paithan : Of historical importance is situated on Godavari, was at one time capital of Pulokesin II. Now it is famous for its Sare'>s. Kadirabad : Is an important Centre for grains and cotton Trade, possesses ginning and pressing Mills. Atsaye : Hero Sir Arthur Wellesly dofoatod Marathas in 1803. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. Subedar First Talukdar Asst. Subodar, (posted) do Talukda r, Jalna do do Aurangabad do do Ehokordan .. do do Vjjapur Tahsildar, Jalna , . do Aurangabad Tahsildar, Kanad ... do Ambad ... do Patan . . . do Gangapur Rev. Asst., Aurangabad .. Nawab Fakhr Jung Bahadur .. Gulani Ahmed Khan .. Sirajuddin Ahmed .. Anis Ahmed .. Abid All Khan .. Md. Ilafczul Huq .. Md. Hasanuzzaman .. Md. Tnayat Hu.sain Khan .. Syed Md. Umor Khan .. Sat Gura Nar.iyan .. Ahmed Abdul Qadir Husain .. Nabml Hasi n .. Bijai Raj FOR PASSAGES AND ROUND-TRJPS BY AlR ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE Continued.) Tahsildar, Khuldabad, (Sarf-i-Khas) do Sillod, (Sarf-i-Khas) Treasury Officer Tahsildar (Asst. Land Record Officer) Asst. Inspector- General of Forest Supdt. of Customs, Jalna Supdt. of Customs, Aurangabad Asst, of Customs, Aurangabad do Godavari (Jalna) Excise Superintendent Principal, Industrial School ... Supdt. Dist. Electricity Power Scheme Factories Inspector, Jalna Asst. Registrar, Co-operative Societies Department Dy. Asst, do do Divisional Judge ... Addl do ... ... District Civil Judge Addl. do Govt. Pleader, Aurangabad ... Munsiff, Aurangabad do Jalna ... ... do Kannad ... do Vijapur ... do Ambad ... ... do Gangapur do Bhokardan do Patan ... Asst. Superintendent of Jail ... Superintendent of Police Asst. do Dist. Inspector of Schools ... Principal, Intermediate College Asst. Principal do do Principal , Training School Headmaster, High School do do ... Syod Badrul Hasan ... Syed Ahmed Mohiuddin Husain ... Md. Asanuddin Ansari ... Bashiruddin Ahmed ... Syed Hyder Husaini,M. A. (Oxon) ... Md. Farooq ... Mir Ahmed Khan ... Mir Ahmed Husain ... Mir Jafor Ali Khan ... Md. Abul Hasan ... Syod Moizuddin ... K. M. Mutannah ... Mahdi Ali Mirza, B. A. (Berlin) ... Md. Abdul Hamid ... Bhaskarnand Porshad, B. A. ... Mohamod Allah Khan . , Syod Nurul Husain ... Nehal Ahmed ... Raj Mohan Lai, Bar-at-Law ... Mohamod Fariduddin, Pleader ... Md. Asadullah ... Mullah Md. Abdul Basit ... Mir Sabit All Khan, B. A., LL. B. ... Md. Masoom Ali Varsi ... Mohd. Sharfuddin Ahmed ... Syod Habibur Rahman ... Md. Mominuddin ... Balv«ant Rao Ghatey ... Md. Abdullah ... Syod Abdul Hai ... T. Balkishan, ... Syed Sajid Ali, B. B.. B. T. ... Syod Mohiuddin, B. A., Bar-at-law ... J. R. Kama, M. A. LL. B. ... Mushtaq Ahmed, B. A. (Hons) ... Mrs. Kama, B. A., B. T. ... Md. Shamsuddin, B. A., B. T. ... Syod Azeom, B. A., P. T. APPLY VCNSIMAL BASSARMAL AND BROS.. BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS DISTRICT OF BIRH" bounded on the North by the Godavari, East by Parbhani and Bidar, South by iho Kiver Maiijira and West by the River Seona. It has an area of 4,460 sq. miles. It is a hilly district intersected by rivers. CLIMATE I temperate and healthy and has an annual rainfall of 25 inches. PRODUCTS ’ Jawar, Wheat, Bhajra, Cotton, Oil-soeds, Sugar-cane and fruits. POPULATION *. It has a population of 633,690. TALUOS \ 1. Manjlegaon 2. Birh 3. Mominabad 4. Ashti 5. Gevrai 6. Patoda. IMPORTANT TOWNS 1 Birh District Head-quarters situated on Sura River. It mukes “Gupti’‘a kind of Sword in tho’sbapo of a walking stick and also water carriers of leather. Mazalgaon*~It is a trade centre and exports grain. Paris — Centre of Cotton trade and possesses ginning Factories. Mominabad— Trade centre and contains many Hindu temples. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1st Talukdar, Asst. Talukdar, Mominabad ... do Birh Tahsildar, Manjiogoan do Birh do Gevrai ... do Patoda .. do Ashti Rev. Asst. Birh Treasury Officer ... Supdt. of Customs Dept. Asst. Supt. of Customs Dept ... Excise Supdt. Dist. Civil Judge ... Addl. do Munsiff, Birh do Manjiogoan Barak at Rai Md. Wall Hasan Zainul Abudm Khan Naziruddin Ahmed Mip Gliahb All Khan Md. Abdul Majoed Mir Ali Husain Khan Syod Moinuddin, 13. A., B.T. Khalilullch Sharif S>od Raluinuddiii Hasan Md. Bahavuddin Khan Mir Firoz'i Ali Khan Mi,rza Bahjat Ah Khan Bashiruddin Ahmed Md. Abdul Khaliq, H. C. 8. Nawab Ahmed Khan, B. A., L.L. B. Srinivas Rao, B. A., LL. B. LAMPS. LANTERNS. A STOVES. NIZAM SHAHI ROAD. HYDERABAD. Dn. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS administrative staff— Continued .) Munsiff Ashtl do Gevrai ... do Mominabad Supdt. of Police Asst. Supc.t. of Police I)ist. Inspector of Schools Headmaster, High School Civil Surgeon, In-charge Asst. Surgeon executive Engiiiour Asst. Engineer Sub-Engineor do Mir Shamsuddin Ali Khan Md. Masood Ali Md. Abdul Baqai Shah Mohamed Khan, B. A. Sodi Karam Singh, P. T. 8. Md. Mustafa Khan, B. A., B.T. Syed Mohiuddin D. P. Parak, L. M. & S. Gopal Vithal Alwarkar, L. M. & S. S. M. H. Naqvi, c. E. (Rook) C. Hanumanth Bao B. S. Ramanajam lyor T. V. Narsimulu Naidu * # # INSURE IT WITH GILLANDERS MOTOR CAR, LIFE, FIRE, MARINE, BURGLARY. ACCIDENT FIDELITY GUARANTEE INSURANCE. Apply GILLANDERS ARBUTHNOT & CO. PATBL HOUSE, CHURCH GATE 8T, ... BOMBAY. AGENTS WANTED. LONDON EASTERN A AMERICAN TRADING CO., APOLLO STREET. BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS DISTRICT OF PARBHANI I This district is to tho East of Bheod is very fertile with black Soil, well watered by the Rivers Dudhra and Puma, and has an area of 5,433 sq, miles. CLIMATE *. I ry but healthy with an average rainfall of 30 inches per year, PRODUCTS I Cotton Wheat and Jawar, Bajra, Sugar-cane Indigo and oil seeds. POPULATION : 8,53,760. TALUQS : seven taluqs, namely :—(l) Parbhani, (2) Pathri, (3) Jitoor, (4) Basmat, (5) Kalamnuri, (6) Palam, (7) Hingoli. IMPORTANT TOWNS : Parbhani ; Dates back to the days of Allauddin Khilji, tho early part of the 14th century when he conquered it from the Doogad Kings. It was in 1351, after tho death of Mohamed Tuglak, the Bahmani Kings snatched it away and added it to their ov^n territory, but it foil back to tho onslaught of tho hTizam Shahi Kings, only to bo annoxod by Akbar tho Groat. In tho 18th century it was added to Hyderabad. It is noted for ginning and pressing factories and is tho centre of Gram and Cotton trade. It is the headquarters of Tnluqdar, and a prosperous business centre. Batwaih and Manwath — noted for export of paddy. Hingoii — It is a cotton market, possesses one of the few horse studs in India. Sonepet — Noted for silk cloths, Sailu— Commercial town, possesses ginning and cotton pressing factories ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. Ag. 1st Thlukdar ... Assist. Talukdar, Parbhani do Hingoli Tahsildar, Hingoli... do Jitoor ... do Parbhani do Kalamnuri Rev. Asst. Parbhani Tahsildar, Pathri ... do Palam ... Treasury Officer ... Execise Superintendent Syed Abul Hasan Razvi, B. A, Abdur Raoof Abdus Satar Md. Obaidullah Kazami, B.A., LL,B‘ Mir Liyaki/t Ali Khan Syed Ahmed Tabatibai Syed Sibgaiulah Md. Fazlur Rahman Gliulam Zainulabedin Khan Syed Subhan Ali Guru Porshad M. H. Rochfort ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE BTIAVV— (Continued) Dy. Director, Agricultural Department Snpdt. Agricultural Department AsBt. Economic Botanist Dist. Civil Judge ... Additional Civil Judge Jdunsiff, Soilu and Pathri do Brsmat do Hingoli do Parbhani ... do Kalamnuri do Jitoor Superintendent of Police Asst. do ... Inspector orf Schools Headmaster, High School Civil Surgeon, Parbhani Asst. Surgeon, Parbhani do Puma ... do Hingoli Ex. Engineer Asst. Engineer Sub-Engineer Deputy Supdt., Vety. Dept., Hingoh. V. R. Dharwarkor, M. Ag. Shaik Mohmed Yusuf Nanchund Mirza Mohammad Sadak Beg Ahmed Mohiuddin Ansari, H. C. S. Syed Bahauddm Shuttan Mohemmed Aslam Khan Md. Afz^aluddin Farooqi. B. A. Rashid Ahmed, B. A., Ll^. B. Abdul Moiz, B. A. LL. B. Mufti Mohd. Rashiduddin, B. A. Mirza Ghulam Husain Ali, B.A. Mirza Mohammad Ail Bog, P. T. S Syod Ahmed Raza Wasti, B.A.,L,T Vonkat Ramana, B.A.,L. T. S.A. Razwi V. V. Hardikar D, Sham Rao Ghulam Ghouse, L. M. & 8. V. D. Hardikar, B.A., B. Sc. Abdul Hai, B. Sc. (Manchester) Md. Habibullah A. S. V. Mudliar, G. B., V. 0, QUALITY CIVIL a MILITARY FOOT WEAR rCf^BOOTS MAKING A SPECIALITY GENUINE HAND - SE WN STUFF SMART FINISH & PERFECT FITTINGS CUARAN TEED. N. SUTOR & Co. St. JAMES ST.. SECUNDERABAD. MDUSTStAL CteCTmCAL EMGMECRING Co.. SPCCIALISTS (N ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF NANDED \ This district is between Parbiini and Nizamabad and has an area of 6,312 sq. miles. The soil is black and fertile being fed with w; ters from Rivers PengMiga, Manjira. CLIMATE : dry and an annual rainfall of 29 inches. PRODUCTS I Wheat. Cotton, Sugarcane, Oil-seeds, Jawar and Bajra. POPULATION : 7,22,08t. TALUQS I It has six Taluqs : — 1. Nanded 2. Khandhar 3. Hadgaon 4. Degloor 5. Biloli 6. Madhole and other Jagirs. IMPORTANT TOWNS \ Nanded is tho headquarters of Taluqdar, is situated on tho River Godavari and is famous as a religious centre of tho Sikhs. A mile away from the Station stands the Gurudwara of tho Sikhs where lies buried Guru Govind Nanak. The temple is imposing and grand, doors are cover- od with silver sheets. Nearby there is a tank for the priest and votaries to bathe. It is tho city of religious congregation. It possesses some of the historical forts, It is also a commercial centre of cloth industry wiih a number of mills /ind ginning factories. Malgaon — Noted for its trade in horses. Diglur — Noted for weekly Fair large quantities of grains are sold Khandahar— is noted for its fort. Mukher — noted for its copper and brass vessels and is tho centre of cotton trade ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1st Talukdar Asst. Taluqdar, Nanded do Doglore Tahsildar, Hadgaon Prob. do Nanded do Madhole Tahsildar, Hadgaon do Nanded do Deglore do Kandhar do Biloli Rev. Asst., Nanded Treasury Officer Asst. Inspector-General Excise Supdt. Farm Supdt. Dist. Civil Judge Syed All Asger Bilgrami Syed Shabuddin Mir Farkhunda All Khan Mir Mahboob All Khan Govind Rao Syed Abdul Wahab Nazdorulla Syed Vahiduddin Mirza Kalimulla Beg Md. Wasi-ul-Huda Naimuddm Hasan Hassanuddin Siddiqi Md. Naimuddm Vasdov Rao Nakhray Md. Ah Sharif H. B. Rajdev M. A. O. Md. Ahmadullah (Forest Dept.) ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATERIALS 10. HUMAM STREET, BOMBAY. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF— (Continued ) Addl. Civil Jud^o ... Munsiff, Hjidgaon ... do Biloli ... do Nandod ... ... do Kandh'ir ... do Bhainsa Madhole do Doglore ... Supdt. of Police ... Asst. Supdt. of Police Inspector of Schools Headmaster, Osmania High School, Nandod Civil Surgeon Asst. Engineer Sub-Engmoor, Nanded Ag, Dy. Asst. C. C. Societies, Nanded ... Fazli Haq Khan ... Md. Husain Siddiqi ... Md. Saiduddin, B.A., LL.B. ... Syed Md. Khurshed Husain ... Ghaziudd in Ahmed, H.C.S. ... Syed Ghulam Husain ... Md. Sarmast Khan ... Md. Arif Khan ... Mir. Hidayat Ali ... Agha Md. Husain , B.A., B.T. ... Syed Md. All Bilgrami, B.A., B.T. ... Vashonath Bao Gurday ... Md. Masoodullah, B.Bc. (Man) ... B. S. Ramanujam Iyer ... Riazuddin # * 5 ^ JOHN BURTON, TAILOR 6< OUTFITTER, LADIES’ TAILOR AND HABIT A\AKER, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO H. E. H. THE NIZAM, 6 . C. S. I.. 6 . B. E- PIlO*. No. t99. SECUNDERABAD. H. JAaMOHANDAS A CO.. 176 LOHAR CHAWL. BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS GULBURGA : The Suba of Gulburga is divided into four districts namely. 1. Gulburga, 2. Raichur, 3. Osmanabad, 4. Bidar. THE DISTRICT OF GULBURGA: has Osmanabad on its North, Maha- boobnagar on the East, Sholapur on the West and River Krishna on the South* It has an area of 6,004 sq. miles CLIMATE : hot and rainfall uncertain. PRODUCTS : cotton, jawari, wheat and oil seeds. POPULATION : 1,225,008 TALUQS : The district is divided into eight Taluqs. 1. Gulburga, 2. Chincholi, 3. Korangal, 4 Seram, 5. Yadgir, 6. Andola 7. Shorapur, 8. Shapoor. Besides, it has several Jagirs such as Tandur, Kosgi, Ferozabad, Chitapur, Khalgi, and Afzalpur. IMPORTANT towns: Gulburga City. It is the hoadquartors of the Bubadar It has its Judicial and Criminal Courts. It possesses an Iiitormediatu College^ and a High School, affiliated to Osmania University. The city has a population of 41,033. It has both rich black cotton soil and rock lands. It is rich in historical buildings, had boen the seat and Capital of the Bahamani Empire. It is well known for its Jum-a-Masjid and the Fort. It is also regarded as a Holy place for it possesses the tomb of Kliaja Bunda-i-Nawaaz and holds an annual Urs. Gadgir—has a Railway Station and hill fort. Gogi— -contains the tombs of Bahmani K ngs. Andola 6* Chincholi— are famous for their blanket Industry. Nagoi This place is situated a mile South of Chitapoor and is supposed to have been a halting place of Rama on his way to Lanka in search of Sita. Malkhor It was the capital of the Western Chalukyas in the tenth century and also at one time was the headquarters of ono of the Generals of Aurangazeb. Shahabad-It is not only famous for its Shahabad quarries but also manufactures the Shahabad Cement which is exported to all over India. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF ELECTRICAL GOGD3. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. Subedar Syod Azizuddin Ali Khan 1st Talukdar Iracli Shall Chonoy Asst. Subodar . . Md. Sardaruddin Khan Asst. Talukdar Mir Raza All do Ahmed Mohd. Razvi Tabsildar, Kudangal Syed Aminuddm Husain do Roveinie Asst. Syed Mahmood Qadri do Cbinchol.i Gulborga Md. Nasiruddin All Khan do Gulberga Ahmed Hu.^ain do do Md. Bashiruddin Ahmed do Shahpooro Mirza Mohmddin Beg do Shorapur Feroae Shan Postonjoo do Yadgir Mir H.isan All Khan do Kodangal Mohammed All Khan Treasury Officer Mirza Suleman Baig Asst. I.-G. of Forests Md. Abdur Rahim L.F.S. Supdt. of Customs Mir Dost All Khan Excise Suptd. Syed Abbas Husain Asst. Registrar, C. C. Societies Dept. S. K. Iyengar M.A., F.R.C.8. Divisional Judge ... Mirzi Furhutullah Beg Addl Divisional Judge Syed Md. Amiiml Hasan District Judge Md. Saduddin Khan Additional Civil Judge Syed Mohiuddin Ali Khan Govt. Pleader Md. Abdul Qadir Ansari Munsiff, Gulborga ... Md. Fasihuddin do Sedam Md. Syed Hasan do Shorapur... Md. Zainul Abedin do Yadgir ... Syod Mohamed Ali do Chincholi... Syod Nehal Ahmed Naqvi Munsiff Ko Ian gal ... Syod Abdul Wahah Husaini Superintendent Jail Syed Abdul Wahah Asst. Surgeon ... ... Abdul Basit Sabri M.B., B. 8, Supdt. of Police Syed Mubarak Asst. Supdt. of Police Mohd. Husain Divl. Inspector of Schools Syed Husain Inspector of Schools Karim Ahmed Khan B .A., B.T. Principal ... Syed Zulfiqar Ali Huqqani Asst, do V. Ramchandran MESSRS. KAJIJIIBROS.. RLY. CONTRACTORS. 178-80 NAGDEVI ST.. BOMBAY* ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE (Continued) Headmaster, High School, Gulberga ... K. N. Ramanuja Chari B. A., B.T, Headmaster, Osmania High School Vadgir ... ... ... Raziuddin Khan Lecturer, Intermediate College ... Malikharjan Rao, M.A. do ... ... ... Syeduzzaman do ... ... ... Akbor Ali, M.A. do ... ... ... Md. Vazir Ahmed Quraishi do ... ... ... Zakiuddin M Sc do .. ... ... Sheshah Chari Supdt. Postal Dept. .. ... Mirza Ali Nawaz Khan CiVil Surgeon ... ... Venkatesh Rao Borgaonkar Asbt Surgeon, Shorapur ... ... C. Kuppaswamy do Gulberga ... ... P. K. Joge M.C.P.S., L.M. & 8 do do (Touring) ... U. S. Narsing Rao L.M&.8. do Sodam ... ... M. G. S Iyengar do ... ... ... Shankor Rao Jadu Lady do Gulberga .. ... M iss D. Butt B / T..C.E. Executive Engineer ... ... T. C. Pandya Asst. Engineer ... ... ... Abdul Majeed Bilgrami Asst. Engineer Shorapur Juldurg Project ... P. Papiah Sub- Eng moor do .. . Shadi Ram Kapur Prob. Asst. Engr. do .. ... H. S. SatUuy do do ... ... B. K. Roddy Asst. Engr. Gulberga, Humnabad Road . . Work .. .. .. S. S Kosaiiam B.Sc. (Manch). Asbt. Engineer, Yadgir . . .. Abdul Rahnun Khan Sub Engineer, Yadgir , . . AzizuUah Sharif * # Great News ! Its on the Inside Cover, 8HRIPA0 PROCESS WORKS, 407 KALBADEVI ROAD. BOMBAY No. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF RAICHUR ! bounded on the North by the River Krishna, East by Mahboobnagar, West by Dharwar and South by Rivrr Tunga- bhadra. It comrrisos an arvia of 6,879 sq. miles. Being situated in the doab of Krishna and Tungabhadra its soil is black but it has an average produce with little or no rainfall. Duo to the scarcity of water and the failure of mansoons, famine is ramparfc in this district. To ward off famine, and to alleviate the distress of the rural population, Government established special Department known as the well sinking Department About 500 wells have been sunk at Lingasagur, Kostagi, Sinduvar, and Gangavati. CLIMATE : summers are extremely hot and unbearable, and has a rainfall of about 20 inches. PRODUCTS : Jawer, Cotton, Rico, and oil seeds. POPULATION : 9,37,535. TAlUQS * 1. Raichur, 2. Deodruj, 3. Alampur, 4. Manvi, 5. Lingsugur^ 6. Gangavati, 7. Kostagi, 8. Sendhoor, Besides the Jagirs of Kopal, Samas- thans of Gadwal, Amarchinta, Gurgunta and Anagundi. IMPORTANT TOWNS. Raichur is the district head-quarters. Possesses a historical Fort w^hich was built in 946 A. D. The Town is noted for fine earthen goblets and drinking vessels and shoos. Has a regular Motor service to Lingsu- goor 60 miles. ALAMPUR . Situated on the banks of the River Tungabhadra, it possesses innumerable temples of Chalukya dynasty. Alampur forest is well known for big game hunting. Alampur teak is largely used in the state. Yelegar was tit one time the capital of the Sindhias. Kopal has a fort of Tippu’s times on the top of a hill. Sir Jhon Malcolm described the fort as strongest one ho had ever seen in India. Gangavathi is a business centre. Hand mad j beautiful Paroe, Dhoti, Dhurri and Sojni Industries flourish Ik re. Glazed pottery is a special feature. It has an extensive tanning industry. Expor'.s grain and Jaggery. Gadwal and AmaracKinta are notjd for iroparing fine cloth. Mudgal is a place of historical importance. Gangavathi is a Commorcial qentro, exporting largely grain and Jaggery. Sidhnur exports Cotton and Grain. Miftfci is noted for its Gold-mine. GENERAL MZRCHANT3 AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS Anagondi on the loft bank of the Tungabhadra, has a fort. The Rajah is a descendant of tho Emperors of Vijayanagar. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. 1st Talukdar Sh. Ghouse Khan Asst. Talukdar Lingsugur Habibuddin H C S. do Raichur Mr Abdullah Khan Tahsildar, Mrnvi ... Md Azharul Huq do Dovdurg Syed Sajjad Husain Rev. Asst. Raichur Syed Ahmed Vajihuddin Tahsildar, Sindhnur Syod Abdul Khad^r do Lingsugur Permanand Dass Dalai do Kushtngi Syed Ali Sajjad do C angawati Kisben Rao Tahsildar Alam; ur Ibrahim Ali Khan Treasury Officer Syed Rahimuddin Hussain Siipdt. of Customs, Lingsugur Barzooji Asst. Supdt. of Customs, Lingsugur Syod Yusufuddin Excise Superintendent Syed Md. Osman Supdt. of Mines and Geological survey ... S K Mukerji, M. So., B.L., Petrologist do L. S. Krisbnamoorty, B.Sc., Asst Dir. Goologioai survey, Lingsugar ... C. Mixhadevan Ag. Asst. Director .. H. S. Krishnamoorty Supdt. Raichur Power House Afzil Ali Khan Dy. Asbt of Agriculture Gundappa S. Kirpad, B. A., Dy. Asst. C 0. Societies Raichur Venkat Rao Dist Civil Judge ... Syod Md. Asgar Husain i-> .-at-law Munsiff, Raichur ... Syed Md. Kliamiuz-Zaman do Sindhnur Hafiz Syod Md li>liaq Burn! do Devdrug Jaganath Rao do Lingsugar Md. I lias Qujraishi do Mdiivi ... Hafiz Gulam Moliamod do Kushtagi ... Syod Ata HuSv in do Gangawati Mir Liakat Ali Khan do Alampur Syod Md. Mahmood Supdt. of Police ... Surtaj Alam Asst. do Md. Shair All Khan Dist. Inspector of Schools , Rafiuddin Siddiqi, B. A.,B.r., Headmaster, Raichur D. B. K&m it LONDON EASTERN A. AMERICAN TRADING Co , APOLLO STREET, BOMBAY. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE Continued.) Civil Surgoon ... ... S. K. .Tatar Asst Surgoon ... ... ... S. K. Jhatker Lady Asst. Surgoon ... ... Miss. B. Do’Souza, L. M. & S. Ex. Enginoor ... ... .. Sabari Yusuf. B.Sc. (Glasgow) Asst. Engineer ... ... ... Ramuswamy, B.E (Osmania) Sub-Engineer, Lingsugur ... . . Mahbub Sharif Special Officer. Woll-sinking Dept., ... Leonard Munn Lingsugar Asbt. Engineer do ... .. D. V. Rao do do .. ... J. Koovorji » » «i EASTERN WATCH SPECIALISTS IN MODERN CLOCKS. IIOKNIIV UOAD. • • BOMBAY. ,1 WATCHES AND CLOCKS • MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TOWER CLOCKS • SYNCHRONISED AND SYNCHRONOUS CLOCKS MADE TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENTS WE CAN SUPPLLY ANYTHING IN CLOCKS AND WATCHES CORRESPONOeNCE INVITED. # * * WEST END TAILORS. 15 JAMES STREET. SECUNDERABAD. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF OSMANABAD : Boundod on the North by the River Manjira and Bhir, on the east by Bidar, on the West by Sholapur, the South by Gulburga and has an area of 4,010 sq. miles with black and stony soil. CLIMATE : Though hot is agreeable. Has an average rainfall of 27 inches. PRODUCTS : Bajra, Cotton, Sugarcane, Rice and Wheat. POPULATION : about 6,91,068, Marathas and Kanarese forming the majority. IMPORTANT TOWNS: Osmanabad— is the District head-quarters famous for hill-caves. Tuliapur — possesses the famous temple of the Goddo&s Kali Bhawani. Ausa an^j Parinda Forts are the relics of the Maratha war, fought by Nizam Ali Khan in 1761. The former being the residence of Lingayat Guru. Thair has Buddhist temples. Morum — exports large quantities of grain and Jaggery. Lakhur— is a centre of Cotton and Grain tiado. It is connected with the Barst Light Railway Station. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. 1st Talukdar Asst do Osmaiiabad do Latur Tahsildar, Tuljapur do Latur ... do Osmanabad do do ... do Parenda do Kallam ... Rev. Asst. Osmanabad Tahsildar Tahsildar, Osmanabad Treasury Officer ... Superintendent of Customs Supdt. Excise Dept. Dist. Civil Judge .. Addle. District Civil Judge ... Amir Ali Khan ... Shujauddin Abbas Tayabji ... Md. Mustafa Ali Khan ... Syed Ashruff Husain ... George Butt, B.A. Md. Bismilla Khan ... Md. Ibrahim Syed Abbas Husain ... Saadat Husain Khan ... Madhav R:io ... Md. Sliamsu.’zaman ... Kishan Ilao ... Sharafat Ali ... Abdul Mahbub Ma-ani ... Mirza Sikander Ali Khan ... Syed Md. Hayatul Hasan ... Mir Khairuddin All Khan WIRELESS CLASSES ENLIST - RADIO ELECTRIC - CHURCHGATE ST. BOMBAf ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE BTAYY— (Continued) MunsifiF Osnianabad ... ... Syed Abdul Roaf do Naldrug... ... ... Waliullah do Latur ... ... ... Md. Abdul Hai do Paronda ... ... Jamal Ahmed Supdt. of Police ... S. N. Reddy, M.A. (Contab) Asst. do ... Syed Gulam Afzul, B. A.,H. C. 8. Inspector of Schoolfi ... Mahdi Hasan Zubairi, B. A., B.T. Heacmastor, High School, Osmanabad ... Prakash Rao Headmaster of High School, Latur ... Devi Charan Chaterji Inchargo Civil Surgeon ... ... C. A. Sunderaj do Osmanabad .... K. S. Venkoba Rao Samrani Asst. Surgeon Latur ... ... Pershotam Baporao Kanady Asst. Engineer ... ... ... H. R. Farrington # # # QUALITY FURNITURE ' TH£ ONLY RELIABLE PIRM TO SUPPLY MODERN AND PERIOD HOUSE-HOLD AND OPPiCE FURNITURE MADE PROM THE BEST AND SELECTED TIMBER. APOLLO FURNISHING Co., BACK BAY VIEW, I, Quten't Road, BOMBAY. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL ENCINCERINB Co. SPECIALISTS IN ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF 61DAR : Bounded on the North by Parbhani and Nandod, Nandod, Medak, and Atraf-i-Balda on tho East, Gulbarga on the South and Osmanabad and Bhir on tho West and has an area of 4,161 sq. miles. It is mtersectcdby a number of Rivers Manjira b ung the largest one. CLIMATE : Good, with an average rainfall of 27 inches per year. PRODUCTS : Wheat, Bajra, Rico, Tobacco, Sugarcane, Indigo and Mangoes. POPULATION : about 8,73,615, TALUQS: There are five Taluqs. 1. Bidar, 2. Nalanga, 3. Ahmedpur, 4. Udgir, 5. Janwara, besides the Jagirs of H.isanabad, Bhalki, Kohir, Akali and Kalayani. Tho last namod was the capital of the Chalukyas. IMPORTANT TOWNS : Bid ar--Thn cjpital of the Barid and Bahnnin Kings IS tho headquarters of tho Taliiqdar. many buildings of liistorical import- ance. Tho Bular Silver and Gold work in lustry is famous all over India. Malegodu— is noted for horses, piece goods and hardware. Kohir — possesses plenty of mango gardens, Udgir— -famous for its fort. Here tho forces of Nizam Ali and Salabat Jung fought against tho Marathas m 1761, when tho latter forced a treaty under a heavy penalty on Hyderabad. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. 1st Talukdar Asst. Talukdar, Udgir Tahsildar, Udgir. ... do Bidar Rev. Asst. Nilanga. do Janwada (Shar f-i-Klias Treasury Officer ... Excise Supdt, Dist. Civil Judge ... Munsiff, Bidar do Udgir do Nilanga do Ahmedpur Mirza Gluilam Md. Beg Md. Shamsuddiii Bi'sliiruddin Alimod Quraishi Syed Sbah \1 1 Nahri Mir Qadir Ah Kban Sahebzada Ghulam lius.iiii Kluira.shi Khaja Abdus Salam Mir Qasini Ali Khan Mirza Abas Beg Mirza Ghulam Dastagir Bog Syed Yus if All Md. Si.i u bhn Khan Raza Md. K laii ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATERIALS 10. HUMAM STREET BOMBAY 1. ADMINISTRATIVE DI VISIO N ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF -(Continued) Ag. Supdt. of Polico Asst. Supdi. of Polico Dist Inspector of Schools Hoo,dm:istor of High School Inchargo Civil Surgeon Asst. Surgeon, Bidar do Ex. Engineer Sub-Enginoer S. Engineer Syed Shamshad Husain Sardar Fazal Ahmed Khan Syed Moinuddin, B. Sc., B.T. Salim Bin Sayed Raja Ram Khande Rao Garde M. Damodhar Naidu, M.B., B.S. M. Sitaramiah Mir Ahmod Ali Khan Murtuza Bog Ramswamy Iyengar 7 SEATKRB Distributdrs ; A. HYLAND, LTD., HUGHES ROAD. BOMBAY. Local Desiers : GRANT’S GARAGE. JAMES STREET. SECUNDERABAD. THE ANTiaUARV-LIQUOR SCOTCH-WISHKY - D. C. OOMRtGAR 4 CO.'.BOMBAY ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ME DAK I Modak is divided into four districts :—l. Gulshanabad or Modak, 2. Mahbubnagar, 3. Nalgonda, 4. Bagath, or Atraf-i-Balda. MEDAK : Gulshanabad otherwiso known as Medak is bounded on tho North by Nizamabad and Kanmnagar, East by Nalgonda, South by Atraf-i-balda and West by Bidar, with an aroa of 3,447 sq. miles. This district has a fertile soil. It has a number of lakes such as Patanchoru, Malkapooi, Ibrahim Patten, Pocharam- Project, a niasoriary dam across the River Allan, capable of irrigating 13,000 acres. The Fatchanahar project capable of irrigating 5,400 acres, and the Nizam Sagar-Project second largest artificial Lake in India, capable of irrigating 2,75,000 acres. CLIMATE : Has a temperate climate, with an average rainfall of 28 inches per year. PRODUCTS : Rice, Jawar, Sugar-cane, Bajra, Cotton and Tobacco. POPULATION : 38,065. TALQS : 1. Medak, 2. Andol, 3. Kalbagoor, 4. Siddipet, 5. Bagath. IMPORTANTTOWNS: Sangareddy—Tho headquarters oi Taluqdar. Motor Service runs daily between Sangareddy and Hyderabad. It is famous for its Silk industry. Rangampet— -also a weaving industry centre and is noted for its Silk-bordered Sarecs and Dhoties. Medak or Gulshanabad— Head-quarters of Wesleyan Mission with a big colony. The Medak Church is considered to bo one of the finest churches in tho East. Has an old Fort. Patanchervu — Once headquarters of the Suba is famous for its historical monu- ments. Has a Government Rural Re-consl ruction Centre. Akanapat— IS tho nearest station for Modak and connected with a regular Bus Service. Siddipat — is famous for its Copper, Brass Pots, and Dhoties. It has Cotton Ginning Factories is famous for its manufacture of costly Sanos. Kalbagoor and Andol-notod for old temples. Naraingi— famous for its weekly market of live-stock, Sadasivpat — is a trading town, on tho Vikarabad- Bidar Railway. Gurud-has indigenous paper industry. "MORGANS" POMADE FOR GREY HAIRS H. A SHEAHES LTD. P.B. 942 B'BAV ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. SuVedrr (H. Q. Hyd.) 1st Talukdnr Asst Ttilukdar, Modak Aibst. Siibedar (H. Q. Hyd.) ... Talisildar Rev. Asst. Mcdak ... Civilian, Nizamsagar Talisildar, Falabgiir Talisildar Siddipott do Andolo ... do Medak ... Treasury officer ... Dy. Af'St. Land Record Assi. Consorv iivor, Forest Dept. Asst. Registrar, 0. C. Societies Dept. S„ngar('d''y Dy. do Divisional Judge ... District dudgo Govt, rieader Miinsiffi, Andolo do Medak .. do K’alabgur do Siddipett Su])orintcndont of Police Asst. Supt. of I’olico Dist. Tnsi ector of Schools Siijxlt. Postal Dej-t. Civil Surgeon, Medak Asst. Surgeon, Medak do Asst Surgeon, Patancheroo ... Superintending Engineer Ex Er.gin^'or Asst. Engineer Ex-TCng n 'or Canal Division .. Asst, do do do do do Mir Ahmed Ali Khan Nawab Zahir Yar Jung Bahadur Mohd. Quddoos Hussain Faiq Husain Bhavani Per shad Mir Abid Ali Khan Syod All Md. Aghar Mir Syoc Gbouse Zal Kustomji Kazi Moinuddin Hyder Md. ilayat AIi Moliiuddin All Khan Dr. Ghulani Mohiuddin, Ph.D. Md. Sanii Siddiqi Md. Abdul Aziz Khan Lakshman Roddy, Bar-at-Law. Ahdul Mokhtoe Khan, H 0 . S. Syed Md. Taqi Bilgrami Syed Osman Jaffari Aziz Ahmed Khan Ahmed Shah Nawab Kafi Jung Bdr. Rustuniji Shahpurji Nurul-Huq Rlicmboo P('rshad, B. A. Siddiii Uzz..nian Md. A lu an Siddiqi Mir Md T.jqi D. B. Narayan Sy{ d Md. Ziauddin Ahmed Md. Abu Turab, A.C.E., (Madras) C. Radlia Kishon, L.C.E., (Poona) Hi mat Ali Khan Dildar Husain E. Veer a Kaghavan Bala Porshad A^ELL MATURED ANTIQUARY-WHISKY - D. C. OOMRIGAR dL CO. BOMBAY. 3* ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF— (Continued) Sub-Engineer, Sangareddy ... ... V. G. Vasudoo Mudliar Asst. Engineer ... Zuiuddin Ansari Asst. Engineer, N S. P. ... S. Kuppaswamy Iyer do do ... Abdul Hal do do ••• ... Murtuza Beg Sub-Engineer do ••• ... M. R. Adolphus, 0. E. ❖ ❖ •> DEAL WITH DEFIANCE AND SAVE MOST EVERYTHING FOR AUTOMOBILES DIRECT IMPORTERS AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS EXCELLENT QUALITY - FAIR PRICES NOVELTIES LATEST -IMMENSE STOCKS CORRECT SUPPLY ESTEEMABLE SERVICE The oldest and leading AUTO house. DEFIANCE AUTOMOBILES V»HONe 531 eiDlAMBtR BAZAAR. meao office • 8HCW rooms: phone 2219 local branch FHONE <11178 PHONE 3S1 HYDERABAD. "elegrams: romoils JAMES STREET BOMBAY 4. SECUNDERABAD. The ANTIQUARY-LIQUOR SCOTCH - WISHKY-O C. OOMRIGAR 4. Co. BOMBAY 9 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF M AHBOOBN AGAR : it lios to tlio South of Medak and Atraf-i- Baida. The soil is black and fertile, with an area of 5,842 sq. miles. The tributary of Krishna flows through this district. Has many dense forests yielding Timber. CLIMATE *. healthy and has an average rainfall of 24 inches per year. PRODUCTS : Eice, Cotton, Gram, Jawar, Bajm, Til and oil seeds. POPULATION : 9,71,C16. TALUQS : The District is divided into six taluqs : 1. Mahboobnagar, 2. Kalvakurti, 3. Mukhal, 4. Nagar Karnul, 5. Amrabad, 6. Fargi. IMPORTANT TOWNS I AAahboobnagar — popularly known as Talmur, is the headquarters of Taluqdar. It has an Agricultural Farm and a silk- worm industrial centre. Koyal Konda — possesses an ancient hill Fort. Narayanapet — A flourishing town with silk and leather goods Industries. Lingal — A criminal tribes settlement. Pangel— Is a historical Fort, where in 1417 a battle was fought between the Kajas of Warangal and Vijayanagar Korur- Manufactures Glass bangles. Jedcherla— It is a grain centre. Kalvakurti— Is a flourishing town and carries on trade in grain. Amrabad — Possesses a virgin forest and has one of the densest jungles where Tigers, Leopards, Cheetahs and Bears arc found m large number. JaUproU, Kollapur, Wanaparti, AmaracKinta and Gopalpet arc big Zammdaris. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 1st Talukdar Asst. Talukdar, Narayanpett .. Asst. Talukdar, Nagarkamool Asst. Talukdar, Mahbubnagar Tahsildar, Pargi ... do Mahbubnagar (Rev. Asst.) do Kalvakurti ... Vikaruddm Ahmed Khan ... Syod Abdul Bari ... Khalilulla Husain ... Hasan Ali ... Basil ir Ahmed Taher ... Amir Ahmed ... Md. Ikram Ali SHOP AT NAGER A Co., NIZAM SHAH! ROAD, - THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE Continued) Tahsildar, Nagarkurnool do Mahbubnagar do Makthal do Amrabad Treasury Officer Asst. Land Record Officer Asst. Jamabundi Officer Dy. Asst. Jamabundi Asst. Conservator, Forest Dept. Excise Superintendent District Civil Judge Muns iff Nagarkurnool... Munsiff, Narayanpet do Amrabad do Pargi ... do Mahbubnagar do Kalvakurti Supdt. of Police Criminal Settlement Officer, Lingal Asst. Supt. of Police Dist. Inspector of Schools H. M. High School, Mahbubnagar Asst. Surgeon, Mahbubnagar... do Nagarkurnool do Narayanpet do Lingal ... do Ex. Engineer Asst. Engineer, Nagarkurnool * Md. Hasan All Syed Ahmed Md. Amjad Khan Syed Ghouse Mir Mazhar Ali Khan Kishan Kao Barzoji Bahmanji Syed Masood Ahmed Razvi, B. A. Dr. Ghulam Rasool Md. Niamatullah Khan Md. Ahmadullah Khaja Nizamuddin Hafeez Ahmed Syed Burhanuddin Ahmed Syed Nurulula Hamiduddm Mahmood, H. C. 8. Hafiz Md. Ismail Burni Ahmed All Khan Capt. All Raza Brandon Shiv Komar Lai Md. A.bdul Rashid Siddiqi, B A., B.T P. Sita Narayan Rao Y. M. Joshi C. Narsiraloo Naidu G. Bhim Singh Md. Abdul Khalaq Shariff Md. Ibrahim Ah Khan Khairuddin, Ahmed, A. M., I. C. A. S. Kamul Great News! Its on the Inside Back Cover, wmeuEss classes enlist • radio electric • churchcate st. Bombay ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS THE DISTRICT OF NALGONDA! Bounded on the North by tho Warangal Districb, East by At raf-i- Baida, South by thn River Krishna and West by the District of Mahboobnagar with an area of 4,813 sq. miles. Tho rivor Musi flows from the West to East of this district. This District has a number of lakes. PRODUCTS : Rice, Bajra, Til, Cotton, Jawar and Oil-seeds. CLIMATE ; has extreme climate with a rainfall of 20 inches. POPULATION : It has a population of 1,133,409. TALUQS : has seven taluqs:— (1) Nalgonda, (2) Bhongir, (3) Dowarkonda. (4) Suryapet. (5) Cheryal, (6) Huzoornagar, (7) Miryalguda. IMPORTANT TOWNS Z Nalgonda town is situated between two ranges of hills. It IS the headquarters of the Taluqdar, it possesses Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mills and also rice mills. Bhonrir— is a historical Town situated at tho foot of a rook on the top of which there is a Fort wuh a palace It exports batel loaves and celebrated for its pottery. Devarkonda— has a hill fort. Rice is cultivated here. Jangaon— it is noted for the Manufacture of Brass vossels, country Blankets, and exports oil-seeds. Kulpak— place of Pilgrimage for Jains. P«mbarti — noted for tho Manufacture of Brass vesi’els. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. 1st Talukdar Asst Talukdar, Miryalguda ... do Nalgonda do Bhongir Tahsildar, Bhongir do Jangoan... do Nalgonda do Rov Asst. Nalgonda do Miryalguda do Suryapet ., Treasury Officer Asst I -G. of Forests Excise Superintendent Nawab Malik Yar Jung Bdr. Ramchandor Narayan Amanathulhih Khan Mohiuddin Khan Naimuddin Ahmed Syed Ghulam Dastagir. Mir Bahauddin Ali Khan Md. Zahiruddin Ahmed Khan Mir Kaza All Md. All Murtuza Khan Narayan Rao Syed Ijad Ali, T). B. B Md. Abdul Majoed Khan FOR all radio goods APPLY RADIO ELECTRIC, CHURCKGATE ST. BOMBAY ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF (Continued) Dy. Asst. Registrar, Co-operative Society... Syod Ashfaq Ali Khan District Judge ... Mir Nusrat Ali Munsiff, Nalgonda... ... ... Arajad All do Miryalguda Md Abiul Waheed do Jangaon .. • *« • • • Syed Burhanuddin Ahmed do Bhongir... ... Md. Raza All Khan MunsifF, Suryapot ... . *« ... Mahmood Ahmjd Minai do Huzurnagar ... ... Syod Mohsin Razvi do Dovarkond'i ... Md. Abdul .Salam Khan Superintendent of Police ... Md. Jalaluddin Asst. do Abu Mohd. Abdul Rahman Dist. Inspector of Schools ... ... Mirzi Mahmood All Beg Headmaster, High School ... Ahmed Abdul Aziz In-charg.^ Civil Surgeon Md Abdul Rahim Assist.ait Surgeon .. B. S. Naidu do (Touring) ... . . Ramchandor Pondurung Nathu Ex. Engineer . • * ... Iqbal All Khan Asst, do ... T. Srmivas Murthi do Bhongir ... ... Md. Abdul Qadeer do Suryapet ... ... K. H. Attro V-8 The Car with an unchallenged reputation, FORD nEN-FOUR” DeLuxe Tourer and Saloon Models Dealers : MADRAS CYCLE & MOTOR MART, JAMES STREET SECUNDERABAD. hhens No. 37d. WELL MATURED ANTiaUARY>WHLSKY - D. C. OOMRIGAR 4 CO.. BOMBAY 3. 44 administrative divisions BAGATH OR ATRAF-I-BALDA DISTRICT: Bounded on the north by Bidiir, Medak and Karimnagar, E ist by Nalgonda, South by Mahabubnagar and Webt by GuJbarga with an area of 2,399 sq. miles. Most of the Taluqs in this district belong to the crown. The District is hilly. Rajskonda and Anantagirj are the chief hills. Musi the tributary of Krishna flows through this district. There are many tanks such as Husain Sagar, Mir Alam, Mir Juralasarvanagar^ Gandipet, and Himayat Sagar. C LI MATE : Healthy, with an annual rainfall of 28 inches per year. PRODUCTS : Jawari, Bajra, Rice, Cotton and oil seeds. population: 4,99,661. taluqs: This district is divided into four Taluqs : 1. Medchel, 2. Am bar pet, 3. Shamsi.abad, 4. Asafnagar, 5 Patlur. IMPORTAN T towns: Hydtrabad Cily — the capital of the Hyderabad State, IS situated on the banas of the River Musi. It is the fourth largest City in India sixth in the British Empire, and Twenty third in the world. Its population is 4,66,894. It is the hub of commercial and industrial activity catering to the needs of 14,436,148 of the population of the State. Hyderabad City has the advantage of being connected with the Broad and Metre Guage sections of the State Railway — Nampally (Hyderabad B. G.) Station being connected with the former section, while Kachiguda (Hydjrabad M. G.) Station with the latter section. In 1933 the Residency Bazaars were handed over to the Nizam’s Government, but the offices of the Resident at Hyderabad are still located inside the Resi- dency Fort. {See 2)1 aces of lnlere:>t). There is a saraj outside the Hyderabad B. G. Station and three good hotels “ Johns ” “ Percy’s ” and ** Viccajees ” {See where to stay f) Secunderabad— so named after the Nizam Sikandor Jah (1803—1829) lies six miies to the north of the Hyaerabad City. It is one of the largest Military Stations in India. The Head-quarters of the BritAsh Administered Areas and the State Railway. The Town is of considerable commercial importance supply lUji a good portion of the needs of the state. Many of the Branch Offices or the outsiue firms are located here. Possesses good climate. { See Secandu abad Cantonment Authority). NAGER A Co., GENERAL MERCHANTS, NIZAMSHAHI ROAD HYDERABAD Dn. ADHlNiSTRTiVE DIVISIONS There are two sarais close station, ana two {roands over two hundred feet on to the second terrace and falls in a beautiful cascade of seven leaps into a deep and broad lagoon. The fall oi the waters into the lagoon from a height of nearly 80 feet and iho forming of the Wrghora river by the waters overflowing the lagoon is the most beautiful scone to look at. The caves are on the second terrace and the perpendicular rock whore they com- monco is in the form of a semi-cirolo and is nearly 250 foot in height. A more beautiful nature spot never existed and naturv^ smiles here in emulation of the work of the past masters of the chisel and the easel. Here wo see Buddhist artistic expression m all its aspects and in all its glory. The striking grandeur of its architectural forms, the surpassing baauty of the scull turod ornamentation, and the fiscinating charm of the fresco paintings carries us back to the distant past and makes us live again in the golden age of Indian art. All possible ropresontutions of the human figure and animal life are depicted here in the closest and the most harmonious associacion with nature. The key-note of Ajanta paintings is its naturalness. The depth of the idea, the profundity of the feeling, and the intense artistic realization of the most commem scenes of every day life has endowed those paintings with a penetrating charm that brooks no criticism o? its conventional aspects. There are 29 caves in all, of which 5 aro caityas or places of worships. In the rest lived the Buddhist monks meditating, teaching and engaging themselves in artistic achievements. Here they spent their pure and beauteous lives and immortalised the beauty of Buddhism by sublimating all their emotions into the love i nd practice of art. To see Ajanta is to ventilate our souls by a communion with beauty. Thanks to the groat aestliotic sense of H. E. H the Nizam and the remarkable efficiency of the Archaeological department a thousand comforts are now provided for the visitor which did not exist when Griffith, Lacy Herringham, and Mukul Dey visited them. A motor road takes us ri^ ht near the caves and a PLACES OF INTEREST convenient Travellers Bungalow and state guest house in Fardapur 3^ milea away, render the visit quite an easy affair. ALAMPURI (Rai^hur District, 8 miles from Alampur Road Station.) The village of Alampur is on the Northern br nk of the Tungabhadra river, forming the Southern boundary of the Hyderabad Dominions. The travellers* Bungalow is situated right on the stoop bank of the river, and the place teems with objects of Archaeological interost. The ruined fort, the numerous quaint temples, a group of half-buried temples at Papnath, and the numerous stone inscriptions — some of them of an early date— inscribed on the temple wall*, and the steps lead- ing down to the river, are objects of considerable interest to the antiquarian as well as the general visitor. AUjiipur is a plrco of considerable importance to the Hindus since it is said to be one of the g; tevsnys of the famous shrine of Srisaila or Sri-Parvata. It is stated in inscription of more than 600 years ago, that a bath in the waters of the Tungabhadra is specially conducive to merit. The temples of Alampur are all of considerable antiquity and are built of hewn stone. They are much decayed now but still we can see vestiges of the profuse sculp ture that once adorned them. Those temples are quite unlike any others in the Dominions, on account of their distinctive Sikharas. According to Cousens they are “of an unusual model, particularly the sjihore •which is the frustum of a square pyramid sur- rounded by a large and very compressed spheroid.” There are many inscriptions near those temples. Alampur is altogether a picturesque place and well-worth a visit. ASSAYE : is a small village in Dhavad i Jagir and is in the middle of a large indulating plain. There is nothing very much to bo seen there today, except perhaps an ordinary gaddi built of mud. But this was the jdace from which the principal Mahratta chiefs watcliod the famous battlo with thoir own forces and the English on the fateful 23rd of So])t 'inbvir 1803. Little did they dream that witli the crossing of the Kailna by Wellesley the death kiull of the ir Empire had been sounded. The battlo of Assaye was the turning point in the fortunes of the English. It proved once for all that the English were going to bo tho masters of India, even if tho Indian rulers put on the battlefield French trained armies. This was tho momentous place which rovealod tho heroic valour of the future victor of Waterloo. Wellesley had two horses shot under him, and his orderly was killed by his side. Tho battlo of Assayo proved his mettle and tho Fronch trained Mahratta armies anticipated tho fate of tho French armies at Waterloo. FOR ALL RADIO GOODS APPLY RADIO DLECTRIC CHURCHGATE ST. BOMBAY 4a PLACES OP INTEREST Assaye is only 30 miles from the station of Jalna and no tourist should forget to pay respect to the memory of a great man and a great event that decided the trend of modem Indian history. AUNDHA! (Pharbani District 25 miles North-East of Pharbani). This place is of considerable religious and archaeological importance. The temple of Naga- nath outside the town contains one of the twelve famous Jyotirlingas. It is profusely sculptured and the walls and the basement are of a very early date. It closely resembles the style of work in Ambarnatha, near Kalyan. A Jain temple, a mosque, a dargha, and several minor temples are the other interesting sights. It is curious that the Jain temple is now called the Pancha Pandava temple. There is an inscription in this temple. An old Hemadpanti well in Joshi lane is called Vasuki-tirtha. AURANGABAD! No other place can claim to show out the artistic bent of Aurangazeb so well as Aurangabad. Bibi Mukbora, the tomb of Aurangazob’s wife is so very much like tho famous Taj Mahal that wo can indeed claim a lesser Taj for the dominions of His Exalted Highness. Portions of this are in pure white marble and the rest in beautiful stucco plaster finished off the rich specimens of arabesque. The building stands in a beautiful garden with fountains, and the Archaeological Department spares no pains in maintaining them in good order. The Mosque and shrine of Shah Muzaffer Saheb, (the spiritual guide of Auranga> zeb,) the ancient palace of the Nizams and the mansion of the late Sir Salar Jung are well worth a visit. About 2 miles away are the beautiful caves which are second only to Ajantaand Ellora. Mjiny of these are Buddhist and tho most noteworthy are caves N Although Jalna now contains fe v beautiful objects of interest, thist place haa been tbc resort of many a great man in the past. Abel Fazul, the great m nister of Akbar* Auvangaznb* Asaf Jah are among those who lived in this placo or varying periods. I* ooal tradition adds thatRanaa had a palaon here and thad. while Sita rosidod here it was called Janakipura. A Masjid, a well-built stone Sarai and several darghas are the main objects of intoreat. The Jalna gardens arot famous and contain Bcveral hundreds of fruit trocs. Fruit is smt from here to> ) laces ala long distance, such as Hyderabad* Bombay andotfmr oitiea. KALYAN ^ ((^ulbarga District. 36 miles west of Bidar ) Kalyau was a femous iu the medmvaJi timas aud was the capital of the Wosteru Gbalukya Kings^ NAMa 4 ca.t OCNCaAL IMtaCHANTmvNULAJftSHAHl ROAD HYKMAAQ DN 5 ^ PLACES OF INTEREST For nearly 600 years it wps in a flourisliing state but in the I>3ccjin Wars of Auranazeb all this re gion wjis devastated and we have few relics of tho past greatness of the City. How'cver Avrargaztb docs not seem to have succeodod in the country to such an extent as to make this a dwelling for “ owls and kites ” There are largo mounc's all round tho city, which might yield mansr archaoological objects when proporly excavated. The only place of interest now^ is Pir Badshah’s Masjid, which is said to ho built of tho materials of a Hindi* templo. Kalyan has to bo remnmherod long as tho cradlo of Veera Saivisra, othorwiso known as tho Lingayat sect. This roligion w^'^s f ninded by a man called Basava who was tho Primo Minister of tho Kalacuri king Bijjala, who had usrrrxiCKl tho Chalukya kingdom. Basava w’as originrlly a brahmin, and ho owed his import- ance to tho fact that tho king marrnod his beautiful sistor, and raised him to power. Ho sKwIy ostublishei his dominanc' in all tho branches o-f administra- tion and appointed his own lolloA^ers to all positions of authority. The king became alarmed and tried to subduo him, but in vam. His own forces wero dofoatod and he was comicllcd to reinstate him in powxr. Shortly aftor this- Basava caused tho king to be assass nited,.hut fled from tho kingdom dreading tho vengeance of tho dead king’s son. Ho w-^as pursuod and died on tho Malabar Coast. To IS not cb^ir whether h? wjs murdore 1 or committod suicide. L-inga- yatism has a great number of lolloworj in Hyd-'rabid, tho Coded Districts^ Mysore and a ciw oastvTn district:} of the Bo.nbay Pr sidency. KULPAK [ Kulpak is a famous centre of Jain U'orship, and alargo Jain M andir of recont date attracts a gr-'ct number of Jains to that pi ice. Tho place abounds with ancient temples, both Hindu and Jain. Many stone pillars containing ins- criptions in Kanarcsj and Sand r.o speak of th » ancient greetness of the City, then known as Koliiaka r nd Kolanupaka. Tho ] lace is 4 miles away from Alir Kailway Station and on CX' llciit road takes us past tho Jam Mandir. MUDGAL : (Lmgsagur district, 9 miles South West of Lingsagur) Mudgal ia tho seat of Roman Catholic Mission, of St. Francis X’avier. The Kings of Bija- pur richly endowed it, and tho Mission still retain soma of tho grants. MudgaT has an old fert ani s everal inscriptions rcdating to tho Yada'^as of Dovagiri. Ik was onco in tho Kingdom of Warangal hut was later tho bone of contention between Vijay iinagara and Bijapur. There is n Rcmaiitic story relating to thia place of strateg’c importance. In the lug nning of the 15th Ccntuiy there was a Goldsmith in this town wh o had a very beautiful daughter by name Pertal. Tho King of Vijayanagara heard of her beauty and bocamo so enamoured of her that he dotorminod to make hor his wife. He sent a brahmin with many gifts to SHOP AT NAGCR & Co., NIZAIASHAHI ROAD. - THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN 54 PLACES OF INTEREST arrange the matter on his hohalf. Tho parents were anxious, to accept the great honour bestowed on them, but Pertal detested the wretched life in the harem of a king. She stoutly opposed all suggestions and tiie affectionate parents had to give away to her sobbing entreaties. The impetuous royal lover, was however not to be thwarted. Ho sent a force to capture the family and bring thorn forcibly. Tho troubled parents fled with their daughter and the King of the land — Firoz Shah gave them his protection. Hostilities commenced between the two kings, and at the end peace was concluded and tho beautiful damsel became the wife of Hasan Khan, the son of tho Bahmani king. NALDRUG : (Headquarters of Naldrug District, 48 miles North-West of Gulbarga.) This is a fortified town and its fortifications have won the encomium of that famous writer, Col. Moadows Taylor. They are strong and picturesque and must have proved quite impregnable in the days of tho five Deccan Muslim Kingdoms. It rose into importance during the Bahmani times, and became one of tho strong holds of AcUl Shahi Kings of Bijapur. It was the centre of much fighting between Ahmadnagar and Bijapur and we have ample testimony of this from tho condition of the walls and the marks of the cannon balls. The stone dam across tho Bon river was constructed by All Adil Shah to ensure a proper supply of water for the garrison, and is as remarkable as vhe fort itself. Tho following extracts is taken from the account of Moadows Taylor in his book “Story of my life.” “The fort of Naldrug was one of the most intj esLirii; places I had ever seen. It enclosed the surtace of a knoll or plateau of basalt rock which jutted out into tho valley or ravine of tho small river Bon from tho mam plateau of tho country, and was almost level. _The sides of this knoll wore sheer precipices of basalt hero and there showing distinct columnar and prismatic for- mation, and varying from 50 to iiOO feet m height, the euge of the plateau being ;i00 feet, more or less, above tho river, winch Uowod at the base of the precipice on two sides of the lort. Along the crest of tho cliff on throe sides were tho forti- fications bastions ana curtains alternately, some of the former being very firmly built of cut and dressed basalt, and large enough to carry heavy guns; and the parapets ol tho machicolated curtains were everywhere loopholed for musketry. On the west side tho promontory joined the main plateau by a somewhat cont- racted rock also strongly fortified by a high rampart, with very roomy and massive bastions, below it a deep fausse-braic, with the same; then a broad deep dry ditch, cut lor the most part out of the basalt itself. A counter scarp about 20 or 25 feet hign With a covered way; and beyond it a glacis and esplanade up to the limits or the town.” It is altogether a most picturesque spot and well worth a visit. the KRISHNA CYCLE STORES - 17 JAMES ST. SECUNDERABAD 55 PLACES OF INTEREST NAGULAPADU : The site of the ancient city of the Kakatiya times is now marked only by 2 temples, containing stone inscriptions. The temples are very beautiful, rich m sculpture, and similar m stylo to those at Hanamkonda and Palampot. NANDED : (Headquarters of the district of tht t name Rly Station and 150 miles North-West Hyderabad on the Godavari). The dominions are rich in jdaces of improtanco to every community. In Nandod, the Sikhs have a placj no less im- portant than other Sikh Shrines m Northern India. The interesting tomb of Gu rii Gobind, assassinated hero in 1708, seems to have made this a centre of the small Sikh Community, which exists in the Dominions. Guru Gobuid, w \s one of the grandsons of Nanak, the founder of the Sikh Sect, and according to the Muslim Historian Khafi Khan ho came to join Bahadur Shah with two or three hundred horsemen and some footmen, while the latter was marching towards Hydei*abad, after Aurangaz b’s death. Guru Gobinl used to preach constantly and ho addressed “assemblies of worldly persons, religious fanatics and all sorts of people ’* without any distinction. According to Farik-i- Bahadur Shahi, “ one day an Afghan who frequently attended these mootings was sitting listening to j him, when certain expressions unfit fer the oars of tlio faithful fell from the tongue of the Guru. The Arghaii was enraged, and regardless of the Guru’s dignity and importance he gave him two or three stabs with a knife and knlod him.” The place is besides the modern representative of the ancient city of Tagara as described by tl.e author of the Periplus of the Erythroan ISoa. There are few objects of Arcaeological interest hero. PAITHAN : (Aurangabad dit^lrict, 28 miles South of Aurangabad.) Paithan IS probably the most ancient city in H. E. H. the Nizam’s Dominions. It is mentioned by Ptolemy; the Greek Geographer and also by the author of the PeripluB of the Eryvhrean Sea. It is on the Northern bank of the Godavari, and IS founuoa according to tradition by Brahma, the Creator It was the western capital of the Anuhra Satavahana Empire, and traditionally, Salivahana ^ was born here. There is a curious tradition about Salivahana. The most reliable account states it as follows. There lived in Pratithana some foreign Brahmins and their widowed sister. Tney were extremly poor and bogged for their food, while they lodged themselves in the house of a potter. Their widowed sister cooked their food for them, and everything went on well, unt*l S',sha, the king of ser- pents saw her ono day on the bank of Godavari. He quickly became enamoured J. PILE dk Co., WINE MERCHANTS - OXFORjO^T. SECUNDERABAD 56 PLACES OF INTEREST of lior and as'Fiuming liumnn form married her. Although she was not of the child-ber ring ago, divjii'^ power of Sosha made her a moidior.’ Before long vhe brc vhrns found her protnant and ran away to different places abandoning her VO her She made a living through domestic sorvico and in courso of time gi VO biith to a child— the future Salivahcna. From his childhood this strange and gifvod child vook a delight in making clay figures of horses soldi ts, < 1 'phants etc. and throwing them into a well. Moanwhilo the famous Vikramaditya of Ujjain consulted vho t strologers and ascertained the particular man who was going to kill him. Ho organised an (daborate search and found his mortal foe in the person of Salivahana. Ho marched to Pratisthana with a largo army and attacked Salivahana. All the day figures that Salivahana had thrown into the well, now came out endowed wi.,h lifj and attacked Vikramditya’s forces. Sali- vahana was victorious and sot up liis rule. A certain well in the courtyard of a mosque is still pointed out today as the well into which Salivahana threw his clay figures. Large mounds of ruins indicate that the ancient city was very much larger than the die of the prtseiit village. The shrine of Shah Motona Saheb, is still in good condition, and perpetuates the memory of one who saved the city from the wrath of goddess who vowed to distroy it by fire. There are sovof’al temples in th^- village, and a curious feature is the high wooden gates of most of the streets which formarly used to be closed at night. We see beautiful specimens of wood- carving on the front doors of many of the houses in this village. PAKHALI (Wiirangal district 25 miles East of Hcinamkonda). This is one of the largest lakes in the Dominions, some 12 miles square and a good resort for hunters. The lake is enclosed by a range of low and densely wooded hills on three sides, which abound in game of every description including a few wild ele- phants. Th'j region is extrsmiely unhealthy for the most part of the year and the dense jungle adds to tho difficulties of the cultivator. It must have been popular in the kakatiya times, but is now quite d3solat3. Tho bund on the Western side of tho lake is a tremendous affair, about a milo in length, and is stated to have been constructed by Raja Khaldya. About 4 miles North-oast of the village is the ancient site of a summer palaco said to have boon built with great blocks of stones Without morvar. But nothing now remains of this once solid pile. Raja Prat.ipa Rudra is said to have built it. Tho lake abounds in fish and alligators end is 30 to 40 feet deep. The following extract from the account of tho lake by Mr. King of the gonlogical Survey of India, is very inte- resting. “ It IS a splendid sheet of water lying back in two arms on either side of a good big hill East-South-East of tho bund, whilo from there are long bays HOUSE FOR MARBLE & TILES C. TRIBHOVANDAS & Co., P. B. 426, BOMBAY for full particulars apply to:~ Model A-8?. An A-Valve 4-band Superheterodyne Receiver wavelength 2145 meters to 15 meters. RADIO PHONE CENTRE Sole Agents H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S DOMINIONS. 31, JAMES STREET, - SECUNDERABAD. HYDERABAD CITY & SURIIRRS Do You know * ? Why everybody is asking for KAISER-l-HINDfS POUCY Because ^ OF THE LOW PREMIUM RATES. - ^ POLICY CONDITIONS BEING LIBERAL AND STRAIGHTFORWARD. ARE YOU A POLICY HOLDER OF " KAISER-I-HIND ? DO YCU WISH TO REPRESENT THE COMPANY IN YOUR DISTRICT ? AGENTS FIND TERMS REMUNERATIVE. Write to-day for full particulars KAISER-I-HIND, INSURANCE Co., Ltd., Head Office: //, Bank Streety FORT BOMBAY, 57 PLACES OF INTEREST reaching up behind low ridges of outcropping Vindhyas. On every side there is for stretching jungle. Even below the band for miles their is the thickest and(^onseit jungle only broken here an(^ there by a fjw patches of rice cultivation. 'li.orc is not the poruL tion oven in the country below the tank to make use of its wavers In the old telinga t imcs, when Wr.rangal was one of the greav cjntrcs of the Telugu people there must have boc’ii something more sti.’-ring in the way of human life than there is now in this desol Ue region of widespread jungle.” PALAMPET: ( Warangal dist. 30 mihs North-east of Hanamkonda ) Tlr's place IS famous for a group of temples, similar in style to the Thousand pillared temple at Hanamkonda. The temples were built by Kakatiya generals, and aro very well decorated. The main temple has one shrine and a large hall or mantapa in front of it. The pillars are arranged in a manner different to the plan ft the Warangal Temple, and some of the figure brackets extremely beautiful and picturesque. The pillars, doorways i nd screens are richly carved and the general standard of sculpture seems to bo the highest of the Kakatiya times. The Sikhara or the tower is built of brick and exists in entire ty. Th-^re is an inscniition carved on a stone pillar standing between this tin'^ another temple, recording a grant by a vassal of the Kakatiyas. A eouplo of mil *s away is the largo Bamappa lake. There is an excellent monograph on these temples by Mr. Yazdain learned Director of the Archaeological department. Everyom who has any interest in art and architecture must visit tlieso temples. PARENDA : { Naldnig dist. 64 miles North-west of Naldrug ) This is a fo^tro^s th..t resisted the attacks of many a Moghul General until Aurangazib reduced it, while he was a prince 111 chargo of the Deccan It wrs built by tho famous Muhammad Gawaii, and proved impregnable to all attemi-ts of Shah Jahan to reduce it. It consists of “a wide, deep ditch and counterscarp with covered wry and glr.c.s raising to the height of the fause-oraic. The gates were defended by traverses and redoubts, and the rampart and fause-braio are of cut stone with . ound bastions fitted for vho heavy guns of tho period, which many of them of immense siz.\ and used for throwing stono shot, were composed of bars of iron welded together.” Even the great bronz 3 gun famous as Malik- i-Maidan is stated to have been mounted on this fort, orginally. Paronda becamo the capital of the Nizam Sliahi kings after the capture of Ahmadnagar by tho Mo- ghuls in A. D. 1605. Although tho town is in rums, the fortifications aro in good order. PHULWIARI : Phulman ij noted fm its numervius mango groves, and being only 16 miles from Aurangabad, IS a favourite resort of visitors from there in "MORGANS” POMADE FOR GREY HAIRS H. A. SHEARES LTD P. B. 942 B BAY 58 PLACES OF INTEREST Summer. The mango groves extend for miles all round the town. There are several large Hindu temples in ruins close to the town and the town walls were evidently constructed from the material got from these ruined temples. PILLALMARI : (Pillalamari in only 3 miles from Suryapet, the headquarters of t ho Taluk of that name in the Nalgonda District.) It was evidently the seat of one of the Viceroys of the Kakatiya kings and has several beautiful temples in good condition. The inscribed pillars near the temples toll us about the history of the Viceroys who belonged to the famous Kecerla dynasty. The style of the temple and the sculpture is quite similar to that of the other Kakatiya temples of this period. RAICHUR I (Head-quarters of the District of that name Rly. Station, and 105 miles away South-west of Hyderabad). Meadows Taylor speaks of this place as “the battle ground of the ancient Western Hindu and Jam dynasties, as well as the Musalman and Hindu.” Occupying the central position in the region between the Krishna and Tungabhadia, this place was the bone of contention between the Vijayanagara and the Bahmani kingdoms for a very long time. The most notable objects for sightseers are the fort walls especially the inner one. The outer wall was constructed by the Muslims, but an inscription on the inner fort wall, states that it was constructed by Gore Gangaya Ruddivaru in A. D. 1294. The fort wall is built of huge big stones Weighing over 10 tons. The stents are cut in such a remarkably suitable way that they are joined to- gether perfectly without the aid of Mortar. “ The general form of the fort is that of a square with the Souihern coiners roum.ed off and the South and the West sides curved outwards. The defences consist on three sides of substantial stone waUs and bastions surrounded by a moat ; the defence on the fourth side is steep isolated rock havinj an elevation of 290 feet above the plain, protected by a double line, ot fortifications.” Between this inner and the outer wall there is a stretch of level ground nearly 1000 yards long and 600 wide, on which is built a portion of the town. The inner wall is built of large blocks of gneiss many of which are 12 foot in length. The largest stone contains the above-mentioned inscription and measures 414 feet m lenth and weighs nearly 20 tons. On another stone nearby is a rough carving of the maimor in which this stone was brought from the quarry. The construction of the fort wall is another grand testimony to tho skill and enter- prise of the people of the times. J« PILE A Co. TOY A FANCY GOODS OXFORD ST. SECUNDERABAD 5d PLACES OF INTEREST ROAZA OR KHULDABAD I (Aurangaba<\ district 14 miles North-west of Aurangabad). Koaza is on a height of 2000 feet above sea level and attracts many people in the summer months, by its pleasant and temperate climate. It is spoken of as the Kerbala of the Decoani Muslims and remarkable as the burial place of many distinguished Muslims. Aurangazeb, his son Azam Shah Nizam- ul-Mulk Asaf Jah, the founder of the present dynasty, his second son Nazir Jung Nizam Shah, Malik Amber, Tana Shah the king of Golkcnda, and a host of other lessor celebrities reposo here in peace. The tomb of Aurangazeb is very plain and simple inaccordance with his wishts that nothing more should be spent on it than could be obtained by the sale of caps which he made. A marble screen however encloses the grave. A small room in an angle of the courtyard wall contains the robe of the prophet Mahomed which is carefully preserved under lock and key and exhibited only once a year on the 12th of Rabii-l-Awal- Opposite the tomb of Aurangazob is the tomb of Asaf Jah, the first of the Nizam’s of Hyderabad. Close by is the shrine of SayyidHazrat Burhane-d-din, a renowned Saint who died m A. D. 1344. This shrine also contains some hairs of the pro- phet’s beard, which are said to grow in number every year, having possessed the miraculous quality of growing spontaneously. The visitor to this shrine also sees number of small lumps of silver on the suriace of the pavement, which are ex- plained by the people there as the vestiges of an ancient miracle. It seems when the shrine was badly in need of funds for carrying out some repairs, the prayer^s of the devotees were answered by the growth or silver trees on the pavement everynight. This miracle ceased when the financial affairs were sot right and a small Jagir was alloted to the shrine. The town IS surrounded by a high stone wall, built by Aurangazob, in which there are four large gateways and a number of wickets. The city wall is nearly 20 foot high on an aveiago with towers flanking the gateways in which guns were mounted m the olden days. Roaza was once an important town but today the atmosphere of the graves seems to haunt it. It is deserted for the greater part and the gardens surrounding many of the tombs are new wdd SHORAPURI (Headquarters of the district of that name). For a beautifu view of the falls of a large river, the falls of the krishna on the western fron tier of the Shorapur district, arc indeed magnificent. The fall is not perpendi cular, but it is “a roaring cataract” which falls by a descent of 408 feet in abou 3 miles. In the words of Meadows Taylor ‘The scjne is indescribably grand, a enormous broken volume oi w'ator, rushing down an incline of granite, with roar that can bo easily heard at a distance of 30 miles, and a cloud of spray dash ing up high into the air, while the irregularity of tho incline, its huge rocks an J. PILE & Co.. BAKERS A CONFECTIONERS > OXFORD ST. SECUNDERABAC 60 PLACES OF INTEREST the deep holes which the water have excavated, increase the wonderful effect of the cataract and brilliant rainbows flash through the spray, changing with every breath oT w*nd Finally the water falls into a deep pool, which becomes a whirLng mass covered With bdlows that, rushing in every direction, clash and break against each other, sending up groat piles of foam.” There are also some cromlechs and dolmens in this place. UDGIR : (Situated in 18 o 24* N. long and 77o9’40” B. Lat on the high road from Hydcrr bod VO Jalna ) Ucgir is walled town with a strong citadel and is memorable cii account oi a groat battle fought betvreen thu Mahrattas and the first Nizam, the fjuiih r of the present dynasty. Tlio Mahratta ariry numbering nearly 60,000 the Nizim and in spite of the bravo avooiijus of the latter defeated him. A Ueaty wi s concluded aCter this battle according to which the Nizam had to pait with the greater part o? his t.'rrjtory, yielding an annual revenue of GO laklis of rupees. This is one of tho most disgraceful and unsatis- factory treaties on record, and it is neodhss to add that tho Nizim very soon mado up amply for his losses, and turned the tables on tho Mahrattas. VIKARABAD (Railway Station about 50 miles from Hyderabad) Vikarabad is the most poiular summer resort m tho Dominions. It is situated on an elevation of over 2000 foot above sea level, and is within easy reach from Hyderabad. About 3 miles from tho town are the Anantagin hills, with a shrine of Anantaswami on tho Summit. The image in his shrine is said to have descended straight from heaven about 5000 years ago, and attracts a largo number of pilgrims in tho times of Javra which isheld twice a year. WARANGAL: (Head quarters of tho district of that name Railway Station) Warcngal was tho seat of tho famous Kakatiya kings for about 250 years. Hanamkonda, Mattewada and Warangal are very near each other and are fast growing invo cno large town. The offices and the government buildings are aU Bituatjd in Hanamkonda, which is itself only a couple of miles away from tho Railway colony at Kazipet. Warangal carrots are ratlior famous, and the manufacture of swords and daggers is another speciality hero. Tho Archaeological remains of Warangal are numerous, and recently H. E. H. the Nizam’s Archaeological Department has started excavations in the fort. The famous temple of Padmakshi on tho hillock in the Fort, and the Thousand Pillared temple not far away, are objects of considerable interest. Tho Thousand pillared temple is perhaps the finest specimen of the architecture and sculpture of this period. The fort and the ShitabKhan Kutchory are also note- worthy, in addition to many otherminor toraplo and other objects of archieologi- HOUSE FOR MARBLE & TILES C. TRIBHOVANDAS A Cn PR BOMBAY t a PLACES OF INTEREST cal interest. The Government archaeological Pepartraent has recently carrie out excavations inside the fort and brought to light many important finds relai ing to the Kakatiya kings. These kings ruled practically the whole of Telug coi ntry except a small region in the north of the present Madras Presidency an another small region in the south One interesting ruler of this dynasty is Quee Rudrama who succeeded her father on the thrana and ruled the kingdom abl for naarly 30 years She dressed and went about like a man, and was eve addreiised by a masculine name. The last of the Kakatiya kings seems to hnv been Prataparudra, who was defeated and captured by the Sultan of Delhi in th year 1323 A. D. There is a curious tradit on rek t ng to his captitro. Pratap rudra is said to have had a brilliant minister called Yugandhara who sot up double on the throm and gave it out that the captive was only a Wrishormai With groat difficulty and aft ‘r many advonturos he said to have succeeded i releasing his ma^tl^ and roinutatii g him. There is no evidence to onfirm thi tradition although we know that the Sultan of Delhi could not keep this ragic under his power for a very long tim3, and was forced to set up a local mm a the ruler. Warangal is the chief place of the Telugu people of the Dominion and is fast growing into a larga industrial and commercial centre. HYDERABAD CITY I Among the many places of interest, with which tl Dominions of His Exalted Highness The Nizam abound, the city of H;. derabi capital of India's premier Native State must necessarily take procodence. It is the fourth largest city in the Indian Empire with a population of 4,99,8 inhabitants including the suburbs and the adjoining cantonment. The city situated an the banks of River Musi The city was founded in 1589, by Mobamed Kuli Kutab Shah, the fifth Kii of Goiconda and was known orig.naliy as Bbagnagar *' after Bhagmati, favourite mistress of the founder. the CHARIWIINAR I Or the four minarets, sometimes styled as the Arc Triomphe of the East, is situated in the heart of the city and is a magnifies edifice. Its four minarets, 180 fjet high, spring from the abutments of the fo open arches the cardinal points. It was erected in the year 1591 Mobamed Kuli Kutab Shah to commemorate the oossation of plague. THE MECCA MUSJID I The Mocca Musjid situatad near Charminar one of the largest of its kind with an accommodation for 10,000 worshippers, co menced by Abdulla Kutab Shah, was completed by Anrangazeb after his victi over Abu-i>Hasan, the last of the Kutab Shahi kings. Ni^am Ali Khan (176 1803) and his successors are buried in the court-yard of this mosque and re cen a canopy was erected to preserve the Royal tombs. Constructed entirely *IAOR<^ANS" POMApi; FQR GRCY HAIRS U. A. SHCAMS LTD. PJi 94.2 B*S 69 PLACES OF rNTEREST 3 ton% the building offers a fine oxami le of stucco d'^coration in erquisite Indian polish‘>d plaster adorn'»d by discrjot fresco or gesso enrichmcn'-.. Unfortunately it is surround'd by rows of mean sho,s which detract from its dignity. THE FALAKNAMA PALACE I Standing on the hill at the southern end of the city, presents, a truly grand arpearance It was built by Sir Vicar-ul-Umra it a cost of 35 lakhs and bought up by the late Nizam in 1897. Lavishly furnished ind most Tnod''rn it compares fivourably with any other Royal residences of the world. King George V. and the Prince of Wales are among the distinguished ^risitors who have been entertained hero as the guests of His Exalted Highness bho Nizam THE residency: Tho h ome of tho British Resident at Hyderabad was commenced in 1800 during tho time of Major Kirkpatrick and finished six years later. Tho building stands in tho midst of a beautiful and extensive park and is approached by a flight of 22 steps leading up to tho portico supported by six magnificent Corinth-''an pillars- At the top of tho stei s are two large sphinxes. Beyond is the great Darbar hall containing valuable furniture which originally bolcnged to Brighton’Pavilion. CHOWMAHALLA & KING KOTI : The bDtter known^ palaces of the Nizairs, tho former is an exaraplo of oriental spl 'ndour where tho State banq icts are given, whilo tho later, an oxtmsivo palao, is the residence of the present Ruler. OSMANIA UNIVERSITYIbUILDINGS ’ Started m the year 1918, with a view to vornaculariso education, the Osmani i University has successfully stood the tost of the experim''ntal vent jri. The buil lings, which aro still und'ir cons- truction, situate at Addigamet, about 2 ra.les from the city of Hyderabad. Standing ovo»' high grounds, 'commanding a widj vi^w, it is considered to bo an ideal site. Tho buildings have been designed by Monsieur Jasper of interna- tional rjpute and include tho stately S mate Hall an 1 the' largo Stadium among a dozen other magnificent structures. Tho archit cture is generally Saracenic with Arabic, Moorish anl Egyptian variations. The entire schorao will cost over Rs. 10 crores and when completed will bo ono of tho finest Universities in tho world. THE JUBILEE HALL: Built jin commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of H. E. H. Sir Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur, the present Nizam, the Jubilee Hall is a magnificent monument of the Saracenic art. The combination of tho Indian Moghul and the Moorish have lent it a gorgeous charm. The Reception Hall THE KRISHNA CYCLE STORE - 17 JAMES ST. SECUNDERABAD PUACEd OF INTEREST and the Dance Hall with their lavish interior decoration produce a rare artistic effect. The Hall is built at the western end of the Public Gardens and costs Ps. 2.1 lakhs. GOLCONDA rORT : Golconda is within easy reach of every visitor to Hy- derabad, since it is cnly 5 miles away. On the summit o’ a oonicil hill, the Fort is 2000 ft, above the fea level. It is t^aid that frciii the watch toWtr of the fort cne can get a v^ew of the country roi-nd miles. It is famous in History as tie capital cf Ho Kntab ^lahi Kings The most notable objects in Golconda are the ton Is ot all the Golconda Kings except the last, which are dotcribeci as the most remarkable Muhan.madan Moutaba in the Deccan. I hey are ccitfjiily a giand sijiht although much of the enamelled tile that adorned the m is now gone The site of the foit is exceedingly strong and proved well-nigh impregnable to Aurangaz. b and li s veteran warnois but for the treachery of one of the Lmg’s officials. Tl c oU builc.mgs, the ni mcro\ s n 1 cs includ ng the giant guns still lying on the high bastions and the h.itoric.ty ox th^* pK o attr. cl; visitors from all over. The Fort \Nall of Golccmda ; nd the Mat3‘dK oi Ti'iiMincli and Bagmati are also iiitercLtmg ns also the other ru ns .n the c.ty CSIVIANfA HOSPITAL : The lotid-al is housed in a bt..tjly Saracenio lui oing overlooLiiig the Kivcr w here the Afzilgi.iij Bri gc connects the old city V itb the extension. Tall an I stately, pa.nt 'd m dull grey the hospital I icscnts an ethereal beauty aga.nst a twiligl t bac’.groun I, .ts beauty iurtber heightened by the Moghul Gardens at its fjut across the road an 1 the statfly domes of the High Court sproaaing out m vho wide expj.nsa ol tho blue sky on the other s do of the river. The hospit >l is throe storeiyad h gh, most comfort- ably furnislied and boasts of the most up-to-duto ociuip nen s. L v\as buiK at a cost of Rs. 21,2.i,590. HIGH COURT On the other side, ao" 0 !LB the river, is tho s ^at of justico, a truly majestic I d.fice. Built in red and white stoius in tho purest baracomo style with stately domes that taper upward into del.oatj minarets it iB Cottsidored to be about tho finest build ng m tho C.ty. Costing over 21 lakhs of rupees, as an artistic pioco of wori , it over-shadows any other High Court bailding in India. CITY COLLEGE I Adjacent to tho H gh Court is tho City College, the only educatitnal institution which beasts of a fint-clais builuitg. EuiUat a cost of 9d Lakhs, in the usual Saracenic stjle, it is a tliree-storj od structure done in grey and presents a pleasant uniformjity with tho hospital, Tho establishment THE KrIsHNA CVOLC - sSTRC 17 JAMES ST. SECUNDERABAD I^LACES OF INTEREST woald have b^en Ideal but fur the neoesisify eporti ground. It is tt second grade College ond is affiliated to the Osmania UniversitsT- There are oror students on its roll inoluding the High Sehoal departments. MOGHUL GARDENS I This is the river garden whioh has bojn laid out in real moghul s^lendouA the only open air park in the most congested part of the city. It covers a wide strip of land alongside the river and is often used for b.g At Homes. Its vuluoi however* is inoalouablo us it provides a delightful 01 en air frontage to the Hospital. It cost the Government about 5 lakhs. THE PUBLIC gardens: One of the biggest City Gardens in India) the PubLc Gardens, situatud at Kami alii, is a oombinatidn of aoologieal and botani* cal gardens. Besides its wide avenuoS) spaoiouB lawns and a miniature stream jt also bouses the Town Hall, the Museum and the Jubilee Halh The big ezbi» bitions are held oVer iti; grounds every year and thousands of visitors flock theroi As a city park fur outdoor recreation its Value is not fully realised and the recent ii ktallutith of electric lights may poxularise iti THE TOW.^ hall: Built in Indo-Saraconio sty la this is the biggest Hall in the City. It cost 4 lakhs of rupees. Most state functions take place here while lectures and At Homes are also heldt It oaU aoeoiumodatc over 2)000 Spectators I The Reliance Engineering House. Afzul Gu-ij :: it II HYDERABAD. 40HN 4 CO., CATKRKH8 4 CONrcCTtCNKRa • aONPCtUNdRlr hVOERABAO u HYDERABAD CITY THE MUSEUM' This was recently built on the Public Garden grounds at th^ eastern end. Its main structure consisting of a two-storeyed building i'" surrounded by a detached corrider. A collection of archaeological finds of the State are kept in the Corrider, while old paintings^ industrial products of the Dominions from the very earliest times and relics of interest fill the main, building THE STATE LIBRARY : One of the finest pieces of Art, the State Library, an Indo-saraoenic type, with a broad and imposing arched doorway it stands lU the eastern end of Afzulgunj. It cost over S lakhs. GANDIRET : Otherwise known as Osmansagar is about IB miLs from thr city. An artificial lake; the city’s fresh Water reservoir, built after tho gry floods, at a cost of 58 lakhs^ with its Well laid out gardens and ui>-to-dato House costing Rs. 64,000 is a pleasant resort for picnickers. HIMAYATSAGAR: Two miles off Gandipet, it is a bigger lake built at a cost of 93 lakhs» covers an area of 33 sq miles, with the experimental, Agricul* turai^ and Dairy Farms close by provides a day’s profitable trip. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY Ltd. (INCOAPORATEO IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1846^ TOTAL FUNDS EXCEED Rs. 58 CRORES eONOns FOR THE LAST 6 YEARS RS. 22*8>0 PER RS. 1,000 PER ANNUM ON “WITH PROFITS’' POLICIES OF ALL TYPES. O FOR A PERIOD OF 70 YEARS The bonus has been main^ TAINCD WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR reduction, even during the Financial disturbance caused BY war. ABSOLUTC SCOUR TY, AND CXCCPTlON ALLY GENEROUS LOAN VALUES ALL CLASSES TRANSACTED. Mossrt. SECUNDERABAD COMMERCIAL AND BANKING Co., SECUNDERABAD, Messrs, M» HUSAIN 6* Co,, HYDERABAD, JAMES A CO., FAMILY DISPENSING CHEMISTS. STATION ROAD. HYDERABAD ^5 H. E. H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT LieUT-GEN HIS EXALTED HIGHNESS ASAF JfH. MUZAF- UL'MULK WAL MAMALIK NIZAM-UL-MULK NIZAM-UD'DAULA NAWAB SIR MIR OSMAN ALI KHAN BAHADUB. FATEH JUNG. FAITHFUL ALLY OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. Q, C. S. r.. G. B. E.. NIZAM OF HYDERABAD. H E. H. The Nizamis Staff, Chief Secy, to H. E. H. the Nizam Military Secy, to H. E. H The Niznm and Inspector General of Forests, H.E.H. the Nizams Governmot Nazim, Nazm-e-Jamiat A. D. C. to H. E. H. the Nizam Hony. A.D.C. to H. E. H. the Nizam Poet Laureate Staff Physician Nawab Kazim Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab Hamid Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahdr, Nawab Nasar Nawaz-ud-DawIa Bahadur Nawab Shah Ruk Yar Jung Bahdr. NaWab Fasahat Jung Bahadur Nawab Hikmat Jung Bahadur H E. H. The Nizamis Executive Council. President Executive Council Finance Member ... ... Revenue & Police Member ... Military Member ... . . Judicial and Religious Member Political and Education Member Public Works Member Raja Rajayan Maharaja Sir Kishen Porshad Bahadur Yamin-us" Saltanat, K.C.I.P., G.C.I.E. Sir Akbar Hydar Ali Nawab Hyder Nawaz Jung Bhdr. Kt., B A., ll.d. T. J. Tasker Esq., C.I.E., O B.E., I.C.a Nawab Akeel Jung Bhdr. Nawab Lutf-ud-daula Bhdr. Nawab Mahdi Yar Jung Bhdr., M.A (Oxon.) Raja Shamraj Dharmveer Bhdr. President's Peshi Office, Secy, to the Hon’ble the President, Executive Council Asst. Sec 1 Appellate Side) Assistant Secretary Registrar Personal Asst, to the Secy. anl ... S. M. Mehdi Esq. ... Ghulam Md. Mustafa Esq. ... Ghulam Md. Esq. ... S. Alumbardar Esq. ... Syed Abdul Kadir Tsq. liCDDY AUTOMOBILES OPP. GRAMMZR SCHOOL. ApiD HOAO« HYDERABAD ROLLS-ROYCE The Best Car in the World BENTLEY The Silent Sports Car ALLIED MOTORS Ltd, BOMBAY ... - DELHI. ^67 H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S GOVERNMENT H. E. H. The Nizam's Legislative Council Nominated Kawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur, Chief Justice Kawab Zulkadar Jung Bahadur, Judicial Secretary Nawab Hashim Yar Jung Bdr., Secretary & Legal Adviser to Govt. Nawab Faklir Yar Jung Bahadur, Finance Secretary Nawab Kais Jung Bahadur, Secretary Comm : & Industries, Nawab Hasan Nawaz Jung Bdr., Political Secretary Nawab Samad Yar Jung Bahadur, Military Secretary Nawab Jivan Yar Jung Bahadur, Judge High Court Raja Bahadur Bishwaswamath, Judge High Court Nawab Rahmat Yar Jung Bdr., Commissioner City Police Pandit Narayan Rao, Joint Secretary Rev'enue Dept. Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Reddy, Special Officer Sarf-i-khas EltcUd Nawab Aga Yar Jung Bahadur, Chief Justice Paigah (Nawab Moin-udoula Bahadur) Pandit Vinayak Rao, Vakil Moulvi Mir Akbar Ali Khan, Bar-at-law Nawab Sharaslieer Jung Bahadur, Jagirdar Moulvi Md. Fiazuddin Khan, Bar-at-law Sett Pannalal, Banker Extra-OrJinary-Members Moulvi Khalil-ul-Zaman Siddiq, Bar-at-law Pandit Vaman Naik, Jagirdar Secroiarios to E. H. the Nizam 'ft GoVt# See., Finance Department ... ... Fakhr Yar JUngBhdr., A. Director General and Sec. Revenue Dept...* R. M. Orofton, B.A., I.O.S. Chief Engineer & Secy. Public Works Dept. Irrigation & Genl# Branches NawahAli Nawaz Jung Bhdr,F.C/H« Hawaii Ahsrti Yar Jung Babad^^r, Chief Engineer Drainage Scheme ... B.A.., F.C.H. 4AMES A Co., FAMILY DISPENSING CHEMiStS. STATION NOAO. HtMNABAD H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S GOVERNMENT Ag. Secy., Commerce & Incustrics Dept. ... Nawab Raiz Jung Bdr. Socy. Military and Medical Djpartment ... Nawab Samad Yar Jung Bhdr. B.A* Secy. Religious Affairs Depart ... Alieudin Ahmad, Esq Secy. Legislative Department and Nawab Hash imyar Jung Bhdr. M.A.» Legal Adviser ... ... LI..B. Chief Secretariat. Chief Secretary ... ... ... Na 9V ah Kazim Yar Jung Bhdr.. Assistant Secretary ... ... Ahmed Husain Siddiqi, Esq. Political Secretariat. Political Member Political Secretary Deputy Political Secretary ... Ist Asst. do 2nd Asst. Political Secretary Personal Asst, to the Hon’blo the Political Member Registrar, Political Department Asst. Political Secy. (Municipal Branch) ... Superintendent of Karkhanajat do Govt. Shikargah Nawab Mahdi Yar Jung Bdr., M.A. (Oxon) Nawab Hasan Nawaz Jung Bdr. Nawab Kaikobad Jung Bahadur Md. Muzaffurddin Esq., M..A.(Alig.^ Ghouse Mohiuddin Esq., B.A. Mirza Najaf All Khan, Esq., B.A. R. Parameshwar Iyer, Esq., B.A. Nawab Inayat Jung Bahadur Capt. I. H. Mac intyre Mohammad Hussain Khan Esq., Financial Secretariat Secretary ... ... Nawab Fakhar Yar Jung Bhdr. B.A. Dy. Secretary, Financial Department ... Venkat Rao DatarEsq., B. A. Asst. do ... ... Syed Aziz, Esq., B. A. do ... ... Hussam Abdul Munim Esq., B. A. do ... ... Khaja Moinuddin AnsariEsq^H.C.S. do ... ... Abu Talib Syed Omar Esq. Asst. Financial Dept. ... ... C. B. Tara^orvala, Esq., B.A.,B. Sc , C. A , I. B., London Personal Atst. to Hon’ble the Finance Member ... ... Parmeshwar Iyer Esq. Financial Dopt. & Chief Supdt. .. A. Aiya Aiyer, Esq., B. A., B. L. Govt. Auditor, H. E. H. The Nizam’s State Railway .. ... ... A. V. Srinivasan. Asst. do do ... Syed Azamuddin Hassain Bilgrami eANiTABY rNAiNPERS. BASHIR BAGH ROAD. HYDERABAD H. E. H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT Religious Secretariat. Secretary ... Alieudin Ahmad Accounts Department, Accountant General ... Mirza Nasmllah Khan Bar-at-law Deputy Accountant-General... ... Shanker Pershad, B. A. Asst. Accountant-General ... Byed Aziz Asst. Accountant-General ... Dattatn Vishnu Pisholkar Govt. Auditor, Railway and Mines ... A. V. Srinivasam Assistant Accountant-General ... Khaja Abdul Hadi Examiner of Accts. P. W. D. Audit. ... Md. Liakatulla Khan Asst. Accountant-Genoral ... Mir Talib Ali Khan do ... C. Cornelius, B.A., L.L.B, ... Md. M ir Khan, B, A. L. L. B., H. C. 9, Supdt., Central Treasury . . Md. Inayatur Rahman Khan Asst. Govt. Auditor Rlys. ... Syed Azaniuddin Hasan Bilgrami. Asst. Acot. General ... Md. Aziz Hasan do ... Md Zahiruddin Ahmod, M.A.H.C.S,, do (PW.D. Audit) ... Lakshrai Narayan Gupta B.Sc.H.C.S, do ... Md Jawahor Khan, B,A, do ... Abdul Aziz Sayad do ... Ruknuddin Ahmed do ... Dev Raj Naidu dc ... Dilsukh Ram, B.A,L.L.B., (Belfast) Mint, & Elecy. Audit Damodhar Roddy, B.A.. Hon. Asst. Acet. Gen. ... Nawab Hhaheed Yar Jung Bhdr. Treasurer, Central Treasury ... ... Ramkishan Rao Controllers to the Princes, Controller, Walashan Nawab Azam Jah Major Graham Bahadur. A. D. C. do ... Capt. Mir Suban Ali Khan« do do ... Liout. Mirza Hamid Beg Staff Surgreon ... Major B. S. Raj Controller, Walashan Nawab Moazam Jah Bahadur ... Colonel G. T. Dennys, O.B.E, A. D. C. ... Lieut Syed Bashiruddin Ahmed do Lieut Syed Abdul Aziz l^azvi far a palace ALLWYN STRONGROOM DOORS. CABINETS. ALMIRAHS . TREASURE CHESTS ETC. Entirely satisfies the RAJA Saheb of Jam khandi KEAD WHAT THE RAJA SAHEB SAYS IN THIS VERY RECENT LETTER. ALLWYM QUALITY STEEL EQUIPMENT FOR OFFICE. HOME & HOSPITAL Made from selected materials of tested merits to give service for a lifetime. ALLWYN STEEL EQUIPMENT 0. L^? HCAD OFFICt 6. WOFiKS ofp PO MAZAGAON BOMBAY 10. Prasad! Ramhrth, 22nd April »935 I Recently a* lL ^ I Ramtirth and thT Prasad . I AU °ccas,on to » I Bo 7” Equipment ,^r*srs. / Door, all .n steel" and’? ^^^°"9'‘oorT, i I to note that the whole olad / J '"/ entire satisfl t ' and to / I Firm to the no ^‘^“'"'"ending I j ^a'rmg maintained a h^'^k fo' I j efficiency a„j , ^'9^> standard of I I manufactures ^ m the.r / / ^onderful wearing qualities and good value for money. They are time keeoers which are sure to outlive several decades of St.renuous daily usage. Profusely illustrated Catalogue FREE on demand. 18-CT. W F G O L D F MINIATURE "A ’• 18-CT. YELLOW GOLD RS. 87 18-CT. WHITE GOLD RS. 90 'West(^^ndi^^tich.C m— H. THE NIZAM’S GOVERNMENT Surgeon do Private Setcretary Household Secretary Urdu Instructor Hxaminer Civil List Acttte, ... It^awab Rustum Jung Bdt* ... Major G D. Clai’ke, M. C. ... Mahboob All Taher AsafAliBeg .V. Taher Ali Muslim Esq. ... Nawab Dorab Jung Bahadut Department of Commerce and Industries Offg. Secy, to Government Aseistattt Secretary Registrar Marketing Officer ... Capt. Ka>vab Rais Jung Bahadur ... Nawab Lateof Nawaz Jung Bdr. ... P. V. Jaya Rao., Esq. ... Ahmed Mohinuddin Esq., B. A., (Oantab). (A) direction. Director & Registrar of Joint Stock Coraw pahiea .w. Personal Asst, to the Director Industrial Engineer Textile Expert ... Gukm Ali Mohamadi, Esq. fe. A.^ F.c. 8. Nawab Fakhr Nawaz Jung Bdr^ M.A LL B., F.O.U., M.R.A.S. B. K. Bhagvvan Esq. B. Sc. K. Naganath, Esq. (B) Weaving Factory Supdt., Cottage Industries Institute Supdt., Dist. Demonstration Parties Expert in Dyes ... P. V. Reddy, Esq., L.T.M. Raghubir Sahay, ESq. L.T.i!.> Elementary City&Guilds London^ Kunwar Kishan Smgh, Esq. B.Sc.^ Punjab M.Sc., A.I.C. Bondon (C) Industrial Laboratory Chief Chemist Senior Chemist ... Chemist ... ... Chemist Chemist ... Export in Paper making ... Dr. Khaja Habeeb HaeaU, Esq. Ph. D.{London)M.Sc., F.C.S., L Ag., M.R. A.Sv D. N. Mutyala, Esq., H .C. N. N. Inagunti> Esq., G. M. v. 0. S. R. Bhate, Esq., B. A. B.Sc . Syed Basheeruddin, Esq. Khaja Nizamuddin, Esq. B. SCk A. M. 0. T., Medalist, Guilds Institute^ NiS»DY automobiles OPP. GRAMMSR school. ABtD ROAB. HYDCRABAB 71 H. £. H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT Director lyt Asst. Director 2iid do- Iffformaiioii Bur^ao Mirxa Aliyar Khan, Esq. fOxon) G. D. Mehkari, Esq. ... AaJii Ahmad Kiian Esq., B.A. Revenue Secretariat Director-Gofll. & Socy. to Govt. Acting Jo-int Sserotary Deputy Secrttnry Assistant Secretary ?>peGial Oflicor, L. F. Godfication A-’.si.stant Secretary do do do do- Registrar Personal Asstt. to Hon’hl© Revenue Member Governmeat Pleader JuJiclaf^ Police and .*^erTetaiy Ih'puty Soerdtary t'oerctitry Assb'l. ' \-.\ry r ei'soiiiil Asst, to Hon’blc t\\o IKotoo and Member Asst. Soentary F/xtr? ‘Xs-’t, Sfjoietary r!"'eistri.r R. M. Crofton, Esq., b.a., I.U.8 j.p. , Kawab Masbuqne Tar Jung Bahadur, BJt. Syed Badruddin Hasaa, E8q.,B. A , H. C. S. ... Nawab Turab Yar Jung Bahadur ... Mahbub Ali Khan, Esq., HjC.S. ... Eknath Pershad, Esq ... Aziz Abbas Esq., ... Habib Mohammed Esq, B.A., H.C.a ... Syod Ibrahim Esq. ... Ram Lai Esq., b.a,, l.l.b. ... V. Laxniinarayaii Esq, B.A. ... Gulara Hyder, H.C.?. ... Mo-haraniad Faizuddin Esq. General SecretariaL J^Aiwab Zc/olcador Jung Bahadur;. M A., (Cantab) Bar- at -Law ... Md. Azhar Hasan Esq., B.A. ... Sd GuTuw Fanjtiin Esq., B.A., L.I .B, ... S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS, 245 . AbJui Rehman Street, BOMBAY. p w « % A VISIT TO OUR PREMISES. IS CORDIALLY SOLICITED. WHERE B the SATISFACTION IS ASSURED. ^ ^ TeLfe 240e0. TeI-EG»»aMS “mAKACO” ^ REDDY AUTOMOBILES OPP: CRAMMER SCHOOL. ABID ROAD. HYDERABAD H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S GOVERNMENT. Police Department (District Police) rector General of Police & Jails. ... S. T. Hollins, Esq., C. 1. E., I. P. iputy Director do Western Range Syod Muzzafar Husain Sufi B.A. LLB iputy Director General of Police Eastern Range. ... ... R. C. Iyengar, Esq. B A. 3 st. to Director General of Police (Force), Lieut- Colonel Azmatullah Shah sst. I/C F.B.P. Criminal Tribes Section .. Raja Ekbalchand rincipal, Police Training School ... Syod Alamdar Husain, Esq , B A. Bst. to Dir. Gen. of Jails ... ... Mr Syod Muham^’d Ishaq, Esq. sbt. to Dir. Gen. of Police (Accounts.) ... Syed Mobarak, Esq. B. A. Criminal Investigation Department )y. Director General C I. D. ... ... G. A. Anderson, Esq. , I. P. updt. C. I. D., S., B. Hd- Qrs ... Khan Bahadur Abdul Majid, O.B.E. updt. C. I. D Crime Branch ... ... Syed All Kasim, Esq. Lsst. Supdt. C.I.D. Crime Branch ... Noorul Haq Esq. li.C.8. do S.B ... ... Ashfaq Ahmad, Esq. Jhief Office Supdt. S.B ... ... H. Norman Esq Police Department (City Suburbs of Hyderabad,) Commission of Police ... ... Nawab Rahmat Yar Jung Bahdr Depty Commr. I/C Palace Pol ico ... Lieut-Colonel Nawab Sultan Yar Jung Bahadur Dy. Commr. (CID.) ... ... Mir Mahmood Ali, Esq. Special Officer & Deputy Commr. I/C Crime & Armed Police ... ... Hubert Gough, Esq. Assistant Commissioner ... ... Liout. Syed Mohomad Hussain do ... ... Mohd, Ibrahim Khan Nugud, Esq. do ... ... Mir Saadath All, Esq . do ... ... Ghulam Murtaza, Esq. Offg. do ... ... Hafiz Younus Mirza, Esq. do .. ... Syod Ghulam Mohamood, Esq. Jails Department Ass istant'Di rector- General ... ... Mohd. Ishaq, Esq. Superintendent Central Jail .. ... William Bailey. Esq. Assistant Surgeon, Jails Hospital ... Mir Ahmed Ali Zaidi, Esq. Asst Supdt. Central Jail ... ... Abdul Khair, Esq. 78 H. E. H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT Mint and Stamp Department^ Mint Master and Superintendent of stamps.. P. B. Ohenoy, Esq. Head Treasurer .. .. K. S. Naik 1st Engineer •t ... .»t Shaik Rahman 2nd Engineer .. ... Mahmood Ali 3rd En^iinoer . W. J. Godfrey Bupdt. of Police, partments Mint and Allied Do- Shaik Ahmed Abbadi Deputy Assistant stamps Superintendent of S. E. Gorakshakar H, E* H. The Nizam's High court* Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Blidr., B.A., Chief Justice ... ... LL.D. Kawab Jecvan Yar Jung Bdr., B.A. Puisne Judge ... ... (Cantab) Bar-at-h-aw do ... ... Kawab Akbar Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab Nazir Yar Jung Bhdr., do ... M. A., L. L. D., Bar-at-law. Nawab Asghar Yar Jung Bhdr., do ... B. A. (Oxon) Bar-at-law Raja Bahadur Rai Bishoswar Nath^ do ... ... B. A., LL. B. do ... ... Nawab Siddiq Yar Jung Bhdr. do ... ... Moulvi Ghaziuddin Ahmed Mir Alam All Khan, B.C. L., Inspecting Officer, Judicial Dept. ... Bar-at-law Mir Basit Ah Khan, M. A., Registrar ... ... Bar-at-Law Assistant Registrar ... ... Mirza Asaudullah Baig Chief Supdt. ... ... Syed All ShalJbir do .»» ... ... Mohd. Abdur Rahman do ... Syed Mohamad Shutarl Govornmont Pleader ... ... Mohamod Murtuza Khan, B.A.,LL. B. do ... ... R. Damodher Reddy, Bar-at-Law H. E. H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT H. E. R Tfie Nizam’s Civil Medical 6* Public Health Department. Director, Medical and Public Health Department ... ... Col. J. Normen Walker, C.T.E., I.M.S. D^outy Dirretor, Medical Public Health Liout-Col. Mohammed Ashruff, Department ... ... ... M.B., Ch B. Assistiint Director, Public Health Eastern Dr. C. P. Chenoy, D.P.H,, Circle .. ... ... D.T M As^^istiint Director, Public Health Western Dr. L, D. Khatri, L.R.O.P,, Circle ... ... ... M.R.C.S. Personal Assistant to the Director, Medi- cal Dopaitment .. .. .. Syed Lutf Ahmed, Esq. 1/C Stores Dm neb. Director, Medical Department’s Otfico ... .. Dr. B. Narayan Singh, L.M.P. Plague Do;) irtment Assistant Surgeons Sub-AsBtt. Surgeons ... Malaria Department ... Aisstant Surgeon Sub-Asstt. Surgeons ... Chemical Examiners* Department Assistant Surgeon Sub- Asst, Surgeons AfsU, Surgeon Medical Insp 'ctor of SciiocMs Sub- Asst, Surgeon Lady Asst. Surgeon Dr. C. L. Abluwalia, M R.B.S. /'Punj) M.R.C S., L.R.C.P, (Eng.) D.P.H. (Lond). Dr S. Ragbvon ’or Rao, T..M. &: S . U T,M., P.P.H. Dr. M. Damadharam Naidu, L.M. & B , Assistant Health Officer, Baghirectox Nizamiah Observatory — Mr. T. P. Bhaakaran, M,.A^ Census Department. Assitant Census (Temporary) R. Thomas, Esq. Statistics Director Assistant Director Assistant Department . . Mazhar Husain Esq. ... Abu Mohammed. Esq. ... Mu: Mcdiiuddin Khan, Esq. Goveremeet Central Press. Supdt., Gk>vernniest Central Press Asst, do Addl. do do do Civilian, (Attached) Asst. Supt. Stationery Depot... ... Raja Vonugopal Pillai Qari Syed Abdul Karim Husains ... Shaik Ahmed; ... Md. Ni2aimuddin ... Abdul Quiyum ... Syed KhaliluDah Hiisaini 32 H. E. H. THE NIZAM’^S GOVERNMENT jial Engineer District Water- Works Mohamed Ahmed Mirza, Esq* -Engineer District Water-Works ... K. Shaama, Esq. t. Engineer Water-Works ... J. C, Compass, Esq. do 1st Bn* Infty Works ... ^yed Ali Asghar, Esq. t. Engineer Re-moulding Water- Works. F. Gampoose, Esq. Combined! Survey Projects Engineer ... ... ... P. Papiah. Esq*. B. a. it. do ... ... ... Khaja Azimuddm Esq do ... ... ... Shadi Ram Kapoor, Esq Electricity Department rector ... ... ... H. C. H. Armsteed, Eiq*, B. 8c., A. C. G. I., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.1 E.E.^ A M.l M.E. puty Director ... ... ... R, Balfouar Clarke Esq* jchanical Engineer ... ... P Sunder Raj, Esq., L. M. E. eotncal Engineer ... ... V. Kishen Rao, Esq., L. E. E. ains Superintendent ... ... S. H. Ahmed, Esq., B. 8c. (Eng. )» A. M I. E.E. reet Light and Consumers’ Engineer ... Mohomod Ariff, Esq. irsonal Asst- to Director (on deputation). Asaf Ali Baig, Esq , F. H. D. 3gistrar ... ... ... A. Racnasabapathi, Esq. ablicity Officer ... ... ... A. Keshev Rao, B.Sc. . A, to Director ... ... ... N. Bhawnani,. Esq*,. B. 8c. Mint Workshop Department drector, H* C. H. Armstead, Esq., B. 8c„ A. C.G. I.,a,m. I.C.E.,a,M J.E.E.,A.M.I.M.*; Registrar, M^Niamatulla, Esq., B. Com. (B’ham) Bar-at-Lauw Registration and Stamp Department .’nspector-GeneraV ... ... Md. Abdul Hamid Esq. test. Inspector-General ... ... Md. Rahimnd'din, Esq., B.A. ftogietrar, Baida ... ... Mowahaddin Esq. inspeoior Officer ... ... Syed Najmuddin Esq. ^ ... .. ... Md. Shujauddin Khan Esq. 8WKLA aftOS. PHOTO ARTISTS, ORP. rXCCLSlOR CINEMA. UYOCRARADt H. E. H. THE NI2ANTS GOVERNMENT T ransporhation Depaiimani Transportation Supdt, (Movement Sec’bad). A. H. W. Watts, Esq. Asst. Tran. Supdt. Sec’bad ... ... R. Hydari, Esq. do ... ... D. H. Hall, Esq do (on leave)... ... P. Ramsay Brown, Esq. Stores Department Supdt. of Stores Secunde»’abad ... F. Blair, Esq. A. M. I. E. E. Asii Supdt. of Stores (on leave) ... J. D. D3nny, Esq. Engineering Department (Open Line) Chief Engineer, Opon Line ... ... I. P. Davies, Esq. Personal Asst, to Chief Engineer Sec’bad.... N. Srinivasa Aiyar, Esq, Personal Asst. (Techinical) to Chief Eng- ineer, Secunderabad ... ... C. Sheshagiri Rao, Fsq. Dist. Engineer, Eastern Dictrict Sec’bad ... C H A. Newman, Esq. Asst, do do do ... S. M. Alam, Esq. Executive Engineer. Eastern Dist. Kazipet B. C. Schaffcer, Esq. Ag. Dist. Engineer, Vorthern Dist. Sec’bad H. G, Bongough, Esq, Asst. Engineer, Northern Dist. Jalna ... S. Badrinath, Esq, Asst. do do Sec’bad .. A. Balakrishna, Esq, Dist. do Western Dist do .. N. K, Kapur, Esq. Asst. do do do ... G, A. L. Bowen, Esq. Asst. do do do .. S, Yasin Ali Khan, Esq, Probationary Asst. Engineer, Wertern Dist Secunderabad . . ... S N. Bilgrami, Esq. Ag. Dist. Engineer, Central Dist,, Mettugud E. W ilkinson. Esq, Honorary Asst. Signal Engineer, Central District ... ... F. A. Torpy, Esq. District Engineer (on leave) ... ... R. V, Gregory, Esq, do do ... ... J. N. Nanda, Esq, Asst. Engineer do ... ... P. Uldall, Esq, Locomotive Department Loco & Carr. Supdt. Lalaguda ... C, I. Hutton, Esq. Deputy Loco do ... ... Major E. W. Slaughter, M, B. E, Works Manager (on leave) ... ... F, E. Hough, Esq, TRimi-lGHERRY 8 ^ H. £. H. THE NIZAM'S GOVERNMENT District Carriage and Wagon Surdt. Laldgu(Lt Dist. Loco Supdt. Lalaguda ... Asst. Loco & CarriagtJ Supdt. Lalaguda Asst, to Loco & Carr. Supdt, do Ag. Works Manager E. T. Scrivener, Esq. W. C. Nichols, Esq. J. F. S MacDonald, Esq. Iqbal Hydari^ Esq^ J. W. E. Gurr, Esq. CITY IMPROVEMENT BOARD. President — Walasban Prince Nawab Muazzarn Jah Bahadur Members — >Jawab Mehdi Yar Jurg Bahadur Nawab Sir Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur T. J. Tasker, Esq. Nawab Hashiin Yar .Juag Baiiadur Nawab liais Jung Bahadur Col. J. Norman Walker Nawab Siraj Yar Jung Bahadur Kaja Bahadur VenVat Rama Roddy Nawab Rah mat Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab Asluin Yar Jung Bahadur Dr, Ashraf Nawaz Jung Bahadur Hon. fleer etaru ... Nawab Sir Nizainat Jung Bahadur Jonit Secrefani Mr Mohor All Fazil Sn peri nten di n t/ Kn (fi n eer IHvisfonal Eiuji neer Divisiona I E n (ji nar Snh’Entjineer Sub-Engineer Government Pleader Mr. Mohir Ali Fazii, L.O.E. Mr. Md Abdus Sainad Mr, Chandulall C. Dangoria, ivi.So. Mr, J. D. M Dm Mr. Nazor Husain Mr. Mirza Md. All Bog ft. FRANKEk. ARTIST A PHOTOGRAPHER. TRIIAULGHERRY HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATORS JupGrint'^ndoTit (Corporation Branch) ... Syed Ahmed Hussain Esq. do (Accounts Branch) ... Nawah Mir Turab Ah Khan Esq. do (Vital Statistics Branch) ... Mifza Mohammed Baig Esq. ^lay Director, (Victory Park Play Ground Sultan Bazaar) ... ... John Manoah Esq. Hyderabad Muncipal Corporators ^Tomtnated President. ... Nawab Mehdi Yar Jung Bahdr. Chief Justice Sroenivns Bao Karvankar Esq., Bar-at-law. Baja Bahadur Pandit Gin Ran, R^tirad Judge High Court Raja Dondiraj Bahadur, Bar-at-law B”.h idur , Aravamudu Iyengar, B. A., B.L. Dr Gor !k>hanl'Cr, M. B , Ch. B., (Edin) Nawab Rahmat Yar Jung Bahadur, Commission City Police Ghulam Mahmood Kuraishi, Esq, Syed Turab All, Esq. Syed Yusuf All, Esq. Mirza All Yar Khan Esq. B.A., (Can) Director Information Bureau Elected J. C. Vioajoe Esq., (Parsees) Dr. S. P. Raju, (Christians) Pandit R. K. Ramaswamy (Depressed Classes) Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Reddy, O.B.E., (Sarf-e-Khas) Nawah Aga Jung Bahadur, Paigah (Moinudowla) Md. Abdul Az z, Esq., (Paigah SuUan-uDMulk) Darn Sluipoorji Esq., (Paigah Lutfuddowla) Hadi Ail, Em|., B. a., (Salar Jung State) Gun a, Esq Maha Raja (Peshkar Bahadur's State) Rai Mm Median Lai, E.sq. (Jagirdars) Kawab Mohan ed Miieaffar Khan (Jagirdars ) Nawab Fakhr Nawaz Jung Bahadur (Osmania Graduates) Sett Pannalal, (Sowoars & Merchants) Mohammed HisFt IlcaJtl) Oflli\*r .iiid M>'d)cal Officer Major A. E Campbell, M. D , D.P.U, 1/C Cant (Idieral llosiiital, Boloarum .. K. A. M. Medical Offic'er of Health and Medical Officer 1/C Cantonment infectious Dr, Paul T. J. Doss, M.B. Cb, B., Diseases HvSpital .. . 1) T.M. & Tf , D.P.H. Medical and Registration Branch In Sub-cha go Cantonment Hospital, Bolarum Sub-Rognstrar of Births and Deaths Bolarum .. ... Jamadar Harbajan Sing, I.M.D. In Sub-charge C. I. D. Hospital Dr. Y. Somasundaram, L.M.P. In Sub-chargo Canbonmont Dispensary and Sub- Registrar of Birtbs & Deaths, Trimulghery .. ... ... Dr, V. M, Raghunath Rao, L.M.P. Tn Sub-ebargo Cantonment dispensary & Sub-Registr..r of Birblis & l-eatLs, BoweiipeJly ... .. .. Dr. S. J, John Pillay, L.M.P. Cantonment DispcnsiU’y & Sub-Registrar of fDr. V. Padraa Rao, L.M.P. Births and De.ihts Town Area, Scc’bad . i Dr. Sirajuddin Ahmed, L.M.P. Town Cantonment Dispensary ... Dr, Mrs. G, P. Purshotham, L.M.P. Sub- Registrar of Births and Deaths Picket Area ... Dr. R. David. L.M.P, Head Accountant ... Head Clerk President Executive Officer .. Assistant Secretary ladies EMFCFIILM. JfiMES STREET. SECUNDCRASAD. 91 SECUNDERABAD CANTONMENT AUTHORITY Bolnnim Tnmiilghorry Bowonpiilly Town Sanitary Branch Sanitary Inspectors ... Abdul Hnq, Esq. ... A. S. Mellon, Esq. ... ... Jamndir Nawab Ali Khan, Esq. ... P. Anna ji Rao, Esq. Cantonment Engineering Department Contonment Engineer Overseer North Area Ovo'*Me''r Son til Aree S. D. U. Water Supplies V.G. PanwalhorEsq., B.E., A.M.I.E J. Rjunkrishniah, Esq. K. Soninyajulu, Esq. A. Ct. Kabud Esq. Acting General Administration Cantonment Supdt... Vetenuiry Surgeon .. Fire Brigade Officer Garden Superintendent Asst. Garden Supeniitcndont ... Mohanimod Dawood Ahniod, Esq. M. K. Rajagopalan, Esq., G.B.V.C. Jaiuadar Gularn G house, Esq. Puttiiswamy, Esq. Francis, Esq. Civil Staff, District Magistrate & Collector 2nd Magistrate & Ist Class Magistrate for administered Areas ... District & Additional Sessions Judge District Munsif. Superintendent of Jails District Supintendent of Police,.. Medical Officer I/C King Ed. VII Memo- rial Hospital, Secunderabad Liout. L. A. C. Fry, P J. Anderson, Esq., M.B.E. DewanBhdr. P. C. Lobo, B,A..(Cant.) Bar-at-Law M. H, Ry. V. Daniel Chellappa Avl. B.A.,b.L. Lt-Golonel R. F. D, Mac Gregor, M.C.,M.13., M H ,C.P.E., I M.S. R. do La C. Ozanne, Esq., I. P. Lt-Gol'onel R. P. D. Mac Gregor, M.C., M.B., M.B.C.P.E., I. M. S. Secunderabad District Police. District Superintendent of Police ... R. do La C. Ozanno Esq., I, P, 9 !^ rrr. — TT — j 'sju." _ -.' . -i—i _ 1. 1 SECUNDERABAD CANTONMENT AUTHORITY Dy. Supdt. of Police I/C Police Training School Circle Inspector, Secudcrabad Circle Sub-lnspector~Socundornbad Circle do do do do Circle Inspector — Bolarum Circle Sub- Inspector — Bowonpally Circle Sub-Inspector Trimulgherry Circle Hoad Clerk Offg. Hoad Clerk ... W. L Gilbert, Esq, Md. Habot,biillah Khan, Esq- Station Staff Officer. Sherali Khan, Esq. Mohamad Abdulla, Esq. Pattl,5Esq.. A, C. Prayaro, Esq. Ganesh Singh, Esq., l.n.s.M. Md. Azim Khan Esq. Mr. S. V. Ilajagopalachan , Esq. Mr. G. Narayanan, Esq. The jurisdiction of the Secunderabad District Police comprist's the following areas m. Secunderabad Contonment including Bolarum and Aurangabad Canton- ment. Cf SHIKARIS” fg SEND YOUR TROPHIES FOR ARTISTIC MOUNTING 0 IW AND DURABIUITY._.TO m MURRAY BROS., TAXIDERMISTS, SION, G. I. P. RLY., BOMBAY, CHARGES MODERATE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ^ SHOW ROOM AND SALES DEPOT,, Kermani Buildings :: Fort, BOMBAY •Jl rxifiMCRAL MERCHANT. 121, JAMES STREET SEC'BAD 93 SECUNDERABAD CANTONMENT BOARD Secunderabed Cantonment Board. Brigadier H. St. G. S. Scott, C.B., d.p.o. Klian Bahadur Abdur Rahim, B.A., B.L., M.B.E. The Health Officer The Garrison Engineer Lt-Col. R. F. B. Mac Gregor, M.C., M.B., M. R. c. P. E., I.M.8, Major P. Shelley, 4th Bn, 5th Mahratta Light Infantry Cape. D. C. Butterworth, 1st Bn. The North Stafford- shire Regiment Lieut. L. A. C. Fry Capt. H. N. Charrington, 1st Bn. The North Staffordshire Regiment Khan Bahadur Ahmod Alladdin Khan Sahib S, J. Dalai, B.A., LL.B. Rao Bahadur A. Venugopal, B A., B.L. Rai Bahadur Sett Shnkrishen Sukdov Mr. Joe - do . Santhana Fern >s Mr. Dandu Peiitiah Executive Officer and Secretary ... Major C. M. James, LA. Secunderabad Cantonment Town Improvement Trust. Chairman ... J. IL Thompson, Esq., I C. S. Members ... Lt-Col. H. R, Kermack, R. E., p. s. c. Major A. E Campbell, M. D., B. ch., D.P.Il., R. A. M. C. Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahim, B.A., B.L., M.B.E* Khan Shaib S. J. Dalai, B.a., LL.B. Dr. Paul T. J. Doss, M.B., Ch, B., D.T.M.ll., D.P.H, Ex-ENGINEER ... Lt. Col. T G. Wilmer R E., (LA.) Asst. Engineer ... P. R. Padukono, Esq , b. a., b. e- Superintendent ... F. K. Suntook Esq. Honorary Bench Magistrates. Rao Bahadur S. Venkata Reddi Esq. Khan Sahib A. K. Babu Khan, Esq. Dr. M. Bharatan. H. D. Watcha, E.‘^q, President Vice President Ex-Officio Nominated Elected 94 DECCAN DISTRICT HEAD QUARTERS BOLARUM Deccan District Head -quarters Bolarum. Poi^tnl Addr-ss: “HBADQr aRTERS J)¥CCkh DISTRICT, BOLARUM” Trlogmidiio Address: ” DECCAKLIST” Teloplione : NUMBER 2 Sfaff District Commander .. Major-General O, H. L. Nicholson, c. b , c. m. g. d.s.o p. s. c. A. D.C. G.S. O. I II A. A, & Q. M. G. D.A. A.G, Staff Captain Chief Clerk Lieuttnant J. B. Colv.n, West York RcgL Col. M. H. Deiid>, I) s o, MC., p sc, Major H. V. Collmgridgo, p. s. c., 6th Gurkha Rifles Off3 Col. W. G. Elphixibton, M,C P.S.C. Major W. A. Trott, M, c. p. S.C , 9th Jat Regiment, Offg« Major W.H G. Board, P. 8. c., 4/2nd Punjab Rogimjnt, Lieutenant E, Chatfield, I. A. C. C. Attached to the Staff C. R.E. A. C, R. E. (Works) ... A. C. R. E. (E & M.) . Surveyor of avokks .. Liout-Colonc'l H. N. Koiinaok, P . s. c., R. E. Major 1). L. Middlenur-, M.C., K. E. Captain N do C. Yolland, R. E. h\ W. Bone, iibq., P. A .S. 1. A.D.S.&T, D. A.D.S.&T, A.D. M,S. D. A. D H. D. A. D. P D. A D. O. S. D. A. D. V. S. Services Lieut-Colonol W H.S. Schofl dd, R. I A.s. C Major D. L. P. S. Staart-Shephe.rd, D.F.c., R.LA.S.C, Colonel R. P. Lewis, D. s. o., Otig Major T. Young, R. A. M* C., Maior C. Scales, M t ., K, A. M. C., Mi.jor G. Hooke, M.c., l.A.O. C., Major G. W. Godwin, R. A. V C' , H. ^T hUSSAIN^ general WICBCHANT. 121, JAIIiICS^ STREET SEC BAO 95 DECCAN DISTRICT HEAD-OUARTERS BOLARUM Special Appointment Educational Officer Major S- S. Poolo, A, C. E. Office of The O. C. Station. S. S. O. Capt, L. E, Bishop, m .c., Duko of Wellington’s Rogimont C. C. M. A. No. 9 Area A, C, Oxley, Esq., Warrant Officers Class I Conductor E, W. Dolunierc, I, A. C. C. Sub-Conductor A. B, Terry, R, I. A. S. C. ,, I. B. Thwaities, I. A, C. C. „ W. G. E. Hammond, I. A. O. C. „ C, R. Morris, British Military Hospital COLONEL, H. L. Howell, O.B.E., M.C. R.A.M.C. & A.D.C, MAJORS W. W. S. Sharpe C. W. Greonway A. E. Givmpboll SISTERS. Miss M. Wilson „ M.C. Kelly „ E. Mo Intosh „ G. F. Chapman „ P.E. Wilkons „ D. Sinden CAPTAINS. R. J. G. Hyde D. Bluett S. G. M. Lynch A. F. Kennedy T. R Wall, A. D. C. Marton S. E. A. Hardy Q.A.I.M.N.S. Staff Nurse Miss E, A, Clark© M iss V. I, Tucker Miss E. F. W. M. Jolly Miss H. Kneobone D. a J. Crowley 96 DECCAN DIST. BRITISH FORCES ^JomadJir Biikhl^war Smgh W/Officor Man Singh Panaych do V. T’. Kclan Dr. (Mrs.) L. C. R. Rao Sarbdayal Singh Dr. (Miss) K. P. Dovaky Veierinery Services, Military Veterinary Hospital, Tnmnlghorry. Royal Army Veterinary Corps. Major (*. W. Godwin Lieut J A. Laangloy Cajit. R. K. Kent Indian Army Vetennary Corps. (Veterinary Assistant Surgeons). Risaldar Karam Singh Jemadar Gopal Singh „ Sher Ahmad Khan W. O Bal S.ngh Sandlu Indian Army Ordnance Corps. Major C. G Hooke, M.C., I.A.O.C. S-Condr. W. G. E. Hammond I.A.O.C. S-Coaidr. E. Edward do ,, C. R. Moris do Military Engineer Services. Liout'Col. H. N. Kormaek, K. E. Major D. L. MiddU'inas, M.C-, R. E. „ W. ft. de (kmry- Baldwin, R,E. C,»pt. R. DoG. YoHand, R. E, y. W. Bone, Esq. (^ondr. J. Slado Suh-Condr. H. C, Crompton Sub-Condr. A. J. W, Thompson Q.M.S. R. Slieridan Staff Sergeant C. Smith Mr.O. K. Crange.S.D.O „ T. 0- Vvluswfimy Pillay „ P, S. Pandit, B.E. (Civil) (A.M.I; Slrt. E.) Fort Armament Trimulgherry. OfTicor-in-Cliarge ... ... ... Capt. R. W. Owen, M.O. Military Grass Farm. Manager I/C Military Grass Farm S/Canductor C. C. Welch DECCAN DIST. BRITISH FORCES Military Detention Barracks, Trimulgherry. Coininandant. ... ... Major L. V. Dart, M.C., SthBn. ]2th F.F. Ro^imenfe Suporintondont ... ... ... S.Q.M.S. W. H. Waller, Pension Pay Department. Pension Paymaster Soc’bad & Bolarum ... Rao Saliib S. S. CTliavaii „ Hyderabad ... Treasury Officer, Residency Local Audit Office. Mr. P. Singaravolu Mudaliar. (Dy. Asst. Controller of Military Accounts) Locrst Audit Office. Mr. T N. Girme, Supormteiub iit, Secundorabad Office. ,, K. S. Ramaswamy A'yar. Superintendent, Local Audit Group, Bolarum. Government Military Dairy Farm, Secunderabad^ Manager ... .. ... Mr. J. T. Cox ^ Always Specify ! I I u n u & ^ From s in Cl i rn 0 Telegrams : Telephone: t % ACt^ERAY 41163. ( a i o (' ACME Fittings ! ! for Modern Buildings. ! ! ! Illustrated Catalogue free on request. The Acme Manufacturing Co., Ltc/., BOMBAY e-orv's hotel, SECUNDERABAD AND HYDERABAD. ~w!»R(-RGCRr.CBBBGCCBRKG'RGr.BERr.»i. DECCAN DIST. BRITISH FORCES Uth (Secunderabad) Cavalry Brigade Office at Bolarum Corainandor Bi igado Major Bde. Ord W. O. Hoad Clerk ... Brigader G. do la P. Boresford, M. C., P. S. C. ... J Bury ... S/Condr. E. Edwards, I.A.O.C. ... S/Sergt. J. Knowles. I.A.C.C. Units “N” Battery, R. H.A. Prince Albert Victor’s Own Cavalry 1st King’s Dargoon Guards (11th Frontier Force) 7tb Light Cavalry 4th Cavalry Brigade Signal Troop "N" Battery, The "Eagle Troop,” R.H.A. Roberts Barracks, Tritnul jherry MAJOR D. Scott, M. c. CAPTAIN V. C. Ritchie LIEUTENANTS J. F. Wilson P. CroHthwaito M. T. G. Wood ,1. G. Geddos 1st King's Dragoon Guards, I-IEUV. COLONEL. Comdg. Officer, E. W. H. I^’prot MAJORS J. G. E. Tiarks J, J. O’Beirne D. McCorquodale CAPTAINS J. A. Holmes B. A. J. Peto CAPTAINS W. B. Radford P. C. Drabble R. F. Luck A. P. C. CroBsley M. J. Lindsay Adjutant m DECCAN DIST. BRITISH FORCES LIEUTENANTS W.E. S. Whetborly F. C. Cowper J. F. H. Weaver H. J. Eydon lind IIEUTENANTS. A. W. A. Llowollcn Palmer A. Hellyer M. R. Arkwright Q, A. A. C. S. Dclmego H.R. G. Priestly H. C. Selby W. N. Can ns LIEUT. & Qb. Mr. E. T. Robinson WARRANT OFFICERS I. R. S. M. J. Birkett H. J. Spencer LMISTRESS Q. A. S. Mrs. J. R. Slado, B A. 7th Light Cavalry Lake Lines, Bolarum LIEUT. COLONEL C.A. L. Howard, L. s. o., M. V. o., M, c , p.s. c., Comdg MAJORS M. M. Stevenson, P. S. C. C. Canipbell-Harris R. S. King M.O. J. M. Hugo CAPTAINS Malik MohomedAli Tara Singh Bal, Offg. Adjutant LIEUTENANTS Gurbachan Singh Ahmed Jan, Qr. Mr. J. N. Chaudhuri Mohumod Yousuf R. M Bilimoria Massaud Khan Nawabzada Mohammed Sher Ali Khan Prince Albert Victor's Own Cavalry {nth FtonVter Force.) Haig Lines, Bolarum Lieut-Colonel. Commandant, H. A. Garstin, M-C. Majors. B- W. G. Walker, M.C, Captains P. R. Tatham J. M. Ferguson G, Knowles R. G. Hanmor, Adjutant C P. Bayer Li .utenants J. R. H. Orr, Quartermaster M. S. Browne G. B. Buckston 2/Lieutbnant E. W. Bols * ■ a-M eiliTIIMnS .MM HUfSAIN 121 JAMES ST SEC'BAD‘ 103 163 DECCAN DIST. BRITISH FORCES 1st Bn, The North Staffordshire Regt, (The Prince of Wales* s — Condt, LIEUTENANTS R. S. E M. Virning A. J. P. Ritchie 2ND LIEUTFNaNTS J. C. R Conron S.J. Keating J. E. Booth, LIEUT. & Qr. Mr. ... F. M. Watkins INDIAN OPriCER ... Subodar Khalil Ahmod Khan W. Os. CLASS I. ... R.S.M.H.RLoe bandmaster ... L. W. Leo, A.R.C.M. SCH00LMI8!RE3S ... Q. A.S Mrs. B. K. Martin 2/lieutenants ... W. T. Wilson P. C. Gupta 4th Bn^ 5th Mahratta Light Infantry MapJor Lirrs, Secundepabad. LI E ITT- ('0 LONE L S. A. H Hungerford, M.C., P.S.C., N.8. MAJORS C. B. Mo B 0 L.C.M. Bellamy, Adjutant A. R. Solly P. Shelley R. H. Thomrson A. J.M. Wilton H. L. Isaacs R. S. Woodman CAPTAINS A. Boyes Cooper Quarter Master J. A. L. Cowie I. C A. Lauder, Qr. Mr. LIKOTISN.^NT O.R. Wood 2nd LIEUTENANTS P. M. W. Doylo H. D. Parsons Smith 5hi Battalion 6th Rajputana Rifles. Plassey Lines, Bowenpally* IJElrr- COLONEL MAJOR J. A. Ferguson, o. u. E , P S. C. K. Guy Conidt. CAPTAINS LIEUTENANTS (i. L. Sliipton Z. A. Qizilbash A. P. Whitley Umrao Singh, Qr. Mr. J. R. West Lachman Singh Negi W. B, S. Webb Adjutant Pritam Nath C. A. S. Melville Cliand Narain Dass Brij Mohani Kaul 104 105 Apollo Music House, 139 / J^mes Street/ {N£XT TO GOVT, TEL OEEICE) SECUNDERABAD. Agents for : H. M. V. & COLUMBIA PRODUCTS, GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS, RADIO-GRAMOPHONES, VALVES, ELECTRIC PICK-UPS, OTHER SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. MAJOR GENERAL WALASHAN PRINCE AZAM JAH BAHADUR COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. H. E H. THE NIZAM’S REGULAR FORCES, HEIR APPARENT WITH HIS INFANT SON THE HOPE OF ASAFIA DYNASTY. 106 H. E. H. THE NIZAM’S REGULAR FORCES ist (N. O.) H. f.S. LANCERS Asafnagar, Hyderabad Deccan Lt-Col. M. M. Bashir, Coiv.mandaiit Major Goorgo Cox Capt. Khawja Mohd, Sayced Liout Kuiscr Muza Bog „ Mulia Haiiiiuullah Liout. Mohd. Anfuddin „ Syocl Md. YahiyaAbodi, Adjutant ,, N. A. Mohta, Quartor Mastei* „ Mirzi .1 Abdul Karim Bog 2/Liout. U. R. Edwards „ Mirza ILmayot Bog „ A. Hudson „ Habibulla Khan „ G.M, ISayoi'.d 2nd(N. O,) H. LS. LANCERS Gotconda Hyderabad Comdt. Liout-Col. Syod Ahmod EU Edroos, A. & g. M.G. Major Shaik Md. Basir Capt. G. Cliamarotto Lieut. Habib Zainulabuddin Lieut. Syod Bashiruddin Lieut, Mir imamiddin ,, Abbas Mirza „ Nasir Mirza Bog „ M, Yousuf All Bog Lieut, Abdul Kader Cliida, Adjut. ,, Syed Laiq Hussain, Qi\ Mr, ,, Mirza Mohd, Zaki „ Shafatullah Quraishi ,, Khawaja Hussan „ Aziz Mirza 3/Lt, Syod Haneef Rabat „ Ushaq A limed Khan, I.M.A D, 3rd (N. O.) GOLCONDA LANCERS Hyderabad Golconda Fort Lt-Col. Mahmood Hassan Khan, Commandant Major Aga All Hasan Lieut. Mohd. Nazir Khan „ Syod Zaki Bilgrami Syod Zaiiiulabuddm „ Syod Asadullah , Qr. Mr- „ Jaffor All Khan, Adjutant „ T E. Ross „ M. Fariduddin 2/Lt. Sudarshan Singh „ Mohd Fariduz-zaman „ Shaukat Ansar i „ AhniedulLi Khan H.E.H.THE Nlz.AM’S AFRICAN BODY GUARD SQUADRON Saifabad Hyderabad Commandant, Lt-Coi C. N, Groon Major Syed Abdul Kassim Major Amir Ahmod Liout. Mirza Nizam Aii Beg, Adjutant CAVALRY TRAINING SQUADRON Mallapaill, Hyderabad Comd'". Capt. Habib Ahmed Capt. Mir Towlik All Lumt. H. H. El Edroos, Adjutant "B” BATY. NIZAM’S FIELD ARTILLEY Golconda, Hyderabad Comdt. Major Nazir-ui-Islam Khan Major Syod Mohammed Hassan Lieut. M. Mohdi All 2nd Licut. Ghulam Mustafa Beg „ A. Hashami „ Shaik Mohs in All 108 H. E. H. THE NIZAM'S REGULAR FORCES JAMIETH NIZAM MAHBUB Chandraiguitaf Hybad. Lieut-CoL Syod All Abu Talib, Going. Major .Ahmed Bin Jan Nisar Yar Jung Major Mohd, Bm Salah Capt. Habib Saleh Bin Ulvi Capt. SyodMohd. EUEdroos, Adjutant Lieut. Avad Bin Nasi 2nd Lieut. Habib Hamid ^Bin Habib Yar Jung Cadet Mohd. Bin Nasir tst Bn. HYDERABAD INFANTRY Goshamahalf Hyderabad. Lt-Col. Mohiuddin Ali Khan, Comdt. Major Habib Hasanuddin, O. C. Capt. Md Ahmed Ashruf Lieut. M. Inayatulla „ Syed Sadiq Husain Lieut. Md, Kamaluddin Ahmed, Adjfc. Lieut. Prithipath Singh ,, Taher All Lieut, C. A. Waheed, Qi\ Mr, Lieut. Syed Kasmi All Zaidi „ Syed Mohd. Ishaq 2nd Lt. M. Munir Siddiqui ,, Habib Husain ,, Syod Mahinood 2nd Bn. HYDERABAD INFANTRY Chandraigutta, Hyderabad, Lt.-Colonel Roasat Ah Mirza Comdg, Major Narrycii Reddy Lieut. Mirza Kadeer Beg Lieut. D. Brijkishor Singh Adjutant Lieut. Mohd. Mohiuddin Lieut, Ghulain Dastagir ,, Abdus Sainad Khan Lieut. Akbar All Kha.i, Qr, Mr. Lieut, Syed Mohd. Hasan Khan 2/Lt. Syed Mahmood „ Habib Ahmed „ Syod Qayam Hussain „ Syod Ahmodullah 3rd Bn. (N.O ) HY^BAD. INFANTRY Saifabadf Hyderabad. Liout. Col. Abdus Saraad, O.B.E. Major C. S. Subia Major Omerdaraz Khan Liout. H. Bailey ,, Nawab Mohd, Mohiuddin Khan Lieut Mirza Ibrahim Beg, Adjutant Lieut. Indcrjit Singh „ Khawja Moimiddin Lieut. Mumtaz All, Qr. Mr. Liout. Mohd. Momuddin Ahmed „ Aziz Mirza 2nd Lt. S. M. A. Rahman „ Safdar Husain Gowher HY^BAD. INFANTRY TRAINING Coy. Captain Habib Ahmed, Comdg. Lieut, Abdul Aziz Razvi L .Abdul Kader Razvi, Adjt. Sl Qr.Mr. utb Bn. GOLCONDA INFANTRY Golconda Fori, Hy^bad. Lt.-Col. Syod Giioiis > Commanding Lt.-Col. Mohd. Aliauddiii Khan Major Mirza Mahmood Beg „ Habib All „ Iftokhar Ahmed Major Agha Mirza Mohd, Jaffer, Adjt. Lieut. Mirza Kader Beg Liout. Edward Kio.ctts, Qr. Mr. Lieut, liyder Ah Mirza PRINCE BODY GAURD Malakpetf Hyderabad. Liout-Col. Habib Mohsin, Comdt. Capt. Mir Subhan Ah Khan Lieut. Habib Ah Adjutant. Lieut. Ahmed All, Mr. Liout, Abdul Jabbar Khan „ Hamid Bjg ANIMAL TRANSPORT SECTION Goshamahalf Hyderabad. Major Mir Mohd. Ah, Lommandaut Capt. Mohd. Ha!^salll Khan 109 H. E. H. THE NIZAM S REGULAR FORCES Military Medical Department, Principal Medical Officer, Kegular Forces... Lt-Col. Nawab Faiz Jung Bhdr, M. D.Ch. B. (Edin) Officer- in-charge Unit, Hospital IstHy’bad I. S. Lancers Staff Surgeon to Major-General Walashan Prince Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur 0. C. Mily. Central Hospital Officer I/C Section Hospital Chandraigutta., do do Hospital Golconda Major G. D. Clarke, M. C. M.,B.C.8. „ B. S. Raj, ^.R.c. r.& s. Capt. K. N. W^agbray, M. B. B. 8. „ J. K. Dastoor, M.B. & ch. B* (Abn) „ Thasm Hussain Khan E.R.C.P, &. 8 . do Unit Hospital 2nd Hyd. I.S. Lrs.... do Unit Hospital Saifabad Asst. Surgeon & Radiologist Mily. X-Ray and Physio. Therapy Hospital Asst. Surgeon Section Hospital Golconda... do do Hospital Chandraigutta... do do Hospital Golconda do Unit Hospital Khairatabad do Military Central Hospital „ D. P. Gay, M.B. & Cli B, (Edin) „ M. Vorglioso, L. M. &. s, Lieut. P. S. Tarapore, L.M & 3 2nd Lieut. K. S. Kathore. L.M. & s, „ A. A. Menon, l.M. & S. & L. C. r. B. „ D. M. Bhosekar, L.M. & 8, „ N. K Datar, L. M. & 8. „ V. V. Sri Han, L.M. & 8. H. E. H. Nizam’s String and Cavalry Band Director of Music ... ... ... Lieut. J. H. Luschwitz Prince Body Guards Major - General Walashan Prince Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur Capt. Mir Subhan All Khan, A.D.t , ... Lieut Mirza Hamid Beg, A.D.C. Colonel Walashan Prince Nawab Moazzam Jah Bahadur Lieut. S. A. A. Razvi, A D.C. A. D. C. to H:s Excelltiicy the President Major Syed Abdul Kassim, A.B.G. Executive Council ... ... Squadron A. D. C. Col. t/Vulashan Pnnee Nawab.. (Lt. Md Harai lullah, 1st Lancors Mukkarum Jah Bahadur ... ( ,, Nizar Mirzi Beg, 2nd Lancers A.D.C. to Hon’ble the Army Member Taber Ali, 1st Bn. Hyd’bad Inf. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. £dticai?on/ Dep^rtmenL Osmania University College. Pro- Vice Chancellor ... A. H. Mackenzie, Esq. Professor of English ... E. E. Speight Esq., R.A., (Lond.) Vice-Principal “Khazi Md. Husain Esq , M.A., L-L B., (Cantab) Professoi p Urdu Md. Abdul Haq Esq., B.A. do English Mirza Hnssain Ali Khan Esq , B.a. (Oxon) do Histroy Haroon Khan Shirwani Esq., M.A. fOx.) Bar-at-Law do Mathematics Kishan Ch?nd Esq.. M.A., (Cantab) do English Dr. Sved Abdul L*itiff, P.A.,?h D. (Lond.) do Chemistry ... MiizafiTariiddin Quraishi Esq., Ph. D (Germany) do Law Syed Husain Ali Mirza Esq.. B A., B.Sc. do Persian Hr. Md Nizamuddin, ?h D. (Cantab) do Arabic Dr. Md Abdul Haq Esq . B.Lit., Ph.D. (Oxford) do Physcis Wahidur Rahman Esq., B. Sc do Philosophy ... Khalifa Abiiil Hakeem Esq.. M.A , L.L.B, do Chemistry ... Syed Husain Esq.. M.Sc.,Pli.D. (Lond.) do History Hr. Yusuf Hassan ph. T). do Law Mir Siadat Ali Khan Esq., M. A., L.L. B.. Bar-at-Law do Geology Syed Md Abbas Esq. do Mathematics Dr. Mohd. Raziuddin Siddiqiii, M.A. (Cant.) Asst. Prof. History of Islam Md Jamil-ur-Rubman Esq., M.A. do Philosophy ... Zahiruddin Ahmed Esq ,M.A., D. Lit (Cairo) do Hadees Mufti Abdul Latoof, Esq. do Arabic Syed Ghulara Nabi Esq. do Chemistry ... Mahmood Ahmed Khan Esq., B. Sc. do History K. C. Rai Saksoni Esq., m. A. do Physics Md. Naseer Ahmed. Osman Esq., M.A., B.8C. do Logic Abdul Bari Nadvi, Esq. do Economics ... Habib-ur-Rahman Esq , M.A., L.L.B. do Persian Abdul Hahmoed Khan, Esq. do Sanskrit Hari Har Shaslri, Esq. do Law Mir Akbor Ah Musavi Esq., B.A., (Hon ) L.L.B. do Telugu R Suhba Rao. Esq. do Theology SyedManazirul Ahsan Geelani, Esq. do Mathematics Sheik Barkath Ah, Ehq., M.A, XIX EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION'S Asst. Prof Kanadi ... T. Pama Pao, Esq., B.A., do Urdu ... Dr. Syod Sajjad, M.A. Ph.D. (Lon.) do Economics ... ... Dr. Syod Jafar Husain, Ph.D, (Berlin) do English ... T. Virabhadrudu, Esq., M.a., L.T. do Economic C. ISr. Joshi, Esq., M.A. do do ... Dr. Mir Valiuddin, M. A., Ph.D. Bar-at-Law^ do Arabic ... Syed Ibrahim, Esq. do Philosophy ... ... Md, Sayoediiddin, Esq., M. A., (Edin) do Physics ... Syed Md. Ali Khan, Esq., n.Sc. (London) do Urdu ... Dr. Syod Gulam Mohinuddin Qadri, M.A., Ph.D. (London) do Indian Cultiiro ... Dr. Iswarn ith Topa, Ph.D, (Londonl do Chemistry ... ... Dr. Khazi Syod Moinuddin, MSc., Ph., D. (London) Domonstrator, Physics .. ... Syed Abdnr Rahman Esq., P.A. Asst Professor ... Motazid Waluur-P.'\hman, Esq., M.A, Supermtendont Library .. Mohamed Yusufuddm, Esq., P.A. Asst. Professor ... Syed Kalimullah Husaini, Esq., M.A., Ph.D. (London) do ... .«< ... Abdul Majeed Siddiqi, Esq. do ... ... Ganaesh Dharashwar, Esq. do ... ... Abdu Ban, Esq. do ... ... Khaja Mohinddin, B.A. (Hon's) do Philosophy ... Shiv Mohan Lai, Esq., M.a. do Biology ... ... Md. Pahimullah, Esq., B. Sc, Den onstrator of Chomislry ... Sitaram Rao, Fsq., M.Sc. do of Physics Syed Md, yiinus Wafakani, Esq,, M.Sc. Asst. Prof, of Logic ... Md. Abdul Qadir Siddiqi, Esq., M.A. Asst. Prof. ... ... Syed Fazio Ahmed, Esq. do Arabic ... Saif Bin Sultan Husain Alkaity,Esq. M.A., L.L.B. do Eiqa ... Osman Jaffery, Esq. do tJrdu ... Abdul Qadir Sarwary, Esq., m.a. do Persian ... Lciteef Ahmed Earooqi, Esq., M.A., L.L.B. do Chemistry ... ... Nazir Ahinjd Taber, Esq , M.Sc. Asst. Prof. Chemistry ... ... Dr. Yousuf Husain, D. Litt. Damos Physical Instructor ... Mir Asad All, Esq., B.A. Demonstrator ... Martinjai Pao, Esq., M.Sc. Asst. Prof. Philosophy... ... Md. Salahuddin, Esq., M.A. do Ethics ... Khari Khiitbuddin, Esq. 112 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (COLLEGES.) Asst. Prof. Hadees ... Md All, Esq. do Chemistry ... Khalilur Rahman, Eisq. do Physics ... Syed Ahmed Qadri, Esq. do Biology ... B. K. Dass, D Sc. (London) Translation Bureau, Osmania University. iDirector ... Md. Ilyas Burni, Esq., M.a , L.L. B, Cn'rator (Nazim) ... Md. Inayathullah, Esq , b.a. '^ranslatc^^ of Arabic ... ... Abdulla Iniadi,Esq. do Pol. Science ... Kazi Talammuz Husain, Esq., M.A. do History ... Fida All Tahh, Esq. 'do Law ... Masood All, Esq do Arabic ... ... Syed Mohamod Ibrahim, Esq , M.A. do Medicine ... Fazli Earim Khan, Dr. M.B.B.8. do do ... Md. Osman Khan, Esq, do Science ... ... Sardir Baldev Singh, Esq., B.A, do Medicine ... Dr. Syod Mukhtar Husain, B Sc., M.B.B.S* do do ... D^ Mohamed ilussam M b.B.s. do do ... Dr. Ghulam Dastagir, M.B.B.S. do Philosophy ... ... Mohamed Ihsau Ahmod, Esq., B.A. do Economics ... ... Rashid Ahmod. Esq , B.A. dc Arabic ... Abul Khair Moudo^di, tsq. do Mathematics ... Naziniddin, Esq, do History ... Md. Abdul Sattar Esq, do Philosophy ... ... Khaja Abdul Qudoos, Esq, Osmania Medical College, t^rilicipal ... ... ••• Hyder Ah Prof, of Anatomy^: 1st Asst. Ptincipal do Brij Molianlal, , (London) Prof. Materia Medi'Ca ... ... do V. S. Hardikar, M.R.C.P. do Syed Abdnr Kaliman, M.B., C.D.T.* do Physiologiogy’ ... ... a.M.p., (Kdin) do Pathology ... .»• do Mufti Shall Nawaz M A., B.S. Asst. Prof. Anatomy ... ... do Sat Narayan Porshad Sahgal, M3.B.8. t)etnonBtrator .»» ... do R. N. AbhayanktT, M.Ti.. b.s Chemist ... ... ... 4o Ghouso Mohiuddiii, M.£c., (Alig) Prof, of Clinical Surgery ... do Khurehid Husain,, Ch.B. (Edin) do Clinical Medicine ... do Mirza Husain AliKhan,M,B.,ch B.(Rdin) do Midwifery dt Clinical Midwifery do M. R. W Hart, L.R.C.P., M.R.O.S.(Edm) do Midwifery ... ... do Syed Abdur Rahirn, M.B.F.S, 115 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (COLLEGES ) Prof. Clinical Surgery ... Medicine Asst, do Prof, do Dr. Bonkat Chand, „ V. S. Mohalkar, F.^B.C-S. „ Mrs. O. Watts „ Capt. Madyn Gopal Sainchar 7.R.O.S. „ Md. Makbul Ali, Osmania Engineering College. Prof. Mechanics Md, Samiullah Shah Esq., Prof. Construction C. R. Hadha Krishon, Esq. Prof. Dr. S. P. Raju, Asst, Surveying B. K, Ghosh Esq. do Mechanics Abdulla H:isan. Esq. do Surveying Md Hafecziillab, Esq. Lecturer .. Syed Ghulam Rasool, Esq. Part time Lecturer Syed Aziz All Esq. do Syed Mahmood Ahii»,Esq. Lecturer Abdus Shmad Sowdager, Esq. Asst. Prof ... Syed Abdul Khader, Esq, do Mirza Mahmood Ahmed Khan, Esq. Lecturer part time Khaja Moinuddm Ansari, Esq. Osmania Training College, Baida- Principal Malik Sardar Ali Khan, Esq , M.A. dn Mir Ahmed Ah Khan, B.A,, Bar-at-laW do V. D, Sundarkar, B.A.B.T. M.D. (Edin) Osmania City Intermediate College Principal Syed Md. Azam, Esq.,M.A„ (Cantab)F,C,S. Lecturer, Mathematics and English.. Vtnkatesh Narsimha, Pat wan Esq. M A. do Chemistry ... Ahmed Bin Abdulla, Esq. B.A. do History Khaja Muniruddm, Esq, M.A. do Urdu Abu Zafer Abdul Wahed, Esq, M.A. do History of India Mir Mahmood Ah Esq., M.A. do Physics Md, Ahmed Osman i Esq., M.Sc. do Economics Md. Ata-ur-Rahman, B.A.(Hons.) Principal Lecturer, English do Arabic do Persian do English do Science Osmania Worrens’ College ... Dr. Miss. Amini Pop.', D. Lit. ... ... Miss H. Gilson, B.A , L,T. ... ... Nowsfiaba Khatiin, B.A, ... Kabab Khanum, B,A. ... ... Mrs. C. Gibbs, B.A. ... ... Mrs. R. Sundram, B.Sc. 114 EDUCATIONALMNSTITUTIONS. Arts College for boys. Osmania Intermediate College, Aurangabad, Syed. Mohiuddin, B. A,, Bar-at-law. Do Warangal, Abdul Aziz Khan, B. A., B T. Do Giilbargab, Syod Ulfaqar Ali Haqquani, B.A . B.T. Arts College for girls. Osmania University College for Women, Pr‘n: Dr. A. E. M. Pope, M. A. D Lit. Nizam College Affiliated to Madras University Principal Vice-Pnncipal Prof, of Mathematics ... Prof, of H ibtory Prof, of Arabic Prof, of Chemistry Prof, of Eng. History Prof, Economics Prof. Mathematics Addl. Prof, of Physics Prof. Urdu do Tolugu and Sanskrit Asst. English Asst. Prof. English Logic do Chemistry ... Instructor Physical Training Asst. Prof, of Economics do Chemistry... do English ... Asst. Prof. ... W. Turner, Esq., M.A. Qadir Hu.^^ain Khan, Esq. ,M. A., Bar-at-law M. V. Arunachala Shasthri, Esq. M.A.L.T Hanamantha Rao, Esq., M.a,,L.T. Dr Zahid All, Ph. D. Ram Rao Parvathiar, Esq., M.A, Aga Md Husain Esq., m.a. J. C. Kamoshwar Rao, Esq., D.Sc, R. Krishnamoorthi, Esq*, M.A. Dr. Syed Mahdi Al'i, Ph.D. Ahmed Abdulla Siddiqi, Esq., M.A. A. Siia Ram Rao, Esq., M.A. K. S. Raghavan, Esq., B.A.,B.T. Alluddm Ahmed, Esq., M.A.,B.T, S. Krishan Rao, Esq., B.Sc. Syed Masoodul Hasan, Esq., R.A,,L T. B. V. Rnma Nursoo, Esq., M.A.,B. Edia. V. S. Basroor, Esq , M.Sc., (Lond.) Syed Fazle Huq, E. q., M.A . R. A. Kohir Sugar, p]sq Government English High Schools for girls. Madrasa-i- Aliya, Hyderabad, Prin: W. Turner Esq., M. A, Government High School. Chadarghat, Hyderabad, M. Hafizullah Esq , B.A.,B.T. Jagirdars’ College, Bogampet, Prin: P, F, Durand Esq., m. a. a? EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Government Enqlleh l^i^gh Schoofcs for Gtrls. Mahbubia Girls’ High SehooL Hyderabad Goverr^ment Combined (OsmaniaA Madras University) High Schools for Boys, Governmeiit City^ Collegr, City Prin : Hyderabad, S. M. Azam Esq., M. A. B. STc, Government Intermediate College,. Warangal, Prin: Ajodul Aziz Khan, B,A, B. T. Do Gulbarga, Ptin : Syed Zulfaqar Ali Haqqaniv. B. A., B. T. Ho Aurangabad, Prin: Syed Mbiuddin, B. A.,. Bar-at~biw Government Combined High Schools for Girls.. Zenana Combined High School, Nampalli, Hyderabad Aided English High Schools for boys.. Madrjsu-i-Aiza, TTydorabnd, Prin : Shaik Ali Husain, Esq,.. Madrasa-i-Mufidul Anam, Aitobar, Chowk. Hyderabad Pbaramwant A. V. High School, Yakootpura, Hyderabad, Prin: Jairam Fershadf Esq , B. A Vivek Vardhani Pathshala, Gowliguda, Hyderabad, Prin : V. A.HardikarEsq.,B.A AH' Saints’ Institutioi*, Chadarghat. Hyderabad, Pria: Rev. Brother M. Paul St. George’s Grammer School, Chadarghat, Hyderabad, Prin : Bev. Philips, M. A^ Methodist High School, Chadarghat, Hydirahad, Prin : Rev. G.. Sundaram^ B. A. Islamiah High School, Secunderabad, Prin : M. Muniruddin Esq., (Lon,^ Mahboob Secunderabad, Prin : M Hanumantha Rao., Esq., M. A. Wesleyan Mission Boys’ High School^ Secunderabad, Prin '.Rev. L,.Sirapsott, B, A.. 13. A. Protestant Orphanage and Brigade School, Secunderabad, Prin: Miss Kerr, B.A.L.T^ S. P G. High School, Secunderabad, Prin: Darnel Esq., M. A^, L. T. Bolarum High School. Bolarum, Prin; Rao Sahib A. SLvasankara lyen, B. A,. Aided English High Schools for Girla Saint George^s Girls’ Seminary, Chadarghat, Hyderabad J't.inley Girl’s High School, Chadarghat, Hyderabad,. Prin: Margaret Morgan St. Ann’s Convent High School, Secundorabad, Prin : S-ister Michael Assumption Ko>VHigh School, for Girls’ Secunderabad Prin : Miss H.M. David, B'.A.,L,T.,T.D* Recognised Unaided English High Schools for Boys^ ^^^8leyan Mission Boys’ High School, Medak Hamdard High School, Raichur, Prin: D. Manick Rao. Esq,, B. So. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. A'KJed Combined High Schools for Boys. Kutan Vidyalaya, Gulbarga Gevernmertt Osmania High Schools for Boys. Darul-Uloom High School, Hyderabad, Prin: Abdus Sattar Subhani, B.A., L.T. OBmania High School, Nampalli Hyderabad, Prin: Syed Muitaba Hussain Haqri B.A., (Ed). Osmania High School, Darush Shafa, Hyderabad, Prin : Showkat Ali Khan. B.A, Ho Chanchalguda, Hyderabad, Prin: Noorul Hasan, B.A„ B.T^ Dip. Ed. (Edin) Osmania High School, Medak, Prin: Md. Hussain M.A., B. Ed. Do Mahboobnagar, Prin: P. Satyanarayan Rao, B.A,, L-T. Do Nalgonda, PrimAhmed Abdul Azu, Moulvi Fazil, Munshi Fazil Do Nizamabad, Nadir Khursheed Mirai, lA.A., Ed. (Eng.X Do Matwada. K. Balsubramaniam, B.A., B.T. Do Khammam, Prin; Vednath Iyer, B.A., B.T. Do* Karimnagar, Prin : Sharifu> Hasan,. MJSc., B.T. Ho Nirmal, Prim Venkatrao Manwikar, b.a. Do Yadgir, Print Raxiuddin Khan, B.A., L,T.. M.T.. Ho Kaichu , Prin : K. Tirmal Rao, B. A., B.T. Ho Bidar. Prin R. Keshavulu, B.A,, B.T. Do Latur. Prin: DeTicharan Chaterji. B,A., B.T. Do Jalna, Print Sheshachary. M.a... Dip. Ed (Lond,)^ Do Nanded, Prim Mustafa Khan, B.A.. B.T. Do Parbhani, Print Venkatrnmaniiah. B.A , L.T. Do Bhir Prin: Syed Mobiuddin, B.A., B.T. Sarf-i'khas Osmania High Schools for Boys. Osmania High School, Osmanabad, Prin: FaizLMd. Khan,. M. A., B.T., Dip. Ed- ("Lond). Government Osmania High School's* for Girls. Oovernmont Osmania High School for Girls, Machli Eaman, Hyderabad, Prin : Mrs. K.. Jabbar, B.A.. B.T.. Gov^ernment Osmania High School for Girls, Hanamkondah,. Warangah Prim^ Husurunnisa Begum, m.a., Dip. Ed. (Lond.) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Aided Osmania High Schools for Boys. [adrasa-i-Asafia, Malakpet, Hydf^rabad. Prin: Asad Gafurul Haq, M.A., L.T. nwarul Uloom, Nampalli. Fida Hussain, B.A. Government Training Schools for Males. )sinania Training School, Hyderabad ?elugu Training School, War^'iigal Marathi Training School, Aurangabad ianarese Training School, Gulbargah Government Training Schools for Females. [Jrdu Training School, Hyderabad Felugu Training School, Warangal Marathi Training School, Aurangabad Government Technical School. Osmania Central Technical Institute, Hyderabad Government Industrial Schools, Government Industrial School, Nizamabad Do Aurangabad Government Professional Schools. Engineering School, Hyderabad Law School, Hyderabad Civil Service Class, Hyderabad Government Physical College for Boys. Government Physical College for Boys, Hyderabad Government Military Schools. School at 4th Battalion Golkonda Infantry, Hyderabad Do 1st Lancers, Asafnagar, Hyderabad School at 3rd Battalion, Hyderabad Infantry Do Chandrayan Qutta (Barracks) IIS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Government Religious Schools (Islamic) for Boys. School opposite to Baggikhaaa Amira, Hyderabad LocaLFund Industrial Schools. School at Masjid Mian Mijihak, Hyderabad Do Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad Local Fund Industrial School, Makhtal Do Bidar Do Raichur Aided Training Schoool for Females. Wesleyan Mission Girls’ Boarding School, Secunderabad Unaided Training School for Boys, Wesleyan Mission Normal Training School, Medak Unaided Techincal School, Sir William Barton Technjcal School, Secunderabad Aided Industrial Schools. Industrial School, Khadimul Muslamin, Hyderabad OsmanJa Indiistnd School, Nampalli, Hyderabad Industrial Mission School, Dornakal Industrial School. Karimnagar Unaided Industrial Schools for Boys and Girls. Victoria Memorial Orphanage for Boys, Saroonagar, Hyderabad Do Girls, do Hyderabad state has lO Colleges, [186 High and Middle Schools and 63 special schools with a total strength of 3,41,206 pupils. ♦ ❖ ti Protect Your Home ! WITH GODREJ TRIPLE ‘PATENT STEEL ALMIRAHS The **Channel Grip*' of their Patent Doors is so sttxoig ai>c/ secure thit no pull by burglars can open there and no insects, dust or flames of fire can pass inside^ You hare not got vaieables at home but may not have a Safe for their safe^custody, and YOU CANNOT GO TO MPOSIT LOCKERS IN OTHER PALCES AT ANY ODD HOUR YOU WANT. Then there are expensive dresses and other vatu* eble articles that could not be stored m a Safe. Godrej Triple^-Patent Steel Almirahs are strongly constructed to resist burglars and their doors have such a strong and secure '^Channel Grip** that no burglars can open them and no insects, dust or flames ef fire call pass inside. And they provide ample storage space. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE THEM ON THE MARKET very attractive in appearance-^yet'^low in price. GODREJ 6- BOYCE Mfg. Cc., Lid., 1239, Abid Red, . - . HYDERABAD-Dtcen. GODREJ" RYOERAEAD.D.ttM. Wni.Offict &■ Works:. LA LB AUG. PAREL, BOMBAY) lOi, Ctiw Sit a at, CALCUTTA Branches : l6e, Broadway, MADRAS ibt," Chattdl Chawakt DELHI 120 ECCLESIASTICAL. Roman C.itholic — Right Rev. Dr. D. Yismani, Bishop of H> dorabad. CHUftcHES IN Hyderabad, SpcuNDEKABAt) Sz BcLAuru. OHrurH 1 DENOMINATION 1 j BITUATtON ' cifrgymanin 1 OriAKGE 1 St, GcorgoR C-ln: f ch C. of E. Anglic IT 1 Chadorghat TJyd. 1 i 0. piDiiiii, M A. Chrii-t Cburoli s. p. a. (c, ofE. ) R 5 m' ote , liyd. Ugv. Selvaimyagam Hmdnstai'i Clmrch (\ s. Station Rd., Hyd. Rev. Q. Shah Wesley Cbnroh Mt thodist Ramkoto Rev. E. Priestly, B.A. M. K. Church 1 Methodist Ohadorghat, Hyd. Rev. G.B. Garden, B.A. All Saints Church 1 Anglican Triuiulgherry Rev. E. H. Fry St, J'v)l''n’s Church Church of E. Alexandra Rd Sec’bad i Rev. Rhys. James, B.A. St. Aiulr^'wN Church C! Ui ch of Scot Picket Rd.. Sec ’bad Be'*' J. Williams Moth 0 list Church Methodist Trimiilgherry Rev. J. Williams St. Thomas Church S. 1\ 0, (C of K) Station Rd., See’bad Rev. A. Ezekiel 1 Chri'.t Ciiurch j do Lai la gu da Rev. Rliys. James B.A. Amcr-can Baptist C. | Baptist St. Mary ’8 Kd Scc'bad Rev. F. Kurzt, D.D. M. E. Church Methodist Oxford St. SecMiad Rov. G. W. Harris Wesley Church do Clock TovVi'r See’bad Rev. F. G. Sackf'tt St. PalricL’s Church Roman Cathlic Entrencmt. Scc’bad Rev, P. Otfrodi Sacred Heait oiMcsus do Lailacuda RfV. J . Seminati St. Mary’s Clmrch do Alexanclia Rd Sec’bad Rov. Fr. 0. Marianl St. Anthony ’b Church do Mudfort Sve’bad Rov. Fr. C Mariani St. Francis XavKU's do Bolarum Rev. Fr. H. Pezzonl Holy Tr nity Oh.urJi Anglican Bolarum Rr‘V, A. C. Trench, M C, Chaplains on H, M. Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment ThO Rev. Rhys Janies, A. or Se'OUndorabad The Rov. E. H. Fry, Chaplain of Triuiulgherry Tho Bev. Q . A. W?]son, M. a., Chaplain Bolarum Chuplntn. vvt o}! ihc E'^hihJi.'ihment admihi, Uniit'j troops Rov. P. Oi frvih, TrnnulglK'iTy Rev. H. Fozzvjiii, Bolarum. Rev J. S'^-m mit \ h^ecuuderabad Tlie Rov. D, M,;gri, R C\ Chaplain Bolarum Tho Rov. J. Williams, Mothodibt Chaplain Trimulghorry m RELJGIOUS INSTITUTIONS The Chu'Tch Missioiary Society, ZHyJersthad (C\ of E. Australian Mission.) ■Secretary Rov. F C. Philip, M. a. S. P. G. M ission, Secuiderabad. Superintendent Rev. A. Ezjkifl. The S. P. G. the earliest Mission to the Deccan, is carrying on Christian work both pastoral and oducafcional among the Indians in iho Nizam’s Dominions ■Binoe 1840. Pastoral work is carried on in Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Bolarum, each having its own pastorate committee. Those pastorates are under the control of the District Church Council. (D C.C ) An English Service is hold in the S. P, G, St. Thomas Church, Secunderabad (opp. Secunderabad Rly. Station) every third Sunday at 6 p. ra. There are four Schools managed by the D. C. C, Educational. To meet the increased needs of the Indian Christian youths the school which had been Middle School for over 50 years was raised to a High School by the late Rev. S. Daniel, B.A., L,T. who was also its first Principal, S, P. G. Boarding and Orphanage. The Mission has an Orpha- nage and Boarding Institution where board and tuition are given up to the High School, Technical Education also is given to the children. Hyderabad District Methodist Mission, Chairman, d' General Supdt. ... Rev. C. W, Posnett SuperintendcM of Secunderabad Circuit ... Rev. E. Priestly, 13 . A. Wesleyan Mission House, Ramkote, Hyderabad. This Mission has stations in Chaderghat, Secunderabad, Karimnagar, Medak Siddipet, Aler, Sangareddi, Nizamabad, Jagtial, Ellareddi, Lakshettipett, Dud- gaon and Ibrah mpatnam where Evangelistic, Medical and Educational work is carried on. The strength of the Christian community is at present 85,000. In Dichpalli there is a largo Leper Hospital which is supported by H. E. H. the Nizam’s Government. m RELIGIOUS rNSTITUTtONS An English Service is held in the Wesleyan Church Secunderabad (’opposite- the Clock Tower) every Sunday at 9^30 a. m aBd at the Wesleyan Church Chadorghat at 6-30 p. m. In Counection with the Mission there is a Boys’ High School (Old Staff Linos)' of which Rov. L. Simpson, B.A., is the Principal, (present strength 430)i and also a Girls’ Boarding and UTormaU School (Old Lancer Linis) of which Miss D. M. Clough, B.A., IS the Principal and Miss M. E. Cole, B.A.. tho Vice- Principal (Present Srtength 156). Zenana Work is also carried on m the town by Telrgoi and ^amil Biblowcmin and there is a Young Men’s Guild, Membership in which is open to young men Zenana Work IS ciirried on under the directimi of Misses F- Allen and K, Greenfield,. In addition to the Socundorabfid self-supporting circuit, there is a mission) aided circuit under the care of Rev. F. C, Sackett and Pastor G. Y. Abrahani which maintains a hostel for working young men m Market Street, Secunderabad. Americarr Baptisi Mission, SecunJerabaJ. Missi{)nar{/—'RQW, F. Kurtz, D.D , 39, Oxford Street, SoqmMderabiid. In addition to nineteon Stations in the Madras Presidency, the ntiswon maintaius Stations at Secunderabad, Nalgoiida,,Suriapct, Haniimakonda, Jangaon,. Maduni, Maliabubnager and Gadw.xL There are 20,000 adult memhors^ con- nected with the Churches m those Doccaa fields. British and Foreign Bible Society^ MADRAS AUXILIARY Office, St. Mary’s Road, Secunderabad* Fresidevi ... The Hon’bfe The Resident at Hyderabad Hon. Sec. d: Treasr, ... The Rev. F. C. Sackett The Christain Literature Society St. Mary^s Road, Secunderabad Alongside the British and foroign Bible Society the Christian Literai»ur® Society for ^In^’ia, Madras, has also opened anew Branch where all general Christian Literature and School Books are available. Convenor of the Local ComvaiUe ... Rev. F, Kurta, D.D.- Managcr ... ... ... J. W. Sundrum RELIGIOUSnWSTITUTlONS National Mhsioiary Socwty of India^ HYDERABAD BRANCH. Premdent ... C CONTRACTORS, Bashir Bagh Road, :: HYDERABAD. Secretary/ ... Captain A. R. Fallon, D. Q. M. 131 TRADE AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONS. The Hyderabad Deccan Chamber of Commerce, Secunderabad. Establishment 1917. I'rvsKlerit ... Khan Bahadur Ahmid Alladin Hunt!. Sti rviurtf ... Mr. H D. Vatcha Secunderabad Trades Association. OK9'ICE; — 151, Sappers Linos, Secunderabad Doccan. Picsfdcftt ... G. A. Fitz Herbert, Esq. , Prep rioter, Messrs. Sey, Bright fit Ce. lloru, Svcrdarij ... T. R. Parakh, Esq , Goal Merchant and Cemmission .?u«hpamKrupadanam, L.M.&S Doodbowli Dispensary Assistant Surgeon ... Riyasath Ali Khan. L. M.P Lady Assistant Surgeon . Miss Mary Kurcin, L.S. M,F. Bub-Assistant Surgeon ... M* C. Aima, L. M.&S* Central Jail Dispensary Mir Ahmed Ali Zaidi, L, M. k S, Govind Rajulu, L. M. p, Assistant Surgeon Sub- Assistant Surgeon 135 HOSPITALS Mental Hospital Civil Siirgoon ... Dr. C- A, Sundoraj Sub-Assistant Surgeon ... N. D- Parbhakar Rao, L. M. P. Lady Sub- Assistant Surgeon ... Mrs. Laxininarasamma, L. M. P. Assistant Surgoon ... A. R. Shivashankaram, L. M.& S. Sultan Bazar Hospital Lady Assistant Surgeon ... Miss B. Taylor, L. M.&S. Sub- Assistant Surgeon ... Mohd. Hanoof, L. M. & S. King Edward VII Memorial Hospital Secunderadad Medical Officer Asst. Medical Officer ... Pathologist ... Lady Asst. Surgeon Offg Lady Asst. Surgeon Matron ... Lieut-Col. R. F. D. MacGregor, M. R. C. p. E., I. M. S. ... Rao Saheb Dr. T. D. Rajoo ... Dr, K, Vaman Nayak M.B. B. S. ... Dr. S. Kirloskar, ti. B. B. 8., (Punjab) ... Dr. (Miss) H. A. P. Masilamani, M.b.b.s, D. G. o .„ Sister Gabriel MEDICAL STAFF. Dr. K. Gopalaswamy, L.M.P. L. 0. (Selection Grade) ,, T A. Sundarani, L, M. P. (Radiologist) Dr. C. S. K. Sabapatliy, L. M. & S. Miss M. F. Lima, L. c. P. & 8. Dr. E. S. Chollappa, M, B.B.S. „ D, N Israol, i. o. M. L M. P. „ D. W. Elias, L. C.P. & S ,, S. H. Ramgopal, L. M. P, „ S. Rao, M,P, B*S. Head Clerk Accountant Snd Clerk Office staff. ... Mr. John Peters ... ,, P. B. Snmon, F. c. I. »v M. K. Natarajan MILLS, FACTORIES &, OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS In Hyderabad Suburbs. Dewan Bahadur Ramgopa^ Mills I^td , Spirniiig and Weaving Hyderabad. The Hyderabad Spuming and Weaving Mills, litd., Hyderabad. The Govornmont Electricity Power rlouse, Hyderabad. The Goverrment Mint, Hyderabad. The Oovornnient Mint Workshops, General ^^'orksbo•l, Ilvdcrabad The Governm nt Central Press, Printing I’nss, ClianMia'guda The Indian Hume Pipe Co., Ltd., Piie Manufacturing, Mc.sheerabad The Osmania Match Marnifacturing Co., Masheeraliad The Government Cottage Industries Institute, Wnaving &i Dyeing, Masheerabad The Hyderabad Cigarette Factory, Mash er.ibad The Vazir Sultan Tobacco Co., Ltd , Cigarette Manufacturing, Mashoorabad Golkoiida Soai) Factory, Miibhi'or.ihad Central and Star DistiUanos, Li inning Factory, Jittur Sirajkaran Baxiram Giim*ng Factory, Baloor (iulabdas Haridas & Son^^. Ginning Factory, Mantb Gokulchand Ramratan (winning Factory, Baloor Laxman Abi]i Ramwar Ginnnig Factory, Gangakhcd, Palam Srikislun Ginning Factory, Gangakhed Pal im Laxman Devidas, Ginning Factory, Gangakhed, Palam Ramrao Madliar Rao, Ginning Factory, Gangakhed, Palam The Now Rudr.iwar, Ginning Factory, Gangikhod, Palam The Star Ginning & Pressing Factory, Prussmg, Gangakhed, Palam Vinaik Rao Ginning Factory, Pingli Narayiindas Chunnilal Ginning ^ Pressing Factory, Pathari, Manwath Ncmd V Ginning Factory, Patlian. Manwath Merchants Ginning Factory, Pathari, Manwath Bewji Wall! Ginning Factory, & Doc irtic iting, Pathari, Manwath Jai Kishon Ganeshlal Ginning Factory, Pathari, Manwath Trimbuk Wmakanth, Ginning Factory, Pathari, Manwath The Durga Ginning Factory, & Rice, Kalamnuri Nanded District The Osman Shahi Mills Ltd., Spinning Weaving, and Ginning Nanded Md. Younus Ginning Pressing Foctory, Nandod Ramzan Ali and Lalji Saj in an I Pressing Factory, Nandod The Nowroji Wadia Ginning and Pressing Facto»*y, Nandod Shanker Chandorbhan Girji G.nnmg and Pressing Factory, Nanded N. J. Garaadia Ginning and Pressing Factory. Nanded The Akbar Manufacturing and Pressing Co., Ginnmg, Pressing Decorticat and Oil Nanded Bezonji Byramji Ginning and Pressing Factory, Nanded Vaman Naik Ginning and Pressing Factory, Nandod The Muzampeth Ginning and Pressing Factory, Nanded 141 MILLS, FACTORIES OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS Ahmad Bhoj^ Rahaman Bhoy Ginning Factory, Nanded Narayan Murthi Ginning Factory^, N.inh*d Lalraohamad Ginning Factory, Nandid The Mohin Ginning Factory, Nanded The Osmania Ginning and Flour Mill Factory, Nrn led Bansilal Af irchand Ginning Factory, Khandahar. Mudkhod The Mudkhod Ginning i.nd ProHsing Factory, Mudkhod, Khandahar Laxniin'irayan Ginning Factory, Mudkhed, Khandahar The Imperial Girning and Prassin^ Factory. Mu dkhod, Khandahar The Umri Ginning and Pn ssign Factory,, Umri, Khandahar The Empross Mill Ginninng and Pressing Factory, Mudkhed, Khandahar The Raja and Pr ssing Factory, Mudkhed Khandhar Benodiram Balchand Ginning and Pressing Factory, Mudkhed, Khandahar Raja Birbhangirji Ginnmg Factory, Mudkhod, Khandahar ’Kerkheli Cotton Press Factory, Kherkoli, Khandahar Bezonji Byramji Ginning and Pressing Factory, Kherkeli, Khandahar Mustyala Ramiinna Govindu Ginning Factory. Kherkeli, Khandahar The New Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factory, Shankor Ginning and Pressing Fac.tory, Dliarmabad Gordhan Gokuldas Factory, Ginning and Decorticating, Dharmabad Chenai Ginning Factory, Bhainsa Laxmi Ginning Factory, Bhainsa Abdul Walud & Bros., (winning Factory, Bhainsa Swadeshi Mills Ginning & Pressing Factory, Bhainsa Bhainsa Ginning & Pressing Factory, Bhainsa Raja Laxmi Marayan Srikishon Giiiumg & Pressing P\iotory, Bhainsa Chondi Ginning Factory, Chondi Palsi Ginning Factory, Falsi Benodiram t alchand Ginning Factory, Negwa Jamnadhar Potdas Ginning Factory, Digloor Benodiram Balchand Ginning Factory, Ginniiig,Waigaon Rai Bahadur Bansilal Abirchand Ginning Factory, Loha Manikchand Lalchand Ginning Factory, Keni Kishenlal Murlidhar Ginning Factory, Wardona Ramoswar Nagobapatel Ginning Factory, Wardona Poonilal Ginning Factory, Kondalwadi Ranmath Balram Ginning Factory, Ginning, & Oil Mandur 142 MILLS. FACTORIES du OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS Bir District Bansilal Abirchand Ginning & Pressing Factory, Purli Kanyalal Fetehchand Ginning Facto y/ Ginning Decorticating & Oil, Purli Tulsiram BapiT]! Ginning Factory, Ginning & Decorticating, Purli Jagmitra Giuning Factory, Purli Shaik Mahtab Ginning Factory, Purli Bunkatlal Bansilal Ginning Factory, Ginning, Docorticating & Oil, Mominabad Narsingrao Ginning Factory, Dharur Girdharidas Radhaknsheii Ginning Factory, Manjlcgaon Chamyavt.oi OiOnging Factory, Bir Mohaiilal Kasthurichand GiniiiLg Factory, 0 iming & Decorticating, Bir Khandcrao Ginn ng Factory Ginning Docoiticatmg, Bir Hiralal Gvlabchand Ginning Factory, Tallowada Bandalal O' ahdulal Giniiii g Factory, Pipuiimr Kagraj Shewlal Giniiing Factory, vVadoni Ramscok Ramratan Ginn ng Factory, Tarsona Salebin Amor A.rab Ginning Factory, Gevrai Gopal Kaniiatli Maiiahar Ginning Factory, Govrai Nizamabad District. Bansilal Aberchand, Ginning and Rice Factory, Nizamabad Narsaghowd Enkagowd, Ginning ana UiOv) Faciory, Nizamabad Krisbiia Rice Mill, Ginnjng Rice Docorticatmg, Nizamabad Dewan Bhdr. Laxmmaraycvii, irri Kishen G.nnn g and Rice E'actory, Nizamabad Ramchandcr Biiaj.inlal, and Profcsmg Faccory, Rico & Oil, Nizamaba Gordlian^,as Goi^uldas, Rice and Qil, Nizamabad V R. Naik, Ginning and R.oo Factory, Nizamabad Bhioaji Dadabhoy Ginning and Pressing Factory. Nizamabad The Indian Hume Pipe Co., [.td , Pipe Manufacturing, Nizamabad Maduri Kistiab Ginning and Rice E’aotory, Nizani^ibad Ramchander Bhanjanlal Gmning Factory, BadiwUgote Nizamabad Raja Gulabdas Haridas Rioo Mill, Kamareddi, Nizambad Vaman Naik Rice Mill, Kamareudi, Nizamabad Mukund, Rice Mill, Bbiknur, Nizamabad Hiralal Marwadi R.oo Mill, Birkur, Nizamabad Vithal Reddy Nal Ramulu Rico Mill, Banswada, Nizamabad Narayan Reddy, Rico Mill, Pitluni, Nizanuba I 143 MILLS, FACTORIES & OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS. Gulbarga District. The M. S. M. Mills, Ltd., Spinning and Weaving, Gulbarga Sliivanaiid Oil Mills, Decorticating and Oil Pressings, Gulbarga Tho Shahabad Cement Co. Ltd , Cement Works, Shahabad Gurlingappa Gundappa Ginning Factory, Ginning, Oil Pressing. Decorticating and Rico, Sulpeth, Chincholi Dayaram Surajmal Ginning Factory, Ginning and Decorticating Sulopeth, Chin- choli Nagappa Chanbasappa Decorticating Factory, Decorticating and Oil Pressing Sulopoth Chincholi Sobachand Bhivajiram Ginn ng Factory, Decorfcioating, and Ginning, Seram Kimbai appn Bharnappa Ginning Factory, Ginning, Decorticating an 1 Oil Prass- ing, Seram Razack Factory,, Decorticating and Oil Pressing, Seram Pewan Bahadur Ramgopal liaxminari-iyan Ginnmg and Pressing Factory, Gin- nmg. Pressing and Decorticating, Seram Dade Rao Pandappa, Ginning, Decorticating. Soram Chavani Phakirappa Coutoii Pressing Co., Ginning Pressing and Decorticating, Yadgir Haji Md. Hu&sain & Son., Ginning and i^ressing Factory, Ginning, Pres- sing, Decorticating, Yadgiri Chavani Phakirappa & Son,, Ginning and Pressing Factory, Ginning, Pressing, Decorticating, Yadgiri Rudrappa Ginning Factory, Ginning, Decorticating and Oil Pressing, Yadgiri Baluchand Bhitaji Ginning Factory. Ginn»ng, Decorticating, and Rico, Yadgiri Devji Chimaji, DecortiCating Factory, Decor^, Yadgiri Peer Mohamad, Ginning, Rice Decorticating, Yadgiri Md. Abdulla, Giiinmg Pactory, Yadgiri Mirza Ekbal All Bog D.*corticating P’actory, Yadgiri Peer Md. Abdul Gaffar, Button PYctory, Yadgiri Aaspalli Kullapp\ Shivajibhoy, Ginning & Decorticating, Saidapur, Yadgiri Shaik idussam Ahmadi, Ginning & Djoorticatmg, Factory, Saidapur, Yadgiri Varad Laxmappa Keshaji, Ginning & Decorticating, Factory, Sa idapur, Yadgiri Maruthi Rao Dhondeba, Decorticating Factory, Saidapur, Yadgiri Md. Ygsoof Seth, Ginning & Pressing Factory, Changolo, Chincholi Massood Company, Ginning, Decorticating & Rice, Changole, Chincholi Agnoor Veerappa, Ginning Phactory, Decorticating Oil & Rioo, Agnoor Kodangal Roopchand Cliunnilal, Ginning Factory, Decorticating, Oil & Ric 0 ,^Navondgi Ramkaran Srikishon, Ginnin^ Factory, Ginning, Decorticating, Shorapur 144 MILLS. FACTORIES &. OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS. Phakeorappa Nagendrappa, Ginning, Decorticating, Factory, Rangampet, Sliorapur Sidramappa, Ginning, Decorticating, Factory, Naikal Shapur Moolji Mallappa, Ginning, Decorticating, Rico, Factory, Kosgi Rani Ratnamma & Rani Raraachandrcimma, Rico Mill, Kosgi Md. Yussof Seth, Rice Mill, &r Decorticating, Thandnr Jagir Md. Yusoof Seth, New Ginning & Rice Mill, Decorticating, Thandur Jagir Kalwa Rajiah & Bros., Rice Mill, & Decorticating Thandur Jagir Raichur District. Messrs. Valkart Bros, Ginning, Pressing & Decorticating P'actory, Raichur Raichur Press Company, Ginning & Pressing, Raichur Mahavir Factory, Docorticatiiig, Raichur Cniuinahoswar. Ginning, Pressing & Decorticating oil Factory Chavani Phakirappa & Sons, Ginning, Pressing & D6)corticating Factory, Raichur Girdharilal Damodardas Rathi, Ginning, Pressing & Decorticating Factory, Viswanatli Yelliah & Sons, Ginning, Decorticating, Factory, Raichur Sabhapathi Press Co., Pressing, Decorticating, Raichur Bhagir Guiidappa Venkiah Chotty, Ginning, Decorticating, Factory, Kaichur Syed Abdul Quader, Ginning, Decorticating Factory, Raichur Mididodi Laxraiah, Ginning, Decorticating Oil Factory, Raichur Nirnianvi Hainpangowda, Ginning, Decorticating, Oil, Factory, Manvi Rajalbanda Thiminayya, Ginning Factory, Manvi Laxinikoshavaroddy, Decorticutiiig Factory, Gadwal State Gac.wal industrial Works, Decorticating, Gadwal State Mahanandi & Achanna, Decorticating oil & Pressing Factory, Gadwal State Angadda Laxmiah, Decorticating, Rice & Oil Factory, Gadwal State Dalai Basappa, Decorticating, Factory, Gadwal State Laxminarayan Girning, Decorticating Factory, Manopad, Alanipur Jalgam Narsanna (xinning, and Decorticating Factory, IJndevalli, Alainpur Kotta Siviah Gang.) ram. Ginning Decorticating Rice, Factory, Alampur Kattd Venkata Slieshuili & Ha]! Ilrahim Decorticating and Rice Factory, Alampur Sangappa Mudgal Ginning and Decorticating Rice Factory, Kopbal Andanappa Agdi Ginning and Decorticating Factory, Kopbal V. V. Ballolh Ginning, Decorticating, oil Factory, Kopbal Kopbal Ginning iind Pressing Factory, Kopbal MuUaninal Ginning, Decorticating, Rico Factory, Kopbal Yonkappa Yerasi Ragbappa Punyamurthi Gmtiing and Docorticatiiig Factory, Bhanapur Andanappa Metisikai Siddappa Cbandit Ginning, Decorticating Factory Bhainimr 145 MILLS, FACTORIES OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS. Modibjisjippa Ginning find Dficorticating Facto"y, Knknnr Havinlial Venkatrao Gii ning Factory, Sindlmur Chanbasappa Ginning Factory, Matwadi. Sindhur Sidramappa Ginning Factory, Kallur, Manxi Marignndappa Amarappa Ginning Factory, Karotgi, Gangavati Jamrnanna Basappa & Erappa Biida Gura'-i Ginning Factory, Karetgi, Gangavat Kalyanappa -Andanappa Agdi Ginning Factory, Farotgi, Gangavati Gunz^lli Erappa Karbasrppa Ginning Factory, Gangavati Modi Biissappa Ballolli G.nning Factory, Grngovati Modv Sotti Govindai'pa Warad Baslingappa Ginning, Decorticating, Oil Factory, D^odurg Pampangowdr & Thinimanna Vakil Ginning Factory. Deodurg Panipannra Manbasanpa. Decorticating, Oil Factory, Trkalgiida, Eopbal Gaiickal Hampiah ,Tardinimi Basappa Ginning Factory. Sirwar, Kopbal Rudrappa Ginning FactoJ^J^ Kallur, Manvi V('orappa Andrnappa Agdi Ginning, Decorticating, Oil Factory, Kuknur, Kopfil Mudibasappa V. Ballolli Ginning, Decorticating Factory, Botbiyor, Gopal Waranga! District Azam Jabi M ^ . Spinning, Weaving, Warangal Girmal Ven^^'’nnah. Ginning Factory, Decorticating Rice, Warangal Kond.i: Ayalaya G'nning and Rice Factory, Ginning Rice, Warangal Konda Avalava Ginning, Decorticating Factory, Warangal Tl 0 Deccan Manure Works, Bone Milling, Warangal Siddamsotty Narsimloo, Girning Factory, Decorticating Rico, Warangal The Wariingal Press, Pressing, Warangal The Electric Ginning Factory, Ginning, Warangal M. Ramchandriab and Janiki Ramuloo, Ginning, Decorticating Rico Factory, Warangal D. B. Ramgopal Sri Kishen, Ginning. Pressing, Dccortica f-ing Oil Factory, Warangal Phicaji Dada'Bhoy & Co., Ginning Pressing, Decorticating and Oil Factory, Warangal Abdul Gani Oil press and Rico Mill, Warangal Kasim Yiisoof Nathu Megji & Sons, Ginning and Pressing, Warangal Akarnp Venknanali and P. V. Reddy Ginning Factory, Ginning RicOr Warangal Brahma Deval Anandam Rice Mill, Rice Oil, Warangal Nerala ?n Han Rico Mill, Warangal Bando Ali Bijapur Oil Mill, Oil Pressing, Warangal MILLS. FACTORIES A OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS. The War.ingal Bone Mill, Wrrangal Girmal Ramiah, Ginning Rico Factory, Warangal Akarap Vonkarnih P V. Reddy, Ginning Rice Factory, Warangal Gundimali Buchi Ramuloo, Ginning Rice Factory, Warangai Kodandarania Roddy, Oiiming Rice Factory, Warangai Kundiir Kunkumiah, Ginning Rioe Factory, Warangai Kamsetty Lingannah and P, V. Reddy, Ginning Rico Factory, Warangai 8ri Venkatethwar Rico Mill, Malihoobabid The Mahboobia Match Co , Match Manufjicuring, Mahbootabad 8ri Sathyanarayana Rice Mill, Yellandu P. Veiikat Rama Reddy, Ginning Pressing, Decorticating Rice and Oil Factory, Madira 8ri Venkateshwara Swaray Rice and Gini.i .g Factory, Khaimnamcth 8ri Sect a ram a Chandra Swainy RiceJMill, Kliammannoth Sri Guntanialloshwaraswamy, Ginning, Decorticating Rite andOil Foctory, Kham- iiiamoth Sri Satliyanarsyanaswarny, Rico and Decorticating Factory BhiCciji Dadablioy to., Ginning Decorticating Rice and Oil Factory, Kham- niamoth 8ri Ran akribhna Rico, Khanimainotli K. Eknath & other Rice Mill, Rico, Decorticating, Warangai, Gb«"inapur Ooli Seeta Ramiab, Rice Mill, Warangai, Ghanapur Thar Molianied. Ginning P'actory, Ginning, Ricci Warangai Kalwa Rajalingamurtbi, Rico Mill, Wan ngal Luxminarayan, Rico Mill, Mahbubabad Tho Deccan Marble & Company Marble QuarricF, Jiistapally Laxmi, Ginning & Prebsiiig Factory, Latur Dovacha B"os,, Ginning, Latur Ra]a Narasingirji Dhanrajgirji, Giining & Prosbing Factory, Latur Dayaram bun jmal, G nnmg, Pressing, Oil & Decorticating, Factory, Latur Tho Sholapur Mills, (Lrining, Pres: i ig & Decorticating Factory, Latur Sn Kishen Bankt^tlal Ginning, Decorvic..ting Factory, Latur Diisook KanyaLil GmHing, Press mg and Decorticating Factory, Latur Nagsettyapia Mantheli Giiining baCtoiy, F^atur Shapurji Cheiiai Gum ng b'actory, Lctiur Motilal CliunniUi Ginning and rie^Miig Factory, Latur Karbdsappa Kachuppa irl act i Ginning Factory, Latur Gurlingappa^Nagsethappa Ginning Factory, Latur Bhagwant Thuljaram Ginning P^actory, Liaur F'steiichand and others Ginning P'actory, Xallam The Latur ^ lectric Ginning . nd ITes. mg iLvctory, Latur 147 MILLS, FACTORIES &. OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS. Karlmnagar District Hfinurminbiin Hazairmral, Oinnmg, Bice Factory, Poddapalli Hirachand Poonamchand, GinDing, Bice Factory, Peddapalli Bhicaji Dadabhoy & Co„ Ginning, Sc Pressing, Oil, Peddapalli Kasimnathu Sett Ginning, Sc Pressing Factory, Peddapalli K. Veni\atard.iam Ginning Decorticating, & Bice Factory, Jammikunta Huzarabad Yusuf Natlui Megji & Sons, Pressing Factory, Jammikunta, Huzarabad Bhicaji D.jflablioy Sc Co., Ginning, Bico Oil, Fa-itory, Peddapalli Asifabad District Kasimnathu Mogji & Sons, G.nning & Pressing Factory, Manickgrah, Bajnra Jewraj Potdar Ginning, & i’reijsing Factory, Bliedoda, Bajura Kerson Khrngar Ginning, Bico Factory, Manclienal, Laxetpett Barnchaiider Mirzamal Ginning Factory, Nirmal Baliram H Iranian Ginning, Factory, Mandvi, Kinwit Balram Hiraman, Ginning, Factory. Adilabad Pola Vonkatram, Ginning. Oil, Factory, Adilabad Knsbnji Kbandoji Patel Ginning, Factory, Patoda, Kinwit Narsagowd Lingagowd, Ginning, Factory, Dilawarpur, Nirmal Sakhcr Gopalu & Yenkannah Ginning, Bico Factory, Timburni, Nirmal The Empress Mills Ginning Factory, Liraba, Nirmal Baniram Bedma] Ginning & Ppssmg Factory, Abilabad Nalgonda District. Peddi Rajiah Rico, Decorticating, Oil Mill, Jangaon Mokala Shivaroddi Bico Mill, Jangaon Jidgam Ramiah Rice, Decorticating Mill, Jangaon Medesette Papiah & K. Ramanna Rice Mill, Jangaon Jdgam Lachmiah New Rico Decorticating Mill, Jangaon The Raigir Oil Mill, Raigir, Jangaon Venugopal Rice Mill, Suryapet Ayala Yelliah Brass- ware Manufacturing Factory, Pembarthi, Jangaon Janaki Ramrao Rice Mill, Aler, Bhongir Bidar District. Nurundappa Khoni Ginning Factory, Udgir Molianlal & Bbimannapatel Ginning, Decorticating, Rice Sc Oil Factory Ekbeli Akbar Manufacturing & Press Co„ Ltd. Ginning, Pressing & Oil, Udgir 148 MILLS, FACTORIES &, OTHER INDUSTRIAL CONCERNS. Medak District. Pannalal Kishenlal Rico and Decorticating Mill. Jogipet, Andole Hazarimal Gordhaiidas Ginning, Decorticating Rice & Gil Factory Vikarabad Mohained Moulana Rice Mill, Ramayampet Raja Bhagwandas Rico Mill, Kottapalli Naimuddin and others Rico Mill, Siddipet Venkata Ramanna Gowda Ginning and Rice Factory .Sadasivepet, Kalabgur Sri Venkatoshwara Rice and Decorticating Mill, Jogipet, Andole Kailara Laxmiah Rice Mill, Papannapet Eprika Narsimuloo & G. Raghavuloo Rice Mill, Masipet Beola & Mohini Rico Mill, Wadiaram Motilal Gulabchand Rice Mill, Yellareddy Mahboobnagar Velji Shanji Ginning Decorticating, Rice, Factory, Krishna Makthal Liquor Distilh^ry, Liquor Manufacturing, M.ihboobn'igj r Tholi Shivalingah Rico Mill, Rico, Decorticating, Cil, Wanapar:i Samasthan K, Samagowd Pulliali Rice Mill, Rice, Decorticating, Oil, Pentavolli Jetpole Samasthan Kandur Laxmmarayan Decorticating Oil, Factory, Jotpole Samasthan Lanety Narayana Kalwa Eshwariah, Decorticating Oil, Factory, Wanaparti Samastan Road Musa Abu Baker Decorticating Factory Wanaparti Samastan Road Dandu Auguiah & Thelkunta Balakristiah, DecarticatingOil, Factory Wanaparti Samastan Road, Pogagu Virapakshaya & Bhima Shesiah Docrticating Factory, Wanaparti Samastan Road, Shankariah Decorticating Rice, Factory, Wanaparti Samastan Road, Dacha Laxmiah Decorticating Oil Factory, Wanaparti Samastan Road Mailapur Nagiah Rico Mill. Rice* Decorticating, Oil, Mahboobnagar Bankatlal Decorticating Factory. Marikal, Makthal Bankatlal Decorticating, .Oil Factory, Narayanpet, Makthal 149 INDIGENOUS INDUSTRIES Warangal Disirici. Silk Khadi, Cotton Khadi and Duries— Central Jail, Warangal Carpets, Tassar Silks— Matwada, Waragal Tassar Silk Cloth— Hassan Parthi, Warangal Kareemnagar Disirici Silver Filigree Work and Cotton Cloth, TCarocmnagar Choli Khan and Printing Works— Jagtiyal, Kareemnagar Tassar Silk— Mahadevpur, Kareemnagar TJasi Paper— Koratla, Kareemnagar Silver Filigree Work— Monakondur, Kareemnagar Adilabad Disirici Toys and Wooden Work— Nirmal, Adilabad Tassar Silk Cloth— Chinnor, Adilabad Leather Work— Sirpur, Adilabad Medak Disirici Silk Pitamber Sadies and Printing Work and Jazam, Curtain Printed,— Sanga- reddy, Medak Jazam, Curtain Printed — Medak Brass and Silver Work, Silk Cloth Sadies Etc.— Siddipot, Medak Brass Work— Ramayanpet, Medak Cotton Saries- Rangampett, Medak Dasi Paper and Lungies— Maddur, Medak Nizamabad Disirici Tassar Silk Cloth - Armoor, Kizamabad Brass Work— Lingampett, Nizamabad Polished Wood Work (Toys) Beemgal, Nizamabad Nalgonda Disirici Tabia Roomal— Devarkonda, Nalgonda Horn Walking Sticks— Suryapet, Nalgonda Brass Work— Panyal, Nalgonda Printed Parcas Janan az and Lustarkan, Maddura and Solakpur, Nalgonda 150 INDIGENOUS INDUSTRIES. Mahaboobnagar District Silk Saries, Gold borders, Dhoties— Narayanpot, Muhaboobnagar Kambal of which ovor-Coats are made , Makthal, Dovarakedra, Nagar Kurnool, Amrabad, and Mahboobnagar Aurangabad District Himroo, Mashroo, Kunikab, Gold Cloth Task) Border for Sareoa— Aurangabad Petamher Saries, Gold Borders— Paithan, Aurangabad Handed Distrit^ Brass and Copper Works —Mukhed, Nandod Beed District Leather Work, Sapat Sho?s, Gapteos (Sword Sticks)— Bood Gulbarga District. Cotton Cloth, Agar, Masala (Scented Fioots)— Gulbarga Silk & Cotton Cloth— Kurangal and Girmitkal, Gulbarga Thin Kumbals— Silapat, Chincholi Oadi, Kooora, Gulbarga Best Lungios — Maddur, Gulbarga Cotton and Silk Saries— Shorapore, Gulbarga Tassar Silk Cloth — Kosgie, Gulbarga Bidar District Bidri Articles & Shoes— Bidar Raichur District /. Soft Slipper, Pottery Worls— Raichur Diirrios & Sojonios — Aulainporo, Kaichur ^ Silk Sanos— Gadw'al. Raichur Wooden Toys— Kanal & KopbaL Raichur USE HUME PIPES AND HUME STEEL PIPES ECONOMY, DURABILITY AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF LCCAL [NDU8TRIE8, LABOUR AND MATERIAL COMBINED TOGETHER. PIP£S SUPPLI£D TO SUIT ALL REQUIREMENTS PUMPINQ MAINS, CONDUITS, DISTRIBUTION MAINS, DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, CULVERTS, IRRIGATION SLUICES, PILLARS ETC. SUPPLIED nearly FIFTY MILES OF PIPES FOR JALNA AND AURANGABAD WATER SUPPLY & DRAINAGE SCHEME. 1 7000 R. Ft, OF 24 Inches Dia. FOR HYDERABAD WATER WORKS, A VIEW OF 27000 R. FEET 2l INCHES DIA. CONDUIT AT JALNA. Factoriss in (ht Dominions < HYDERABAD, NIZAA^BAD 6* JALNA. APPLY The Indian Hume Pipe Co., Ltd., NDUStmKU AKEA, HYOEPABAD-DN. TELv him. 794. TRADERS LIST. HARDWARE, METAL MERCHANTS A DEALERS. Abdul Kader C/o Abdul Latif, 5589 Afzul Guuj, Hyderabad Mohamed Abdul Latif & Sons, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad H. M. Jalalmiya, Af?ul Gunj, Hyderabad P. Rajareddy & Co.,. No. 5590, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Eameshwar K. Anjiab, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Mohd. Nurulla Peddi Shuraji, Afzul Gunj, Hjrderabad Baile Lachmiah. M. Ramiah, Sidiamber Bazaar, Hyderabad S. Chandriah, T. Rangiah, Sidiamber Bazaar, Hyderabad P. Baliah, G. Rainloo. Sidiamber Bazaar, Hydoiabad K. A. Rahim, General Merchant, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Ali Mohamed Hassan Dhorajiwala, Naka Bazaar, Hyderabad Bhai Moosa Mobamed Sj.rdargadwala, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Chidura Vasudev Kantbiah & Co., General Bazaar, Sec bad S. Ramasvvainy & Co., General Bazaar, Secunderabad Gandam & Sons, Market Stree% Secunderabad Ponnala, A. E. Balarum, General Bazaar, Secunderabad IRON & STEEU BEAM MERCHANTS. Secunderabad Trading Co., James Street, Secunderabad (Branch) Troop Bazaar, Hyderabad , Trevcdi & Co., Tata’s Agents, 52, Sebastian Road, Sec bad Lalje Meghjee, Station Road, Hyderabad (Branch) James St, Secunderabad . o. ». i The Indian Iron and Steel Corporation, Rani Gunj, Sec bad OLD IRON & METAL MERCHANTS. M. Pirani &Co., 55, James Street, Secunderabad STEEL TRUNK MAKERS & DEALERS. D. Hareeba, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Kotilingara & Sons, Ganeral Bazaar, Secunderabad Deccan Bucket & Trunk Factory, 56, James S:. Secunderabad HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. Aziz Hotel, Abid Road, Hyderabad Empire Restaurant, Opp Railway Station, Secunderabad Percy’s Hotel, Alexandra Road. Secunderabad Montgomery’s Hotel, Oxford Street, Secunderabid Mayfair Restaurant, St. Mary’s Road, Secunderabad Montgomery’s Annex, Oxford Street, Secunderabad TRADERS LIST HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. Contd. Central Market Restaurant, Nizam-Shahi Road, Hyderabad John & Co., Hotel, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad Viccajee’s Hotel, Abid Road, Hyderabad Royal Hotel, 0pp. Railway Station, Nampalli, Hyderabad Cafe Karachi & General Stores, Abid Buildings, Hyderabad ^ Saidia Hotel, Boarding & Lodging, Nampally Rly. Station Hyderabad Nizamiah Hotel, Abid Road, Hyderabad Percy’s Hotel, Sec'bad (Branch) King Koti Road. Hyderabad Imperial Restaurant, Park Lane, Secunderabad Welcome Hotel, 0pp. Railway Station, Secunderabad The Bharath Restaurant, 4208, Station Road, Secunderabad Sree Rama Vilas, Station Road, Secunderabad South Indian Lodge, 0pp. Railway Station, Secunderabad Prince of Wales Restaurant, 4042, Turner’s Street, Sec’bad Bhola Shankar, James Street, Secunderabad TAILORS & OUTFITTERS. H. M. Sideek, James St. Sec’bad (Branch) Abid Road, Hy’bad Deccan Tailors, Abid Road, Hyderabad Good Will & Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Bombay Tailoring House, King Koti Road, Hyderabad Metha & Sons, 0pp. Telegraph Office Sultan Bazaar, Hy’bad John Burton, 102 A, Alexandra Road, Secunderabad Laffans Ltd., 100, Oxford Street, Secunderabad J. C. Pinto, 113, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Toe West End Tailors, 16, James Street, Secunderabad G. S hanker Rao, James Street, Secunderabad L. Telles, James Street, Secunderabad CAP MERCHANTS. The Egyptian Cap Mart, King Koti Road, Hyderabad N. Narsimulu K. Rajiah, Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad TEA MERCHANTS. Tea Syndicate, Nayapool,, Hyderabad Empire Tea Co., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Brooke Bond Tea (India) Ltd., Market Street, Secunderabad K. T, Eu Tea C. K. Moodaliar & Co., James Street, Secunderabad 152 TRADERS LIST ACCOO.NTAStS AND AUDITORS K. Katraj Iyer & Co., Oxford St„ Secunderabad ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS. Saba & Co., Chapel Road, Hyderabad Trade Expansion Company Mozam Jahi Road, Hyderabad West End Adcraft Company, James Street, Secunderabad AERATED WATER FACTORIES Alladin & Sons, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Badsha & Sons, Station Road, Hyderabad Brandon & Co., Market Street, Secunderabad Cafe Johnson, Secunderabad Dalton & Co., Hyderabad Elite Mineral Waters, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Khasim Khan & Co., Market Street, Secunderabad Spences, Park Lane, Secunderabad ARCHITECTS A, SURVEYORS Chari & Haran & Co., V. Basuvraja, Abid Road, Hyderabad Edward & Co., Hugos Town, Hyderabad ARMS & AMMUNITION DEALERS. Watts Bros., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Fernat All Ilaji AMul Husain, Gun Powder L^id Bazaar, Hy’bad Haji Abdul Karim, Gun Powder Lad Bazaar, Hyderabad Hajl Mohammed Umer, Gun Powder Lad Bazaar, Hyderabad Mohammed Ibrahim, Gun Powder Lad Bazaar, Hyderabad Mohammed Mataf, Gun Powder Lad Bazaar, Hyderabad Mohammed Vazir & Sims, Gun Powder, Lad Bazaar Hyderabad AUCTIONEERS City Auction Hall, Shahrah Osmani Road, Hyderabad Deccan Auction Hall, Kamiulli Road, Hyderabad Mohammed Abdul Aziz Khan, 0pp. Grammar School, Hy’bad 153 TRADERS LIST Rabiin Khan MohaivP'C/l, Nani.-'a^'i llorH, Hyderabad Royal Aucol()?i Malt, Staoloii Ro^d, [Iydtral)cd [sirail M. & Brofi., Bonafide Auctioneers, 101, Oxford Street, Sccund€ral)ad Moba^nired Bux & Sons, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Mohammed Rabin'i Khan, James Street, Secunderabad Sreo Kisban Suraj Karan, Janu^s Street, Secunderabad Wadia & (-o., James Street, Secaindcrahnd BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS Percy’s Hotel Hyder^^uda, Hyderabad Af'dul Sattar M. G. & Bros., Basbeer Bagh Road, Hyderabad A/iz cS^ (do., Abid Road, Hyderabad Dawt.od BJscuIo Fa.ctory, Hear Mozain Jahi Market, Troop Bazar, Hyderabad John & Co., Gunfoundry, Hyderabad Nizami Bi Hotel, Abid Road, Hyderabad Rose Biscuit Works, L(>wer Tank Bund Road, Hyderabad A^iccaje (% Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Em:'ire Restauremt, 0pp. Railway Station, Secunderabad, Johnsnr/s Cafe, 0pp. Imperial Bank, Secunderabad Mogala & Co., Market Street, Secunderabad Percy’s Hotel, Alexandra Road, Secunderabad BANKS Andbara Bank Ltd., Tbo Shabra Csmani Road, Hyderabad Central Bank Ltd., Ibe Sbabra Osm mi Road, Hyderabad Guntur Bank Ltd., Tbo Mooz^im Jabl Road, Hyderabad Hyderabad Central Co-operative Union Ltd., Gunfoundry Hyderabad Hyderabad Co-operative Dominion Bank Ltd., Station Road, Hyderabad Mnnnalal Onkaramull, Station Road, Hyderabad Ragbunatbmul!, G. Abid Road, Hyderabad Raghunatbrnull, G. Father Gatti, (Branch) Hyderabad SarawSWathi Barkmg Co. Ltd., Station Road, Hyderabad 154 TRADERS LIST Central Bank L;d., James Sircou, Secunderabad Dlieerji Chandmul, James Street, Secunderabad Girtharilal S. & Sons, James Street. Secunderabad Heerachand Poonumchand, James Street, Secunderabad Imperial Bank of India Ltd., Secunderabad Imperial Bank India Lid., Shahrah Osmani Road, Hy’bad Multanmull Chandanmull K. & Sons, James Street, Sec’bad Prudential Co-oyerative Credit S<>ciety Ltd., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Quilon Bank Ltd., ames Si^reei;, Secunderabad Secunderabad C(immercial Banking Co., Park Lane, Sec’bad Subkaran Sukde^’, Janus Sticet, Secunderabad Banichand Jawarnudl, Tiimulgherry -Dyaram Surijumull, General Bazaar, Secunderabad Deerjch indmill, Goneral Bazaar, Socandorabad Gangabishen MohariLil, James Street, Secunderabad I'ioearchand Paitbannill, Bolauim Lachniinivas, Alexandra Road, Secunderabad S- Girtharilal, James Siieet, Secunderabad BICYLE Bharath Cycle Stores, Gowliguda, Hyderabad Damian P. & Sons, Abid Road, Hyderabad Deccan Sewing Machine & Cycle Co., Putli Bowdi Road Ily’bad Deccan Cycle Mait, Nizam Stiai Road, Hyderabad Bahamian & Sons. Saunders Road, Secunderabad Bombay Cycle Trading Co., 124, Paik Lane, Secunderabad Gir Rao K. & Co., Abid Road Hyderabad Golden Cycle Co., Gowliguda, Hyderabad Habib & Co., Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad Mohamad Younnus & Sons, Abid Road, Hyderabad Naidu B. N. & Co., Mahlc(>bjura, Gowliguda, Hyderabad 155 TRADERS LIST. CYCLES DEALERS Conte/. Ishaq Cycle Mart, James Street, Secunderabad Krishna Cycle Stores James Street, Secunderabad Mervanji & Sons, James Street, Secunderabad Deccan Sewing Machine & Cycle Co., James Street, Sec^bad Wellington Cycle Co., James Street, Secunderabad Secunderabad Cycle Agency Opp : Jumma Musjid Secunderabad block (LINE, HALF-TONE) MAKERS Government Central Press, Chanchalguda Hyderabad Mazher & Co., Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad BOOK sellers a publishers Balarkrishnaya G. & Bros., Pathergatti, Hyderabad Bharat Book Depot, Machili Kaman, Hyderabad Deccan Book & Stationery Mart, Abid Road, Hyderabad Gowerish anker Varma N. & Co., Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad Hyderabad Book Depot, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad Mahmudia Book Depot, Charkaman, Hyderabad Maktaba-Ilmia, Charminar, Hyderabad Shamsul Matabe, Nizam Shai Road, Hyderabad Chetty C. N. Market Street, Secunderabad John Marshal & Co., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Marathi Book Depot, Market Street, Secunderabad Narayan Chetty C. General Bazaar, Secunderabad Singam Veerannah, Market Street, Secunderabad West End News Centre, 16 James Street, Secunderabad BOOT A SHOE MAKERS A DEALERS. Ashiq M. Ali, Nizam Shai Road, Hyderabad Ayoob Boot House, Pathergatti, Hyderabad Azad Boot House, Nizam Shai Road, Hyderabad Aziz Brothers, Pathergatti, Hyderabad Begg Brothers, Pathergatti, Hyderabad 156 TRADERS^LIST. Bata Mir Husain, Abid Road, Hyderabad Deccan Boot House, Nawapool Road, Hyderabad Haji Mohamad Fazil, Nawapcol, Hyderabad Inayat Boot House, Patiergatti, Hyderabad International Boot House, Abid Road, Hyderabad Mohamed Abdul Majid, Nawapool Road, Hyderabad Mahboob Khan & Bros, Nizam^Shahi Road, Hyderabad Ma'iboob Boot House, Pathergatti, Hyderabad Mohammad Azam Moinuddin, Nawapool Road, Hyderabad Branch Abid Road, Hyderabad New Imperial Trading Co., The Nizam Shahi Road, Hy’bad Rahim M. A. Patiergatti, Hyderabad Western Boot House, Nawapool Road, Hyderabad Ballannah J. & Co., Park Lane, Secunderabad Bata, James Street, Secunderabad Elite,. Stores, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Mody & Co., James Street, Secunderabad Sutar N. & Co., 51 James Street, Secunderabad Vandex Shoe Stores, Park Lane, Secunderabad H, M, Shariff Bros.. 1414, General Bazaar, Secunderabad Watts Bros., Oxford Street, Secunderabad John Lee & Co., James Street, Secunderabad CABINET MAKERS A PEALERS Bombay Furniture House, Afzulgunj, Hyderabad B. R. & Sons, Cabinet Maker, Bashirbagh Road, Hyderabad Karkhana Mahboobia, Afzulgunj, Hyderabad Mineorva Furniture Works, Shahraha Osmani Road, Hy’bad Panesar Brothers, Lalaguda Pentiah Furniture Makers, Afzulgunj, Hyderabad Riaz Islam Factory, Mozam Jahi Road, Hyderabad Roneo Ltd , Abid Road, Hyderabad Yakoob Ali M. & Sons, Gouliguda Chaman, Hyderabad 157 TRADERS LIST. CABINET MAKERS AND DE A LER Abbas Bros. Oxford Street, Secunderabad Eduljee & Co., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Ginwalla H. J,, James Street, Secunderabad Husain E. K & Co., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Khajamia, James Street, Secunderabad Mohamed Ali S. & Sons, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Paneshwar Bros., James Street, Secunderabad Tayabally & Sons, Oxford Screet, Secunderabad Venkateshan M., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Wren Bennett & Co., Ltd. Alexandra Road, Secundera la CARPET DEALERS. S. M. Siah, Persian Carpet Dealers, 123, James St. Sec ’bad COMMISSION AGENTS Haji Kurban Husain Mulla Abdul Yaiyet Charkaman, Hy’bad, S. Laver & Co., Oxford Street, Secunderabad CEMENT MERCHANT Ahmed Alladin, Oxford Street, Seevnderabed CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Aiyangar & Sons, Abid Road, Hyderabad Arastu Pharmacy, Mukhurum Jahi Road, Hyderabad Baig & Bros,, Abid Road, Hyderabad Bashir & Co., Station Road, Hyderabad Bharat Medical Hall, Nizam Shahi Road, Hyderabad DeChane & Cell Products J. J. ShahrahaOsmania Road, Hy’bad Devi Vilas, Shahraha Osmania Road, Hyderabad TRADERS LIST CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Deccan Pharmacy 88 Oxford Street, Secunderabad Friend & Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad G. Paul & Co., Charkhaman, Hyderabad Homeopathic Dispensary, Afzulgunj, Hyderabad J. Faust & C Oxford Street, Secunderabad James & Co., Station Road, Hyderabad Jubilee Medical Hall, Mozam Jahi Road, Hyderabad Karim Bros. Nizam Shahi Road, Hyderabad King & Co., A.fzulgunj Road, Hyderabad Lislie Gay ^ Co., Station Road, Hyderabad Madan-ul-Mufarradat, Na v ip ) >1 R ) vl , Jlr\ r ib id Mohamedi Medical Hall, Pathc-rgutti, Hyderabad Mutyala & Co., Station Road, Hyderabad Maruthi Medical Hall, Isanua Bazaar, Chowrostha, Hy’bad Maslekar G. H. Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad Murthi Medical Hall Dispensing Chemists Nampalli Bazaar Road, Hyderabad Nahdi & Co., Nawa Pool Road, Hyderabad Osmania Medical Hall, Isamia Bazaar, Chowrostha, Hy’bad Popular Cheniist, Opp: K. E. M. Hospital, Secunderabad Queen & Co., Market Slreeii, Secunderabad Royal Medical Hall, Nizam Shahi Road, Hyderabad Royal Pharamacy, Station Road, Hyderabad S. M. & Sons, Nizam Shai Road, Hyderabad Shabbir Medical Hall, Afzulgunj, H rhj ibid Syed Abdul Razack & Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Syed Abdur Razack & Co., Macbii Kaman, Hyderabad S. Vilayet Hesain & Sons, Nizam Shahi Road, Hyderabad The Deccan Chemical Works, Sultan Bazaar, II.\dcrabad Victor & Co., Isamia Bazaar, ChovV Rostha, HydeiMbad Ssy : Bright & Co., Alendra Road, Secunderabad Th : General Dispensing Chem'sts, Station Road, Secunderabad 159 TRADERS LIST. CIGARETTE DEALERS A MANUFACTURERS Vazier Sultaji Tobacco Co., Masheerabad, Hyderabad Golconda Cigarette Factory, Masheerabad, Hyderabad Mudahar C. K. & Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Mudaliar C. K. &Co., James Street, Secunderabad Bhaskar S. V. James Street, Secunderabad DRAPERS Bombay Mill Cloth Supplying Co., Pathergutti, Hyderabad Cottage Industries Sales Depot, Abid Road, Hyderabad Chidura Vasudev Doorvasulu, James Street, Secunderabad Edsu Fabrics, Pathergutti, Hyderabad Gopal R. R. Branch Abid Road, Hyderabad Hajee Md. Aminuddin Gazamfar Ali, Pathergutti, Hyderabad Haneraj Mangilal, Pathergutti, Hyderabad Indian Industrials, James Street, Secunderabad Karoodimal J. Pafiergutti, Hyderabad Khadi Vastralaya, Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad Jivanlal R. R. Pathergutti, Hyderabad Laxminarayan Mamchand, Lad Bazar, Hyderabad Ladies Emporium, James Street, Secunderabad Murlidhar Gopikishen, 91 James Street, Secunderabad Manual Roof Chand, Pathergutti, Hyderabad Md. Mahboob & Bros. Pathergutti, Hyderabad Molla Mohsin Ali, Lad Bazar, Hyderabad Mir Husain Abid Road, Hyderabad Mistry J. D. & Zenana Stores Bashirbagh Road, Hyderabad Md. Yunnus Abid Road, Hyderabad Md. Jwaba Prashad, Nawa Pool Road, Hyderabad Noon Karan Thandi Ram, Nawa Pool Road, Hyderabad Fatal ay Baloji Balaxam, James Street, Secunderabad 160 TAAD£RS LIST. CLOTH MERCHANTS Contd, Patangay Bros. Nawa Pool Road, Hyderabad R. R. Gopal, Alladin Buildings, Patherguti, Hyderabad Ramdayal Karodimal, Pathergatti, Hyderabad Shankarlah, K. V, General Bazaar, Secunderabad S. Nathalal & Co., Sole Agents for Calico Jubilee Mills, Ltd, 66 James Street, Secunderabad Sharda Cloth Stores, Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad The Bombay Silk Emixirium, Abid Road Hyderabad Ramdayal Saidnial, Pathergutti, Hyderabad Randjyal Pokurmul, Nawa Pool Road, Hyderabad Sri Laxmi Venkatesh, Putli Bowdi Road Hyderabad Sunbridge House, Abid Road Hyderabad Swadeshi Cloth Stores, Mahboobpura Gowliguda, Hyderabad Elite Stores, Rivoli Buildings, Oxford Street, Secunderabad H. M. Hasani 121, James Street, Secunderabad J. A. Karim & Sons, James Street, Secunderabad Indian Industries, 37, Jamas Street, Secunderabad COAL AND COKE AGENTS T. R. Parakh, Parade, Secunderabad Alladin & Sons, Oxfoid Street, Secunderabad CONDIMENT M A NUFACTURERS Azam Jah Factory, Haribowli, Hyderabad Mamtaz Jam Factory & Restaurant, (Daru Shafa) Hyderabad Games’ (Jams & Ghutries) Alexandra Road, Secunderabad DAIRIES Military Dairy Farm, Bowenpalli Secunderabad Model Diary Farm, Chadarghat Road, Hyderabad DENTAL SURGEONS. Dr. Rule, Rock Lands, Secunderabad Dr. S. S. Stephens, Oxford Street, Sccimderabad Dr, Femes, Opp : Hivoli Talkies, Secunderabad 161 TRADERS LIST. Di£c|-NjKER&&ENCRAVrRS Mes^^rs Jciiros Reiiny & Oo. Rivol^' Talkies, Socnirderabad The Mint Workshops, The Mint, Hyderabad DRY CLEANING * WASING COMPANIES Excelsior Chemical Cleinin^j: & Dyoiir^ & Washing, Abld Rnd Hyderabad Diamond Washinp^ & Dyeinp: Co., Eashoer Ragh Road, Hyd’bad International Dyeing & Cleaning Worlcj- Sharah Osmani Road, Hyderabad L.izini Tidundry* Koti Putli Bowdi Road, Hyderabad R. V. & Co., Dyers & Dry Cleaners, Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Wadia & Sons, Troop Bazaar, Hyderabad Yosuff Md. & Co., Begum Bazaar, Hyderabad Imperial Washing & Dyeing Co., James Street Secunderabad electrical engineers & DLALERB. Akhtar Elleclrlc Works, Troop Bazar. Hyderabad Ambaji K. T. Rao, C oul I gud a,' Hyderabad Continental General Stores, Statii>n Road, Hyderabad Hyderabad General Electrical Stores, Abid Rond, Hyderabad International General Electric Co., Oop. Graiiiinar School Hyderabad Islamia Electric Co , Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Maqbooi Amid & Sons, S. Siddiambor Bazar, Hyderabad Mohamed Ahmed & Sons. Charkaman, Hyderabad Mohamedia Electric Co., Afzul Gunj, Hyderabad Nathoo Laljee, Gunfoundry, Hyderabad Reddy & Co. P.S. British General Post Office Lane, Hyderabad Raj G. C. & Bros. Abid Road Hyderabad Sabir A. Q. Sulian Bazar Hyderabad Universal Trading & Radio House, Abid Road, Hyderabad 162 TRADERS LIST Bijli Malial, 11. E. H. JN. E. D. Show Room Basheer Bagh Road, Hyderabad Calenders Cable and Cojistriiciion, Co., Ltd. Peiiderghast Road, Secunderabad Deccan Engineering Co., James Street, Sec'bad Excelsior Electrical Engineering House, Park Lane, Sec’bad Gildar S. & Co., 7392 Park Lane, Secunderaba. M. Maqbool Hussain & Sons. Nizamsliai Road, Hyderabad Maliarashtra Stores, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad M. Maibool Mart, Nizarnsh ii Road, Hyderabad Mir Hasan, A1 id Road, Hyderabad H. Mitharam & Co, Nizainshai Road. Hyderabad Mohaniod Younus & Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Mohained Younus & Sons, Abid Road, Hyderabad M. Mohinuddin, Mozam Jahi Market, Hyderabad Naga & Co., Nizamshai Road, Hyderabad Raja Ram Brothers, Mahboob Ganj, Hyderabad G. Rohit Bros., Isamia Bazar, Hyderabad C. R. Sohoni & Co., Sultan Bazai, Hyderabad Syed Ibrahim, and Syed HusainNo. 6811-12 Salar Jung Building Hyderabad Crockery & T(jys Emwium, James Street, Secunderabad Elite Stores, Rivoli Talkies Buildings, Oxford Streel, Soc’bad H. M. Husain 121 James Street, Secunderabad Kaja Mohained Elias & Sons, James Street, Secunderabad Haji Moosa & Co., James Street, Secunderabad 11. M. Ishaq & Sons, 26 James Street, Secunderabad J. A. Karim, James Street, Secunderabad Mohamed Oomer & Brothers, General Bazar, Secunderabad B. Surtsh Chandra, General Bazar, Secunderabad GRAMAPHONE DEALERS Hyderabad Gramaphone Agency Shahrahi OsmaniRoad, Hy’bac Hyderabad Phone and Musical Depot. Shahrahi Osmani Road Hyderabad Kalidas B. Projiit, Shalirahi Osmani Road. Hyderabad Kasim Md. Lad Bazaar, Hyderabad Odeon Music Emporeum, The Sole Dist. For Odeon Products, Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad TRADERS LIST. GRAMOPHNE DEALERS Contd . Phalajjrai B. Abid Bilding, Hyderabad Shasbagiri Eao and Sons, SliahraM Osmani Road, Hyderabad Shyamsunder Musical Hall, Snahrah Osmani Road, Hyderabad Apollo Music House, James Street, Secunderabad Radio Phone CcnLro, James Street, Secunderabad Cbimalgi V. B. James Street, Secunderabad Branch Gowliguda, Hyderabad Himacara Radio Phono House, James Street, Secunderabad Karnatak Music House, The James Street, Secunderabad Namboori Nagendra Rao, General Bazaar, Secunderabad Reid & Co., Oxford Stretrt, Secunderabad Secunderal)ad Gramaphone Agents, James Street, Secunderabad Hide &. skin Merchhants Aziz & Sons, C. M. A., M ishocrab^d, H>dcrabad Haji Kurban Husain Mulla Abdul Sayod, Charkamiu, Hy’bad Sabir & Co., Lamb and Kid’s, Skin Merchants, j^Masheerabad, Hyderabad Zakrid H. Ebrahim H. 23 James Street, Secunderabad ICE manufacturing companies Abid’s Ice Factory, Abid’s Building, Hyderabad Alladin & Sons, Oxford Street, Secunderabad NSURANCE offices Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Ltd , Abid Road. Hyderabad Delhi Banking Insurance Co., Alladin Building, Hyderabad Empire of India Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Nizim Shahi Road, Hyderabad Gresham Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Nampalli Road, Hyderabad Hindustan Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd., Sharaha Osmani Road, Hyderabad 168 TRADERS LIST. lNFUrti\NCE“CoiK New India Life Assurance Co . Ltd., Abia Road, Hyderabad National Indian Tiile Insurance Co., Ltd., Sharaha Osmani Road, Hyderabad Oriental Government Society Life Assurance, Sharah Osmani Road, Hyderabad Prabhat Insurance Co., Ltd., Sultan Bazaar. Hyderabad Standard Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad United India Life Assurance Co Lid., Azam Jahi Road Hy’bal United Karnatak Insurance Co. Ltd., Gowliguda, Hyderabad Warden Insurance Co., Afzulgunj, Hyderadad Western India Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Azam Jahi Road, Hyderabad Kaiser-T-Hind, Insurance Co., Ltd. Opp: Post Office Sec’bad The Gresham Life Assurance Society Ld., 31 James St., Sec’bad The Bombay Mutual Life .Assurance Ld., James St., Sec’bad Axlianz Und Strutt Garter 50, James Street, Secunderabad Sun Life Insurance Co , of Canada Ltd., Saunders Roadi Secunderabad The Hyderabad Pioneer Insurance Co., Ltd. Public Garden Rd. HycLrabad IRON Safe Merch 'VNTS Siddoshwar & Co . , Road, Hyderabaa (lodroj & Boyce Mfg. Co., Ltd., 1239. A )id Road, Hy’bad Cheekoty Veerannah & Sons, Street, St;cunderabad Deccan Trading Associat on, Biiriigaclieti;y Bazar, Sec’bad J. V. & Co., Soinasundaram Street, Ji'ccunderabad Khajamiah & Sons, Jaires Street, Se( uiuleraliad Lalji Meghji & Sons, James Street, Secunderabad Naiayandas Ganeslidas. James Street, Secunderabad JC WELLERS. Bhaiiprasacl Odain lal, Che r Kamaii. Hyderabad Bhiimiaii Narayana D. .\bid Ro.ul Hyderabad 167 TRADERS LIST. JEWELLERS C^ntd, Deccan Jewellery Mart, Kotti Putli Bovvdi Road, Hyderabad Deccan Jewellery Mfg^ Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Dharum Kanta, Char Kaman, Hyderabad Krishnhlal, Koti Putli Bowdi Road, Hyderabad Mangalore Jewellery Mart, No. 11 Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad Totaram Ranigus & Bros., Abid Road, Hyderabad G. Tarachand, Abid Road, Hyderabad James Benny & Co., Rivoli Talkies Building, Secunderabad Fancy Jewellery Maru, 60/ A, James Street, Secunderabad Javar lal Jadavjee, James Street, Secunderabad Jhavari Mohanlal Anandji, General Bazar, Secunderabad Postoji Nowroji, Park Lane, Secunderabad Richard & Sons, Alexandra Road, Secunderabad Das & Sons, 31 James Street, Secunderabad MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS Chandiram & Brothers, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Evette Mai, Wat-s Building’s Oxf’ord Sjroot;, Secunderabad Pearl Torpy, Oxford Street, Secunderabad MILL STORE A MACHINERY DEALERS M. A. Asqurhusain & Co , Station Road Hyderabad Sanayasi & Co., Shahraha Osmani Road Hyderabad Vasi Shums & Co. Ltd., Station Road Hyderabad The Modern Engineering Co. Ranigunj Sooiinderabad The Modern Rice Mill Storc^s Saunders Road Secunderabad Nation il Engineering Co. 4S James Siroo': Sooandorabad Patny & Co. James Street Secunderabad Volkart Brothers James Street Secunderabad monumental sculptors Agra Marble Works, Oxford Street Secunderabad A. Duckett & Co., St. Mary’s Road, Secunderabad 16S TRADERS LIST. MONUMENTAL TCULPTOPS (Confinuet') M. Ifawabally St. Mary's Road, Soounderabad MOTOR CAR AND ACCESSORIES DEALERS Auto Commercial House, Mukram Jahi Road, Hyderabad Brookeland Automobiles, (Motor Cycles & second hand Cars) basheer Bagh Road, Hyderabad C. M. R. & Sons, Sidiambar Bazar, Hyderabad Davendar Bros., Afzuigunj, Hyderabad Deccan Automobiles, Shahraha Osmani, Hyderabad Defiance t\utomobiles, Sidia.nber Bazar, Hyderabad Devsdar Brothers, Sidiamber Bazar. Hyderabad Hanuman Br s., Sidiambar Bazar, Hyderabad Hanuman Bros., Mukrum Jahi Road, Hyderabad Hyderabad Motor & Oil Co., Ltd., Abid Road, Hyderabad Ndsir Automobile Works, (Hillman Agents) Saifabad, Hy’bad Sohrab Brothers, (Standard Agents) Shalirahi Osmani, Hv’bad Popular Motor Car Co., (Skoda AgmRs) Bashir Bagh Road, Hyderabad Bana e j> Sc Co., (Morris Agents) James Street, Secunderabad Bombay Auto Agency, James Street, Secunderabad Bombay Cycle Moiior Agency (Scc'bad) Ltd., (Singer Agents) James Street, Sccundv-rabad Byramshaw Agency, James Street, Secunderabad Defiance Autom')b'lcs, James Street, Secundeiabad Grant Garage (Fiat Agents) James Street, Secunderabad Hoormusitc & Co., (CbLATolet Agents) Opp. Rcace Coarse Sec’bad Madras Cycle & Motor Mart, ( Ford Agents) James Street, Sec’bad Prabhaker & Co., (Aa‘^'{in Agents) James Street, Secunderabad Rano Ltd., James Street. S.o under a bad S. IL & Sons, Saunders Road, Seci'iKierabr d Shah P. &. Co., Rear Ro id, So'^imderahad Sid irty Hamnnmti«a Rao thers Abid Roed, Hyderabad Single Sports (t)o., Abid RoLd, Hyderabad 173 TRADERS LIST. K. D. Abdul Gafur & Sons, James Street, Secunderabad Matinee Bros,, James SLreet, Secunderabad Pioneer Sports Co., Watts Building 0pp. Kivoli Talkies, Sec’bad Sachdev & Co., 13 James Street, Secunderabad Punga Bros., Oxford Street, Secunderabad stationers Deccan Pen Stores Abid Road, Hyderabad N. D lanaraj & Co., Patiergetty Hyderabad Fida Ali Md. Ah & Bros., Pe.thei'gcGty Hyderabad Gehangir & Co , Abid Road, Hyderabad Gulam Dastagir Charkaman, Hyderabad Hyderabad Stationery Road, Hyderabad G. Motilal & Sons, Mahaboobpura Gowliguda Hyderabad S. A. Razack Charkaman, Hyderabad Vr)li Mahamed, Charmiu'^r, Hyderabad Malaya Ramlingam General Bazar, Secunderabad Stationery Ejui orium General Bazar, Secunderabad Secunderabad Stationery Mart. 132, Park Lane, Secunderabad The West End News Centro 16, James Street. Secunderabad Silk Merchants Chandi Ram Bros., Park Lane, Secunderabad Hasaram, Street, Secunderabad Bombay Si’k Emporium, Abid Road, Hyderabad Ladies Emporium, James Street, Secunderabad J. D. Mistry, Zanana Stores, GuiifeUadry, Hyderabad STEAMS HIP AGENTS Watts Bros : Oxford StrecL, Secunderabad G. Ragnathmull Abid Road, Hyderabad SWADESHI GDOD3 DEALERS Indian Industrials James Street Secunderabad Bharat Vastra Bhaidir 21, Residency Road, Hyderabad Swadeshi Cloth Stores Mahbuhpura, Gowliguda Hyderabad Laxini Stores, Nizam Siiahi Road Hyderabad TIMBER MERCHANTS Nayanjee Moghjee Nizam Shahi Road Hyderabad Laljee Meghjee, Station Road, Hydejabad Angula Sayanna, Station Road Hyderabad R. Veiikata Ramiah, Station Road, Hyderabad H. Rabimtoola Dayabhai Station Road Hyderq^bad D. B. Veeriab, James Street, Secunderabad Garda Augiah & Sons James Street Secunderabad Anti ah E. Baluram, Rear Road, Secunderabad P. Gopalkrislmiah Y. Lakshmiah, Rear Hoad, Socuiiderabad Balgovind Chabiklas, Rear Road, Secunderabad 174 TRADERS LIST TYPEWRITING INSTITUTED DEALERS. ITiza’iiiah Typewriting Institute, King Koti Road, Hyderabad Offir-e Training School, Excelsior Buildings, Hyderabad Remington School of Typewriting, Residency Road, liy’bad Underwood Typewriting, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad Dominion Premior, Typewriting Institute, Suitan Bazar Ily’bad Deccan Typewriting Institute, Nallagutta, Secunderabad WASHING AND DYEING The Dimond Washing & Dyeing, Co., Basher Bagh Rd. Hy’bad Wadia & Sons, Troop Bazaar, Hyderabad The Tmpc’irlal Washing & Dyeing, Co., James Street, Sec’bad ElecLric Laundry & Co., Mahsirabad, Hyderabad Excelsior Cleaning, Dyeing & Washing Co., Abid Road, Hy’bad WATCH D CLOCK DEALERS D REPAIRERS. Chaniboowala, Abid Road. Gulzarhouse, Hyderabad S. Ferozo & Sons, M)id Road, Hyderabad Nazeer Ahmed & Sons, Pathergatti, Hyderabad Puty N. M., Abid Road, Hyderabad Rahman Watch Co., Charkaman, Hyderabad Reasulh Watch (1o., Lud Bazar, Hyderabad Salamat & Co., Abid Road, Hyderabad Sovereign W^tch Co., Abid Road Hyderabad G. S. Naidu, Putli Bowdi Hyderabad The Popular Trading Co., Gowliguda, Hyderabad Gramaphone & Watch Repairing House, Gowliguda, Hyd’bad Eduljeo Sorahieo & Sons, Park Lane, Secunderabad Syed Ahdnl Kinili(| 14, James Street, Secundearbad Syed Omer S. A., James Street, Secunderabad Richard & Co., Percy’s Hotel, Secunderabad WINE D i PIRIT MERCHANTS. J.Nadirshaw, Park Lane, Secunderabad Surti, N. Park Lane, Secunderabad Maisanm h A. & Sons, Park Lane, Secunderabad Metha D L., Park LaiiO, Secunderabad John Pile & Co , Oxford Street, Secunderabad Pochkahawal a & Sons, Opp ; Rly. Station Secunderabad Gorda & Co. Jaircs StrrcA. Soenndcrabad D’Souza, Market Street & Station Road, Secunderabad Mohanldl S. 6c Sons, Strec'.. Secunderabad Viccajcc & Co , Alid Road, Hyderaliad Balivv alla I., Ai/o Igunj, Hyderabad John 6i Co . Gnnfoundry, Hyderabad LackdawaSa, BoLrum Road, B Lady Sykes I. E. Lord 6* Lady Brabourne, , _ , GoTerno-s of Bombay 1 . E. Sir Malcome 6> Lady Hailey^ Governor of U. P. of Bombay Sir Ambersoi 6* Lady Merton^ u u TL .11 Chief Justice u’ u* TL ^*"*^i** ®f Jodhpor. u' u TL ^•^*^** ®f Dbarampur. ii* !i’ ir* N*'*^®bsaheb of Rampur. H. H. The NawaSsaheb of Bafasinor Consulates for: Germany, Italy, Ciec' oslovakia, Belgium, etc. 176 PLACES OF AMUSEMENTS Hyderabad is well provided with places of amusement; no matter, whether, the tourist goes north, south, east or west, he will find within the compass of an easy excursion innumerable places oi beauty and historic interest. [See Places of Interest, Hydeiabad City], For indoor amusements, the city is not lacking in up-to- date Talkie Houses. Good seats can be procured at cheap rates, there being no entertainment tax. Talkie Houses in Hyderabad, West End Talkies Excelsior Talkies Zamurud Mahal Talkies Palace Talkies Moti Mahal Talkies Royal Talkies Minerva Talkies Krishna Talkies Kismet Talkies Kachiguda, Hyderabad Abid Road, Hyderabad Abid Road, Hyderabad Abid Road, Hyderabad Sultan Bazaar Market, Hyd. Sultan Bazaar Market, Hyd. Chaderghat Bridge, Hyd’bad Nayapool, Hyderabad Putli Baudi, Hyderabad Talkie Houses in Secunderabad, Rivoli Talkies British Talkies Tivoli Talkies Rajeswar Talkies Manohar Talkies Imperial Talkies Empire Talkies Garrison Talkies ... Oxford Street, Secunderabad ... Bolton Road, Secunderabad ... Bolton Road, Secunderabad ... Market Street, Secunderabad ... St. Mary’s Road, Sec’bad ... Nagannadevdi, Sec'bad ... Hill Street, Secunderabad ... Trixnulgherry AS SOOTHING AND COOL AS MOONLIGHT JUST AS IVIOONBEAWSS SOOTHE ANO COOL THE WORLD, SO DOES THIS ROSE SCENTED AFGHAN SNOW BRINGS REFRCl HJWENT A'MC F(£:» ir J TO JADED NERVE' T.TF' BRAIN. PUREST C’ / C N O .V 'T ENHANCES THE " /’v ‘ ' NESS oF THE r: 'J. r,/ > ING IT VELN I- ' I - f . * * GRANT ATvO Rtr r"-.L. ^ h £ ^ YOOR DAILY COMPANlAN. AFGHAN SNOW AND OTHER PATANWALA TOILET PBERERATIONS OBTAINABLE FRONI CHEMISTS AND STORES OR FROM E. S. PATANWALA leading INDIAN ATTAR & PERFUMERY MANUFACTURER, 182*184, AED L, REHHAN STREET. BOMBAY 3. BELIEVE IT OR NOT/ T7S 1. Hyderabad is the fourth largest city in India, sixth in the British Empire and twenty- third m the world, 1,- -rf 2. Hj derabad City lies more cycles than any other City in the world. ilf 3. The Gate Way of India and the Bombay Docks were built out of stone imported from Lmgami alli, eleven miles from the City of Hyderabad ^ *- 4. The pncoloss diamond KoiiINOOR, which adorns tho British Grown, was found at Golconda. 5. Hutti gold mines in Raichur wore supposed to have boon working during tho time of King Solomon. 6. The bricks of Krm«'ippa Temple m Warangal are so light that they float m water. ti- 7. Twenty miles from Bliadrachellam, there is a place called Parnashala where from, according to legends, Havana carried away Sita. 8. The Ohencliu tribe in Mahabubnagar are said to bo the blood brothers of tho Australian tribesmen. w 9, Tlie Ellora and Ajanta Caves one of the world's wonders— were hewn out oi solid i'oe‘uS, r( ^ W JO. Bid ir IS the encient City of Vidharba, capital of King Bhima, father of him uis niyt iKilogicul bea.uty Dam .yanti, mentioned in Ramayaria and the rumii IS. ^ t* *- II. Ill W^stom Frontier of Shornpur, tho River Krishna has a terraced •M' > ) o: ^0-1 it., Its roar audible 30 miles around. 12. in tlm b\>rt-\vnll of Vaiclmr, Iniili- thousand yi'ars ago, there is a stone i l.ib, me .sura’.g 42 i vt in leagili and weighs about 20 tons,. It is a marvel lu)W It was quarried. Beiieae U m not! 180 Lodges Date of Meeting. Place. St. John*! LoJgt, No. 434. ... On last Wed. every month except in Juno & Dec. ... St. Jobn*8 Hall, Sec’bad. The Mayo Lodgo, No. l4o6.... Second Thursday every month ... ... St. John*B Hall, Sec*bad The Deccan Lodge, No. 1444... First Friday every month .. Goshamahal Assembly Rooms, Hyderabad The Golconda Lodge, No. 3249. Second Friday every month except May & June ... St. John’s Hall, Soc’bad Deccan Lodge of Instruction ... First Tuesday of every month ... ... St. John's Hall. Sec’bad Lodge Morland, No. 369 S.C... On the Fourth Thursday Goshamahal Assembly every month ... ... Rooms, Hyderabad Lodge Ekram, No. 736 S.C. ... On first Tuesday of every month excepc May dr Juno .. St John’s Hall, Sec’bad Lodge My’bad, No. 767 S.C.... (Working in Urdu) on the Goshamahal Assembly third Friday every month... Rooms, Hyderabad Chapter St. John, No. 434 ... On Second Tuesday in Feb. April, June, August, October & December ... St John’s Hall, Sec’bad Lodge Keyitone, No. 61 ... On Second Tuesday in Janu- ary March, May, July, Sep- tember & November. ... St John’s Hall, Sec’bad Lodge Triangle, No. 61 ... (Attached to Lodge Key- stone on the third Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September & Nov. ... St. John’s Hall, Sec’bad Golconda Chapter, No. 31 ... At Sec’bad under the authority of the supreme Grand Council of 33® for England, wales the Domi- nions and the dependencies of the British Crown. Conclave Chuderghat, No. 21..,. Alternatively at the Goshamahal Assembly Rooms, Hyderabad and St. John’s Hall, Secunderabad on the first Thursday in February, May, August and November. 181 POSTAL INFORMATION. For internal purpoS©Sj tli© State has its own postal system. It differs very little tromthe British Postal system, except that the rates are lower. N. B.— A penalty is levied on letters posted inside the Dominions bearing British stamps, addressed to places m the Dominions whore there are no British Post Offices. Should letters be registered where there is no British Post Office, both British and I^izam’s Kegistration fee will have to be paid by the sender. V. P. Parcels, Money Orders and Insured letters from British India will not be transterred to any place m the Dominions where there is no British Post Office, and vice versa. BRITISH NIZAM (B. Currency) (N. Currency) PcsT Cards ... Single ... ... k anna ... 4 pies Reply ... ... la annas ... 8 pies LETTiRE— Not exceeding ^ tola ... ... 1 anna ... 8 pies Fxceeuing \ but not exceeding 2^ tolas ... li annas ... 1 anna Every aaaitional tolas or part ot that weight ... ... ... II annas ... 1 anna Books & Pattern Packets— F ive tolas ... 9 pies ... 8 pies Every additional 5 tolas or part of that weight ... ... ... 6 pies ... 8 pies PARCELS—Not exceeding 20 tolas ... ... 2 i-nnas ... 2 annas Exceeding ;:0 bui not exceeding 40 tolas ... 4 unnas .., 8 annas For every additional rorty tolas or part of that weight and so on up to 800 tolas ... 4 annas ... jb or eveiy adcitxnal or 4 tolas ... ... 3 annas (Registration Compulsory when a parcjl exceeds 440 tolas) Money order fees— O n any sum not exceeding Ks. 10 ... ... ... 2 annas ... 2 annas On any sum exceeding Rs. 10 but not exceeding Ks. 25 ... ... 4 annas ... 4 annas On any sum oxcjoding Rs. 2o apto Rs. 600. 4 anuas ... 4 annas P or uaon complete sum oi Hs. ... 4 annas ... 4 annas P'or the reinaindur, provided that, if the reinaiiiuer aoes noi< exceed Rs. iO, the cuargo lor it shall bj only ... ... 2 annas ... 2 annas Hegistrat ION Fees- F or each article ... 3 annas... 2as.4ps, I EE FOR INSURANCE—Wheh the vulue insured does nut exceoa Rs. 100 ... ... 3 annas ... 3 annas W neii the value insured exceed Rs. 100 but uucs not exceed Rs. 150 ... 4 annas ... upto 1,000 ... ... ... ... 2 as per iOO When the value insured exceeds Rs. 150 but docs not exceed Rs. 200 ... 5 annas ... 182 POSTAL INFORMATION. BT?ITTSH NTZAM iB. Currcncij) (N. Currency) For evorv fiflditional Ks. 100 or fraction thereof over Rs. 200 and upto Rs. 1000 .. 2 annas .. For every additional Rs 100 or fraction thereof over Rs. 1000 ... .. 1 anna ... Exceeding Rs. 1000 but not exceeding Rs 3000 Reg. NEWSPAPFRS~For 1st 8 tolas Exceeding 8 but not exceeding 20 tolas ... For every additional 20 tolas or part thereof AIR MAIL SERVICE. Articles of the letter mail, ordinarv or rogi‘^te^od. are accepted for despatch to the countries named below by Air M Sea from England to U.S.A. The inclusive rate of postage and air fee on Air Mail letters for Great Britain and Northern Ireland is 71 annas for the first half ounce and 7 annas for each subsequent \ ounce. ... 1 an. per 100 ... 4 pies ... 8 pics ... 8 pics TELEGRAPH RATES. Indian (Private and State) Telegraph Rates. Class. Unit No. of words. Express 0 8 Ordinary 0 8 Unit Rate. Rs. a. 1 2 0 9 Each additional words. Rs a. 0 2 0 1 FOREIGN MAIL. Mail from Europe is due on Fridav at 4^25 p. m. Letters will be delivered at the window at 4-45 p. m. and through postman at 4-45 p. m. AIR MAIL. Mondays and Fridays at G-30 p. m. m CUSTOMS INFORMATOIN. Ona of the mojor Bources of income to the State is the local customs duty levied on goods imported and exported. The average rate of duty is 5%. The following items of goods are exempted from duty: — IMPORTS ! Samples, Advertisements Materials, books and Printed Matter Manures, Dyes, Colours, Analine and Alizarine Dyes for dyeing cotton, silk and coir, and Tanning Materials. Plain sheets of all kinds of metal, / gricultural impliments and industrial Machinery, EXPORTS: All kinds of Oils, except Ghee, Tanned Skins, Jaggery and Sugar and Indigenous Industrial Products. N. B,— British Government employees, except Post and Telegraphs are exempted from the duty. Luggage belonging to bona-fide Travellers are also non- dutiable. TO INSURE OR TO REPRESENT Consult: - The Hyderabad Pioneer Assurance Co., Ltd. (A LOCAL CONCERN FOR THE SONS OF THE SOIL) Offers : — 1. LOWEST premiums. 2 ATTRACTIVE 8CHIME8 3. PLANS WITH OR WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION. 4. POLICIES PROM RS. 280 TO ANY AMOUNT. 8. INSURANCE ON FEMALE LIVES. 6. DISABILITY. SURGICALA NURUING PEES BENEFITS. 7. FREE financial AID DURING SICKNESS, a. DOUBLE INDEMNITY FOR ACCIDENTS. e. EASY REVIVAL OF POLICIES WITHOUT PAYMENT OF ARREARS OF PREMIUMS. O 10. ‘‘ANNA-A-DAY’* A "RUPEES-A-MONTH'* SCHEMES O WanieJ Ageits ot Salary or Commission or on both* APPLY TO THE HYDERABAD TRADE SYNDICATE LIMITED. SECRETARIES 6* TREASURERS, tc/j, Public GatJun Road, f^YD£RABAD.D£CCAN. ROAD ROUTES Abbrevlaiions. R. R. R. S. T. B. T. B.a P 0. M. IS. P. P. W. D. B. ... T.B. b, 0 , or d..„ Gar. Ice Refreshment Room. Railway Station (Usually Telegraph Office in the Station. loa can be got Off trains.) Travellers Bungalow. Travellers Bungalow well furnished. Food can be provided if warning is guen. Post & (Telegraph) Office. Mile Stone. Petrol available. P. W.D Bungalow, (can usually be oecu; U if n d. required by P. W. D. Officers). Cons(nr. of iln Fv^c. tive Engineer P. W. D., of the area is n-*cessarv prior to occupation. Travellers Bungalows. well furnished and oared for, Food difficult to obtain. Garage where repairs can be carried out Ice available (At certain hours). Secunderabad, to Bangalore and M/sore (376*4 miles) Miles. Points. Secunderabad ... Stage. Total. Notes. P. etc. Go straight to the Residency Gate and turn Right. Hyderabad ... 60 6-0 P. etc. Do not cross the first bridge over the river, Afaulgunj but turn rigi t along the bank to tlie third bridge. Cross this un i turn sharp right. Mir Mlam Tanked. 40 lO'O Go straight on over this cross road. (Right hand Road marked “Mir Alain”) Sbamtbabad 10-0 20-0 Pa'mahal 9-0 29 0 Sarakanagar 100 40-0 Balanagar 8'0 48*0 A number of small Irish Bridget which must by taken carefully Vettaballi IPO 59*0 Keep telegrai h linos on lef an.l watch mile- stones, wduch read fmm Hyderabad. There are no signposts on this road. Kaurenptt 2‘0 6P0 About 2 miles bey on 1 Kaurenpet turn right at the sign post, (marked) Mahbubntgar ... 9*0 70-0 Turn sharp right imm.idiat dy paT^t fi^st bun- galow on right to Railway Station IL Pv. Bath, Waiting Rooms. Drive straight up the ramp into the truck to avoid at Kur- nool. T. B. 1st gate on right past .^'oad to Station ; very clean. 185 ROAD ROUTES Secunderabad to Bangalore Mysore (Contd.) Mahabubnagar to Kurnool. (By Rail, Road being impassablo owing to rivers, even in dry weather). N. B.— Give 24 hours warning to Station Master. Special permission of Chief Traffic Supdt. N. S. R. Secunderabad is necessary to convey car on night trains (it any). Loading ramps at both stations, TRAINS Mahbubnngar Dep. 09*45 Kurnool Kurnool U'59 Mahbubnagar ( Ist class Rs. ... 7*- 8 FAKES. 2nd class Ks. ... 3 12 [ 3rd class Rs. .. 1- 4 arrl. 1319 ] „ 1620 j NOTE.-Only H. S. Cur- r rency is accepted at I Mahbubnagar and Kur- j nool Stations, CAR FRIEGHT Rs. 25/> Points. Miles Stago Total Notes. Kurnool T. B. P. R. R. Gar. Ice. P. 0. etc. On leaving the station and crossing the canal, go straight on where throe roads meet until you oomo to the mam road running right to “BELLAUY • and left to “ KURNOOL TOWN TU IlN LEFT. A little further on turn Right to ‘ GOOTY ” (marked) Go right at tho first fork-roads (marked “ Bangalore ”) Road poor tor first 20 nulos and Irish Bridges numerous and badly repaired. Chinnatokura ... 11*4 1P4 T. B.a Voludurti ... 120 28*4 T. B.a R. S. Two level crossings. Dhono ... iro 34*4 T.B.a R.S. R.R. At Railway cross two sets of lines then go Right. (Map) Pyapalli ... J40 48*4 T. B. Gooty .. lo-o 58*4 R. R. P.P.W.D.B. Level crossing. Keep straight on. The road s.irts Gooty. P, in Bazaar (left) R. S right. River Bed ... 10 0 68*4 Causeway, Frequently un fordable in Monsoon (July, September, October). Penner River .. 2*0 70*4 Causeway, (As above)- Pamidi ... .1 0 71*4 T. B.a (111 monsoon rail car from Gooty to Anantapur). Graldinne ... 8-0 79*4 T.B.d. River Bed ... 5 4 85*0 Causeway (As above) P.T.BaP.W DB, R.S, Gar. (in R S. Road to right 01 main road) Makes a very good halt Anantapur .. 4*0 89 0 Anantapur About a mile outside tho town fork left (Madras Road) at M,S “Madras 261”. At M.S, 259 tuin right at the signpost, cross as mall diji ; cross i'ail\\ay ; and turn loft again on to iho mam Bangalore road. 186 ROAD ROUTES Secunderabad to Bangalore <&• Mysore {ConiJ.) Point. Mile.s, Stage Total Notes. Marudu 14*0 14-0 T B. Mamildapalli 4*0 18 0 Oros.s roads, Oo str iight on. Daduluru 3-4 21*4 Nagasamudratn ... 6-4 28*0 P. T.B.ii Lovol crossing. Ramasirl 3-4 31*4 P. R. S Loved crossing. Panukonda 12*0 43*4 R. S. T. Be. P. Level crossing. T. B 2nd Class hnt clean and comfortable 2 bods, garage etc , Oartakor can produce food and tliore aro cooking arrangements, but notic'^ is requir 'd Anply to Collector, Anan- tapur for rse of T. B A good halt. Sohandipafli Palasamudram n -0 54*4 Just b^foro the 129th M.S. Fork loft and avoid Hindipar as road is definitely bad. Mysore Boundry ... 9'0 63*4 Thf' niilnstonos chrong^ at thn 157th M. R. from ICurnool, whore you cross the boundry, and start to count from BMno'aloro. tho road degonorates, and thero is a Rs 1 Toll. Goduru 2*0 05*4 Chickballapur 30-0 95*4 P. T. B. etc. DevanhalK 11‘0 103*4 Tho 20 miles into Banaloro aro had Bangalore 24*0 130*4 P. R. (.tc. Hotels :--Lavonders, West End. Central, etc Bangalore TiO'ivo Pjjiigaloro hv th<^ continuation of Millers P lad through tiv' City. ^'Frorn West End Hotel go VO citv R. R. and ask from hero). Th() road is narrow and cong-^stod for the first two miles and tho surfaco is ])oor. Kanjerl . . 9-4 94 Bidadi 9*4 19*0 T. B. Bye-pass Road. This loaves the main road at a sharp angle and is irarkcd to Mysore Closepet 80 27‘0 T. r. b. R. R Arravali Rivor (bridged) Bye-pass road. Channapatina 7*0 .34*0 T B Toll As 4 Bve-pMs-s road, fsoe above) Maddur 14*0 48*0 P. T. B P R R vR 1 miles from road on right* N^'tice must ho given if a proper meal is required. P( trol not available after dark Bvo-pass Road on loft. (Snamha River Bridged; Mandya . . 12 0 60’0 T.B. Shitiihalli 13*0 73*0 T. B Turn loft in village (signpost) marked t ) KIRANGUE Toll Rs. 1, 187 ROAD ROUTES to Bangalore Madras. Notes. Toll Ps. 1 (MAP) Fo** the last 3 miles or so there is a special motor road into Mysore on right of main road (marked). Toll As. 6 P.R.S. etc. Hotels: — Metropolo. (Best Near R. S, 12/-p9r day, single) Savoy, etc. SoeZoor ; Go up Charaundi Hill, Permission to soo Palaces on applying to Husoor Secretary at Palacj Offices, 11 to 1 nnd 2 to 4. Guide Books etc. at Technical School, Sayaji Rao Road. Rs. 1/2. (MAP) Bangalore to Madras ( via Ranipet ) Bangalore 14*7 14 7 Road turns sharp right on to a bridge and sharp left off bridge on to a long emban’^ment. Similar bridge with sharp bends at other end of embankment. Mosicota ri 1()‘0 D. B. Munoipal toll As. 2/- “not levied from through traffic. - 1* ' 16 0 32 0 Ry. 1/- (Provincial) ■ ^2-0 D B (k) 0 . I P. Large town European stores • .’^a.niblo n Bnraar. Toll As. 4/-, Not levied a- mg through town without halting Vv ' ^ . .xt .jot of steep embankm.-nt with shar- U'ndb drive slowly. Nagalj J 60*0 In first mile road turns sharp to left. AAysore Ffor tier 30 72*0 Palmaner 15-0 87*0 D. B.. P. Palmaner top of Ghat. Road Jn« 0*2 87*2 Keep straight on. Stone Bridga 2 1 89*3 Sharp turn to loft onto narrow bridge and sharp turn to right off bridge. Drive cautiously. Foot of Ghat 2-3 91*6 Venksiagiri 30 64 9 Narrow bazaar road past temple. Drive slowly. Broken Bridge ... 19 0 il3 6 Bridge over Inivaram River damaged during Nov.- Dec 1930floodB. Stone slabs laid across bod of river on loft of bridge for temporary crossing in dry weather only. Road Juncilon ... 0-2 1140 Bear right. Road to loft goes to Chiitoor Town where there is a DB. Road Junction ... 1‘0 115*0 PP. Bear right. Road to left goes to Chittoor Town, Secunderabad Points. Seringapatam Mytor* Miles. Stage Total 4*0 105 77-0 87*0 ROAD ROUTES Bangal lore to Madras^ (via Ranipet) Points. Miles. Stage Total Notes. Road Junction . 90 124-0 Bear left on to Rice Canseway Ranipet Road There is a sign post left of road, but this is easily missed it a careful look out is not kept (Road) straight on goes to Vellore and Katpadi. TruyaUm , 10 0 134-0 Road turns sharp to right over narrow culvert then left in village on to Causeway. Rice Causeway ... . 0*i 135-1 Ponnai River crossing. Surface good except at Tiruvalam end, whore bed is lower and sand IS liable to collect (A diversion road here at present). Passable except in very heavy rains and floods Railway Arch ... 05 134*6 Road bends to right sharp through archway Ranipet 5*2 140*0 PP., D. B. (k) Points, Miles. Stage Total Notes. Ranipet Wallajapet 2 Ramaputan 8 10 Ochechri 2 12 Damal 7 19 Ballichetti Chattram 1 20 Road Jn, 2 22 Bear loft road to right to Big Conjeevaram Level Crossing 2 24 Road to loft to Arkouam. Rajoi Chattsam 5 29 Toll Gate 2 31 Selvaimanga lam 2 33 Cross Roads 4 37 Sriperbudur 5 42 Turn right and again loft in village Tandalarr 5 47 Poonamallee 7 54 P DB. Turn right for St. Thomas’ Mount an^ alternate road to Madras 6 Miles longer bul carrying less cart traffic than direct road. 189 ROAD ROUTES Bangalore to Madras Points. Milos- Stage Total Notes. Karambakam Si, Thomas* 3 57 Cross road, left to Mai^ras, but not good Road Mount 3 60 P. Turn left iti village Narmalong Bridge 2 62 Turn Left over bridge and follow Mount Road Madras 4 66 Hotels, Club. PP., (J., RS., Secunderabad -Poona (334 miles) Points. Milos. Stage Total Notes. Secunderabad Pattacherru *. 17 Proceed through Begumpet to. Sadashipet 22 39 Hominabad 57 96 For petrol turn right, through gateway into village and proceed 200 yards down main Street. Naldrug 59 155 Dak Bungalow. Sholapur 30 185 Petrol Pumps Good Dak Bungalow at Sholapur Apply Executive Engmc'or, Sholapur. Meals available if ordered in advance. A good halt. Main Road leaves Sholapur through mill area. Tembhurni 54 239 Patas 55 296 Poona 38 334 Road is bad for about 20 miles before reaching Poona Secunderabad — Nagpur — Jubbulpore (609 milesJ) Secunderabad Proceed along main road to Medchal 13 13 Onwards through Waddiaram. At approx 54 milestone turn left for Akanapet R S. . 43 56 Pocharam 12 68 Leave the lake on the right Nizainsagar 21 98 21Loave the lake on the left Do not take th® Deglur road to Nizauiabad. Proceed through Yellardipot and Pitlum to 41 130 Road from hero to Hingoli is bridged throghout. The Nizam’s bus service runs on it but the surface is jnlifferont. Handed 50 180 Petrol in tins in bazaar. If t etrol not required turn right over narrow railway bridge i mile before the town for. Hingoli 52 232 Petrol can sometimes be got m bazaar. Good P. W. D. refit liousn, apply Tashildar, Higoli, Dak Bunzlow is small and bad Leave ball alley on loft and take first road to right, for 190 ROAD ROUTES {Secunderabad-Ndigpur-Jubulpore Contd.) Points. Miles. Stage Total Notes. Basim ... 28 260 Just before entering Basim take road on right to Pusad. Alter three milies turn left for Karanja ... 40 300 Two petrol pumps. Turn sharp left after leav- ing lost pump. After about 8 miles trun sharp right (sign post) tor Badnera ... 35 335 Bad road for six miles to Amraoli 6 341 Petrol Pumps. Take the Morsi Road and after 8 miles turn sharp right ( post) for. Na spur ... 96 437 Capital of C. P. Petrol pumps, Dak Bungalow (gooQ) and Hotels. Kan piee ... 10 447 Petrol Pumps. Seeoni . 72 519 i^etrol Pumps. Jubbulpore .. 90 609 The Road irom the Manganese mines, 20 miles north ox ivamptee. to Jubbulpore is very good jncieed. Ola cjrcuii; nouse can be used bybtalf Olliocifa II not roquu'ea b> Civil. Note : — Immediately after rain the section Doglur- ilingoli is almost impassable Nagpur-Cbindwara-Pachmarhi (;62 miles). Points. Nagpur Saoner Chindwara Tamia Pachmarhi Miles. Stage Total 76 76 36 112 50 162 Notes. Petrol pumps. Circuit House. See note against Jubbulpore. Beautitully situated Dak Bungalow. Petrol. M. E. S. Bungalow, hotels and Boarding houses. Reliable Repair Service at Pachmarlii Motor Service. Nagpur-Seeoni -Pachmarhi Nagpur Kamptee,, 10 10 Seeoni 72 82 Chindwara 43 125 Tamia ,,, 36 161 Pibemathi 50 211 NOTE : Road closed at present by bridge broken doWn 3 miles south of Chindwara. This also blocks the Amraoti-Morsi-Chmdwara road. The brulgo will not be repaired until alter the rains. 1»1 ROAD ROUTES Secunderabad ‘Ahmednagar (332 miles) Secundorabad to... Tambhurni ... Ahmadnisar (See^^Secunderabad to Poona) 239 Turn right at Tembhurni for 93 332 Surface is metalled but nullahs unbridged. Impassable during monsoon. Petrol. Repairs. Dak Bungalow and M. E. S. Bungalow. Secunderabad > Aurangabad (366 milles) Stcunerabad to ... Hsidrug. Otmanabad, ... 56 Yadii. ... 12 BKir. ... 46 Chikaliana ... 76 Aurangabad ... 6 (See Secunderabad to Poona) 155 Dak Bungalow At mile 157 turn right at sign post for 191 Dak bungalow. 203 For Petrol only fork right to railway station 100 yards, One mile beyond YEDH I turn left at road junction OSMANABAD- BHIR ard LATUR BARSl. Aftcir one and a half miles turn rignt at notice board “Service Road to YEDSl CHAUSALA Road”; follow cart tracks for one mile to CHAUSALA ROAD. Road good to CHAUSALA From CHAUSALA toBHIR numerous Irish bridges. 249 Cross river by causeway, pass under gateway and straight through town. Petrol available with some difficulty at exit from town. Immediately on leaving town turn right along road for Jalna. At furlong post 33*5 from Jalna, fork left for. 324 CHIKALTANA, Here turn left for AURANG- ABAD. 330 Leave city on right and proceed to Cantonment and Inspection Bungalow. Books Periodicals for the Way! WEST END NEWS CENTRE, NEWS AGENTS AND BOOK SELLERS, 1C, JAMBS STREET, SECUNDERABAD WALASHAN COLONEL PRINCE NAWAB MUAZZAM JAM BAH ^OUi^ THE PRODUCE OF HYDERABAD. COTTON. WHEAT RICE. In Tn In In In In Acres, Bales. Acres. Tons. Acres, Tons. Aurangabad ... 724,776 105,092 372,521 57,377 1,139 318 Bhir ... 405,679 60,852 149,588 19,199 12,620 2,817 Parbani . . 723,977 132,126 228,968 30,665 12,493 2,928 Nander ... 437,867 68,953 186,992 27,130 19,629 7,119 Gulbarga 95,476 14,321 85,474 6,440 30,097 8,062 Raichur ... 400,396 .58,057 88,989 7,449 11,580 2,585 Osmanabad ... 107,164 13,935 119,672 14.692 20,934 4,673 Bidar ... 247,809 34,693 41,316 3,424 25,999 5,801 Atrafbalda ... 14,448 2,311 6,685 448 26,850 8,091 Medak 2,669 314 3,791 349 71,701 21,507 Mabboobnagar 9,888 1,236 906 59 58,803 14,334 Nalgonda ... 11,063 1,271 ... ... 141,078 38,969 Nizamabad ... 16,003 1,638 948 87 142,666 47,768 Warangal 33,978 3,396 29 2 174,282 53,501 Adilabad ... 292,761 29,276 14,293 957 51,482 13,790 Kareomnager ... 77,691 6,410 509 47 193,389 60,287 JAWAR. SESAMU. LINCED. In Acres. In Tons. In Acres. In Tons. In Acres. In Tons. Aurangabad ... 801,515 134,178 20,000 1,563 40,016 2,679 Bhir ... 583,933 97,756 15,144 1,352 36,560 2,755 Parbhani ... 812,150 124,631 8,369 700 36,784 1,642 Nan dor ... 537,628 90,032 15,463 1,032 27.966 1,873 Gulbarga ... 1,432,462 219.825 25,403 2,551 44.786 2,999 Raichur ... 1,072,044 119,648 24,943 1,739 8,093 542 Osmauaba d ... 891,080 124,314 10,918 1,096 20,443 2,044 Bidar ... 655,620 82,318 7,011 469 24,367 1,836 Atrafbalda ... 132,541 14.789 33,456 1,673 11,328 711 Medak ... 147,261 24,407 17,395 1,087 1.071 67 Mabboobnagar .. 429,853 42,026 19,048 957 46 1 Nalgonda ... 303,194 38,065 17,591 589 ... ... Nizamabad ... 145,424 14,202 27,420 1,371 2,451 205 Warangal ... 513,449 64,467 49,966 2,498 ... ... Adilabad ... 527,143 58,833 73,577 3,284 15,356 857 Kareomnagar ... 370,904 25,872 234,936 13,215 5 ... 193 IMPORTS & EXPORTS. Imports in a Nut-shell Raw Ootton 8,733 maunds or Rs. 1,61,341 Cotton Pieco Goods (Mill Made*) 1,63,31,391 Cotton Pieco Goods (Hand Made) Rs. 40,93 Lakhs Cotton Twist & Yarn (Indian & Foreign) Rs. 63.77,215 Artificial Silk & Picco-Goods Rs, 21,82,864 Silk & Tussar Pirco Goods R^. 17.74.000 Gunnies & Hessian Rs. 15,29,003 Kerosene Oil 5,524,000 gallons or Rs. 40,28,000 Petrol 2,006,782 gallons or Rs, 33,10,000 Rico 836,079 niaunds or K.s 40,59,523 Jawar & Jawar Flour 124.191 maun is or Rs. 2,98,000 Wheat & Wheat Flour 150,735 maunds or Rs. 6,29.000 Common Salt 1,813,602 or Rs. 60 44,919 Sugar 494,922 maunds or Rs 55,91,436 Ghee & Butter Rs. 4,43,941 Timber, Firewood & Manufactures of Wool Rs. 11,61,985 Betel- Xuts 74,055 maunds or Ks. 12, 35, (>1 3 Lkiuors &: Foreign Spirits Rs. 5,74,36S Iforned Cattlo 29,600 m numlieror Rs 8.5 >,85 > Iron Rods & Bars, Rs. 2,11,095 Galvanized Shoots tS: IMates iK. 10,61,815 Steel Rods & Sheets Rs. 5,14,859 Manufacture of Iron & Steel Rs 24,59,000 Brass Bars Sheets, & Brasswarv* Rs. 13,02,607 Motor Cars Worth Rs. 10,70,000 Motor Buses ^ Lorries Rs. 2,58,948 Bicycles ^ Their Aec ssories Rs. 6,89,871 Bangles valued Rs. 6,58.000 Glass & Glas.swars Rubber Manufacfciiros includinp: Tub's ’ 21,77.982 Tondu Loaves (Boodi Leaves) 163,074 maunds or Rs. 5,43,632 Wood & Its Manufactures valued Rs. 6,00,000 G'lnont valued 1,844,142 maunds or Rs. 36,14 433 Horned Cattle 78,232 number valued at Rs. 18,52,459 Sboop & Goataf, jVumber 227,557, valued Rs. 1,137,791 Raw Hides & Skins Rs. 452,672 I’lece Goods (Hand Made) Rs. 12,06,000 Ca,stor, Maliuax and Karanj 8-eds 169.803 maunds or Us. 15,16,000 Other Oils Valued Rs. 20,17,000 Cdhery Coil Valued Rs, 28,23,000 Tanned Hides & Skins, Manufactures other than Boots & Sho Rs 28,68,336 Tobacco 19,431 maunds or Rs. 1,. 54. 053 SKODA ! THE CAR FOR BAD ROADS, The Popular Motor Car Co., BASHIR BASH ROAD, . . HYDZRA3AD. OF H. E. H. THE NIZ-\M’S DOMINIONS t' 1. A S.'-^ ' ^»V,^ Jjagf 31 / K A R I m N i A ly* HAR\MN^v^»vK W ^ N C* y *v oV«:'r»k:.i*ap» dorna^ . ^^HYOERABAO MX. Af^v, aO a\ X. V . r- "Z N O.-' V>T BALTlAy \ \ •», jjalgonHa y\ I K/l^U The Gresha Life Assuran Society Ltd. (Incoifo a- ' in £nj'aT'' t - Cti. RAJA RAO, /6, James St.., SECONDER/ RAIL ROUTES All train tinmigs are reckoned from midnight to midnight, thus— 0300 is 3 a.m., 1200 is 12 noon, 1500 is 3 p. m., etc., etc. Through Carriages Through bogie composite I & 11 and Bogie third class carriages run daily on the following trains between the following points:— Broad Gauge Secunleradad and Bombay, one bogie composite I & TI and one bogu' third class by Nos. 1 Up and 2 Down Passenger trams and Madras Express trains over G. I. P. Railway, Secunderabad and Bombay, one bogie composite 1 & IT by Nos. 3 Up and 4 Down Passenger trains and Mail trams over O. 1. P. Railway s. Hyderabad B. (1, and Delhi, one bogie composite 1 & 11 and a bogie third With luggage accominod.ition by Nos. 1 1 Uj) and 12 Down Passenger and Grand Trunk Express trains. Hyderabad and Bezavada, two hogu* tiurd .nid om* bogus composite 1 and TI by Nos, 12 Down and 11 Up Passenger . 1453 235) ,, 0135 0()40 Arr. 0000 1015 Tlirougb carnages run fr Secunderabad Begum j)et Wadi I’oona, Bombay (V. T.) Secunderabad to Bombay Arr. 0845 1000 Dop 0736 1521 „ 0305 1118 „ 1745 0125 „ 1355 2200 and vice viTsa. 199 RAIL ROUTES. _ Simla Arr 0810 Dep 2130 Arr 0615 Dep 0705 Arr 1310 ... Change Delhi (See Delhi via. Balarshah) Change Dep 1750 Arr 0705 Kalka Dep 2300 Change „ Change Arr 2215 Simla Dep 1630 Nagpur Jubbulpore. Dep 1950 ... Secunderabad Arr 629 „ 2305 Kazipet Dep 0320 „ 0935 Nagpur „ 1702 Arr 1643 Dep 2132 ...Change f Itarsi 1 ,, Change f Dep 0938 ( Arr 0539 Arr 0203 Jubbulpore Dop 0116 In Hyderabad Delhi through Carriage upto Itarsi Only. Mysore £h Bangalore via. Dronachellam. Dep 0705 Secunderabad M. G, Arr 1855 ,, 1017 ... Mahbubnagar Dop 1528 „ 1358 Kurnool Town M 1148 Arr 1510 Dep 1524 Arr 1710 Dep 1810 Chango p*-onachollam ... Change puntkal ... Change Chango C Dep 1030 1 Arr 1005 C Dep 0830 ( Arr 0745 Arr 0615 Bangalore Dep 2130 MONTGOMERY’S HOTEL, OXFORD STREET, SECUNDERABAD. WHO IS WHO Abbas Mirza, 2nd Lieut. (N. 0.) H* T. O. Lancers, Golconda Hyd' r; } ' . Abdul Aziz, Esq., Register, Nizam’s P. W. D. Secretariat. I. B. & (L B H. Abdul Aiiz,^E»q., Secretary, Paigah Viccar-uLUmra, Snltcinpura, Hyderabad Abdul Aziz, Esq., B,a., B T Assistant, Jagirdar's College, Begampol Abdul Aziz Md^ Khan, Esq., Deputy Assistant, C'o^oporative’Sociotios, ’ Abdul Aziz Razir, Lieut.. H.I.T-C., Hy’bad Infantry Training Coris, Pr f ' Abdul Aziz Sayad, Esq., Assistant Accountant General, Hyde rabad Abdul Barkat Fat ihuddin Ahmed, Esq., Suptd* Suburban H. E. H. Safa ' Hyderabad Abdul Basith Khan, Esq , Taluqdar, Saidab id, Saroonnagar Abdul Bari, Esq., Assistant Proffessor, Osmania Univ^ersity College, Kachiguda Abdul Bari Nadvi, Esq., Asst. Proffessor of Logjc, Osmania University College, ^aohiguda Abdul Faiz Md. Abdul Jalil Siddiqi, Esq., Addl. Secretary, Nizam’s Military Secretariat, Hyderabad Abdul Fatha Khan, Nawab, Jagirdar, Malakpot Abdul Habmeed.Khan, Esq., Asst. Proffessor of Persian, Osmania University College. Adigamet Abdul Hameed Md. Esq., Assistant Secretary, Nizam’s Judicial Dept , Hy’bad Abdul Hameed Md. Khan, Esq , 3rd Magistrate, City Crinima| Court, Hv 'bad Abdul Hakeem, Esq., Khalifa, M.a., L,L. B., Professor of Physics Osmania University Hyderabad Abdul Hameed Khan, Esq., Superintendent, C. I. D. Saifabad Abdul Hameed Khan, Mohamed, Esq., m.a., Bar-at-law, Special Magistrci. Kazi’s Court, Hyderabad Abdul Hameed Khan, Esq., H C. S, Special Magistrate, District Hy Abdul Hamid, Md Esq., Inspector^-General of R gn. :a Univer sity Hyderabad Abdul Haq, Md. Esq., B.A., Urdu Professor, Osmania University College, H; bi , Abdul Hasan Syed Ali, Esq., Vakil, Hyderabad Muncipal Corporator, r ^ Abdul Hassan Jung Bahadur Nawab, Secretary, Pi)lifcioal Dept., Saifabad, Hyd Abdul Jabbar Khan, Lieut , Prince’s Body Guard, Malakpet Abdul Jabby Mob A , Esq,, Jagirdar, byderabad Abdul Jalil Mohamed, Asst. Secretary Army. & Medical Secretariat Hyderabad Abdul Kbader Merchant, Nallagutta, Secunderabad Abdul Kbader Chida, Lieut. Adj„ 2nd (N, 0.) H. I. S. Lancers. Golconda Hy’bad 201 WHO IS WHO Abdul Khader Md., Esq., JagiVIar, Sban^vor Bagli Hydorabad Abdul ICader Moulvi, Urudu Shaw, City, Hydorabad Abdul Khador Hazvi, Esq,, Personal Asst, to to the Hon*blo Mv)mb'>rB, P. W. D. P. W. Saorotariat, Hyderabad Abdul Kbader Pazvi, Lieut. Adjutant and Quarter Master, Hydorabad Infantry Training Coy., SaiAibad Abdul KhaiP, Esq., Asst. Supdt. Central Jail. Hydorabad Abdul Khaleq, Esq , H. 0. S. District .ludge, Nalgonda Abdul Later f K. Esq., M. A., (Edin) Vice Principal Jagirdar’s College, Begumpot Abdul Maj-eod Ehan. Bbdr., c.B.E , I,P.C,, Supdt. c.T.D., Dist. Police, Hyderabad Abdul Majoed Khan, Esq , Enginoer. Khairatabad Abdul Majid, Esq., B. Ag . Machinery Supdt., Agricultural Dept., Hydorabad Abdul Majood Siddiqi, Esq , Asst Professor Osmania University College, Hy’bad Abdul Md. Kbader, Esq , 2nd Lieut,, 2nd Lancer, Hydorabad Imperial Service Abdul Md Majoed iLlgrami, Asst. Supdt. P. W. D. Mozamjabi Road, Hyderabad Abdul Mobd. Basith, Esq,, Judge, Hanman Tabadi, Hyderabad Abdul Maqit Khan, Esq., H C S . District judge, H.C.S. House, Hyderabad Ablul Qadir Sarwary, Esq., M. A. Asst. Professor of Urdu, Osmania University College Hyderabad Abdul Qadir S ddiqi Md Esq., M. A., Asst. Prof, of logie Osmania University College, * n ot Abdul Qnyoom Klian, Esq., B so, ( Mancb) Asst. Engineer, Osmania University Building Scbem3 Tlydornbid. Abdul Qayoom, Esq., Civilian (Attaclied) Govt. Central Press Hydorabad Abdul Rail nil Khan, Mobd., Esq., Sub-Enginoor, Hyderabad Muncipality Abdul Qiiddus, Esq., Manager, Deccan Motor Service, Nampalli Abdul Rabim Md., E.sq,, Asst. Director, Settlement Dept. Hyderabad Abdul Raliman, Esq., Chief Superintendent Judicial Department Hydorabad Abdul Roliman Khan, Es’q. Md. M.R.C*S.. B.Sc. (Lon) F.R.C.S., F.P.8.L., late Prin- ciapal, Osmania University College Boganipet Abdul Samad Mobd , Esq. Lt. Col. Commanding Officer, Nizam’s Own 3rd Bn. Hydorabad Infantry Abdul Samad Mobd., Esq., Assistant City Improvement Board, Hughes Town, Hyderabad Abdul Sattar Md , Fsq„ Translator (History) Translation Bureau, Osmania University Hyderabad Abdul Satbar Khan, Esq., Inspector, Tele Dept. Goshamabal Kunta, Hy’bad Abdul Wall lb, Esq. Asst. Registrar, Co-operative Society Hydorabad Abdur Rabun, Khan Bahadur B.A„ B L., M- B. E. Vice President, Secunderabad Coantonment Board, and Member Secunderabad Town Import Trust, WHO IS^WHO Abdur Rahmen Mohd. Esq., Chiof Supdt, H. E, H the Nizam’s High Court Abdul Wahid Esq., Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (B Ward) Hyderabad Abdur Rashid Khan, Esq. H.C.S., Asst. Suporinten hnt of District Police, Hy’bad Abdur Razak Md., Esq., Book Mtrchant, Mogulpura, Hyderabad A^bdur Razak Md., Esq., Inchargo Shitargah, Sarooiutgar Abdur Razak Md., Esq,, H.C.5., Asst. Acct, Gtrcral Fn ai ce L'cqt , Hyderabad Abdur Rehman Baig Md. Fsq , Chief Bupdt , Military Secretariat, H}derabad Abdur Rehman Md. Khan Esq,, A.:st. Commissioner Hydi rabad Abdus Saniad Lieut, -Col. 3rd Pii. (N. O.) Hyderabad Infantry, Saifabad Abdus Samad Khan, Lieut . 2nd Battalion Hydeivbad Jiitantiy, Cliandraigutta Abdus Samad Khan, - sq. B. A., Secretary to Nawab Samad Yar Jung Bahadur Military and Medical Deiit., Hyderabad Abdus Samad Sowdagar, Esq. B.E., (Poona) Sub-Fng noer Drainage Scheme Hyderabad Abdus Satar Subhani, Esq, B.A., B.T., Principal. Darululoom Osmania High School Hyderabad Abdus Samad Khan, Esq., Litut. Coy. Comdg. 2nd HjMerabad Infantry, Cliandraigutta Abdus Samad, Esq. O.B.E,, Lt. Col. Comdg. 3rd Hyderabad Infantry Hyderabad Abdus Satur, Esq. H.8.C. 2nd Taluqdar Miryalgiida Hyd erabad Abobakcr, Esq., Merchant, Oxford Street Socuniorabad Abraham, J. Y. Rev., Wesley Church, Seoiindertibad Abu Mohammed, Esq., Asst Director, Statistics Dept, Hyderabad Abu Syod Mirza Esq., Judge, City Small Courts, Secnridorabad Abu Tahir Md. Yousuffuddm, Esq., Asst. Auditor. H. E. H. The Nizam’s State Railway, Secunderabid Abu Talib Syod Omraar Esq,, Asst. Secretary. Finance Dept., Hyderabad Abu Turab, State Engineer, Kunta Gosha Mahal, Hyderabad Abu Zafer Abdul Wahid, Esq., M.A., Lecturer (Prdu) City Jntennodiato College, Hyderabad Adams, W. J. M. Esq,, Agent Best & Co., Ltd., Singaroni Collieries Adam Rasool, Esq , Sub-Eng. nuer, P. W. D. Nampalli Adolpbous, D. Miss, B.a , L.T., Asst. Mistress, Zenana College, Nampalli Asif Khan, Esq , Lieut- l/7tb Rajput Regt. ICt. Bedar Hoad, Begumpet Afzul All Khan, Esq., Asst. Engineer, Engineering College, Hyderabad Afzal Hussain Farooqi, Esq.H. C. S, Munsiff, Nuldrug Afzal Mohd Khan, Esq, Taluqdar, (Retired) Kachiguda Aga All Hasan, Major, 3rd (N. 0) Golconda Lancers, Golconda Fort Aga Badrul Hussain Khan, Esq., Merchant, Noor Khan Bazaar, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Aga Mohd, Hussain, Esq., M.A., Additional Professor. History, Nizam’s Colleg< Hyderabad Aga Mohd. Earmani, Esq. NoorKhan Bazar, Hyderabad Agha Mirza Mohd Jaffer, Major, Adjutant, 4th Golconda Infantry, Golconda Aga Shaik Yar Vali, Assistant, Eevcnuo Dept, Hyderabad Aga Syed Md, All, Esq,, Compiler of Persian Dictionery, Hyderabad Aga Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab Chief Justice, (Paigah Moinudowla) and membei of H. E. H. the Nizam’s Legislature Council, Hyderabad Ag ib Md. Hu sam. Esq., Professor, Nizam College. Durushafa, Hyderabad gjh Mirza Md. Gafifor Major. Adjt. 4th Golconda Infantry, Hyderabad .V u LoA\az Jung Bahadur, Nawab Jagirdar Khaiitabad Hyderabad Aiiluwalia l-'r. C. L. M. B,, B. S., L. R. C. P., (Eng) D. P. H. (London) Plague Officer Hyderabad Ahmod S. H. Esq., B. Sc., (Eng) A. M. I. E. E., Mains Supdt Electricity Dept, Hyderabad Ahmed Abdulla, Esq., Thasildar, Malakpet Ahmod Ali Licnt Qr. Master Prince Body Guard, Malakpet Ahriiod Ali Khan, Esq., Supdt Abkari Medak Dist. Hyderabad Ahmod Ah Khan, Esq., Jamadar Irreguar Troops, Hyderabad '‘liraod All Khan Saheb Jagirdar, Sultanpura Hyderabad Ahmod All Khan Shaik Esq., Jagirdar, Bashoer Bagh Hyderabad Ahmed Ah Md. Esq., Jagirdar Inside Yakutpura, Hyderabad Ahmed Ali Khan Saheb Moulvi, Registrar, High Court, Asafnagar, Hyderabad ..hmed Alladdm, Khan Bahadur Merchant, Member Cantt Board, Secunderabed Ahmed Arif, Esq , Journalist, Gosha Mahal Kunta, Hyderabad Ahmed Ashraff Esq., Capt Asst, to Chief of the Staff, Regular Troops, Hyderabad Ahmed Ashraff Md. Esq., Lient 1st. Lancers Asafnagar Hyderabad Ahmod Bid Abdulla Esq., B A., Lecturer, (Chemistry) City Intermediate Collage, Hyderabad Ahmod Bin Jan Nisar Yar Jung, Nawab Major, Mahbub Force Chandraigutta Aluned Dawood Nawab, Jagirdar, Noorkhan Bazaar Hyderabad Ahmed Farooq Beg, Esq., H.c,8., 2nd Taluqdar, Karoemnagar Ahmed Hussain, Esq., Judge Gram Bazar, Hyderabad Ahmed Hussain Khan, Esq,. Jagirdar, Eden Bagh, Hyderabad Ahmod Hussain Siddiqi, Esq., Asst. Secretary Chie f Secretariat, Hyderabad Hu^bain Siddiqi, Esq,, Supdt. Nizath Barfikhas, Kalikaman. Hyderabad Ahmod Jan, Esq., Lieut, and Quarter Master, 7th Light Cavalry, Bolarum Ahmed Khan, Esq., Supdt. Opium and Ganja Stations, Hyderabad 204 WHO IS WHO Ahmed Md. Merchant, Nampalli, Hyderabad Ahmed Mohinuddin, Esq., H.C.8., Nizam Court of Wards, Hyderabad Ahmed Mohiuuddin, Esq., B.A.,(Oant)Marketing Officer, Commerce & Industrie! Dept. Hyderabad Ahmed Mirza Md., Esq., B.Sc , Supdt. Water Works, Saifabad. Hyderabad Ahmed Mohinuddin. Capt. Asst. Divinl. Qr Master, H, E. H. the Nizam'i Regular Forces, Hyderabad Ahmed Moiuddin Ansari. Esq., H.C S., District Judge Asifabad Ahmed Osmani Md.. Esq., M Sc., Lecturer (Physics) City Intermediate College Hyderabad Ahmed Nawaz .ung Bdr Nawab, H.C.2., Kachiguda, Hyderabad Ahmedulla Khan, Lieut,, 3rd (N. O.) Golconda Lancers, Golconda Fort Ahmedullah Md. Esq., H.C.8., Extra Judge, Bidar Ahmed Yar Jnng Bahadur, Nawab Jagirdar. King Kotti Hoad, Hyderabad Ahsan Yar Jung Bdr. Nawab, B.A., F.C.H., Chief En3in3or, Drainage Dept. Hyd Ahsan-uz- zaman. Esq., Lecturer. Engineering College, Hyderabad Ainslie, M.R.A., Lieut. Personal Asst, to the Hon*ble the Resident, Bolarum Aiya Aiyer A. Esq., Chief Supdt. Nizam’s Finance Dept. Hy’bad Akbar Ali Khan Lieut. Quarter Master 2nd Bn. Hyderabad Infantr Chandraigutta Akbar Yar Jung Bahadur, Nawab, Puisne Judge, H. E. H. the Nizam’s Hig Court, Hyderabad. Ake«t Jung Bahadur, Nawab, Son of lai Nawdb Imad-ul-Mulk Bahadur, Was born in 187 He traces his defiant to a well known fain ly o Sayyids who had migrated from Mespotamia i: the ye?r 1217 A. D. After finishing his educatio] he entered j the Nizam’s Government Service i 1877. After successfully holding various appoint mei ts he was appointed as deputy Sardar-u^ Maham which post he held with great distinct io Later, he was appointed as Member- in-Charge the P. W. D. At present he ^holds the Militai Portfolio. Akramuddin Khan, Nawab, Jagirdar, Yakootpura, Hyderabad Alam S. M., Esq.. B. Sc., Asst. Engineer, Rly. Engineering Dept, (openlli i astern Diet. Secuniorabad Alford, G. Capt. Sam Browne’s Cav. Lake Lnes, Bolarum WHO IS WHO Ali Ahmed Md., Lieut. Nizam’s Own 3rd Battalion Hy('orabad Infantry Ali Asghar Fsq., Asst, Engineer, Hyderabad Divn.P. W. D. Hydoradad Ali Asgar Bilgrami, S, Esq , Suptd. Azam Jahi Boad Hyderabad Ali Bin, Esq., Nazim- i-jamiat Shah Imayat Gunj. Hyderabad Alieudin Ahmed, Esq., Secy Religious Affairs Dept. Hyderabad Ali Mohamed, Esq., Asst. Commissioner, Revenue Survey and Settlement Dept. Ali Khan, Mohamed circle Inspector, Yakootpura Hyderabad All Md, Fazal Chemoy, Esq. Asst. Supdt. P. W. D. Kotla ALigah Hyderabad All Md. Hassan Khan, Esq. Inspector Customs, Uateh Sultan Lano Hy’bad Ali Md. Khan, Esq. Jamadar Begam Bazar Hyderabad All Mohamed Khan, Esq., Personal Asst. Commerce and Industries Dept. H'ybad All Mohan id, Lt. Col. Qr. Master New Nampalli Hydciabad All Nawaz Jung Bahdur, Nawab (Mir Ahmed All F.c.H., )Chief Enginser and Secret- ary P. W. D , was born in Hyderabad in 1877. After graduating from the Nizam’s College, he wont to England in 1896 as a state Scholar to join the Engineering College of Cooper’s Hill. Ho returned to Hyderabad in 1899 after a brilliant career. In 1899 he joined the P. W. D. as an assistant Engineer nnl by 1918, by sheer merit ho rose lo be Chief Engineer an I Secretary. In 1924 the P, W. D. and all the allied depar- tm nts wore placed under Ins chargi. In 1929 the Bombay Government invited] him to report on the financial and technical aspect of the Sukkiir Barrage in calla- boration with Sir M, Viswesvaraya* Some of the largest engineering feats owe their origin to his initiative and brain, the most notable among them being the Nizamsagir project, the second largest dam in India. Ali Nawaz Khan, Esq., Taluqdar, Gosha Mahal Kunta, Hyderabad AliRaza, Major, Secty to Nawab Moinud DowlahBhdr., Khairatabad Allauddin Ahmed, Esq., M.A„ U.T., Asst. Prof, English, Nizam College, Hy’bad Alladin Khan, Lt.-Col. 2nd in Comd.. 4th Golconda Infantry, Hyderabad Alladin Khan, Major, Khairatabad Allen, F. Miss Missionory, Methodist Mission, Rami ote, Chaderghat Hy’bad Allsworth, W. J. T. S/Sgt. I. A. S. C., 8 Have Lock Lines, Secunderabad WHO IS WHO Anavarathan Esq. M. 8c. Electrical Engineer Mozam Jahi Road Hy’bad Alumbardar, S. Esq , Registrar, Presidents Peshi Office, Banjara Amin Jung Bahadur Kt., M. A., L. L, P., K. C.I E., c’s. I., Nawab Sir (Ahmed Hussain) was born In 1863 at Madras. He took his B.A. with distinction in 1883 from Christian College^ B.L., in 1889, from presidency College, and M. A., privately in 1890. In 1893 he joined the Nizam’s Government Service as^ an assis- tant to the Peshi Secretary. In 1896 he be- came Peshi Secretary. He was one of the most trusted and loyal advisers of the late Nizam, retaining the same trust even under the present ruler. In the year 1914 he was raised to Sardar-l-Moham, which post ho held till his retirement in 1934, For his valuable services during the Great War the title of K. C. I. E. Wa^ p ” confered on him by His Majesty the King Emperor, while His Exalted Highness gave the title of Nawab Amin Jung Bahadur. Sir Amin Jung Bahadur was one of the State delegates at the First Round Table Conference. A great orien&al Scholar deeply learned in Arabic, Persian and Urdu, He possesses one of the finest libraries in the Hyderabad. Amir Ahmed, Major, H. E. H. the Niaam’s African Body Guard Squardon, Saifab id Ameer Ahmed. Captain Adjutant, Field Artillery, (B. Battery) Saifabad Amir All Khan. Esq., H C. S., 1st Taluqdar, Bidar Ameer Sultan, Major-Commander. Palacs Police, Hanuman Takdi, Hyderabad Ananda Rao, 8. V. Busmossman, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Anantham, D. Esq., Supdt., The Temmperance Asson. Clubs Secunderabad Ananthapathbanabaswamy, E. Esq, Merchant, and Banker Kalasiguda, Secundorab id Anderson, G. A. Esq , I. P. Deputy ; Director-General, H. E. H. The Nizam’s C. 1. D. Begampet Anderson, P. J Esq., M, B. E. 2nd Magistrate for the British Ad-ministered Area, Secunderabad Andrews, Major H. A. M. C. Offg. Comdt 2nd Bn. 17th Dogra Regt Rawiisnon Linos Bolarum m WHO IS WHO Ansari, K. M. Esq,, H.C.8., Asst. Financial Secretary Hyderabad Anstruther, P. M. Major D*8.0., M.C., P.S.C., 1st. Q. O R. W. Kent Regt. Trimulgherry Anwanalla Mohd. Esq,, u. Sc , (Manoh) Exec-Engineor P. W. D. Hyderabad Anthony M, Esq., Merchant, Montgomery’s Hotel, Annex Secunderabad Aravamudu Iyengar, Dowan Bahdr. I}.A,,B.L., Municipal Corporator, Hyderabad Ardoslur Kurshid, Evsq., B.A., B.Ms. Economic Botanist Agricultural De, artment Himayat Sagar Arif Mohamed. Esq , Street Light Engineer, Electricity Dtpt , Saifalad Arifuddin Md Lieut 1st Lancers Hyderabad ImpoMal Service. Arifuddin Md., B. Pc,, S E. Special Buildings Glide Engineer, KhairataLad Hyd Arkngl.t, M R,, 2nd Lieut Ist K. D. G’s 159 AlLmby Road, Bolarum Anrstoad, H. C. H. Esq., , AX.G 1 , a M.i c E., a.mi.e.e., a.m.i m.e., Director Electricity & Mint Woikshop Dojts, Saifabad, Hyderabad Asaf Ali Baig, Esq,, F.H.D. Personal Asst, to Director Eiectncitv Dept, Household Secretary to the Princes, Hyderabad Ashfaq Ahmed, Etq., Asit. Supdt. C. I. Dept S Branch Hyderabad Asgar Russian Esq., Judge, Mirzapalli Stato Asgliar Yar Jung Bahedur Nawab P, A. (Oxon), Bar-at-law, Pusine Judge, High Court, H\ dorabad Ashaq Mohd Esq., Bar-at-Law Asst. Director Genl. Jails Dept. Hyderabad Ashraf Nawaz Jung Bahadur, Nawab Deputy Commissioner to Hyderabad Ml nicipality & Health Officer, Malakpet Askari Jafary S. M. Esq., Asst. Commissioner, Hyderabad Municipality Hy’bad Ata-ur- Rahman Md. Esq., BA., Lecturer (Economies) City Inter-mediate col- lege Hyderabad Avad Bin Nasir Lieut Jamieth Nizam Mahbub Cbanderaigutta Ayengar, S. K. Esq., Engineer, Special Officer, Kbairatabad Ayengar, R. C. Esq., Dopty. Director Geul.of Police, Atraf BaldmM A. L Eiq., Proprietor F. X. D* Souza & Sons, Market Street, Secunderabad D’Souza M. Esq., Statistical Officer, N. S. Rly.. Secunderabad Dev Raj Naidu, As:it. Accountant General, Nizam’s A. G’s Office, Hyderabad Dwlin D. G. Temporary Superintendant Excise Department, Hyderabad Dewar K. P. Esq., I.S.O. Asst. Secretary to the Hon’ble Kesidont, Hyderabad Dhanraigirii Bahadur Raja the multi-millionaire is the present representative of the ancient and distinguished family of Gowswamy Rajas. Ho succeeded to the Ghadi in 192S. He is a good sportsman and a keen Cricket enthusiast. He has donated munificient sums to several institutions. His Gyan Bagh Palace standing on extensive grounds with beautifully laid out gardens, Is a magnificient structure with its rare Venetian and Oriontal drawing rooms. Dbondi Rai Bahadur Raja Bar-at-law, Jaglrdar, Member Hyderabad Muncipal Corporation, Hyderabad Divekar K. Artist, Rozdarkhanpet Dorab Yar Jung Bahadur, Nawab, Examiner, Princes Civil List Accounts, Doss, Paul T. J. Dr., d.t.m,h.d.p.h, Medical Officer of Health, Sec’bad Dost Mohd Alladdin, Esq , Merchant Oxford Street, Secunderabad Dost Mohd. Khan Sahcb Zada Nawab King Koti, Mubarak Doyle P. M. W., 2nd Lieut, 4th Bn, 5th Mahratta Light Infantry Secunderabad Drabble Capt. P. C., 1st King’s Dragoon Guards. Napier lines, 150. Tarbund Road, Secunderabad Duba Lachmanna, Jagirdar, Gulzar House, Hyderabad Dunlop, B. Esq , Personal Officer, to Agent N. S. Railway Lallaguda Durand P. F., Esq , B. A., (Gant) Principal Jagirdar’s College Begumpet WHO IS WHO Burtnoll Capt., C. S., 1st Bn. Q. O. R W, Kent Regiment, Trimulgberry Burvasalu K. Rao Sahob, Merchant Banker, Barum Patalam, Secunderabad Dyson Major G„ St. J. A. M.C., R.A., 65th Field Battery, R. A, Roberts Barracks, 91. Roberts Road, Trimulgherry Edulji' K.^'Pegimentdl Bazar, Secunderabad Eduljee Palanjee, Sanitary Engineer, Gunfoundry. Hyderabad Eduljee Soharabjoe, Merchant Park Lane, Secunderabad Edward E. S., Comdr. Indian Army Ordinance Corps, Secunderabad Edward W, Missionary, Alir District Edward G. M., Forest Officer, Fateh Maidan, Hyderabad Eggleston A., Esq., A gent' Imperial Bank of India, Secunderabad Ekbal Ali Khan Nawab, Jagirdar, Sultanpura Ekbalchand Raja, Asst. I/C F. B. P. Criminal Tribes Section, Police Dept Eknath, Prasad, Esq., Asst. Secretary x Revenue Secretariat, Hyderabad El Edroos, H.lH. Lnut., Adjutant Cavalry Training Squadron, Mallaralli Elphinston, W. G’Col. M.C., P.SC. A. A. M. G. Deccan District Headquarters. Bolarum Engl 0 r;.M. Mrs. M.A., L,T., Retired Inspectress of School Chapel Road, Hyderabad Ewaz Bin Nasir, 2nd Lieut, Nizam’s Own 3rd Bn. Hyderabad Infantry Ezekial. A. Rev .Superintendent, S. P. G. Mission Secunderabad Faiaa Ali, Nawab Jagirdar, Khairtabad Faiaz All Khan, Nawab Jagirdar, Fisal Banda, Hyderabad Fairwoatbor, A. Esq., I.O.8., Bungalow No. 2 M.E.S. Oxford St. Secunderabad Faiyasuddin, Nawab Jagirdar, Hyderguda Faizuddin Md. Esq., B.A,, Bar-at-Law Divil. Insjector of Schools, Medak Faiz Jung Bahadur, Lieut Col: Dr. M. B. Cb. B., Principal Military Medical Officer, Hyderabad Faizuddin Khan Md. Esq., Jagirdar Sbab Gunj Hyderabad Farkband Nawaz Jung, Nawab Jagirdar, Tarbund Farkhand Yar Jung Babdr. Nawab, Jagirdar inside Dal ipura Farkhandu, Sec'bad Fakhar Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab, B.A., Finance Secretary and Member of H.E H. The b’lzam’s Ltgislative Council, Hyderabad Fakhar Nawaz Jung Bahadur Nawab, M. A., L. L. B., F.o. U., M. R. A. 8., Personal Asst, to the Dircetor & Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, Sumajguda Fakhruddin Abmod Khan, Esq., B.A., Scety, to Nawab hakbr Yar^[Jung Bhdr. Finance Department,^ Hyderabad Fakhruddin Masood, H.C.8., Supdt. Excise, Nalgunda Fakruddin^Khan Md. Esq., Asst. Supdt, Dnani Medical Dept: Hari Baoli, Hy’bad Fallon, A R Captain, Divil. Qrs. Master Hd. Qrs. Staff H.E.H. [tbo Nizam’s Regular Force, Hyderabad IIV WHO IS WHO Farhat Ali, L)eut.-Col. Dr. B.A., M.B.» Ch. B. late Principal Osmania Medical College, Saifabad 'Fareed Nawaz Jung Bahadur Nawab, Bogumpet Fariduddin, M. 2nJ Lieut., 3rd Golconda Lancers, Hyderabad Fanuddm, Md. Khau, Esq., Jagirdar, Shah Ali Bunda, Hyderabad Fasahat Jung Bahadur Nawab Poet Laureate, Hyderabad Fashi Jung Bahadur Nawab, Gogha Mahbub Shankar Bagh, Hyderabad Fazl Mohd. Khan Esq., M. a,, Director of Public Instruction, Hyderabad fStiC Khan Fazal Mohamed Khan) Ferguson, Lieut Col J. A. 0. B. E , P.8.C., Commandant, Plassy Lines 5th Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles, Bowenpally Ferguson, J. M. Capt. J^rinco Albert Victor’s Own Cavalry, Bolarum Feroz Shah Pestonji, Esq., Taluqdar King Koti Road, Hyderabad Femes Joe- do-Saiithana Esq., Prop: Pinto & Co,, Member Cantonment Board, Secunderabad Femes D’eosta Prop: Faust & Co., Chemists Oxford Street, Sec’bad Fiauddin Ansari, Esq., Asst. Engineer, P.W. Dept, Irranagutta, Hyderabad Fiazuddm Khan Md. Esq., Bar-at-law, Member H. E. H. the Nizam’s Legislative Council, Hyderabad Fiazuudi'i Khan Bahadur, Jagirdar, Begam, Bazaar, Hyderabad Fiaa Hussain iuayatuUa, Esq., Contractor, Station Road, Nampalli, Uapi., Royal Signals 4th Indian Divisional Signals 99, Triraulgherry bintle, Lieut. G. \/. Ibth Field Battery, R. A., Tnmulghoery Firbank, L. S. Captain, Sam Brown’s Cavalry 23, Burton Road, Bolarum Firminger, L. D. Esq., Chief Accountant & Auditor N. S. Railway, Sec’bad Fitz Herbert, G. A. Esq., Prop: Soy : Bright & Co , Chemists, Alexandra Road, Secunderabad Fletcher. B. C. Capt., M. C,, l2th Infantry Brigade, 218, Gymkhana Road, Secunderabad Frankel, S. Esq., Photographer, Trimulgherry Friuddin Md. Jagirdar, Fateh Durwazu, Hyderabad Foot P, B. D. H, Lt-Col. D.S.o,, M.c. p.s.c., R. A. Chief Signal Officer, Royal Corps Signals, Trimulgherry Fraser W. A. K., Lt-Col. C.b.e;d.s.O., M.U,0 M.C., Sam Brown’s Cavalry, Lake Lines, Bolarum Fry E. H. Rev. Chaplain, All Saint’s Church, Trimulgherry Fry L. A, C., Lieut. Under Secretary to the Hon’ble Resident & Dist. Magist- rate & Collector, Secunderabad Cant. Authority & Membar Secunderabad Cantonment Board, Bolarum m WOH ISrWHO Fry 0. M, Capt. M. C. Ist Bn. Q. 0. R. West Kent Regiment, Trimulgherry Fyler, A. R. 2nd Lieut, 1st Bn. (J O.R W. Kent Regt., Trimulgherry Gadgil M. D., Esq,, B.A., L.C.E., (Poona) Asst. Chief Engineer, 1. B. P. W,D. Hyderabad Gallagher Capt. L. S., 65th Field Battery R. A , 187, Roberts Road, Trimulgherry Gahb Baig Khan, Nawab Jagirdar, Mashirabad. Hyderabad Galib-ul-Mulk Bahadur Nawab Jagirdar Lingampally, Hyderabad Galib Baig Khan, Md. Nawab Jagirdar Kachiguda, Hyderabad Garda P. S., Esq., Merchant James Street, Secunderabad Garden, G. B. Rev, M.A., Minister, M. E. Church, Cl adtrghat Kirg Koti Road Hyderabad Garstin Lieut^CoL H. A., M.C., Commandant, P. A. V. 0. Cavalry, Bolarum Gaskin, Lieut. W. J. Q. O. R. W. Kent Regiment, Trimulgherry Geddas Lieut. J. G., R. H. A. 94/4, Roberts Road, Trimulgherry Ghiasuddin Ahmed, Esq., B.A., Asst. Director, Education Dept , Hyderabad Ghiasudm Khan, Md. Nawab 1206 King Koti Road, Hyderabad. Ghouse Mohiuddin Esq,, Deputy Commissioner, Revenue Survey & Settlement Dept. , Hyderabad Ghousuddin Md. Contractor, Hyderguda Hyderabad Ghayasi ddin Md Jagirdar, Kouch Nasim Hyderabad Ghazuiddin Ahmed Moulvi, Puisne Judge, Hyderabad Ghosh, B. K, Esq., Asst. Prof, Engineering College, Hydorabad Ghouse Mohd. Esq., Petrol Merchant, Osmanganj, Hyderabad Ghousuddin H.C.S., Aest. Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Nizamabad Ghouse Mohiuddin Esq., H.C.S., Ag. Controlling Officer. Tungabhadra Project Ghouse Mohiuddin, Esq. B.A., 2nd Asst. Political Secretary, Political Secretariat, Hyderabad Ghouse Mohinuddm Esq., Deputy Commissioner Jagirah Revenue S.irvoy & Settlement Dept., Hyderabad Ghulam Ahmed Khan I sq., Jagirdar Kachiguda Ghulam Ahmed Quraishi, Esq., Asst. Commissioner Revenue Survey & Settle- * m.nt Department, Hyderabad Ghulam Dastagir Lieut, 2nd Hyderabad Infantry, Chandraingutta Ghulam Dastagir Esq., Asst Court of Wards, Chapel Bazaar, Hydi*rabad Ghulam Hussain Esq., Engineer N. S, Railway Chapel Bazaar, Hyderabad Gulam Husain Siddigi Distillery Officer Excise Department Ghulam Hyder Moulvi, Director Agricultural Dept,, Kachiguda Hyderabad Ghulam Jafar Husain Khan, Daftar-i-Dewani and Mai, Hyderabad Ghulam Khader, Esq., B.A., Asst. Principal, City College, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Ghulam Mohamed Kuraishi Esq., Hyderabad Municipal, Corporation Ghulam Mohamed Esq., Asst. Commissioner, Revenue Survey and Settlement Department, Hyderabad Ghulam Mohamed Esq., Asst, Secretary, President’s Peshi Office, Hyderabad Ghulam Mohamed Quraishi Esq., H.C.S,. Addl. Commissioner, Excise D^pt. Mdmber Municipality Somajiguda, Hyderabad Ghulam Mohamed Mustafa Esq., Asst. Secretary, (Appellate side) President’s Peshi Office, Khairatabad Ghulam Moiuddin Esq.. Asst. Commissioner, Revenue Survey and Settlement Department, Hyderabad Ghulam Moinuddin Khan Esq., H.C.S. 2nd Taluqdar, Bhongir Ghulam Moinuddin Major, A, Battery, Nizam’s Horse Artillery, Divil. Master, Military Dept. Hyderabad Ghulam Murtaza Esq,, Asst. Commissioner of Police, (City and Suburbs of Hyderabad Ghulam Mustafa Quraishi Esq , Commissioner Revenue Survey and Settlement Dept., Hyderabad Ghulam Mustafa Beg, 2/Lieut, Section Officer, ‘*B” Battery, Nizam’s Field Artillery, Golconda Ghmlam Rabbani Esq., B.^., B,T., Ist Asst. Director, of Public Instruction Hyderabad Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Subedar Major Divil. Educational Officer Military Dept., Hyderabad, Ghulam Shahabuddin, Esq., Jamadar, Ndzim-i-Jamiafch Office, Hyderabad Giasuddin Ahmed, Esq., D.A., Asst, Director, Educational Departme nt Gibbs, C, (Mrs) b.a., Lecturer \Vjmon Oollogj, Hyderabad Gibson, F. A. S., Capt M.c., Ist N. St..ff H, Medows brKs , Tnmulgberry Gideon E. Esq., b.a., (oxorij Houbo Master Jagirdars’s College Begumpet Gilbert vV. L. Esq., Deputy Supdt. of Police Noble Road, Secunderabad Gilson G. H, (Miss) B.a., l.i.. Zenana College Nampalli Ginwala Esq., Merchant Hussain Sagar Road, Hyderabad Gin Rao, Rao hahaaur Retirea Juage High Court, Municipal Corporator, Hy’bad Godfrey W. J Esq., Engineer Mint Dept. Hyderabad Godwin G. W., Major, No. 1, Bolarum Gopal R. K. Esq., Cloth Merchant, Pather Gatti Hyderabad Gopal Reddy Jamadar Police, Masheerabad Hyderabad Gopalan M. Esq., B,E» Supdt- Engineer Capital Works Kachigudda, Hyderabad Gorakshakar Dr., M. B. Ch. B, Member Muncipal Corporation, Hyderabad Gorakshakar S. R. Esq. Deputy Asst Supdt of Stamps Mint Hyderabad Gorakshanker S. Esq., Manager, Hyderabad Mills. Gunfoun .ry, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Gourrh. H. Epq., Special Officer & Depty. Commissioner, I. C. Crime & Armed Police Paniara R^ad, Hyderabad Goush Md. Khan, Esq., Jagirdar, Khairatabad Goverdban Dass, Esq., Banker, Snltan''Pa7iaar. Hyderabad Govind Naik Esq., Commissioner Vanparihi Samastan, Gouligiida, Hyderabad Govind Rao, Esq., Asst, Commissioner Revenue Survey '& Settlement Dept., Hyderabad Govind Rao, Esq., B. A., Asst. Director Settlement Dept., Hyderabad Govindji Bbavani, Esq., Tajer, Fat«h Munde, Hyderabad Gowher Ali, Lieut Cantonment Offic'>r, Head Qr. Staff (R.F.) Secunderabad Graham, Major Controller to Wallashan Nawah Azam Jah Bahadur Hyderabad Grange, O. K., Esq., M. E. 8„ No, 7/3. S. D. 0. Qr. Alexandra Road, Secunderabad Grey E. H„ P. 8. 0., Major, 4/2nd Punjab Regt 174, Bowenpalli Green Lieut-Col. C. N. Comdg. Officer African Bodv Guard Squadron Green H. Esq., Chief Inspector of Steam Boilers & Factories Commerce & Industries Dept, Hyderabad Greenway, C. W Mai'^r. R. M. C. 143 Gough Barracks, Trimulgherry Gregory R. V. Esq., Deputy Chief Engineer, Transportation Depot., N. S. Rly. 219, A., Mud ford, Secunderabad Gregson D A., Captain, Sara Brown’s Cavel. M/4 Burton Road, Bolaruin Grey, E. H. P.S.C, Major, 4^2nd Punjab Regt., Secunderabad Club Grey W. H. Major, l/7th Rajput Rogt. Secunderabad Groves, 0. T. Rev, M.A., Asst. Principal Wesley High School, Secunderabad Gulam Ali Mohamadi Esq., B.A., F.C 8 , Director and Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Commerce and Industries Department, Hyderabad Gulam Goush Esq., Supdt. Court of Wards, Hyderabad Gulam Hyder Esq., H.C.8., Personal Asst, to Hon. Revenue Member Hyderabad Gulam Mohiuddin Esq., Munsiff. Warangal Gulam Mohamed Khawja Babu Ali Kban, Jagirdar, Amburpet Gulam Mohiuddin Khan Esq., Jagirdar, ^hah Gunj, Hyderabad Gulam Mohamed Mustafa, Esq,, Asst. Secty. Executive Council, Kachiguda Gulam Mustafa Quraishi. Esq, Director, Settlement Dept. Katal Mandi Hy’bad Gulam Shabuddin Esq. Jagirdar Machli Kaman Hyderabad Gulam Yazdani Esq*, M.\., DTector, Archaeological Dept , Somajiguda Hy’bad Gunda Rao Harwalkar Esq., Hyderabad Municipal Corporator, Hyderabad Gunda Rao Eaq.. (Manager Maha Raja Bahadurs’ State) Hyderabad Municipal Corporator, Hyderabad Gujta P. C.« 2nl Lieut. l/F. Staff 91-8 Patna Road, Medows Bks Trimulgherry Gupta L. N. Esq., H.C.8. Asst Acct. General, P.W.D., Accounts, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Gurbachan Singh Lieut 7th Light Cavalry Bolarum Gurdawaohari B. N.Esq., Supdt. Abkari Secunderabad Gurr J. W. E., Ag. Works Manager, Locomotive Dept., Lallaguda Gay E. Major 5th Bn. 6th Bajputana Rifles, Secunderabad FOR SILKS LAPJCS EMPORIUM - JAMES STREET - SECUNDERABAD m WHO I& WHO Haboeb Abmed, Capt Coy. Commanding, Hy’bad Infant fy, Tiraining Coy. Habneb Ahnmd Ali Edroos, Capt. Adjt. 1st Lanoers Hyderabad Imperial Service HabeebUllah Ehan Esq.* Circle Inspector, Secunderabad Circle, Secunderabad Habib Abmed Capt,, Cotndt. Cavalry Training Squadron, Mallapalli, Hy'bad Habib Ali, Major, Coy* Comdr, 4th Fn. Golconda Infantry, Golconda, Fort Habib Hasanuddin, Major., O.C. 1st Bn* Hyd’bad Infantry, Goshattiahal, Hyd'bad Habib Mohd.Esq., B.A,, H.C.8., Asst. Secretary, Revenue Dept., Hyderabad Habib Mohsin, Lt-Col. Comdt. Prince Body Guard Malakpet, Hyderabad Habib Mobbin, Major Oomdg, Officer Prince Body Guard, Hyderabad Habib Saleh Bin Ulvi, Capt. Company Comdr* Jamieth Niaam Mahbub Force, Chandraihgutta, Hyderabad Habib Zainulabnddin, Lieut. Quarter Master 2nd H, I. S. Lancers, Golconda Habibuddin, H. C. S., 2nd Taluqdar, Lingsligur, Hyderabad Habibudditi Ahmed Esq., Electrical Engineer, Kairatabad Habib-Ur*Bohraan Esq, M.A., LL.B., Prof* (Economics) Osmania University College, Adigamot Hadi Ali Etq., B.A., Secretary to Nawab Salar Jung Bahadur and Muncipal Corporator, Hyderabad Hadi S, M. Esq., M.A , (Cantab) Director (Boy Scouts) Education Dept. Hyd*bad Hadi Khan H. Esq., Jagirdar, Irani Lane Hafizulla, Esq., B.A,, B.T., Government High School, Hyderabad Hafia Younus Miraa, Offg, Asst, Commissioner Police Dept, City and Suburbs, Hyderabad Ha]i Md. Validat Khan Nawab, Jagirdar, Chiragali Lane, Hyderabad Hakim Md, Fakruddin Khan Nawab, Jagirdar, Cbanchalguda, Hyderabad Hassan Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab, ilagirdar, Irani Lane, Hyderabad Hakim MoiaUddin, Proprietor Zinda Tilismat, KachigUda Hakim Syed Ali Hussain, Superintendent Dawakhani, Kaohiguda Hall D. H*, Astt. Trans Supdt,, H. E. H, the Nizam’s State Railway, Scc’had Hall H R. Miss, Lady Supdt., Womens’ Workshop, Secunderabad Hall T. F. Q Major, Sam Browne’s Cavalry (12th Frontier Forao) Lake LineS^ Bolarum Hamid Ahmed Raavi, H.C.S., 2ud Taluqdar, Bolarum Hamiduddin Ahmed, H.C.8., Dist, Supdt. of Police, Gulberga Hamiduddin Ahmed, H.C.S., 2nd Taluqdar, Chinod Hamiduddin Khan, Supdt. Abkari, Narayangudo. Hamiduddin Mohamed H.C.S., Munsiff, Sangareddi WHO IS WHO Hamidullah Md. Lieut. Ist (N. 0.) H. I. S. Lancers Asafnagar Hd, Si A* D, C, Col. Walashan Prince Nawab Mukkaruin Jah Bahadur Hamid Yar Jung Bhdr. Nawab, M.R.A.C., Military Seoy, to H. E. H. the Nizam and Inspector General of Forests. H. E, H. the Nizam’s Government Hammond, W. G, E. S/Condr. I. A, O. C. Warrant Officer, Asst, to D. A» D. 0. S> Tnmulgherry Hankin, H. M.. Lt*Col., I. A. Military Adviser Southern India Circle Begumpet Hanmer R. G., Major Adjutant Prince Albert Victory’s Own Cavalry, Bolaruln Hanumantha Rao, H.fJ.S. Munsiff, Hyderabad Hanumantha Rao, Doshpandia, Digloor Hanumantha Rao A Esq., Land Lord, James Street, Secunderabad Hanumantha Rao M. Esq., M.A., L.T., Principal Mahboob College, Marredpalli Hanumantha Rao C., B.A.B.E., Asst. Engineer 0. U. Building Scheme Adigamet Hanumantha Rao S., Esq., M.A.L T., Prof. History, NiZam College, Hyderabad Hanumantha Rao V , Esq., Head Accountant Civil Staff, Cantonment Seo’bad Haravu A.K., Esq., Chief Agent Sunlife Insurance Co» of Canada Saunders Street^ Secunderabad Hardikar, G. V., Esq., Sub-Enginoer’s Test. (Roorkoo) Sub-Engineer G, B. P. W. Secretariat, Hyderabad Hardikar, V. A. Esq., Principal Vivek Vardbmi High School, Hyderabad Hari Har Shastri, Esq,, Prof. (Sanskrit) Osmania University College, Adigamet Hams, G. W. Rov. the Parsonage M. E. Church, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Haroon Khan Shirwami Esq., M,A. at-Law, History Prof : Osmania University College, Adigamet Hart, C. T. Esq., Asst. Loco Supdt., N. S. Railway, Lallaguda IL'Miimond, W. i.a.o.c., Sub-Condr, Soldiers Institute, Tnmulgherry Hasan Nawaz Jung Bhdr. Nawab, Political Secretary and Member of H. E. H the Nizam’s Legislative Council, Hyderabad Hasan, M. A., Esq. State Mechanical Engineer, P. W. D., Hyderabad Has£W3 Latoef E. Pi q., M.I li., Supdt. Engineer (Aurangabad Circle) P. W. D. Hashami A., 2nd Lieut., Section Officer “ B ” Battery Nizam’s Field Artillery* Golconia Hashim All M , 1st Magistrate City Magistrate Court, Hyderabad Hudson A., 2ni Lieut O. R. Edwards 1st (N. O.) H. I, S. Lancers Asafnagar Hashim Yar Jung Bhdr. Nawab M.A., LL.B., Secy, and Legal Adviser to Govt, and Member of H K H. the Nizam’s Legislative Council, Hyderabad Hashmath Ali, Jagirdar, Judge, City Civil Court, KaUkalnan, Hyderabad Hassan All Md. Khan, Jagirdar Sultan Shahi Road, Hyderabad Hassan Khan Mahmood, Lieut. -Col. Comd, 3rd (N. 0*) Golconda Lancers Hassan Khan Mohd. Capt., Animal Transport Section, Goshamahal, Hyderabad ALL OMAR KHAYYAM SERIES and also TOILET and BATH SOAPS (various odours) BATH ESSENCE {English Fern) BATH SALTS, PERFUMES, HAIR and COMP- LEXION CREAMS and other TOILET REQUISITES Manufactured by; H. BRONNLEY & COY. Ltd. LONDON. ^ 5 * Agents : THE ANGLO-SIAM CORPORATION, Ltd,. P, O. BOX NO. 70, BOMBAY. Stockists : MESSRS. J. A. KARIM, JAMES STREET, SECUNDERABAD AND HYDERABAD ,, PUR AND ASS RANCH HOD AS & CO.. CHARKHAMAN. HY*BAD ,, A. A. HUSSAIN & CO , ABID ROAD, HYDERABAD. M G. PROHIT BROS., ISMAIAH BAZAAR, HVDERABAD. ,, MD. YOUNUS & CO.. ABID ROAD, HYDERABAD. MEER HASAN, ABID ROAD. HYDERABAD. 227 WHO IS WHO Hassaii Kawaz Jung Bdr. Nawab, Political Secretary and Member H. E. H. ih© Nizam’s Legialativo Council, Hyderabad Hazelton B F-Li(Ut Ijtin Q.O.R.W. Kent Bcgt., Fleck No. 75. Qr. No. 1 Gough Brks., Trimulgherry Beagate E.P. Lieut. Ifct Pn. Q.O.R.W, Rent Regt. Block No. 75, Qr. No. G- Gough Brks., Trimulgherry Hidayat Md. Tajir Nampalli, Hyderabad Hikirat Yar Ji ng Bahadur, Nawab Staff Physician to H.E.H. The Nizam Hyderabad Hisamuddin Mol an mod Efq, (A. Division City) Hyderabad Municipal Cor- poration, or Hyderabad Hitch Cock, G. W. Esq., In perial Tobacco Co., Ltd.. Chilkaignda, Seemderabad Hoaro O. H. Fsq,, DiSt. Loco Supdt., H.E.H. N. S. Rly., Lallaguda Hobart J. W L. S. Lt.-Col. P.S 0., M.C., P.8.C., let Bn. North Staffords, No. Isi Albans Road, Trimulgherry Hodgson, D., Major 4th Bn, Sth Mahratka Light Infantry Napier Lines, Bowenpalli Hollins S. T. E&q., C.I.E., I.P , Director General of Police and Jails Begumpet Holmes J. A, Capt., 1st King’s Dragoon Guards Dist., Polico Bolarum Horsloy R. Esq., Shift Engineer, Mint Old Lancer Linos, Secunderabad Hukameband Esq., Ram Deen Dayals'State Photographers, Tower St. Sec’bad Hooke C G. Major, M.C,, I.A.O.C, M/8, Bofari m Hossack I. F* Capt., The Sc'nde Horse, 20, Wright Road, Bolarum Hough, F. E. Esq., Works Manager, Locomotive Depot., N. S. Rly,, Lallaguda Howard C. A. L., Lient-Col,, D.s.o., M.v.o., 7th Light Cavalry, Bolarnm Howell H. L., Col. O.B.E., M.O., R. A. M. C. & A. D, C., B. M. H., 158, Hospital Road, Trimulgherry Hugo J. H. Lieut-CoL, 7tli Light Cavalry, Lake Lines, Bolarum Howlott H. H., Merchant, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Hugo J. H. Major 7tli Light Cavalry, Bolarum Hudson W., Callender Cable Co., Ltd., Saifabad Uvngoi ford S. A. H., Liout-Col. M.C., 4/5th Mahratta L, I. Napier Line® Hussain K. M Esq., M.A. (Cantab) Personal Asst, to Chief Engineer and Sec^. P. W D., Hyderabad Hussain Mahajir Md., Sub- Architect, O. U. Bildings Scheme, P.W^.D, Adigamot Hussain Abdulla Munim, Esq., B.A., Asst. Secretary Financial Secretariai'i Hussain Ali Khan Professor, Osmania College, Kairtabad Hussain Khan Mohammad Esq., Supdt. Political Secretariat, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Hussain Khan, Sub-Divil. Officer, C. I. B., Razdarkhanpot Husain Khan Md., Fsq , Supdt. Govt. Shikargah, Hyderabad Hussain Md. Kharim, m.a., ll.p., (Cantab) 0. U. Collogo Education Dept. Hussain Mohd. Lieut. Asst. Commissioner City Police Chaderghat Hussain Mahmood R. Esq., M.A. (Cantab) Mechl. Sc. Tripos Special Engineering Dist. Power Scheme, P. W. Secretariat I. B. & G. B., Hy’bad Hutton, C, I. Esq., Loco & Carr. Supe t., N. S. Rly., Lallaguda Hyder Ali Khan Esq., Jagirdar, Lingampaili, Hyderabad Hyderi Iqbal Fsq , Asst. Loco & Carr. Supdt., LrJlaguda Hydari R. Esq., B.A. Bfic, Asst. Transportation Supdt , H. E. H., N. S. Railway Hyder, R. J.G, Capt., R. A. M. C , 100, Roberts Road, Trimulghcrry Hyder Ali Khan, Jagirdar, Lingampaili Hyder Ali Mirza, Lieut. Coy. Condr. 4th Bn Golconda Infantry Sir A. Hydari (Nawab Hyder Nawaz Jung Bahadur) B .A., LL.D. was born in 1869 in Bombay of a wealthy Merchant family. At the early ago of 17 ho took his degree with distiiicticn and the vary next year topped the list in the Indian Finance Examina- tion. After holding various responsible posts in British India, he came to Hyderabad in 1905 as the Accountant-General. In 1906, he was ap- pointed as Finance Secretary, in 1907 acted as Finance Minister, in 1911, was appointed Home Secretary in the Judicial, Police and General Departments and in 19i0, ho took over Ihe Finance portfolio from Mr. Glancy. He introduced the splendid scheme of departmentalisation of Finance, Many progressive and nation -building schemes like the Osmania University, the irrigation schemes, and the purchase of the Railway owe their origin anl successful termini! ion to the sound financial stability created by Sir Hydari. He represent'jd the Hyderabad State at the Ist and 2nd Round Table ' Conference and very ably presented the case of Hyderabad and voted in favour of All-India Federation, Ibrahim Khan Nugud Md , Asst. Commissioner Police Department, Hyderabad Ibrahim Md., Head Master, Unani Medical School, Unani Medical, Hyderabad Iftekhar Ahmed Major, Coy. Comdr. 4th Golkonda Infantry, Golkonda Fort WHO IS WHO Inagunti N. N. Dr,, G.M.V.C, Industrial Laboratory Dept, of Commerce & In- dustries, Narayanguda Inayat Jung Bahadur, Nawab Asst. Political Socy. (Municipal Branch) Political Secretariat, Hyderabad Inayatulla Dayabhai Contractor & Merchant, Katalmandi, Hyderabad Inayatulla Md., Lieut. Comdg. Officer Infantry Training Company, Hyderabad Inayatulla M., Lieut, 1st Bn. Hyderabad Infantry, Goshamahal, Hyderabad Inayahur Rahman Khan Md., Supdt, (Central Treasury) Accounts Dept., Opp: Grammar School, Hyderabad Inayat Ali Khan, Jagirdar, Chanchalguda Inderjit Singh Lieut. Coy. Coradr. 3rd Bn. (N. O.) Hyderabad Infantry, Saifabad Inderjit Singh 2/Lieut, Qr Master 3rd Bn. (N. 0.) Hyderabad Infantry Innayat Ali Khan Md , Jamadar Nazini-i-Jamioth Office, Hyderabad Inwood R P. Lieut, 1st Bn 6th Rajputana Rifles Wellington Lines, Aurangabad Isaac R L., Major 4th Bn. 5th Mahratta L I, with 10/5th M.L.I. Napier Line a Bowenpalli Ishaq C. M., 2 Lieut. 1st Hyderabad Infantry Ismailjee 8, H. Sait, Ismail Bldg. Afzulgunj Hyderabad Jabbar S.A. Mrs. b.a., B.T., Lady Principal, Zenana High School, MachliKaman Hyderabad Jabir Bin Abdulla Bin Sayed Naqeeb Jamadar, Jamiath Office, Hyderabad Jackson L. F. W. Lieut. 1st Bn. The Q. O. R. West Kent Regt. 64, Gough Brks* Trimulgherry Jaffrey S. Esq., Instructor Osmania Central Technical Institute, Hyderabad Jagilall Mahnoharlall Jeweller, Charkaman. Hyderabad Jagadeahwariah, M. Merchant, Imamboudi, Secunderabad Jamaludd.n M. Esq., Director, H. E. H. Nizam’s Govt. Gardens, Hyderabad Jamaluddin Ghousia Begum Mrs,, B.A., Assistant Model Primary School, Hyder- guda, Hyderabad James C. M. Major, I. A.. Executive Officer, Cantonment Board Sapper Lines, Secunderabad James J. the Rev. Rhys, B.A., Chaplain St. John The Baptist Church, Sec’bad James W. A. L. Major, P.s.c., I. A. Adjt. & Qr. Mr., General Headquarters Staffs (R. F), Hyderabad Jehangir Hussain Md., Esq., Vakil Ghansi Bazaar, Hyderabad Joshi G. B., Esq. LL.B., Sultan Bazaar, Hyderabad m WHO IS WHO Jameel Huss&in, H, C. S '2nd Taluqdar, Medat Saroll-'ur-Rahman Md. Esq , M A., Asst, Prof. Osmania Univefsity College, Adigamet Janab Raja MaHohar Raj, Jagirdar Djvadi Rai Siva Raj Bahdr , H/dsrabid danki Ram B. Eleclirical Inspector, Narayanguda Jaswanth Rao, Raja, Alexandra Road, Secunderabad dawahor Khan Md. Esq., B. a.^ Asst. Acct. General Goshamabal Elinta, Hyderabad Jawarmull Motilal Esq., Proprietor The Bulletin Parade, Secunderabad JayaRao P. V. Esq., Registrar^ Commerce & Industries Dept.^ MarredpallU Secunderabad Jehangir B. Metha, Esq., Deputy Commissioner “Settlement” Revenue Survey & Settlement Dept., Hyderabad Jehangirji Chakai, Lecturer, Excise Department, Hyderabad JivanYarJung Bahdr. Nawab, 13 (Cantab) Bar-at^-law, Puisne Judge High Court and Member of H. E, li Nicam’s Logislalive Council, Hyderabad Jenkins M. B, Liout 1st N. Staffi Regt. 91/7 Meadows Bke.> Trimulghorry Jennings-Bramly, H. G, Lieut, 1st Bn. the Q. 0, R. W 4, Gough Barrack* Trimulghorry John Burton Prop: Messrs: John Burton Alexandra Road, Secunderabad Johnson D. G. Brigadier. V.c, D.s.o., M.c., p s.e., ‘ iTow Lands” 3l2-D-Soc’bad Jones T Liout. & Q. M. 87, Roberts Road R'>yal Signals, Trimulghorry Josbi C. N.Esq., M.A., Asst. Prof. Econmics. Osmania Uii. College, adigamet Joshi M. B., Astt. Comniissioner Customs Department, Hyd^'.rabad Josh] Dr. R. R, G n.v.c., Acg Deputy Rupdt. Civil Vetoriniry Dept , Warangal Jolly E. F.. W. M. Miss., Staff Nurse British Military Hosp’tal, Secunderabad Kaikobad Jung Bahadur Nawab, Deputy Political Si-crot.iry, Political Soorotariat Hyderabad Kaja Abdul Aziz Esq., Jagirdar, Shankorbjgh, Hyderabad Kalimullah Qadn, H.C.S,, Asst. Re,vcTiu 0 Secretary, Hyderabad Kamaluddin tlussam Nawab, Mandi Mir Alam Kameshwjr Rao J, C,, P,K’ , Prof. Physics, Nizam College Staff, Hyderabad Kanga A. S. Esq., Executive Engimor, Hyderabad MunoipaLty Kapddia B. P. Esq , FngJlieer Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd., Mashirabad Kapur N. R. Esq., Dist Engineer, Western Dist. N. S. Rly., Secunderabad KaramuUab Khan, M.R.C.V.S,, Principal, Veterinary Offioor. Headquarters ./ Staff (R F ) Hyderabad Karim J. A., Merchant, James Street, Secunderabad KathirvelU, C. R. Dr., G.B.V.C., Veterinary Hospital, Sectharampet Karim Ali Quraishi Mr., Asst. Commissioner Revenue Survey and Set^ment Dept,, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO X^ennedy, A. F., Capt. R. A. M. C., 79, Meadows Bks., Trimulgherry Kenny, R. J» C», Lieut., 1st Q. 0» R» W» Kent Regt* No. 73 Block Q.. No. 2 Gough BkSi, Tlrimulgherry Kent R. K., Capt. R. A. V. C.» Trimulgherry Kermack, H. N„ Lieut. Col. P. S. C., R. E., Membef, Secunderabad Cantonment T. I. Trust, Secunderabad Kerr. E.S., Major, Ist Bn. Q. O.R. W. Kent Regt. 67»GoUgh Bks., Trimulgherry Kerr G. M, Rev. Leper Hospital, DiohipalU Kerr. Miss M., b.a., l.T., Headmistress, The Brigade High School Keshev Rao A. B.Sc. Publicity Officer, Electricity Rapt., Hyderabad Kewley L. J. E. Lieut 4/2nd Punjab Regt., New Plassey Lines 184, BoWenpalli Khader Nawaz Jung Bahadur, Kattalmandi, Hyderabad Khader NaWas Khan Bdr., Prop. Deccan Motor Service, Station Road, Hyd*bad Khaja Abdul Aaii, Jagirdar, Shankerbagh, Hyderabad Khaja Abdul Hadi, Asst. Accountant General, Hyderabad Khaja AsaduUa Khan, Extra Asst. Secretary, General Secretariat Khaja AsaduUa Khan Esq., Extra Asst. Secretary, Judioial, Police and General Secretariat, Hyderabad Khaja Azimuddin, Esq., Asst. Engineer Combined Survey, Projects, Hyderabad Khaja Fiaauddin, Taluqdar, Station Rd., Kunta Gosha Mahal, fiydorabad Khaja Habeeb Hassan Esq., Dr., F.O.S., L.Ag., M.a.A.S.Ph.D. (London^ Chief Chemist Comm , and IndU'.tries Dept., Hyderabad Khaja Habib Ahmed, Asst. Supdt . Excise Dept., Hyderabad Khaja Mahbub Ali Khan, Jamadar, H. E. H. the Nizams Irregular Force Khaja Md. Ahmed Esq., Supdt., Archaeological Dapt , Hyderabad Khaja Md. Fiaauddin Khan, Taluqdar, Abkari Marhatwari, Hyderabad Khaja Md. Sayeod Captain, 1st Lancers, Asafnagar Khaja Moinuddin Ansari, Esq., H.C.S., Asst Secretary Financial Secretariat, Hyderabad Khaja Munawar Hasan, Esq., B.A,, Registrar, P, W, Secret riat, I. B. & Q. B. Hyderabad Khaja Nizamuddin Dr. B. sc., A.M.C.T. Govt. Expert (Paper Making) Hyderabad Khaja Nizamuddin Hasan, H.C.s., Munsiff, Mahboobnagar Khalid Bam erji, F.R.B.A,, & C.G. (Lon.) Divisional Engineer, Medak Div Hyderabad Khalil Ahmed Khan Subodar Indian Officer Ist N. Staff Regimoht MedoWs Brks. Trimulgherry Khalil-ul-Zam ^n Siddiq Fsq., Bar-at-LaW, Member H. E. H, Nizam’s Legis- lative Council, Hycerulad Khaliq Md. Esq., Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd., Noble Road, Begumpot WHO IS WHO Khan G. H. Esq,. Abst. Coirmercial Manager “Claims’* N. S. Rly. Secunderabad Khan G. M. Executive Engineer, Drainage Dept , A. C. Guards Kairatahad Khan Ali Khan Navv^ab Jagirdar Kairatahad Khasim Ali Khan Nawab Jagirdar Yakootpura Hyderabad Khatri Dr. L. D. M.B., B.8., l.rc.p., m.r.c.s., Asst. Director Public Health Western Circle, Nizam’s Medical Service, Maradpalli, Secunderabad Khawja Mohd. Syead Capt. Sqdn., Comdr. 1st (N. O.) H.I.S. Lancers, Asafnagar Hyderabad Khazi M. Hussain Esq., M.A. L.L.B., (Cantab) Vico Principal Osmania University Cellege, Saifabad Khan Fa2ul Md Khan Esq, born in the year 18 educated in Punjab, took his M. A topping the list in Mathematics, wont to England as a Government scholar, took his B. A in 1‘107 from Cambridge and cam > out a Sonior Wrangler. On his return ho joined tlio Punjab Educational Department till his services wore lent to the Hyderabad State. He joined the Hydor \bad Edu- cation Department as tho Principal of tho City High School, bocamo tho Deputy Director in 1922, loft services for a short period and rejo nod as Director of Public Instruction in 1928. A groat oducationalist and an able administrator. Khizruddin Ail Khan Sahibzada, Jgirdar Chanchalgu la Khurshed F.R.H Esq., B A., Principal Par.u School Park Lane, Secunderabad Khurshid Mirza, Esq., B. 8c., c. E., Director, Mines Dopt., Hyderabad Kliutbuddin Khan Nawab, Jagirdar, Kunta Goshamahal, Hyderabad King H. A., Major, T.M.D., 165/, Tnmulghorry King R. S. Major, M.C., 7th B. Cavalry, Lake Lines, Bolarum Kishen Chander Roy.,' Prof., Osmania University, Himayatnagar, Kishon Kao, V Esq,, L E E , Electrical Engineer, Electricity Dept., Hyderabad KneebonoH. Miss, Staff Nurso, q.a.t.m.n.s., British Military Hospital Knowles L. T. Esq,, Deputy Siipdt. oTRly. Police, Secunderabad Komaraya N. Esq , H. C. S. Munsiff, D lodrug Konsal Singh Bahadur Risaldar, (Hony. Lioux.) O.B I., I.D S.M., Hony. A.D.C, to Hon’ble the Resident, Hyderabad Residency Krishna K. R, V. Esq., Supdt , Local Audit Group, Bolarum Krishna P. G Dr., Ph D. B Sc, Agricultural Chemist, Agricultural Dept. Hy’bad 233 WHO SI WHO (4i 5 Excellency Maharafah STr Ki^hen Per$haJ Bhdr , K.C. i.E«, G. C. 1 E., Yf min-us-Saltcnath, was born in 1864 in Hydorcibad. A scion of the famojs Kaja TodarmulI« Hr> became the Peshkar in 1892 and confirmed as Prime Minister in 1901 by the late Kizira. In 1912 he resigned from the Prime Ministership, was appointed as the first Presi- dent when the Executive Council was created, which position he still occupies. Maharajah Bahadur is admired for his learn- ing, tolerance, amiability, benignity and magna- nimity. He is a grjat mystic poet in Urdu and Persian. Krishnaji Naik, Esq., Treasurer, Mint, Gowliguda Hyderabad Krishna Murthi M. S., Esq., B. Sc., Asst. Supdt. Geological Survey Depf Lingsugur, ^'aichur Krishna Murthi L.S. Esq., B.Sc. Petrologist Geological Survey Dept. Lingsugur, Krishnaswarav, Epq., Agent, Prudential Assurance Co , Ltd. Turner Rd. Sec'bad Krishnaswan Mi diraj, Merchant & Municipal Corporator, Hyderabad Lachman R io C , Landlorvi, Walker Town, Secunderabad. Lakdawala, N D., Esq., Prop Lakdawala & Co., Bolarum Lalta Porshad Chirac ihil. Esq., Contractor, Trimulgherry Lateef Nawaz Jung Bhdr. Nawab. Asst. Secretary, Dept. Comm, and Industries, Hyderabad Lateef Sayeed, M. A., Dr., M.B., Ch. B., King Koti, Hyderabad Laver G., Esq., Prop., G. Laver & Sons, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Lawton, W. R., Capt. 1st N. Staff. Regt , 73, Empress Road, Trimulgherry Laxminarasu, Esq., B. Com , Prop : Doccan Engineering Co., James St., Sec'bad Lee, H. D., Esq., Asst Comml. Manager, N. S. Ry., Secunderabad Lewis Bowen, G. A., Asst. Engineer, N. S Ry., Lallaguda Lewis, R. P., Col. D.S.O., D. D. 11. Qrs , Bolarum Lindsay, M. J., Capt. Ist K, D. Gs., 91, Allenby Road, Bolarum Linnell, K. E. Miss, Asst. Mistress, Mahbubia Girlr> School, Hyderabad Linnell, G. M. Miss, Lady Principal, Mahbubia Girls School, Hyderabad Liakatulla Khan Md., Esq., Examiner of Acctts. P. W, D„ Hyderabad Liewellen Palmer, A. W. A., 2nd Lieut 1st K. D. Gb., 159, Allenby Line, Bolarum Lobo, P. C., Dowan Bahadur, B.A., (Cantab) Bar-at-Law, Bist. & Additional Session Judge, Secunderabad 234 WHO IS WHO Lovell, T. R., Captain, 1st. Q. O. R. West Kent Rogt-, 67, Goug^ Bks. Trimulghorry Luck, R. F., Captain, 1st K. D. Gs., 91, Allenby Lines, Bolarum Luschwitz, J. H. Lieut., Director H. E. H. the Nizam’s String Band, Hyderabad Lutfud-Dowfa Bahadur Nawab, born in 1300 H. is the eldest son of Nawab Zaffer Jung Baha- dur. When he lost his father in his early twenties he took over the administration of his vast estates, the Kurshed Jahi Paiga and oariied out its administration with groat ability.. In 1335 H, he was made the Minister of Military and when the Executive Council was created ho was entrusted with the joint portfolio of Medical and Military Dapartments. In 1343H he was made the Minister of P. W. D. which post he resigned in 1345 H In 1346 H ho was again appointed a Member of the Medical and Military, which post he still retains. Nawab Lutfud-Dowla Bahadur is an accomplished Arabic and Persian scholar. He is a keen sportsman. He is generous, sympathetic and broad-minded Macartney F. A., Lieut .-Colonel, O.B.E., M.C.. Chief of the Staff, H. E, H. the Nizam’s Regular Forces, Saifabad, Hyderabad MacDonald, J.F.S., Esq., Asst. Loco and Carr. Supt. H.E.H. N.S.Rly., Lallaguda MacGregor, R.F.D., Dr. M.C., M.B., M.R.C.P E., Residency Surgeon, M.O inchai ge K. E. M. Hospital, and Member Cantonment Board, Hyderabad Mackenzie A. H., Dr. M.A., C.I.E, Pro- Vice Chancellor, Osraania University Adigamet Mackenzie, Duncan George, M, A, (Oxon Winobostor and Barsenose College, Oxford), C.I.E , I.C.S., born in 1883 joined the Indian Civil Service m 1807. After holding several appointments in the Political Department ho was appointed Asst. Private Secretary to H. E. the Viceroy in 1918, Asst, totne Hon’blo the Resident at Hyderabad in 1919, Political Agent to the Southern Rajputana State in 1926, Political Agent at Bhopal in 1930, Resident at Jaipur State in 1931 till he came as the Resident at Hyderabad in 1933. 23 ) WHO IS WHO Macintyro I. H , Ca^tun Supdt. o: KharJ.haiiajat, Political J-ecrctarint, Hyd*. Maflflin P. H., Esq., O H K., M.C., A rent Old Lancer Lin\s N. S. Rly. Secunderabad Mahad^van M. D. Esq., Merchant Oxford Street, Secun lorabad Mahmood All Esq-, Sub-Engineer, Hyderabad Municipality, Hyderabad Mahmood Husain Khan. Major 3rd Golconda Lancers, Hyderabad Mahmood Hussain K., Esq., M.A., (Cantab) Mech. Scicnc:;, Tripos, Special Engineer, Dist, Power Schemo, Hyderabad Mahmoodul Nisa Begum Lady Supt., Zenana Training School, Hyderabad Malik Mohamed Ali, Capt., 7t,h L. Cavalrv, Lake Linos. Bolarnm Manavalam Naidu, Merchant, Chadorghat Road, Soci ndorabad Mandoville C., Cipt. R. I. A. S. C , r.9, Roberts Road, Trinmlgherry Man Mohanlal Rai Esq., Jagirdar, Member Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad Mahbub Ali Khi.n Esq., H. C S , Special Officer, Local Fund, Hyderabad Mahdi Ali Siddiqui, ii. C. S., Munsiff, Raichur Mehdi Ydr Junq BaKadur Nawab, (Mohdi Hussain Bilgrami) yoingest son of Nawab Tmad-ul-Mulk Bahadur was born in 1880. After finishing High School education he went to Oxford and took his B.A., and M. A., there . In 1911 he joined the Nizam’s Service . s Assistant Political Secretary, in 1915, Deputy Financial Secretary, in 1918 Principal of iho Otmar.ia University College, at the same time acting as Director of Public Ins- truction. In 1919 bo ^^as appointed Political Member which post ho still holds. In 1930, he went to England as a m'^T/.bnr of the ctato Dele- gation to the Round Table Confcrtnce. Mehdi Yar Jung Nawab very ably fulfills his duty as the Pol , Member by his ability, tact, diplomacy, and personality. Mehdi S. M. Esq., Seretary to the Hon’ble the President and Executive Council, Banjara Road, Hyderabad Majidullah Esq., H.C.S , Assistant City^ Police Commissioner, Hyderabad Maraj Ahmod Esq., H O.8., Assistant P. M. G , Hyderabad Marcoolyn, H. B., Captain, (D. C.), R.I.A.S.C., B M H , Trimulgherry Marker N. R , Esq., Proprietor, Marker & Co., Oxford Street, Secunderabad Marret E. Esq., a.r i.d.a., Asst. Architect O.U.B. Project. Oxford Street, Sec’bad Mathews K. M., Esq., Proprietor, K. M. Mathows & Co., Tower Street, Scc’bad m WHO IS WHO Masheoruddin Md» Esq.^ Advocate, Hyderabad Municipality, Hyderabad Martin H.Esq.,M.A., (Oxon) O.B.E., Ag. Prof, of English, Nizam College, Hy’bad Mashuque Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab, B A., Joint Secretary, Revenue Secretariat Hyderabad Mazhor Ali Md. Esq., Member, Municipal Corporation, (B. Div.) Hyderabad McAlister G. M. S., Capt, 1st North Staffordshire Regiment, 112/5, Leswario Road, Modows Barracks, Trimulgherry McCarthy G. N. Esq., District Traffic Superintendent (Roads) Hyderabad M. G., Lallaguda McCorqurdalo D., Major, 1st K. D. Gs, Bolarum McKillop H. F , Captain The Scinde Horse, M/12 Murtaza Road, Bolarum Mehr All Fazil, Esq., Chief Engineer, City Imrovemont Board, Hyderabad Mehkari, G, D. Esq., Assistan* Director, Information Bureau, Hyderabad Mehta, J. M., Esq., Deputy Commissioner, Rjvonue Survey and Settlement Department Hyderabad Mir Abbas All, Esq., M.A,, Registrar, Legislative Secretariat, Hyderabad Mir Abid Ali Khan, Esq., H.C.s., 2nd Taluqdar, Aurangabad Mir Abdul Hamid Khan Esq., Judge, City Civil Court, Hyderabad Mir Alain Ali Khan, Esq,, h.c L,, Bar-at-Law, In^^ptcting Officjr, 11. E. H. the Nizam’s High Court Mir Azizullah, Esq., H.C 8 , Munsiff, Sirpur Mir Basit Ah Khan, Esq., M. A , Bar-at-Law, Registrar High Court, Hy’bad Mir Hamid Ah Khan, E.sq., 1st Magistrate, City Magistrate Court, Hyderabad Mir Hasliim Ah Khan, Esq , H.C.S., Session Judge, Warangal Mir Mahamood Ah, Esq,, Dy , Commissioner, C.l.D , Hyderabad Mir Mohamed Ali, Esq , Captain, 3rd Golconda Lancers, Hyderabad Mir Mustafa Ali, Esq , H.C.'., District Judge, 1 aichur Mir Mustafa Ah Khan, Esq., 2nd Magistrate, City Magistrate Court’ Hy’bad Mir Nazir Ali Esq., Sahibzada, B.A , LL.P., (Lond) Ear-at-Law, Asst. Secretary, Legislative Secretariat, Hyderabad Mir Rusul Sutan Esq , M Jo , Ag.*iOuUurist, H. E. H. the Nizan’s Agricultural Dopartini lit, Hyderabad Mir Sadtiat Ali, E,q., As A. C >.innissionor, C.ty Police, Hyderabad Mir SluijLiat Husaii Khan Sahib, Asst. Nazm-Jamiath, Irregular Force, Hy’bad Mir Subinin Ah IClian. Captain, Princ i Bo ’y Guard, Hyderabad Mir Sultan Ah, Tsq , H u.8., Munsiff, Aurangabad Mir Towfik Ah, Captc>..n, Cavalry Tra ning Souadron, Mallaplli, Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Mir Tarab Ali, Esq., B.A., LL.B., (Lanl) Bar-at-Law. Und3r Secy. & Registrar Legislative Secretariat, Member, Municipal Oarporation, Hyderabad Mir Zilal Haq Esq., Asst. Secretary, P. W. D., P. W. Secretariat I. B. & G. B. Mir Mohamed Ziawddi, Personal Asst, to Conservator of Forests, W. C. Mirza Abdur Rahman Beg Esq,, Asst. Secretary, Army & Medical Secretariat Mirza Akram Ali Baig, Esq., Registrar, Judicial Police and Gen. Secy., Hy’bad Mirza Aii Yar Khan, Esq., B.A., (Oxon) Director Information Bureau & Member Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Gunfoi ndry, Hyderabad Mirza Asadullah BaigEsq,, Asst, Registrar, H.E.H. the Nizam’s High Court, Hyd Mirza Hamid Beg, Lieut. A. D. C. to Walashan Nawab Azam Jah Bahdr., Hyd Mir Ghulam Mohamed Quraishi, Esq., Commissioner of Excise, Hyderabad Mirza Husain Ahmed Beg Esq., Judge, City Civil Court, Hyderabad Mirza Husain Ahmed Beg Esq., H.C.S., List Jugdo, Sangaroddy Mirza Husain Ah Khan Esq., B. A., (Oxon) Prof. English, Osmania University College, Adigamot Mirza Hussain Ali Khan, Dr , M.B.,Ch.BM 1st Phyiscian Osmania Hospital, Hy’bad Mirza Kader Beg, Brigadier, Sardar Bahadur A. D. C., Commanding H. E. H* the Nizam’s Cavalry Brigade Staff, Saifabad Mirxa Yar Jung Bahadur, Nawab vras born at Ameethi in the Lucknow District. Graduated from the Lucknow Canning College, in 1894 he took his L.L. B,, with distinction and set up practice at Lucknow. Before long, he became one of the leading members of the bar. In 1916 was nominated member of the Legislative Council U. P., in 1918 joined Nizam’s Government Service as Chief Justice, which post he still holds. Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur enjoys great popularity among the Bench and the Bar alike. His ability, his impartial and his thorough grasp of legal principles is acknowledged by all. He is responsible for many judicial reforms, the most important of them being the separation of the Judiciary from the Executive. Mirza Mohmood Beg Major, 4th Golconda Infantry, Hyderabad Mirza Mohd. Ali, P. A., to the Conservator of Forests, E. C., Hyderabad Mirza Mohd. All Beg, m,a., (Oxon) Conservator Forests, W. C., Hyderabad Mirza Mohd. Baig Esq., B.A., c.T., Personal Asst. Director H. E. H. The Nizam’s Agricultural Department, Hyderabad 231 WHO IS WHO Mirza NasruUa Khan Esq., Bar-at-law, Accountant-General, Malakpet, H 3 ’^d’bac Mina Nazaf Ah Khan Esq., B.A , Personal Asst, to the Hon’ble the Political Member, Political Secretariat, Hyderabad Mohd. Abdul Jalil, Esq., Asst. Secretary, Army & Medical Secretariat, Hy’bad Mohiuddin Ali Khan, Lt -Col, 1 /Hyderabad Infantry, Hyderabad Mohomed Yousuf, Lieut.. 7th Light Cavalry, Bolarum Mohsin Bin Mohd. Esq., Working Plans Officer E. C. Forest Department, Hy’bad Mohiuddin Esq., M. Sc,, Ph,D , Nizam College ProL Chemistry, Hyderabad Moin-ud-Doula Bahadur Nawab the only son of Nawab Sir Asman Jah, born in Hyderabad in 1891 and educated at home. His estate covers an area of 1,281 sq, miles with an annual revenue of 22 lakhs. In 1922 he was given the title of Moin-ud- Doula. In 1923 ha was made member of Executive Council, in 1924 he was appointed the minister of Military, which post he resigned m 1927. A keen sportsman, famous shot and a cricket enthusiast. His cricket Tourney held annually is but too well known. Moore T. E, O, Esq., Secretary to tbo Agtnt, N. S Rly., Secunderabad Morgan C. L„ Capt, R. Signals, 86, Robert’s Road, Trimuigberry Morgan Margaret, Miss^Prmcipal, Stanley Girls High School, Hyderabad Morley, E. S., Capt., R. A, 18th Field Battery, 97, Roberts Bks, Trimuigberry Morris W, H. Esq., Manager, Wardlo Engineering Co., 207 Napier Lines, Sec’bad Mutyala D. N., Esq , P.H.C., Senior Chemist, Industrial Laboratory, Hyderguda Mukerjee Mr. S. K., M.So,,B,L., Asst. Supdt., Geological Survey, Hyderabad Mukhtar Ah Khan Esq,, H.C.S., Dist. Supdt. of Police, Warangal Muniruddm H. N, Esq., M.A,, T,D,, (Dublin) Prin, Islamia High School Sec’bad Muniruddin Khan Md. Esq., Chief Supdt., Unani Dispersaries, Hyderabad Munslu J , D. Esq., Customs Dept, Sappers Lines, Secunderabad Murtuza Khan Esq, H.O.S., Munsiff, Patan Murtaza Khan Md. Esq., b.a„ LL.b., Govt, Pleader, High Court, Hyderabad Mustafa Bog M, Esq., Astt. Supdt., Telephone Dept., Hyderabad Mustaq A. K. Esq , Asst, Cemml. Manager, N. S. Rly., Secunderabad Muzdffar Khan Md, Nawab, Jag rdar, Member, Municipal Corporation, Hyd’bad Muzaffaruddin Quraishi Esq,, Ph,D., Prof. Chemistry, Osmania University Qsllege Adigamet WHO IS WHO Naganath, K. Esq., Textile Expert, Dept, of Commerce & Industries, Hyderabad Naga Reddy, M. Esq,, Jag^rdar, Namralli Nagendra Bahadur Esq , H.C S., SuperinUndont Excise Dept, Kareemnagar Nageswar Prasad, Esq., H,C.S, Munsiff, Kallam Naidu M. G. Major M.B., C M., Retired, Golden Threshold, Station Road, Hyd’bad Naidii, S. R. M. Esq , Eire Master, Hyderabad Municipality, Ramkote, Hyd’bad Naik. V, R. Esq., Jagirdar, Member, H, E. H. the Nizam’s Legislative Council and Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Begumpet Nailer, R H. Esq , Deputy Auditor, N, S. Railway, I allaguda Najimumdin Ansari, Esq., H.C.S., 2nd Taluqdar, Borar Najoeduddin Khan Pahadur, Nawab Saroornagar Nambiar Esq . BusinDssman, Oxford Street, Secundorabad Nanda, J, N. Esq., Dist. Engineer, Chilkalguda, Secundorabad Narasing Rao Fsq., Tnd Asst. Director, Education Doit., Hyderabad Nannyanlal Bansilal Sait, Banker, Gopal Bagh, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad Narayan Parsad Bahadur Raja, Asst. Irregular Troops, Hyderabad Narayan Rao Esq., Joint Secretary Revenue Dept, and Member Hyderabad Legislative Coincil, Hyderabad Narayan Reddy Esq., Doshmukh, Old Risalla Abdulla, Hyderabad Narayan Roddv Esq., Major 2nd Comd,, 2nd Bn. Hyderabad Infantry, Hyderabad Narayan Roddy Esq , D.8 P., Bhongir Narayan Ranga Reddy Esq , Zamindar, Maliboobpura, Hyderabad Naravan Das Esq., B.A., B.T., iisst. Jagirdars College Begumpet, Hyderabad Nariman R. N. M., I C.E., A.C.H., M.I.R,, F.B.C.8., F.R.E9, Prof. Construction Engineering Osmania I ngm Bering College, Hyderabad Nasar Nawaz-ud-doula Nawab, A. D. C. to H. E. H the Nizam, Hyderabad Nasir Ahmed Mohamad Esq., B.A., B.Sc., Prof. Physics Osmania University College, Hyderabad Nasir All Khan Lieut. -Qr. Mr. l/7th Rajput Regt , Q. V, 0. L. I. Wellesley Lines, 161 Bodar Road, Begumpet Nassiruddm Mohameci Esq., Jcigirdar, Kachiguda, Hyderabad Nassuuddin Mohamed Esq., Personal Asst. Revenue Dept., Hyderabad Natraj Iyer Esq., G.D A.* a-S.A., Auditor, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Nazir Yar jung Bahadur Nawab, M.A., LL.D , Judge High Court, Hyderabad Nazir Nawaz-ud-dowla Br. Nawab, Jamader, Nazim Jamiath Offioo, Hyderabad Newman C. H. A. Esq , Dist Engineor, Eastern Dist. Enginooring Dept* (Open Line) N. S. Ry , Secunderabad Newsam W. 0., Esq., i.c S., Additional Judge of the Court of the Resident Hyd. Niamatulla M., Esq., B. Com.. Bar-at-law, Registrar, M.nt Worshop, Hyderabad Niamatula Khan, Esq., Asst. Eng.neer, Civil Sub-Div,, P, W. D., Hyderabad tiO WHO IS WHO Nichols W. G., Esq., Dist. Loco Suptd., N. S. Rly., Lallaguda Nicholson 0. H. L , Major General, C.P., c M G., D.B.O., P.S.C., District Comdr* Doccan House, Bolarum Nizamuddm Hyder, Esq., Director, H. E H. the Nizam’s Agricultural Depart- ment Hyderabad Nizamuddin Md., Dr., Ph D. (Cantab) Prof. Persian Osmania University Cjllegor Adigamet Nizamat Jung Bahedtir, Nawab £!r, s cond son of the late Ra fat Yar Jung, was born in 1871. After hi early e lucation at the Madrassa-i-Aizza, ho proceeded to England in 1887 and joined the Trinity College Cambridge In 1891 he took his B.A., and LL.B., and in 1895 ho was called to the Bar, In 1896 he was onrollod as an advocate of the Madras High Court. In 1897 lie joined Nizaurs service as a District Judge. Parbhani. In 1899 ho was api'omti d Ci.ioi City Magistrate, in 1906 Under ecrotaiy to the Leg.slativo Department, in 1916 Chief Justice and .n 1918 Political Mm.ster* Nawab Sir Nizamat; Juiig Baha lur IS a great scholar and a poet of high order, some of his English sonn?ts are incomparable, Neor All Khan M., Esq., Jagirdar, Mandi Mir Alam, Hyderabad Noor-ul-Haq, Esq., Il,c.s., Asst, Supt , C I. D. Crime Branch, Hyderabad Noor-un-nissa Begum Sahcba, b.a.. Asst. Lady Priii., Zenana College, Nampalli Norman H., Esq., Chu'f Offic . Suptd,, S, B. C. I. D., Hyderabad Norman Walker J. Col., c. I. E., l.M.s., Dir ctor H. E. H. the Nizam’s Medical and Public Health Dept., Saifabad, Hyderabad Nowshaba Khatoon Sahob Qureshi Asst. Zenana College, Nampalli Nun y J. Miss, Asst. Mistress Mabbubia Girls School, Hyderabad Nuniy M., Miss,, Asst. Mistress Mahbubia Girls Cehool, Hyderabad Nuzimoddin Khan, Esq,, Jagirdar, Fiaz Manzil, Hyderguda Oates R. Esq , Asst. Manager, Wardle Engin-'onng Co„ Gunfoundry, Hyderabad Obod S. J., Esq., B.A., General Secretary, Y. M. C. A„ Secunderabad O’dowd N. G. Esq., Asst. Loco Supdt., H. E. H. N. S. Rly , Lallaguda Offredi P. Rev., Chaplain Roman Catholic, Trimulghorry WHO IS WHO Oliver W. P. Oapt., p.s.o. 1st. Q.O. R, W. Kent Regt. Staff A. H. Q. No. 65 Gough Brks., Trimulgherry Omerdaraz Khan Major, 3rd Bn, Hyderabad Infantry, Saifabad, Hyderabad Oonier Md. Esq., Asst. Commissioner, Revenue Survey & Settlement Dept. Hy*d. Osman Nawaz Jung Bahadur Nawab, Coroner, City Magistrate Court, Hy'bad Cuthwaite H. A. Esq., Deputy Agent H. E. H N. S. Rly., Lallaguda Oozanne R. de La, C. Esq., I. P.. D. S. P., British Administered Areas, 204, Tarbund, Secunderaabd Padukone P. R. Esq., B.a ,B.L., Assistant Engineer, S. 0. T. I. Trust, Marredpalli Palonj’ Ferozsha, Esq,, Taluqdar. Baghat, Chaderghat, Hyderabad Pannalal Sett, Esq., Banker, Member H. E. H. the Nizim’s Legis. Council, Hy’d Panwalkar V. G. Esq, B.E., A.M.I.E,, Cantonment Engineer, Secunderabad Pappiah P., Fsq., Executive Engineer P. W. D., Chilkalguda, Secunderabad Papa Ready, Patel, Kairatabad Parakh J, S., Esq., B a., g.d.a.. Accountant, Sebastian Road, Secunderabad Parakh T. R., Esq , Merchant, Sappers Lines, Secunderabad Paramanandas, Etq,, Jagirdar, Gulzar House, Hyderabad Parmeshwar Iyer Esq., Personal Asst, to Hon’blo the Finance Member, Hyd’bad Parmeshwar Iyer K. Esq., B.a., Registrar, Political Dept., Hyderabad Parslow J. W. Esq., Manager, Imperial Tobacco Co., Ltd., Percy’s Hotel, Seo’bad Parsons P. J., Proprietor, Percy’s Hotel, Secunderabad and Hyderabad Palel K. Esq., Manager Bombay Cycle 6 l Motor Agency, (Sec’bad) Ltd., Sec’bad Pattabiram Mudaliar A. V. Esq , Landlord, Walker Town, Secunderabad Parthasarathy Nuidu, Esq., Engineer, Dibtillery Road, Secunderabad Patny M. Esq., Proprietor Patny & Co., Morchai t James Street, Secunderabad Paul C. C., Esq., M.I.C.E., O.B.E., Deputy Chief Eng., P. W. D„ Oxford St. Soc’bad Pennington A. B., Esq., Resident Eng Callenders Cj,ble Constn. Co. Saifabad Penny £. E., Lt. Col. I. M. S. 94. Indian Military Hospital, Trimulgherry Peploe n.. Major, D.s.o,, 1st Q. O. R. W, Kent Regt ,67, Gough Bks, Trimulgarry Peto B. A. J., Capt., 1st K. u. G. BoJarum Pezzoni H. Rev., St. Francis Xaviers Chapel, Chaplain, Bolarum Philip F . C., Rev., m.a., St, George’s Church, Station Hoad, Hyderabad Philip P., Esq., Manager, Remington Typowritop Co., Marredpalli, Secunderabad Pillai C. Esq., Court Inspector, hecunJorabad Pingel Kodanda Rama Reddy, Deshmukh, Bogiilkunta, Hyderabad Piiigel Venkat Rama Reddy Deshmuxb, Sultan Bazar. Hyderabad Pooock, J. A., Lt-Col. H. E, (LA ) 4th Indian Divisional Signals 99, Trimulgherry Podaturi Veeriah, Esq., Merchant, Old Jail Secunderabad Poonamchand Laxmichand, Esq., Banker, Merchant, James St,, Secunderabad Ponday B. R. Esq., Asst. Auditor, N. S. Rly., Bolarum WHO IS WHO Poole S. S., Major, A. E. C., Regimental Educational Officer, 17/85, Bolarum Pope A. E. M. Dr. Miss M.A., D.Litt, Lady Principal Zenina College Hyderabac Posnett C.W. Rev. Chairman & General Supdt. Wesley Methodist Mission Medal Pothan S. G., Esq. M.A., Senior Asst. Auditor N. 8. Rly , Lallaguda Pratapgirji Narsinggirji Raja, Mill owner, Shahi Osmani Road, Hyderabad Preston C. E Esq. M. E. (Liverpool) A.M.I.E E., A.M.I., Mech, B.. A.M.I.E., (India) Principal O. 0. T. School Saifabad Hyderabad Priestly E. Rev. B A., Wesleyan MisiSion Bamkote Hyderabad Pulla Reddy B. V. Esq., M.R.C.8., L.R.C.P., (Lond) D. L. 0. Medical Officer N. S Railway Lallaguda Pulleyno G. B. D Esq I.P.. Supdt. Hyderabad Rly. Police, St. Johns Rd. Hy’bad Qizilbash Z. A., Lieut 5/6th Rajputana Rifles New Plassey Lin^s, Bowenpalli Qudrat Shah Khan, R)v. The Church Missionary Society, Station Rd,, Hyd'bac Qudrat Nawaz Jung Bahadur Nawab Cjmmind3r, Nazm-Jamiath Irregulai Forces, H, E. H. the Nizam’s Porsonal Staff, Saroonagir, Hydorabii Quddoos Hassan Esq., H.C.S,, 2nd Taluqdar, Modak Qufcubuddin Esq , H.c,S., Superintendent Custoirs, Lingsgur Rabab Khanum, Lecturer (Persian) Worn n College, Hyderabad Radford W. B., Capt. 1st K. D. G’s., 96. Allenby Linos, Bolarum Raghavan A. T. V., Jagirdar, 1420. Pendergliast Road, Secunderabad Raghavan K. 8. Esq., B.A., B.T., Asst. Professor, Nizam College, Hyderabad Raghoba Rao P. V., Registrar Administrative Dept,, N. S. Rly., Marredpalli^ Secunderabad Raghuiiathmu 11 G. Sett, Prop : G. Rughunathmull Banker Abid Road, Chader* ghat, Hyderabad Raghubir Sahay Esq., L.T.M., Supdt. Commerce & Industries, Hyderabad RaiimatYar Jung Bahadur Nawab, (Raimat« ulla) belongs to an ancient and respectable family. Born in 1305 H. he passed his Intermediate in 1905 was appointed as third Talukdar (Revenue) in l3l5 F. In 1322-27F. ho served as Asst. Sec- retary Finance Doit. Having made his mark in several capacities, he succeeded Raja Bahadur Venkat Rama Roddy in 1341—42 F. as Kotwal or Commissioner of City Police, which position he still holds. He IS an able administrator and responsible for throughly overhauling the Police ad* minstration on modern lines. WHO IS WHO Raghtinath Nathoo Lalljee, Esq,, Prop: Nat lioo Lalljoo, Oxford Street, Sec’bad R.ahat Ali Mirza, Esq , Manager Central Co-operative Savings Bank, Khairtabad Rahimuddin Md. Esq , B.a , Asst. Inspector Gonl. Registration and Stamp Dept, Hyderabad Rahmatulla Md. Esq.. B.Sc., (Durb) Asst. Engineer Water Works, P, W. D., Hyd’bad Raj B. S Major, L.R.C.P. & 8., Staff Surgeon to Walshan Prince Azam Jah Bahadur, Hyderabad Raj K., Capt. Opthalmic Specialist Deccan Dist. Secunderabad Rai Man Esq., Mohanlal, Jagirdar Ikbar Chowk Hyderabad Rai Saksona K. C. Esq., M.A., Asst. Prof History, Osmania University College Hyderabad Rai Saheb Sait Hari Gopaldas Ramlal, Banker Oxford Street, Secunderabad Rais Jung Bahadur Nawab, , Secy. Commercj & Industries Dept., Hyderabad Raja Dharamkaran H.C.S. 2nl Taluqdar, Jagtial Raja Rao Ch, Efcq., Businetsman, Publisher ‘The Hyderabad Directory’, Old Chappel Bund, Secunderabad Raju S, P. Dr. B.A , B.B„ A.M.I.B., Prof. Engineering College & Member Munci- pal Corporation, King Koti Road, Hyderabad Raju D. T. Dr. Rao Saheb, Asst. Medical Officer, K. E. M. Hospital, Secunderabad Ramanursu B. V. Esq., m,a., B. Ed , Prof; Economics, Nizam’s College Hy’bad Ramanujan A. M. Esq., b.a., Jagirdar, Pan Bazaar, Secunderabad Rama Rao M. Esq. M. bc , Prof: O. C. T. Institute, Saitabad, Hyderabad Kama Rao, P.Esq., U a., Prof: Chemistry Nizam’s College Hyderabad Ramaswamy R. K. Esq,, Member Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad Ramdev Rao, Raja Vanaparthi Samasthan, Hon. A, D. C., Walashan Nawab Azam Jah Bahadur, Jam Bagh, Hyderabad Ramiah J, S. Esq., B.A. Asst, Principal City College, Hyderabad Ramiah S. Esq., Prop, S. R. <& i>oiis Saunders Road, Secunderabad Ram Rao, P, Esq. M.a„ Pro:., Chemistry Nizam College, Hyderabad Ramkhishen Rao Esq., Member Municipal Cv^rporation Hyderabad Ramlal, Esq., B.a,, i.l.B., Asst. Socn tary Revenue Secretariat, Hyderabad RamLngd Roddy, Esq. B.ii , (Mcch) Inspector of Stjam Boilers, Comm ; & Indu- stries Dept., Hyderabad Ramsay Brown P. Esq., Asst. Trans Supdt., N. S. Railway, Secunderabad RancboddaitB Esq,, Co.umissioner Revenue Survey & Settlement Dopt. Hy’bad Rangachar C, Esq., M..a., LL.B , Pleader, Oxford Street, Seoundorabad Ranga Roddy B. Taluqdar Excise Department Hyderabad Rai go Roddi V, ComiiJssioner EACii^e Dept., Narayanguda Hyderabad WHO IS WHO Rashiuddin Khan, £nl Taluqdap Troip Bazar Hyderabad Ratna Sabarathi A. Esq., Rrg'strpr Stamps & Electricity Dept Hydf^rabad Ravi Venket Rama R3ddy Mustagir (Abkari) Bowonpalli Hyderabad Raziuddin Ahmed, Fsq., H.C.S , 2nd Taluqdar, Jagtial Raziuddm Siddiqi Md., Esq., M a. (Cantab) ph. D., (Cambridge) Prof. Mathematics Osmania University College, Adigamtt Read M. E. Mis'*, Lady Suptd., Primary Dopt., Nizam’s College, Hyderabad Reasat Ali Mirza, Li-Col. Comdg. Officer, 2nd Bn. Hyderabad Infantry, Hy’bad Rhys James Rev., Chaplain. St. John’s Roid, Seenndorabad Riazuddin Khan, Esq , n, A,, li,T , Assistint Principal, Mens Training College. Baida Ricketts Esq , Lieut , Qr. Master, 4th Bn GolcDnda Infantry. Golconda Fort Rjngay S. L., E&q., Asst Commercial Manager “Rates.” N. S Ry., Secunderabad Ripp D A., Esq ,, Imperial Ban': of India, Hyderabad Ritchie A J. P., 2nd Lieut 1st N. Staff Rcgt. Meadows Bks , Trimulgherry Ritchie V. C , Capt. “N” Battery the “Eagle Troop ’’ R. H. A., 98, Roberts, Rd. Trimulgherry Robinson E, I., Lieut (Q. M.) 1st K, D Gs , 94, Allcnby Lines, Bolarum Roch Rev. Fr., Asst. Parish Prifst, St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Sec’bad Ruffell B. Major d.a.a G.Offg. 3/20th Burma Rifles Southern Headquarters, Poona Rukmaji Kao Patalay, Lsq. Merchant, Ranigunj Secunderabad Rule W F. Dr., P.D.S ,, Club Read, Secunderabad Russel, F. Capt. 1st Q. O. R. W. Kent Regiment, 9/73, Range Gough Barracks Trimulgherry Russel, V. 0. Bt. Major D S.O , M c.. The Suf^lk Regiment, Trimulgherry Rubtom Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab (Dr, Coorlawalla), F. R. c. S., D. P. H., M R.C.P., L.R.C.P. & S„ L.F.P.S.. L.M , Ist Surgeon, Osmama General Hospital Hyderabad Rydon, H. J. Lieut. 1st K. D. Gs., 92, Allonby Lines, Bolarum Sackc'tt F. C. Rev.. Wesleyan Mission, Old Lancer Lines, Secunderabad Saiduddm Md. Qac’n, Esq., Jagirdar, Karwani Sahu, Hyderabad Saifuddin Md. Esq., Dy. Asst, Secretary P. W. D., Hyderabad Sajjad Mirza Esq., M.A., C.T., Principal Osmania Training Callego, Saifabad* Hyderabad Sail cher M. G., Capta n, f.r.c.s , (Elin) l.M.s,, Hyd?rdaad, Police Hospital* Marrodpally, Sjcunderabad Sahabuddin Md. Younus Fsq., M.A.. (Oxon.) Bar-at-law, Under Secy., H. E, H. Legislative Council. Hyderabad Salaoddm Md. Cajit. 1st Bn. H.Ndorabad SaL'lij Begam Dr. M.u.R.s., M.K.C.s , L.R,c.P., Civil Surgoon. V. Z. Hospital, Hd^ WHO IS WHO Salar Jung Bahadur Nawab, (Mir Yusuf Ali Khan) grandson of the famous ftatesmsn, Salar Jung ti e Great, was born in 1889 at Poona, Educated at Nizam’s Collage. Salar Jung owns a very ext'^n* sive estate covering an area of nearly 1,500 sq. miles with a population of over two lakhs while the annual revenue is n'^arly 15 lakhs. Was appointed Prime Minister in 1912 on retirement of Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad ; he carried out his duties with great zeal, tact and efficiency. Resigned in 1915. Widely travelled, he is a groat patron of Art and Learning takes keen interest in industrial development of the country, and possesses a very fine library. Samad Yar Jung Bahadur Nawab Military Secretary & Member Hyderabad Legislative Council. Hyderabad Samsamuddin Esq,, H.C.s.. Dy. Post Master General, Hyderabad Samsarauddin Hyder, Asst. Revenue Dept., Hyderabad Samiullah Md. Shah, Esq., B,A., , Prof. (Hyderabad) Engineering College Barandaz Khan, Jemadar, Nazim Jamioth Office, Hyderabad Sarda Nand Singh Lieut l/7th Rajput 172 Bedar Road. Begumpet Sardar Nawaz Jung Bahadur B.A., L.L.B., Extra Asst. Secty. Judicial & General Secretariat. Hyderabad Sarwar Husain Esq., Asst. Engineer P. W. D. City Sub-Div. Hyderabad Savi Bhivan Rao Deshmukh, Kachiguda, Hyderabad Saville S F. Capt. 1/Q. O. R. W. Kent Rrgt, 62 Gough Brks., Trimulgherry Sayeed Md. Lieut. Registrar, Hd. Qtrs. H. E. H. The Nizam’s R. F., Hyderabad Scalea C Major M.O’, R.A.M.C., D. A. D, P , Deccan Diet. Headquarters B’rum Schaffter B. C. Esq., Engineer, Engineoing Dept., N. S. Rly. Secunderabad, Schofield W. H. S. Lt-Col. R. I. A. S, C., A. D. S. & T, Deccan Dist. Bolarum Scot D. M.C., Major N. Battery “The Eagle Troop” R. H, A. Robert Barracks J/96 Robert Road, Trimulgherry Scot H. St. G. S. Brigadier C. B., D. S. 0. President Cantonment, Secunderabad Scrivener E, T., Esq,, Dist. Carr. & Wagon Supdt. Loco Dept., Lallagua Selvanayagam, J. T S. ReV., L.Th., S. P. G, Mission, Hyderabad Seminathi, J, Rev. Chaplairi Roman Catholic Church, Lallaguda Seshagiri Rao, C. Esq,, Personal Asst, to C. E., N. S. Ry. Engineering Dept. Seshagir Rao, 0., Esq., Jagirdar 14/A. Chilkalguda, Secunderabad ^ 246 WHO IS WHO Fycd Hashimi Esq,, Assistant Secretary, Judicial Policj & General Secretariat Hyderabad Syed Hidayat Moliiuddin. Esq , Judj^o, Kazi’s Court, Hydonbid Syed Hussain Ali Mirza, Fsq , ibA., B.Sc., Prof. Law Osraania University College Adigamet Syed Hussain Esq , B.A., M.8C , (Lon) Ph.D., F.C.S., (Lon) Prof. Chemistry, Osmania Univereity College, Hyderabad Syed Jalaluddin Hassan B.Sc , F R.H 8. (Lon) P. A. to I. G F‘ Forest Dept.Hy’bad Syed Jamaluddin Hussain Khan Esq , Jagirdar Nawab, Kalayani Malakpet Syed Kazoem Hussain, Esq., Jagirdar, Tank Mir Tumla, Hyderabad Syed Laiq Hussain, Esq., Asst. Commissioner, Revenue Survey & Settlement Dept , Hyderabad Syed Tjutif Ahmed Minai, Esq , Sectv. to Religious Affairs Dept., Hyderabad Syed Lutf Ahmed Fsq , P. A, to the Director, Medical Dept., Hyderabad Syed Mubarak Esq. B.A., Asst. Dir. General of Police (Acetts) Hyderabad Syed Masood Ahmed Razvi Esq., Deputy Asst. Director Settlomont Dept, Hyd’had Syed Mehdi Ali Esq Ph. P. Additional Prof. (Physics) Nizam College Staff Hy ’bad Syod Miran Husfain Esq., Jagirdar Karwansahu Hyderabad Syed Md. .All Kirn, Esq., A.R.C.S , B.Sc., Prof (Physics) Osmania University Colh g(\ Adigrmi t Syed Mol'd, Fanduddin Efq., Jag’rdar Fateh Darwaza, Hyderabad Syed Mohd Fazluddin Esq., P. A. to Hon’blo the Homo & Military Member, Hyderabad Syed Mobd Hasan Major Adjt. Artillery “B*’ Battery, Hyderabad Syed Mohd. Hassan Jaffari Esq., Jagirdar, Purani Haweli, Hyderabad Syed Mohd. Husain, Esq. B.A., (Oxon). Deputy Director of Public Instruction. Educational Dept., Hyderabad Syed Mohed, Hussain Major 2nd in Comd., “B” Battery Nizam’s Field Artillary Syed Mohd, Hussain Khan Esq., Jagirdar, Yakootpura House No. 816 Hyderabad Syed Mohd. Taqi Esq., Dy. Commissioner, Excise Dept., Hyderabad Syed Mohd. Taqi Esq., Jagirdar, Lingampalli Syod Mohd, Younus Esq., Executive Engineer, 0. U, B. Scheme Adigament Syed Mohiuddin Khan Esq , Jagirdar Shahgunj, Hyderabad Syed Mohsin Razvi Esq , H. C. 8. Munsiff, Iluzoornagar Syed Muhammad Ishaq Asst to Dir Gonl. of Jails, Polica Dept., Dist Police Hyd. Syed Muzzaffar Hussain Sufi Esq., B.A., L.L.B., Djputy Dir: Gonl. of Polioo (Western Rari^o Polic3 Dopt (Dist Police) Syod Naqi Bilgrami, Asst, Engineer, Western Dist. N. S. Rly., Seoundorabad WHO IS WHO Syed Omer Abu Talib Esq., Asst. Socrotary, Financs Secretariat, Goshamaha I Kunta, Hyderabad Syed Osman J.iffer Esn., ii.C.S., Miinsiff, Sirpur Syod Shariaikicn Esq., Mansabdar, Sultan Sbahi Syed Sliahabaddin Khan Esq.. Forest Settlement Officer, Hyderabad Syod Valilullah Hassami Esq., Taluqdar, Masheerabad Syed Vilayat Hussam Esq., Deputy Post-Master General, Hyderabad Syod Vilciyat Hiissaiu Lt,-Col. Cjmdg. Officer, Njzam Mahboob Force Hyderabad Syod Vilayat Hussain, Brigadier, H.I.9.T,, Commanding Infantry Brigade Staff Hyderabad Syed Yustif Ali Esq., H.C.S., Assistant Secretary, P. W, D., Khairatabad Syed Zainulabdia Esq., H.C.S,, 2nd Taluqdar, H C. S. House, Hyderabad Tabor Ah, Lieut , Coy Coradr., A.D.C. to Hon'blo Army Member, Hyderabad Taber Ali Muslim Esq., Urdu Instructor, Staff, Walasban Nawab Azam Jab Bahadur, Saifabad Tbasin Hussain Kban, Cipt M.B , ch.B , M.o. I/c Military Hosp ital, Golconda Taj Ahmed Kban, Capt. Headquarters Staff, li. E H. the Nizun’s (U.F.) Saifabad Taraporo B S., Capt. ( Nawab Shawak. Yar Jung Bahadur) I.M S., A I.R.O., (Uetirod) L.R.C.'P. &3,, D.r.H., d.t.m , div, Oxford Street, Secunderabad Taraporovala C. B. Evsq., B A., B.Sc , o.a., I.B.. (London) Assistant Secretary Financial Dojiartment, Saifabad Taraporevala S G Esq , 13, Executive Engineor, 0 U. B. Scheme* P. W, D , Adigamet Tara Singh Bal. Capt. Col. Offig. Adjt., 7tb Light Cavalry, Lake Linos, Bolaruni I Hendricks Bros.^ AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS & REPAIRERS li Oxford Street, :: SBCUNDBRABAD. lai WHO IS WHO Tasker, T, J. Esq., C.I.E., I.C S,, Hon’ble Revenue and Police Member, H. E, H. tbo Nizam’s Executive Council, Begumpet Tatham P. R., Capt., P. A. V. O. Cavalry, lltli Lrontior Force, Haig Lines Bolarum Taylor S. P , Dr. M.B., Oh.B., (Hons) Bristol M R C.P,. (Lon)., D.L.O. (Lon) B-so., (Bristol) Chief Medical Officor. N. S. Rly., Lallaguda Terry A. B., Sub-Condr., R. I. A. S. C Qrs. Warrant Officer Class I, Trimulgherry Terry P. O’N., Lieut 1st Bn. North Staff Regt. (Prince of Wales’s) 916 Meadows Barracks, Trimulgherry Tliakur Nathu Singh Capt. Adjutant l/7th Rajput Regt. (Q. V. 0. L. I.) Wellesley Lines 161, Palm Road, Begumpet Thompson A. J. W., S.-Condr. M, E. S No. 2 S. D. O’S. Qrs., Trimulgherry Thompson J H , Esq. M.A., (Oxon) I. C. S. Ibt Asst, to Hon’ble the Resident, Chairman Sec’bad Cantonment Improvement Trust, Bolarum Thompson R. H., Major 4/5 Mahratta L. 1. Napier Lines Secunderabad Thomas R. Esq., Asst. Director, Statistical Dopt., Re von .e Secretariat, Hy’bad Thnbron G. E., Major 1st Bn. North Staff Regt. Prince of Wales’s No. 67 Meadows Barracks Trimulgherry Thwaites I. B., S/Condr I. A. C. C. Warrant Officers Class 59/3 Meadows Bks. Trimulgherry Tiarke J. G. E , Major 1st K, D. Gs. 89, Allenby Lines Bolarum Timmins M. Mrs. A. T. C. L., Assistant. Mahboobia Girls School, Hyderabad Trimbak Rao Bhdr, Raja, Secretary, Hyderabad Muncipahty, Somajiguda, Hyd. Tomlinson J. M. 2nd Lt. C. L. I. A., 1st Bn. The Q. 0. R. W. Kent Regt. Qr. 7 75 Range Gough Barracks, Trimulgherry Toorkey D. R., M.A., (Edin) House Master, Jagirdars College, Begumpet Toorkey R. D. Esq., Banker, Penderghast Road, Secunderabad Treasure E. H. M. Esq., Tobacco Expert to H. E. H. The Nizam’s Government Commercial & Industries Dept., Hyderabad Trench A, C. Rev, M.C., Holy Trinity Church, Bolarum Trevor D.B., Esq., O.B.E., Chief Commercial Manager, H.E H. N. S. Rly ,Sec’bad Troth W. A, Maior, M,C„ p.s.c. D. A. D. G, 9th Jat Ret. M-6Bolarum Tuck S, A, Major 1st Bn. North Staff Regt. Meadows Brkb. Trimulgherry Turab Yar Jung Bdr. Nawab, Asst. Secretary Revenue Dept. Hyderabad Turner, P. S. 2/Lieut. b5th Field Battery, R.A. 90, Roberts Road, Trimulgherry Turner, W. Esq., M. a. (Edin) Principal Nizam College, Hyderabad Uldall P. Esq., Asst. Engineer, Central District, N. S. Rly, Lallaguda 252 WHO IS WHO Umra. Singh, Lieut. Qr. Mr. 5/6th Rijputana Rifles Now Plassey Lines, Bowenpalli Ushaq Ahmed Khan, I.M.A.D,, 2/Lt. 2nd N.O., Lancers Goloonda, Hyd’bad Vali-ur-Rahman Esq., Asst. Commissioner Revenue Survey & Settlement Dapt., Hyderabad Vdliur Rahman, Md. Esq., Asst. Director Settlement Dept, Hyderabad Vander Kiste, J. C. Lieut Ist/N. Staff Regt., 79 Empress Road, Trimulghorry Vanstone, G. M. E., Esq., 20-C. St. Johns Road, Secunderabad Vas L. Rev. Father Principal St. Patricks High School, Secunderabad Vatcha, H* D. Fsq., Merchant, Hon. Bench Magistrate, Sebastian Road. Soc^bad Veerabadrudu T.jEsq., M.^,,L,T., Prof, dnglish Osmmania University CoIIclo M aredpalli Secunderabad Venkata Krishniah Mutayala, Rao Bahadur, Banker, Mill Owner, Saunders Rd. Secunderabad Venkata Reddy S. Rai Bahadur Retired Auditor N. S. Railway, Hony. Bench Magistrate. Bolarum Venkatesulu P. Esq , C.A., Asst. Educational Officer, British Administered Areas Chilkalguda, Secunderabad Voeraswamy A. J. Esq., Dist. Scout Commissioner, Imambawdi, Sec’bad Venkat Narasimab Patwari Esq. M.A., Lecturer, City Intermediate College, H’bad Venkat Narsimah Esq. Reddy, Deshmukh, Shankorbagh Venkat I'ratab Reddy, Esq. Deshmukh, Shankerbagh Venkat Ramanan S., Dr, British Administered Areas Educational Department, Picket, Secunderabad Venkst Rama Reddy, Raja Bahadur, O.B.E., was born in 1279 F. at Rajanpefc, Wana- parthy Saniasthan Educated at Wana- parthy, entered Nizam’s Pol Cf Service m an Amoenand by sheer dint of merit and efficiency rose to bo the Commis- sioner of Policj. Ho introduced the system of time scale, had the intorest of hi» Lubordiiiates at heart and this combined with hiB integrity, had made him very popular m the Poliou Force. Ho retired in 1934 but in recognition of his meritorious services H E. H. the Nizjm appointed him Special Officer of the Sarf-i-khab. Raja Baliiidur is interested in social servioo. Ho takes spocial mtirest in the development of Agriculture and Co-operative movements. WHO IS WHO Vonkat Kao Datar Esq., B.A., Deputy Secrotiry, Financial Dept, Hyderabad Vonugopal A Rao Bhdr., Ploa lor, Member, Secunderabad Cantonment, Board, Hill Street, Secunderabad Venugopal Pillay Raja Esq., Supdt., Govornmont Central Press, Malakpet, Hyd* Vcnugopal Rao Esq., Jagirdar, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad Vergliese M., Capt. M.O. In-charge Military Hospital, Saifabad Viccajee D., Dr. Civil Surgeon (Retired) H. E. H. Tho Nizam’s Medical Service. Bolarum Viccajee J. C., Esq., Member Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad Vinayak Rao Esq,, Vakil, Member Nizam’s Legistlative Council, Hyderabad Vinning R. S. E. M., Lieut. 1/N. Staff Regt. 01/6 Meadows Brks. Patna Road Trimulgherry Vismara D. Dr., The Right Rev. Bishop of Hyderabad, St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Sccundorabad Vital Rao C. Esq., Engineer & Contractor, Chilkalguda, Secunderabad Vulliamy E. L. L., Lieut. Adjutant R. Signals (I. A.) 67 Moadws Brks. 4th Indian Divisional Signals, Hastings Lines, Trimulgherry Wijghray K. N., Capt,, Medical OJicer iii-chargj Military Central Hospita I Hyderabad Wahidur Rahman Esq., B.Sc., Prof. Physics, O. U. College, Adigamet Waldron D. H, Capt,, 1. M. S. Staff Surgeon, 83 Allonby B irrack’s Bolarum Walker B. W. G. Major, M. C. F A. V. 0. Cav (11th Frontier Force) Haig Linos. Bolarum Wall, T. R. Capt. A. D. C. British Military Hospital, 159 Meadows Barracks, Trimulgherry Walsh, N. H. Miss B. A. Hoad Mistress (Girls School), St. George's Grammar School, Hyderabad Walton W. P. E., Capt., 1/N. Staff. Regiment Staff College, Meadows Barracks Trimulgherry Wans Molid. Khan Esq , Vice-Principal P. T. S., Supdt., District Police, Hy’ba d Watkins F. M, Lieut. 1/N. Staff Regt No. 82, All Sa.nis Road, Trimulgherry Watts A. H. W. Esq., Transportation Supdt,, N. S. Rly., Lallaguda Watts H. Esq., Merchant, Messrs. Watts Bros., Oxiord Stroot, Sec underalal Weaver J. F. H , Litut. 1st K. D. Gs., 92, Allenby Linos, Bolarum Webb W. B. S., Capt., 5/6th Rajoutana Rifles, Now Piassy Lines, Bowenpally Weber F, Esq., M.A., Director of Physical Training, Education al Dept., Hyderabad Welch C. C. S/Condr., Manager- in-charge of Military Grass Farm, Bolarum Wolmkar N. G. Esq., M.a., ll.b , Retired, Nizam’s Educational Dept., Hydergudat West J. R., Capt. 5/6th Rajputaua Ri-les, New iHassy Lin s, Bowenpally Whothcrly W, E. S., Liout. ist K. D. Gs., 92, Allenby Lines, Bolarum 254 WHO IS WHO Whitely A. P , Oapt., 5/6fch Pajputana Piflrs, T^'ow Plassy Linos, Bowenpally Wil(i#>r J. Me. M., Maio"* I.M.s., 85, AlVnbv Linos. Bolarnm Wilkfnson P. Psq . List; Pnfrni''‘^r Tonfiral List , Tv. Kly,. Chilkalguda Willian^p J Pov Motbodist Obarlain, Trimiilfrhorry Williams T, E., Liout. Acijt l/6t,li Rajpntnna Pifles, Wellington Linos, Aurangabaf Wilmor T. n.. Lt.-CoL, RE I A, Executive Engineer, Secunderabad Cantt Town Improvement Trust, Secund-jrabad Wilson Gr A., Rev. M A., Chaplain, Polarnm Wilson J. F.. Liout. R. H. A. 94, Roberts Road, Trimulgberry Wilton, A. J. M., Major 4 /5tb Mabratta L. T. Napier Lines, Secunderabad Winefield-Stratford, G. E Lt. CoL, M. C., P. S. C„ 1/Q. O. R. W. Kent Rogt. 6} Gough Barracks. Trimulgherrv Win tie F G,. Lieut., 18th Field Battery, R. A. J/90 Roberts Road, Roberts Bks Trimulgberry Wood G R., Lieut 4/5tli Mahartta L. I. Napier Lines, Secunderabad Wood M. T G., Liout. N. Battery, R H. A , A. P. 0. to comdr., Trimulgherr.v Wooldridge, L, W. Capt. I. A, List. Magistrate British Admin. Areas, Bolarum Woolner, P. C. Major, O. B E , R. E., (I. A.) Garrison Engine er, M.E 8. Sec’bad Wright, D. G. M. Lieut. 1/Q O. R. W. Kent Regt. 75/8 Gough Bks. Trimulgherr> Yasin Ali Khan, S. Esq , Asst. Engineer Western Dist., N. S Rly,, Socunderabai Yolland N. De. C., Capt., R.E., A. C. R. E., (E. & M ) Deccan Dist. H. Q. B'run Youngman T , Condr, R.I A.S.C, Qrs. Supply Dept. Meadows Bks., Trimulgberry Younus Md. Esq., Asst.Supdt.. Dist. Police, Goshamahal, Hyderabad Yousuff All Beg, Li('Ut 2n(l (N. O ) H. T. S. Lancers Gnlconda, Hyderabad YousuiT Ali M., Esq.. Jagirdar Eateh Darwaza, Hyderabad Yousuff Hmam Fsq , Pb.D., Prof. History Osmania University Colluge, Adigame Yonsviff Mirza Esq., B.Sc., Gel, Mech. Eng. Instructor, Fitting Shop, O.C T.I Saifabad Yousuffuddin, Esq., II.C.9., Supdt. Customs, Madbira Yule R. C., Tu'out. 4th Indian Div. Sigs., 94, Pwobsrts Road “A” Coy. Officer Hastings Lines, Trimulgberry Yunus 8. M., B pc , (Hons) Manch. Executive Engineer Osmania University Building Scliem'^ P. W. D., Adigamet Zahid All, Esq., D. Phil. (Oxon) Prof. Arabic, Nizam Collog.i, Hyderabad Zahir Ahmed, Esq., H.C.S., 2nd Taluqdar, Khammam Zahiruddin Ahmad Esq., M. B.Mt. ((^airo). Philosophy Osmania Univorsit, College, Adigamet Zahirudduin Abmul Md. Esq., m.a., h.g.S., Asst, Acci Gen. A. G’s. Office, Hy Zaidi S. K. A., 2/Limit C_)y. Officer, 1/Hydorabad Infantry, Goshainaiuil ZainYarJun^ Bhdr. Nawab, C F.., A vliiti'et, O.'.nuiiiia T^nivoisity Buildir Scheme, Mi nicipal CjmmiSsionc'r, Hydordbad Municipality Hyde.-abad WHO IS WHO 2u!cader Jung Bahadur^ Nawab, (Mirza Mahomed), born in 1875, is the son, of ServtT-ul-Mulk Bahadur and is a desoondent of ‘Tamerlans*. Ho took his M. A. in 1899 from Christs College, Cambridge and quali- fied for the Middle Temple Bar the same year studying as a State Scholar, On his return, he 3 oinod Nizam’s service in 1900 as a 3rd City Magistrate and was elevated to the High Court Bench in 1907. He retired from service in 1915 hut was recalled in 1921 as Home Secretary. He retired again in 1927 but was recalled in 1933 to his former post. Nawab Zulcadar Jung enjoys great popularity and is a man of letters. He is au able administrator and is responsible for various reforms in the system of government. APOLLO MUSIC HOUSE, 139, JAMES STREET, (NEXT TO GOVT. TEL. omcE) SECUNDERABAD-DECCAN. Agents (or: H. M. V. & COLUMBIA PRODUCTS, GRAMOPriONESi RECORDS. RADIO*GR AMOPHONE6» VAUVESi CbCCTRIC, PICK-UPS, OTHER SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. 255 LAWYERS PRACTISING IN HYDERABAD COURTS. Mr. Abdul Aziz Khan Md., Husainl Alam „ Abdul Burkat Syed Wajihudd'in, Osman Shahi „ Abdul Gulain Md., B.A.., B.L., Kachiguda „ Abdul Hakim Khan Md., Pathergatti „ Abdul Hasan Syed All, Abdulla Risala „ Abdul Kadir Quraishi Md., Sultan Bazaar „ Abdul Karim Md., Troop Bazaar „ Abdul Misra Raoof Md., LL.B,, Kunta Road „ Abdgl Qadir Md., Dharushafa „ Abdul Rahim Md., LL.B., Kunta Road „ Abdul Salam LL.B., Insido Dabirpura „ Abdul Salam Ansari Md., LL.B., Troop Bazaar „ Abdul Wahid Md., Adhulla Risala „ Abdulla Pas'ia, TiL B., Troop Bazaar „ Abduali Sharif, B.A , B.L,, Secunderabad „ Abid Nawaz Jung Nawab, Bar-at-Law, Somajigada „ Adwendra Rao Samarasin, B. A., B. L., Mahbnbpura „ Aga Askeri Husain, Jinsi Mohalla „ Abdur Rahim, Afzal Gunj „ Abdur Rahim Quraishi Md., Outside Yakutpura „ Abdur Rahim Md., Troop Bazaar „ Abdur Rahman Md., Munshi Saheb Bunglow „ Abdur Qadir Md., Vakil, Jam Bagh Mahbnbpura „ Abdur Razack Md., Vakil, Troop Bazaar „ Ahmed Abdul Gafoor, Gowliguda „ Ahmod AMul Majid Khan Vakil, Shahgunj „ Ahmed Ail Khan, Siddiambar Bazaar „ Ahmed Turab Azimuddin Md., Siddiambar Bazaar „ Askeri Hasan, Bar-at~law, Gul Bagh „ Akabr Ali Khan, B. A. LL. B., Bar-at-law, Station Road „ Akneypalli Janki Ram Rao, New Nampali „ Akramulla Md., LL. B., Hyderabad „ Aleemuddin Ahmed Kamil Md., Kachiguda Station Road „ Ambadas Rao Vakil, Ba.g Mohiudin Badsha „ Ambadas Rao P , Afzal Gunj Chaman „ Amrulla Sidicun Md., Bar-at-law, Tiojp Bazar „ Anant Reddi T., B. xV., LL. B., Katalmundi Arauarnuda Tvengar S. R. Dewan Bhd., B.A., B.L>, Sa’tm Bazar „ Aslam Khan Md., Ghausi Bazar „ Azammoddin Md., LT^.B , Mahlx)obpura „ Azizuddin Md., Doodh Bowli „ Badshah Md., IBcgum Bazar „ Badroddin Khan, KL.B., Malakpet „ Baka Reddy Alias Balwant Reddy, Sidiambar Bazar LAWYERS Hyderabad Confinued Mr. Balmukund, Mohjiiddin Pasha Bag'll „ Bala Parshad, Osman Shahi „ Balwant Rao TiIjuKkar. Sultan Bazar „ Bhakta Parshad, LL.B., Shahali Burida „ Bashmir Dayal, Shergul Kaman „ Bhagwan Rao Madhukar, LL..B., Troop Bazar „ Bhavan Rao, LL.B,, Gosha Mahal „ Bhikaji, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Bhimsen Rao, LL.B., Secunderabad „ Bhim Rao, Inside Lai D irwaza „ Bismillah Khan Md., Malguzaari „ Borgaonkar S. A., LL.B . Bar-at-Law, Station Road „ Budsingh Yodar, LL.B., Gowliguda „ Burshanuddin, Troop Bazar „ Chobc B. N., LL.B., Dhawalpet Damodhar Rao. LL.B , Sultan Bazar „ Damodhar Reddy, B.A., Bar-at-law, Jam Bagh „ Damodhar Reddy, Bar-ai-Iaw, Gort. Pleader „ Das Rao, Sultan Bazar „ Dattatrya Rn(>, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Devi Porsh. d, T.L.B , Murlidhar Bagh „ Devi D s, Charagali Lane „ Dovdart’’ Vlital Shrikhande, LL.B., Kachiguda „ Devi Per<-'had, Shah Ali Bunda „ Devi Pershad D., LL B, Punfe Shah „ ^Dharnidhar Sangi, LL.B., Shardil Kaman „ 'Dharjlal, l^atherki Masjid „ Dhoud Raj Lakshnia Raj, Bar-at-Iaw, Shah Ali Bund a „ Digamber Rao, Gowliguda „ D gamher Rao Ghoudiri Mutkhed, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Diwaker R-ao, LL B,, Sultan Bazar ,, Dwarkanath B. K. Ayengar, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Faizuddin Md., Troop Bazar „ Faridun Mulla, M.A., Bar-at-law, Kizara Shahi Road „ Faridun D. Mullah, Bar-at-law, Mushirabad „ Fazluddin Khan Md., Moghulpura „ Gangddhar Rao, LL.B., Afzulgunj Cbaman „ Gangadhar Kao, Troop Bazar Jam Bagh „ Ganpat Rao, Shah Ali Bunda „ GanuatRao, Gowliguda „ Girdhari Lai, Bogum Bazar „ Gopal Rao, Adoc ite, NampalU Station Road „ Gopal Rao, M,B., B.L., Tn op Bazar „ Go;^al Rao, LLB., Station Road „ Gopal Reddy, Bar-at-law, Hyderabad LAWYERS Hyderabad Cordinued Mr. Goposhrori Reddy, LL. E., Hyderguda „ Govind Rao, LL, B., Huniyatnagar „ Govind Rao, B. L., Mahbubpnra „ Govind Rao, LL. B., Govvliguda „ Govind Rao- Troop Bazaar, Jam Bagb „ Govind Rao, Aliyabad „ Govind Rao, Shah All Bunda „ Govind Rao, B. Jam Bagh „ Govind Rao Ardoapurker, Troop Bazar, Jam Bagh „ Govind Rao Nagopuibar, LL. B., Filkhana „ Gulam Akbar, Baradari Salar Jung „ Gulam Mohamad, LL. B., Shankar Kofcha Gulab Rai Gahib, Etbar Chowk „ Gula i Rasul, Troop Bazar ,, Gimda Rao Hawalkar, LL. B., Shah AH Bunda „ Guru Dat Rao, Husaini Alam „ Hafiz Abdul AH, Advocate, Troop Bazar „ Hafiz Mohamad Abdul Hamid Khan, Kachiguda „ Hiifiz Mohamad Ibrahim, Saiiabad „ Hafiz Mohamad Sadiu AH, Troop Bazar „ Hafiz Syod Alxlul Qavi, 0pp. MaJguzari „ Hakim Jamil Ahmed, Jam Bigh, Troop Bazaar „ Hakim Mahmood Ali, Kachiguda „ Hakim Syed AH, Darushaia „ Hakim Md., Vasir Shah Ali Bunda „ Hari Kishen Singh, Osman Shahi „ Haiildl Wagre, B.L,, Troop Bazaar „ Hari Narayan, Advocate, Urdu Moiiola „ Har Narayan Lai, Troop Bazaar „ Hari Ram Narayaiie LL.h., Sultan Bazaar „ Hemchandra, Advocate, Troop Bazaar „ Humayum Mirza, Bar-at-law, Asafnagar Hyderabad „ Husain Mukhdar Mir Md., Dharushala „ Hyder Raza M. A., Bar-at-law, Gul Bagh „ Inidad Husain Md., Shah Ali Bunda „ Inayet Ai med T’aroocp, Noorkhan Bazaar „ Ishwarruiuh Rao, Alzulgunj „ Jahangir Ali Siddiki Md., LL.B., Ghansi Bazaar „ Jalil AHiimd, LL.B., S ddiambar Bazaar „ Jamal Klian Gori Md., Fil Khana „ Jamaluddln Md., LL.B,, Gosha Mahal ,, Jahardhan Rao, Ndm]»al]i Station Road, „ Janki Ram Rac^, Husluiii .^lam „ Jan Qura^siii Mcl., liuniimau TVkdi „ Joshi U, B., LL.B., Sul.dii Br.zac.r LAWYERS Hyderabad Continued Mr. Kalicharan Isthena, LL.B., Troop Bazaar „ Kalimuddin Ansari, LL.B., Nainpalli „ Kashinath Rao Rajukar, LL.B., Tulja Guda „ Kasliinath Ran Vadya, Advocate, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Keshva Rao D., Gowliguda „ Keshava Rao Sakharam, Troop Bazar „ Khvamul Huq Md., Troop Bazar Jam Bagh „ Khaia Ahmedullah, Hanuman Tekdi „ Khaja Badruddin, Afzulgunj „ Khaja Bahuddm, Ghansi Bazar „ Khaja Mohomad Abdul Aziz, Advocate Kunta Road „ Khaja Mohiuddin, Kattal Mundi „ Khaliluzaman Siditjui, Advocate, Bar-at-Law Nampalli Stationd Road Khan Bahadur Abul Rahim, B L., Secunderabad „ Khulij Baig, Bar-at-Law, Hyderabad „ Kishen Rao, LL. B., Sultan Bazar „ Kondahram Rao N., LL.B., Troop Bazar „ Kishaii Ayeiigar B. N., B.Ij., Sultan Bazar „ Krishnainachari G. Raja Bndr. Advocate, B.L., Sultan Bazar „ Krishna Chari, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Krishna Rao, LLB., Troop Bazar „ Laik All Md., Sultan apura „ Lakshmaii Rao, LL. B., Hashmat Gun] Sultan Bazar „ Lakshiri Narayan Rao, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Lazmi Narayan, Troop Bazar, NiZam Shahi Road ,, Madan Mohanlal, LT*. B., Shanker Bagh ’, Madapai Haiimant Rao, Troop Bazar „ Madhav Rao Madhuba, LL. B., Sultan Bazar „ Madhuri Pershad, Irani Gully „ Mahmood Ali Khan, Kotla Ali Jah „ Manik Prashad, T.L.B., Topkhana Goshainal „ Manik Rao, LL.B., Topkhana Goshainal „ Manohar Pershad S., LL.B., Chiragah’ Lano „ Manohar Singh, LL.B., Old Kobutakhana „ Manohar Rao, Mahbubpura „ Mashiuddin Md. Advocate, Troop Bazar „ Maslehuddin Md., LL.B., Bagh of State Library „ Md. Mirza, Shah Ali Bunda „ Mir Ahmed Ali Khan, Advocate Katal Mundi „ Mir Akbar Ali Khan, Brr-at-Law, Opp: Malguzari „ Mir Asnuddin, LL.B.. Topka Saclia „ Mir Mazhar Ali, Osman Shahi „ Mir Mazhar Ali Khan, Kattal Mundy „ Mir Shasmher Ali, Abullah Rissala 259 LAWYERS Hyderabad Continued Mr. Mir Shaokat Ali, Sultan Bazar „ Mir Taherali Khan, LL. B., Mabboobpura „ Mir Tilawat Ali Jaidi, LL. B., Darushafa „ Mirza Ahmed Ansaii, Jam Bagh Troop Bazar „ Mirza Husain Ali Khan, LL. B., Inside Ciiaderghat „ Mir? a Md., LL. B., Siddiamber Bazar „ Mirza Mobomad Ali Beg, Advocate, Mama Jamla Devdi „ Mirza Mohomad Farooq Ali, Inside Dabirpura ,. Mirza Nurruliah Beg, Chelapura „ Mirza Riyasat Ali Beg, Husaini Alam „ Mirza Shakoor Beg, LL. B., Jalai Lane „ Mirza Ekbal Ahmed, LL.B., Kachiguda . „ Mohamad udd in Kashmani, Troop Bazaar „ Mohi Md. Mujjbullan, Urdu Mobolla „ Mob sin Ali Khan, Bar-at-Law, Husaini Alam, Station Road „ Mohamad Abdul Raoof LL.B., Kunta Road ,, Moinuddin Ali, Husaini Alam „ Moinuddin Ansari, B.A,, Bar-at-Law, Kunta Road „ Molvi Md. Imamuddin, Rahmastpura „ Mohamad Ali Advocate, Chelapura „ Mrutunjay Rao, T., LL.B., Troop Bazaar „ Mumuddin Ansari Md., Bar-at-l^aw, Nampalli Station Road „ Nagnuth C, P., LL.B., Troop Bazaar „ Naik, R. S., M.A., Bar-at-Law, Gul Bagh „ Na'ik, S. V., B.A., Bar-at-Law Station Road ., Karasima Rao, B., LL.B., Kachiguda „ Narasivaii Rao, P., LL.B , Siddiamber Bazaar „ I^arayan Rao, LL B,. Mozam Jahi Market „ Narhar Rao, Sultan Bazar „ Narhar Rao Bakbsi, 1 L.B., Maiab(X)bpura „ Narhari Sliastri, B., B.L , Secunderabad „ Naziruddin Ahmed, Begum Bazaar „ Nurjan Dil Mohained, Sultan Bazaar „ Nizamuddin Md., Abdulla Rissala „ Pambai Vitbal, Troop Bazaar Pillai, B., Raja Bahadur, B.L., Secunderabad „ Pingal Kista Reddy, Warangal „ Pjiigal Kodant Rama Reddy, Sultan Bazaar „ Praiab Reddy, S., B.L., Troop Bazaar „ (.^adir Hussain Baig, Mustatfa Bazar, Abid Shop „ Qamchandar Rao, LL. B., Bach ot State Library ,, C^asiin Mohamad, Mahboob Mehendi „ Qazi Mohamad Mohiuddiii Ali, Inside Dabirpura „ Rathaddin Jumedi Mohamad, Advocaio, Troop Bazar „ Raghvir Rao, Inside Lai Darwaza 260 LAWYERS Hyderabad Continued Mr. Eai Gurudas, LL. B.» Sherdil Kaman „ Rai Nanda Kishor Machar, LL. B., Etbar Chowk „ Rai Shaliadov Raj, Begum Bazar Raja Dliordi Rai Bhdr., B. A., Bar-at-Law, Somajiguda Raja Raman V., B. L. Sultan Bazar „ Raigopal Reddy, Bar-at-Law, Topka Sancha „ Raju Rao, Shah Ali Bunda „ Ramchander Rao Antoo, Mahboobpura Jam Bagh, „ Ramchandra Rao, LL. B., Sultan Bazar „ Ramchandra Kao A., LL, B., Isamiya Bazar „ Ramchander Rao, Troop Bazar „ Ramachander Rao Anand, Troop Bavar „ Rama Chari, Opposite Kothi „ Rama Reddy D., Troop Bazar „ Ramanuja Lyoiigar, LL. B., Secunderabad „ Rames Brahmmam M. Alias Kama Rao, B.L. Sultan Bazar „ Ramesher Dayal Urdu Mohollan „ Ram Kishen Rao, LL. B., Troop Bazar „ Ram Kishen Rao, Borgal, Afzulgunj „ Ranga Rao Troop Bazar, Jam Bagh Ranga Rao, Sultan Bazar „ Rewajer Chaila, Begum Bazar „ Rezazuddin Ahmed, Gowliguda „ Sada Shanna Chari, Mahboob Pura, Jam Bagh „ Salek Ram, Moliiuddin Pasha Bagh „ Sat Guru Pershad, Hussain Alam „ Sat Narayan, LL.B., Sultan Bazar „ Settapper Chander Rao, Outside Aliyabad „ Sharjuddin Md. Gosha Mahalkunta „ Shah Abdul Aziz, Jala] Lane „ Shah Abdullah, 0pp. Mozam Jahi Market „ Shah Ruknuddin, Chappal Bazar „ Shah Sabir Ahmed. Sidiamber Bazar „ Shah Md., Darushafa „ Siiaik Irshad Husain Va^i, Urdu Moholla „ Sham Rao, Begum Bazar „ Shamsul Haq Md., Atzul Gunj „ Shunker Prashad, L. L. B., Shanker Beg „ Shanker Rao, Bar-at-law, Station Road „ Shanker Rao S., Mahboobpura Jam Bagh „ Sharfuddin Ahmed Md., Chelapura „ Shariff Mohamad, Troop Bazar „ Shanna S. B., B. A., Bar-at-Law, Gowliguda „ Sheikh Mahboob, Pilkhaiia „ Shernappa, Ja n Bagh 261 LAWYERS Hyderabad Continued Mr. Shesha Rao, LL, B., Troop Bazar Shesbgir Rao Omside Aliyabad „ Stiriiiivas Rao Hariholkar LL. B., Sultan Bazar Shriiiivas Rao Karwan Kar, B. A., Bar-at-Law Station Road „ Shripat Rao, Advoc ‘te, LL. B., Gul Bagh „ Siddik Ahmed LL. B , Miishirabad „ Sirajul Hasan, Bar-at-Law, Kunta Road „ Sirajui Husain, Husaini Alam „ Sridhar Naik, Bar-at-Law, Troop Bazar „ Sri Kishen Rao, Bar-at-Law, King Kothi Road „ Srinivas Rao, LL. B , Sultan Bazar „ S. inivas Rao, Osman Gunj „ Srinivas Reddy B., Sultan Bazar Sudama LL. B , Sultan Bazar „ Sunder Raj B. K. V. S. B. L., Sultan Bazar „ Suraj Chand, LL. B, Narnpalli Station Road „ Suryadat, Sultan Bazar „ Syed Md, Ali RazvJ, Purani Haveli „ Syed Taqi Bilgrami, Bar-at-law, 0pp. Malguzari „ Syed Kaman Hussan, LL.B., Station Road, Narnpalli „ Syed Nsair Hussain Abedi, LL.B., Gal Bagh, Sultan Bazar „ Syed Sipte Nabi, LL.B., Begum Bazar „ Syed Ahmed Ali, LL.B., Osmansbahi „ Syed Ahmed Sharif, LL.B,, Troop Bazar „ Syed Amir Ahmed, LT..B., Siddiamber Bazar „ Syed Gouz Mohiuddin Razvi, LL.B , Narayanguda „ Syed Haider Hussain, LL.B., Mahboobpura „ Syed Hamid Ali, LL B , Gbansi Bazar „ Syed Mehdi Hussain, LL.B., Shamshir Yar Jung Devdi „ Syed Mohisin, LL.B., Siddiamber Bazar „ Syed Zamir Ali, LL.B., Jam Bagh „ Syed Abdul Qader Jafferi, Shah Ali Bunda „ Syed Abdul Qader Razvi, Troop Bazar „ Syed Abdur RalieiUvan, Aliyabad „ Syed Abyuddin, Siddiamber Bazar „ Syed Ahmed Ali, Troop Bazar „ Syed Akbar Hussain, Urdu Moholla „ Syed Alimuddin Hussain, Siddiamber Bazar „ Syed B Jcc.r Hiisahi, Gul Bagh Sul an Bazar „ Syc/^ Chanda llussaini, Siiai;ion Road, Malguzari „ Syed Gous Moibiuddin, Osmanpura „ Syed Hamiduddin, Begum Bazar „ Syed Husain Mehedi, Begum Bazar „ Syed Hyder Raza, Bar-at-Law, Gul Bagh „ Syed Md., Abdullah, Kunta Road LAWYERS Hyderabad Coniinued Mr. Syed Mcl. Atahar Raza, Troop Bazar „ Syed Makhdour Gori, Jam Bagh „ Syed Mahboob Husain, Osman Shai „ Syed Nazim Ali, Troop Bazar „ Syed Rasneed Ahmed, Afzul Gunj „ Syed Sayeed Hasan Razvi, Troop Bazar Jam Bagh „ Syed Vahed Husain, 0pp. High Court „ Syed Waliullah Husain, Rao Rambha Devdi „ Syed Yusuf Hasan, Bar-at-Law, Gaheb Jung Devdi „ Syed Abdullah, Advocate, Kunta Road „ Syed Amir Husain B. L., Saidabad „ Syed Aziz Hussain, Advocate, Troop Bazar „ S:^ed Habibullah Bijabvi, Afzul Gunj „ Syed Kareem Ashrof Kasami, New Nampalli „ Syed Sirajul Hasan Tirmizi, Kattal Mandi „ Syed Mohamad Askari Hasan, Advocate, Bar-at-Law Sultan Bazar „ Syed Mohamad Husain, LL. B., Bar-at-Law, Gous Bazar „ Syed Mohamad Murtuza, LL.B., Nampalli Near Masjid „ Syed Sarajul Hasan, Advocate Bar-at-Law, Nampalli Station Road, „ Syed Mohmood Ahmed LL.B., Chaderghat „ Takki Bilgrami, LLB.. Bar-at-Law, Station Road „ Tilawal Ali Jaidi, LL-B., Dharushafa „ Tribte Madhcva Shanker Kotha „ Tulsi Ram Shanker, Kachiguda Station Road „ Usman Md., LL.B., Troop Bazaar „ Vaman Rao, Shah Ali Bunda „ Vazir Mirza Md. Gowligi.da „ Venkat Ram Petkamali, Kotla Ali Jah „ Venkat Ram Rao M., Jam Bagh „ Venket Ranga Reddy, Fil Khana „ Venket Reddy, Fil Khana „ Venket Sh-ilem B.A., Nampalli Station Road, „ Venket Tirmal Rao, M., Kanda Swami Bag i „ Vinayak Rao, Bar-at-Law, Mozam Jahi Market „ Vinayak Rao Vidyalankar, LL.. ., Jam Bagh „ Vithal Rao Bar-at-law 0pp. Azam Jahi Market „ Yamin Zuberi Md , LL.B,, Shahah Bunda „ Yogender Rao, Bagh Murlidbar ,, Yusuf Husan Bar-at-law, Hyderabad „ Zafer Husain Bar-at-Law Kunta Road, „ Zaffer Husain, B.A.LL.B., P.H.D., Bar-at-l:-w Hyderabad „ Zaihullabceddin Bilgrami Md. S„ Bar-at-law Somajiguda „ Zakaulla Md., LL.B., Kunta Road LAWYERS. Phitder^. Pracf/hhiq hi Rorundpy.fh'hl Mr. AMulla P?»sha, B.A., LLB , Nr/am Shah’I Pond. Hvdornhad Abdnr Pahim Khan Pahadiir, B A B L , M B E., St. Marv’s Poad Mr. Ahdur Pahim M'., M.A., LT..B , Troon Bnzai, Hvdernbnd ,, Afzulriirkar K. B., B.A., T.LB., Sidtan Bazar. Hvdprabad Aravamndii Tyenrar S., Bewan Babadnr, B.A., B.L., M.B E., Shaheri Osniani, Hyderabad Mr. Bbole D. J., B.A., LL.B., CrowliLmda, TTvdpTab^nl „ Balwant Pan, B.A., LTiB , D<^‘^b]nnkb, Snltan Bazar, Hyderabad „ Cberoy N. S., Bar-at-Tuaw, Park T,ane, Sec*iindor:\l)ad Dalai S. J., Khan Sabeb, B.A., LLB., Penderc-bnst Po vl Mr. Dattatraya P. Pillay, B.A.. B L , Market Stref^t, Secunderabad „ Devendra, B.A, B.L., H‘Bil Street. Secnnderal)ad „ Dow N. V., B.A., LL.B., Aurarprabcnl „ Dwarkanath Tvnnp:ar, B.A , B T.. Naravaiumda, Hyderabad „ Ekan'ibaram S. R., B.A , B L., KaPsiynd u Secunderabad „ Gopalan A. R., B.A., B.T> , M* rredp'dlv. Sccunderalnd ,, Grvind Pao Ganpcakhedke'»\ B A.. LT-.B . Shaheri Osmani Hyd’bad „ Guianati L. Rao, B.A., LL B , KalaiuYuida. Secunder ibad „ Haniimantha Pao Vaishn iv. B A., T.L.B , VI vderabad Hanumayva M., B.A., Tuvh bowdi. Seeundcr'^bnd ,, Krishna Pao B , BA., B.L., Tu'>nndx"*"di. Sf cuiulerabad ,, Krishna Pao N., B.A., BJ^., Market Strrei, Secunderal^ad „ T^aksliminaravana Ran AT . BA., T-B B> . Suit m B i/ar. TIydcra])ad „ Matliew P. O., BA., B.L., Stilion Ponr!, Seem de’''>1)nd ,, Mohamad A\bdul A lam, B a., b, b., Kaebipida. TT'’dp]’-;]^q^d „ ATiithukrisbna. B.A., B.T... l\ dasifAudi,^ad ,, jTaravan Par) B , B.A , R L., Sluduud Oc;nuini, ]Tvderd)ad „ Naraaari B. Sns-TV, B.A.. B.T.., Market Street Secunderabad „ Rarahasimlia R. Tvanpr-^r B A ,B.L ,?^arlve.'- Street. Secunderabad „ Narasimha Chati, K. T. B TJ.B , Oxford Str(yt, S^ cimdcrahad ,, Nirjnal B., IV'-r-at-T- w, Ox''( rd S.'roel, S<'ciind< r‘'l)ad „ Narayana*. Tv ui^ar D., B A., LL B , Mai Vet Strcf t, So^mnderabad „ Palnitknr S. AT., B.A,, 1 T. R , TTaeu'v. ui T-'kdi, IFvder d^ad „ Pureshtham G. S.. B A , V, T. , St. Marv’s PeexL SbMd ,, Pillai T^. Paja Bahadur, B.A., I' L , (F|d Oh '].p(u 1hind Soc’had „ Pan.'e G. M,, BA., B.L., F-^enhau* The-jtre, 11 vderabad „ Ouarashi A. A. S , B.A., B.L., Distill rv Po d ,, Pamaswamy A. Tyano:nr, BA., BT, . ATaria'dualli, Secunderabad „ Pajr im Iyer V, B.A.BT.., Shaheri Os iv'^d. Hmh'rabad „ Ramanuja B. K., Iyanp:a^-, IkA., LL ]L, AT rkft Sechid „ Rajondra Naidu AT., BA.B.L., l^eti^diaF Strjeu, Socundorabad m LAWYERS. Secunderabad Continued, Mr. Ranpja CTari C., M.A., LL.B., Oxford Street, Secunderabad „ Rap:van N. S., b.A.,BX, Marked Street, Secunderabad „ Ramanuia Chari B., B.A.,B.L., Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad „ Ramakrishna Rao B., B.A.,B.L., Nizam Shahi Road, Hyderabad „ Ranade D. J, B.A., LL.B., Auranprabad „ Ramamoorti K., B.A., LL.B., 269, Nalaprutta, Secunderabad „ Srinivasa Rap^ava Chari K., B.A.,B.L., Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad „ Suryanaravana Rao V., B.A ,B.L., Imambowdi, Secunderabad „ Srinivasa Chari A., B.A .B.L., Shaheri Osmani, Hyderabad „ Shrikande, B.A., LL.B , Kachiguda, Hyderabad „ Saldana S. K., M.A., LL.B., James Street, Secunderabad „ Tata Chari K., B.A., B.L., Oxford Street, Secunderabad „ Tripp H. C., Bar-at-law, Oxford Street. Secunderabad Venue:opal A., Rao Bahadur, B.A. , B.L., Hill Street, Secunderabad Mr. Venkat Rno A. PL, B.A., B.L., Walker Town, Secunderabad „ Venkata Chari K , B.A., LL. B., Key’s New Road, Secunderabad „ Venkataram Sastri, T. R., B.A., B.L., Shaheri Osmani, Hyd’bad „ Vaidya K. S., M.A., LL.B., SuBan Bazar. Hyderabad „ Vinayak Rao K., Bar-at-law, Hyderabad DOCTORS Hyderabad Priyaie Practitioners Dr. Ayongar S. N., B. A., L. n. o. P. & s., n. F. p. s., Kingkoti Road ,, Baig ^f^,Ghous 0 , L. M. & 8., C/o. Bai'g & Bros., Chadarghat ,, Batsha Mahboob, L. I. M., Mahaboob Mehondi Bhide A V., l. M & s., Sidiambar Bazaar ,, Bhole R. J., L. e. P. s., Gowliguda ,, Bopadikar P. G., M. B. B. 8,, Gowliguda M Bragnnza 0. J., M. B. B. S., Kizaiu Shahi Road ,, Brahamanandain A., L. M. P., Ananda Pharmacy Sultan Bazar ,, Christian E. B., M. B., Loprologist, Ramkote „ Dass Damodar, L. M. & 8 ., C/o. G. Paul & Co., Charkaman ,, Bass Dayal, L. M, S., Charkaman „ Davare S. K., L. M. & S , Sultan Bazar „ Davids ^=5. E., L R. C. P., M. R. C. S , Kairatabad ,, Doundo S. R., L. M. P., Sultan Bazar „ Durgiah R. S., M. B., C/o Victor & Co , Sultan Bazar DOCTORS Hyderabad Private Practitiorers Contivued Dr. Farhat Ah Lt-Col,, li. A., M* li. Cli. B., Saifabad ,, Fazlulla H. M., L, M. & s., Gulzar House „ Gogte H, R., L. R. c. P., & s., P. P. H,, Sultan Bazar „ Gote, D, D., U, B. B. 8., Charkaman ,, Gorakshaker V. R,, B. A., M. B. Gh B., G unfoundry ,, Hussain M. A.. L. M. & 8., Station Road ,, Hussain Mohamed, M. B, B. s., Bogulkunta ,, Ismail Mohamed, Gulzar House ,, Jawoorker Ramchander Rao, L. M, P. M. B., Tsamia Bazar ,, Jahangir K., L. M. <& s,, Sultan Bazar ,, Jebangir M., L. M. & S., Sultan Bazar, ,, Jushi R, D., L, M, & 8., Shah Ah Banda „ Khwaja Moinuddin (Major) M. P , 0pp. Imperial Post Office Ramble S. T., M. P. (Berlin) Nampalh Road „ Karvande Vasudev Rao, L. M. p.^ Sultan Bazar ,, Kashiker M. K., L. M. & 8., Gowliguda ,, Kasmi M. M., L, M. & 8., Abid Road „ Kirloskar B. G,,M. B. B.8., Sultan Bazar^ ,, Kirloakar G. K,, L, M. & s., Sultan Bazar „ Lakslimiamah K, (Mrs.) Farayanguda Road „ Lateef Sayeed, M. B , Oh. B., Kmgkoti „ Mahoshwar Manickrao, L. M. P., Gowliguda „ Manikyaraju P., B, M. B. B. 8., Malakpot Mascarenas I. do L., B. A., M. B, B. s., Residency Road ,, Mascarenas (Mrs.) L. 0. P, S , L. M. & 8., Residency Road Molkote G. S., L,. M & 8., Sultan Bazar ,, MendeoJiza A., L. M. & S., C/o Loshe Gay Sl Co., Station Road ,, Mohajjied All Khan Saheb, Kunta Raod * „ Muniniadi Chotty N., L. M. & 8., M. B. B. 8., 826, Sultan Bazar Mui-thi K. S. N., L.M.P., 92, Sultan Bazar „ Faidu, M.D (Berlin) The Golden Threshold, Station Road Naidu M. G. (Majorj M.B.c M., The Golden Threshold ,, Niuu N, S., w,B.B.8 , Opp. Excelsior Cinema ,, Nauiu Raiiiaswainy , L.M.P., Shahori Osmani „ Pa tan -a r, V. B, L.M & 8,, Sultan Bazar „ Phataiv B. K , m,B.B,8., D.o., Sultan Bazar „ Poj)htJe S. S., L.M. dr 8 , Sultan Bazar ,, Raja B. S , P. & s,. Few Lane ,, Ramuhaniran A. S., iv3,B.B 8., O. T\ Q.^ Bashir Bagh Road „ Ramaniah P. v'., m b., Sul tun Bazar 266 DOCTORS Hijdcrabad Pt irate J^i oct:(?n}ier.< Cohtiniird Dr. C. K. Durg;ii)ra&, Jiao L.M J\, Gowliguda „ liao R. Venkata B, Sc., 514, Sultan Ba 2 ar „ Rao Rajoeliwar, M.B*, 4^-49, Chappol Bazar ,, Rao W. Narsing, M.B.B.s., Sultan Bazar „ Ratnakar B. S., L C.P. b., Josln Building, 510, Sultan Bazar „ Subbiah, L.M, <& 8 ., Nampalh Road ,, Subranianyam C. V., 144, Rampalli ,, Temirii M. G. A., L.M. Rs. 115. This diSaronce fluctuates from Bs. 14 to Rs. 18 according to Trade Conditions. Conversion tables are given below .— HALLI SICCA RUPKES INTO GOVT. RUPEES & VIcE- VERSA Halli si oca R'uTer8~'~ _lp„. I. d”vEuNMKNT Rupees” At the rate of At the rate of At the rate of At the r:ito of 113/12/0 114/0/0 r 113/1 i/0 114/0/0 r ----- I - - 2 40 1 2 2'8S 1 0 ! 14 j OUO 0 14 0'42 4'80 2 4 5-76 2 1 , 12 ; I’SS 1 12 O'Sl 7-20 3 6 8'61 3 2 10 2 37 2 10 1 26 9-60 4 8 11T)> 4 3813 16 38 163 O'OO 5 11 2-4C 5 4 6 395 4 6 2'10 2'40 6 13 5-28 6 5 4 4' 74 5 4 2-52 4.80 7 15 8 16 7 G 2 i 6-53 6 2 2 94 7-20 9 1 11 01 8 7 0 C 32 7 0 3-36 9-60 10 4 1 92 9 7 1 14 7-12 7 14 3 78 000 11 6 4-80 10 8,12; 7 91 8 12 42i 0 00 22 1‘2 9‘60 20 17 1 9 3 82 17 8 8-43 O'OO 34 3 2-40 30 26 ! 5 ' H'73 26 5 O'GS 0-00 45 9 7 20 40 36 2 I 7 64 35 1 4-84 0-00 57 0 OOO 50 43 ‘ 15 3 56 43 13 9-05 O'OO 68 6 4 80 60 52 | It ll'4r 52 10 126 0-00 79 12 9-60 70 61 i 8 ; 7'38 6. 6 5-47 0-00 91 3 2 40 80 70 ! 5 I 3 29 TO 2 9'6S 0-00 102 9 7-20 90 79 j 1 ! lr20 78 15 r89 O'OO 114 0 0 00 100 87 I 14 ; 7'12 87 11 6'iO O'OO 228 0 0 00 200 17) ! 13 ! 5' 24 175 7 0'21 O'OO 342 0 0 00 300 '263 111! 9 36 263 2 G'Sl O'OO 456 0 0 (10 400 351 . 10 i 4'48 350 14 0*42 O'OO 570 0 O'OO 500 4J9 I 8 11'60 438 9 6'63 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 1 ^ 5 6 ' 13 7 15 9 1 10 3 11 6 22 12 34 2 45 8 56 14 68 4 79 10 91 0 102 6 113 12 227 8 341 4 455 0 568 12 Large stock of PIANOS for HIRE 6* SALE at moderate- rales. PIANOS TUINED &. OVERHAULED by London certified Musician Tuners. Satisfaction Guaranteed. REID Co., Oxford Street, SECUNDERABAD-Drt. 26S HALLl SICCA RUPEES INTO GOVT. RUPEES & VICE-VERSA. MM Halli Sue a Rui.ees Ru- OOVERNMFNT RUPEES At the rate of 1 At tho ravo of At the rato of 1 At the rate of 114/4/0 114/8/0 1 4/4/0 114/8/0 i 2 .3-36 1 n 38t 1 0 , 14 0*05 0 13 11 68 2 4 0 ^2 o 1 7 68 o 1 12 0*10 1 11 11*37 a 0 10 OS 3 0 11*52 3 2 10 0*15 2 i 9 11*05 4 9 1 44 4 9 3*36 4 3 1 8 0*2! 3 7 10*75 5 11 4*80 5 11 7-20 5 4 ' 6 0-26 4 5 10*42 6 13 816 6 13 11-04 6 5 4 0*31 5 3 10*11 7 15 11*52 8 0 2 88 7 6 2 0*36 6 1 9*79 9 2 2-88 9 2 G 72 8 7 ' 0 0‘42 o 15 9-48 10 4 6 24 10 4 10* L 6 9 7 ! 14 0-47 7 13 9*17 11 6 9-60 11 7 2 40 10 8 ' 12 0*52 8 11 8*85 22 ’ 13 7 20 22 14 4*80 20 17 8 1*05 17 7 5*71 34 4 4 80 34 5 7*20 30 26 ’ ' 4 1*57 26 3 2-56 45 11 2*40 45 12 9*60 40 35 i ! 0 2*10 34 14 11*42 57 2 0*00 57 4 0 00 50 43 12 2*62 43 10 8-27 08 8 9 GO 68 11 2*40 GO 52 8 3 15 52 6 5*13 79 1 15 7-20 80 2 4 80 70 61 , 4 3 67 61 2 2*00 91 6 4*30 91 9 7 20 80 70 : 0 4 20 69 13 10 84 102 13 2-40 103 0 9 60 90 78 , 12 4*72 78 9 7*70 114 4 OOO 114 8 0*00 100 87 1 8 5 25 87 5 4*55 228 8 0 00 229 0 000 200 175 ■ 0 10-50 174 10 9*11 34 2 12 0 00 3P1 8 0 00 300 262 9 3*75 262 0 1*67 457 0 0 00 458 0 0 00 400 350 ' 1 9*00 349 5 6*25 571 4 0 00 572 8 0*00 500 437 10 2-25 436 1 10 10*79 1 At tho rat ) u l 1 At llio rate of At tho rate of At tho rato of 114/1 •:/) 1 115/0/0 114/12/0 115/10/0 1 2 4*32 1 2 4*80 1 0 13 11*32 0 13 10*95 2 4 S.Gi 2 4 9*60 2 1 11 10-64 1 11 9*91 3 7 0 VG 3 7 2*40 3 2 9 9*96 2 9 8*86 4 9 5‘28 4 9 7 20 4 3 7 9*28 3 7 7*82 5 11 9T)0 5 12 0*00 5 4 5 8*60 4 5 6*78 6 14 1'92 G 14 4*80 6 5 3 7*92 5 3 5*63 8 0 G'24 8 0 9-60 7 6 1 7*24 6 1 4*69 9 2 10 56 9 3 2 40 8 6 15 6*56 6 15 3*65 10 5 2-88 10 5 7*20 9 7 13 5*88 7 13 2*60 11 7 1 7*20 11 8 000 10 8 11 5*20 8 11 1*56 22 15 2*40 23 0 0*00 20 17 6 10*40 17 6 3*13 34 0 9‘00 34 8 0*00 30 26 2 3*60 26 1 4*69 45 14 4*80 46 0 0*00 40 34 13 8*81 24 12 6*26 57 6 0*00 57 8 0 00 50 43 9 2*01 43 7 7*82 68 13 7-20 69 0 0-00 60 52 4 7*21 52 2 9-39 80 5 2-40 80 8 0*00 70 61 0 0*41 60 13 10*95 91 12 9 60 92 0 000 80 69 11 5*62 69 9 0*52 103 4 4*80 103 8 0 00 90 78 6 10*82 78 4 2-08 114 12 0-00 115 0 0*00 100 87 2 4*02 86 15 3*65 229 8 0*00 230 0 000 200 174 4 8*05 173 14 7*30 344 4 0*00 345 0 0*00 300 261 7 0*07 260 13 10*95 459 0 0*00 460 0 0*00 400 348 9 4*10 347 13 2*60 573 12 000 575 0 0*00 500 435 11 8*13 434 12 6*26 Repairs to Gramophones aid all musical instrurflents a speciality. All makes of Gramophones and records in stock at REID Co., Oxford St,, Secunderabad HALLI SICCA RUPEES INTO GOVT. RUPEES AND VICE-VERSA HaLLI SlOCA Rupeks Rix - Government Rupees At tho rate of kt tho rate of At the rate of At tho rate of 115/4/0 115/8/0 pees 115/4/0 115/8/0 1 2 5-28 1 2 5 76 1 0 13 10*59 0 13 10-23 2 4 10-56 2 4 11-52 2 1 11 9 18 1 11 8-46 3 7 3-84 3 7 5-28 3 2 9 7-78 2 9 6-70 4 9 9-12 4 9 11-04 4 3 7 6-37 3 7 5-00 5 12 2*40 5 12 4*80 5 4 5 5-00 4 5 3- 16 6 14 7*68 6 14 10-56 6 3 3-56 5 3 1-40 8 1 0-96 8 1 4 32 7 6 1 2*16 6 0 11-63 9 3 6-24 9 3 10-08 8 6 15 0-75 6 14 1000 10 5 11*52 10 6 3-84 9 7 12 11-34 7 12 8-10 11 8 4-80 11 8 0-60 10 8 10 10-00 8 10 6-33 23 0 9-60 23 1 7-20 20 17 5 8-00 17 5 0*67 34 9 2*40 34 10 4-80 30 26 0 6 00 25 15 701 46 1 7-20 46 3 2-40 40 34 11 3-77 34 10 1-35 57 10 0‘00 57 12 0*00 50 43 6 1*71 43 4 7-68 69 2 4*80 69 4 960 60 52 0 11-66 51 15 2-02 80 10 9 60 80 13 7-20 70 60 11 9-60 60 9 8-36 92 3 2 40 92 6 4*80 80 69 6 7-54 69 4 2-70 103 11 7*20 103 15 2-40 90 78 0 5* 19 77 14 9-03 115 4 0-00 115 8 0*00 100 86 12 3-43 86 9 3-37 230 8 0-00 231 0 0-00 200 173 8 6-87 173 2 6-75 345 12 0 0) 316 8 0-00 300 260 4 10-30 259 11 10-13 461 0 0*00 462 0 0-00 400 347 1 i -74 346 5 1-50 576 4 0 00 577 8 0 00 500 433 13 5-18 432 14 4- ^<8 At tlio rate of At tho rate of At tho rate of At tho rate of 116/0/0 115/ 12/0 1 2 6*24 1 2 6*72 1 0 13 9*87 0 13 9-51 2 5 0-48 2 5 1*44 2 1 1 11 7*74 1 11 7-03 3 7 6*72 3 7 8*16 3 2 9 5-6 i 2 9 4-55 4 10 0*96 4 10 2-88 4 3 7 3-49 3 7 2-06 5 12 7*20 5 12 9-60 5 4 5 1-37 4 4 11 58 6 15 1*44 6 15 4-3-3 6 5 2 11-24 5 2 8 1 7 68 8 1 11-04 7 6 0 9-12 6 0 6-62 9 4 1*92 9 4 5-76 8 6 14 7-00 6 14 4-13 10 6 8-10 7 0-48 9 7 12 4 87 7 12 1-65 11 9 2*40 11 9 7-20 10 8 WSM 2-74 8 9 11-17 23 2 4-80 23 3 2*40 20 17 4 5*49 17 3 34 11 7*20 31 12 9-60 30 25 14 8*24 9*51 46 4 9 60 46 6 4-80 40 34 8 11-00 m 8-68 57 14 58 0 0 00 50 ^ 43 3 1-73 Rl 7-86 69 7 2-40 69 9 7-20 60 , 51 13 4-48 la 81 4*80 81 3 2-40 70 60 7 7 23 5 92 9 92 12 9*60 80 69 1 10 00 68 15 5-37 104 2 9*60 104 6 4*80 90 77 12 0 72 77 9 4*55 115 12 0 00 116 0 0-00 100 86 6 3-47 86 3 3-72 231 8 0-00 232 0 0-00 200 172 12 172 6 7-44 347 4 0*00 318 0 O'OO 300 259 2 10-41 ‘258 9 11-17 463 0 0-00 464 0 0*00 400 345 9 2-00 344 13 3*00 578 12 580 H 0-00 500 481 15 5*36 431 m 6-62 His Master’s Voice, Decca, Brunswick, Rex, Columbia 6* Regal Gramophone Records at Bombay rates. Gramophones of oil popular makes. Repairs a speciality- Rg IQ ^ Co., Secunderabad* 270 HALL I SICCA RUPEES INTO GOVT RUPEES & VICE- VERSA Ha'”li^S[^cca_Rupee9 At the rate of | At the rato of _ 116/4/0 I 116/8/0 Gvebnment Rupees At the rate of 116/4/0 At the rate of 116/8/0 1 2 7-?0 1 1 2 7*68 , 0 13 9*16 0 13 8*80 2 5 2*40 1 2 5 3*36 2 1 11 6*32 1 11 5-61 n 7 9*60 i 3 7 11.04 3 2 9 3*48 2 9 2-42 4 10 4*80 4 10 6*72 4 3 7 0*64 3 6 11*22 5 13 0*00 5 13 j 2*40 5 4 4 9 - so 4 4 8 03 6 15 7*20 ! 6 15 10 08 6 5 2 6*96 5 2 4-84 8 2 J 2*40 8 2 1 5*76 7 6 0 4*12 6 0 1.64 9 4 1 9*60 i 9 5 1*44 8 6 14 1-29 6 13 10 45 10 7 ' 4-80 10 7 9*12 9 7 11 10*45 7 11 7*26 11 10 ; 0*00 11 10 4*80 10 8 9 7-61 8 9 4-06 23 4 0*00 23 4 9'60 20 17 3 3*22 17 2 8*13 34 14 000 34 15 2*40 30 25 12 10*83 25 12 0*20 46 8 0*00 46 9 7*20 40 34 6 6*45 34 5 4*27 58 2 0*00 58 4 0 00 50 43 0 2*06 42 14 8'34 60 12 0-00 : 69 14 4 * iS 0 60 51 9 9-67 51 8 0-40 81 . h , (roo 81 S 6 u 70 60 3 5*29 60 1 4 47 93 0 (1 0 () 93 3 2 40 80 68 13 0 90 68 10 8*54 104 10 0*00 104 13 7*20 90 77 6 8*51 77 4 0*61 116 4 0*00 116 8 0*00 IOC 86 0 4*03 85 13 4 68 232 8 0 00 i 233 0 0 00 200 173 0 8-25 171 10 9-36 348 12 0*00 349 8 0*00 300 258 1 0*38 257 8 2 04 465 0 0 00 466 0 0 03 400 344 1 4 51 343 5 7*72 581 . 4 0 00 582 : 8 0 00 500 430 1 8 64 429 2 11-40 At the rate of 1 At the rate of ""aT the rate of At the I •ate of 116 / J 2/0 117 / 0/0 1 2 8*16 1 2 8*64 1 0 13 8*45 13 2 5 4*32 2 5 5*28 2 1 11 4-90 1 11 3 8 0*48 3 8 1*92 3 2 9 1*36 2 9 4 10 8*64 4 10 13-56 4 3 6 9'81 3 6 8-40 5 13 4*80 5 13 7*20 5 4 4 6*26 4 4 7 0 0*96 7 0 3-84 6 5 2 2-72 5 2 8 2 9*12 8 3 0*48 7 ! 5 15 iri7 5 15 9 5 5*28 9 5 9*12 8 6 13 7*63 6 13 10 8 1*44 10 8 5*76 9 7 11 4*08 7 11 0*90 11 10 9*60 11 11 2*40 10 8 9 8 8 23 5 7*20 23 8 4*80 20 17 2 1*07 17 1 ifl 35 0 4*80 35 1 7*20 30 25 11 1*61 25 10 46 11 2*40 47 12 9 60 40 34 4 2 * 15 34 3 000 58 6 0*00 58 8 0-00 50 42 13 2 69 42 11 70 0 9*60 70 3 2*40 60 51 6 3-23 51 4 81 11 7*20 82 14 4*80 70 59 15 3*77 59 13 3*01 93 6 4*80 93 9 7*20 80 68 8 4*31 68 6 105 1 2*40 105 4 9 60 90 77 1 4-85 76 14 9*00 116 12 0*00 117 0 0*00 100 85 10 5*39 85 7 233 8 0*00 234 0 0*00 200 171 4 15 350 4 0*00 351 0 0 00 300 256 15 4 17 256 6 467 0 0*00 46 S 0 0*00 400 342 9 9*56 311 14 583 12 0*00 585 0 0*00 m 428 4 2*95 427 5 PIANOS for SALE €h HIRE at moderate rates. Pianos tufned, regulated and repaired by London certified Musician— Tuners at — REID Co., Secundarabad. 271 ' HALLI 8I0CA RUPEES INTO GOVT. RUPEES AND VICE-VERSA Halli Sicoa Ru fe ks ~ " At the rate of i At the rate of 117/4/0 I 117/8/0 Government' Rupees At the rate of j At the rate of 117/4/0 I 117/8/0 11 11 46 14 58 10 93 U 105 8 351 12 469 0 11 12 23 8 35 4 47 0 58 12 70 8 82 4 94 0 105 li 117 8 235 0 352 8 470 0 587 8 0-00 10 0 00 20 0 00 30 0-00 40 0 00 50 000 60 0 00 70 0*00 80 0*00 90 000 100 0 00 200 0 00 300 000 400 0*00 500 42 10 57 2 59 11 68 3 76 12 255 13 17 0 25 8 34 0 42 8 At the rate of 1 At the rate of I I At the rate of At the rate of 117/12/0 ) 118/0/0 » I 117/12/0 118/0/0 11 12 23 8 58 14 70 10 105 15 117 12 588 12 11 12 23 9 59 0 70 12 118 0 236 0 354 0 472 0 590 0 9-60 10 7‘20 20 4*80 30 2-40 40 000 50 9*60 60 i 7*20 70 ! 4*80 89 2 49 90 0 00 loo 0*00 ^09 0*00 300 0*00 40) 0*00 500 16 15 25 7 33 15 42 7 50 15 67 15 76 6 84 14 169 13 254 12 339 11 I 424 10 i 16 15 25 r> 33 14 42 5 50 13 59 5 67 12 76 4 84 11 ! 33S 15 423 11 Gramophonts, Violins, Mar. « •U JZ. <0 u ^ 5i 1st. 5fi?. Is. 5W Is b}d Is . 5 Id Is . Is, £>\d Is . 6ld Is. 6* \d Is, 7( Rs, £ 8 ( d. £ ij. d. £ s. d. £ d. £ i?. d. £ d. £. s. d. £ s fi. £ s d 1 0 1 5 0 1 51 0 1 51 0 1 51 0 1 6 0 1 61 0 1 6} 0 1 0 1 0 2 10 0 2 10^ 0 2 0 2 111 0 3 0, , 0 3 Oi 0 3 1 0 3 11 0 3 3 0 4 3 0 4 3^; 0 4 ; 0 4 51 0 4 6l i 0 4 0 4 11 0 4 8} 0 4 4 0 5 8 0 5 0 5 10 0 5 11 0 6 0 0 6 1 0 6 2 0 6 3 0 6 5 0 7 1 0 7 0 7 3 . 1 ' 0 7 41 0 7 6 1 0 7 71| 0 7 81 0 7 c\ 0 7 6 1 0 8 6 0 8 7^1 0 8 9 1 ^ 8 10\ 0 9 0 0 9 1^.! 0 9 3 0 9 A} 0 9 7 0 9 11 0 10 o;- 0 10 21 ' 0 10 41 0 10 6 10 7t 0 10 91 0 10 lU 0 11 8 n 4 0 11 6 1 1 ^ 11 8 1 « 11 10 0 12 0 1 0 12 2 1 1 ^ 12 4 0 12 6 0 12 9 1 0 12 9 0 12 111 13 11 0 13 31 13 6 , 0 13 8-1- 0 13 lov 0 14 Ol 0 U 10 0 14 2 0 14 ' 0 14 7 0 14 PI 0 15 0 0 15 2.1 0 15 5 0 15 71 0 15 20 1 8 4 1 8 9 1 1 9 2 1 9 7 ' 1 10 0 1 10 5 1 1 10 10 1 11 3 1 11 30 2 2 6 2 3 11 1 2 3 9 2 4 41 2 5 0 2 5 7i 2 6 3 2 6 101 2 7 40 2 16 8 2 17 6 2 18 4 2 19 2 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 10 1 3 1 8 3 2 6 3 3 50 10 10 3 11 m 3 1 : 11 3 13 m 3 15 0 . 3 16 01 3 17 1 3 IS M 3 19 60 4 5 0 4 6 3 1 4 7 6 4 8 9 4 10 0 4 11 3 1 « 12 6 4 13 9 4 15 70 4 19 2 5 0 71 5 2 1 5 3 61 5 5 0 5 6 51 5 7 11 5 9 41 5 10 80 13 4 5 15 0 3 16 8 5 18 4 6 0 0 6 1 8 6 3 4 6 5 0 6 6 90 6 7 6 6 9 ' 6 11 3 6 18 11 6 15 0 6 16 10 i 6 18 9 7 0 71 7 2 100 7 1 8 7 3 9 7 5 10 7 7 11 7 10 0 7 li 1 1 7 14 2 7 16 3 7 IS 20014 3 414 7 6 14 11 8 14 15 10 15 0 0 ,15 4 2 |15 8 4 15 12 6 15 16 3oo!n 5 0,21 11 3 21 7 6 22 3 9 22 10 0 >2 10 3 23 2 6 23 8 9 23 15 400,28 6 8 28 15 0 29 3 4 ,29 11 P 30 0 0,30 8 4 30 16 8 31 5 0 31 13 500,35 8 4:35 18 9 36 9 2 36 19 7 37 10 038 0 5 38 10 10 39 1 3 39 11 60042 10 043 2 6 43 15 0 '44 7 6 45 0 045 12 6 46 5 0 46 17 6 47 10 700'49 11 850 6 3 51 0 10 5l 15 5 52 10 0,53 4 7 53 19 2 54 13 9 55 8 800;56 13 457 10 0 58 6 8 |59 3 4 60 0 0,60 16 8 '61 13 4 62 0 0 61 r 90063 15 0,64 13 9 65 12 6 ,66 11 3 67 10 068 8 9 ,69 7 6 ,70 6 3 71 5 100070 16 871 17 6 h 18 4 73 19 2 i75 0 076 0 10 77 1 8 [78 2 6 79 3 FASHION WEAR FOR MEN CIVIL AND MILITARY TAILORS, EXPERT SHERWANI CUTTERS. COME AND OBTAIN THE GOOD WILL ART AND FINISH. A Trial will convince you: GOOD WILL & Co., FASHION TAILORS Near Ragnathmull Bank, HYDERABAD-DECCAN 274 TABLE OF DAILY PAY OR ALLOWANCE. Rupees per month. H H Of 31 days. Rupees per month' Of 28 days. Of 30 days. Of 31 days. Rb . a. P‘ Rs. a. P* Rs 1 . a. P* Rb i. a. P- Rb. a. P. Rs i. a. P* 1 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 6 26 0 14 10 0 13 10 0 13 5 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 27 0 15 5 0 14 5 0 13 11 3 0 1 9 0 1 7 0 1 7 28 1 0 0 0 14 11 0 14 5 4 0 2 3 0 2 2 0 2 1 29 1 0 7 0 15 6 0 15 0 5 0 2 10 0 2 8 0 2 7 30 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 15 6 6 0 3 5 0 3 2 0 3 1 31 1 1 9 1 0 6 1 0 0 7 0 4 0 0 3 9 0 3 7 32 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 6 8 0 4 7 0 4 3 0 4 2 33 1 2 10 1 1 7 1 1 0 9 0 5 2 ! 0 4 10 0 4 8 34 1 3 5 1 2 2 1 1 7 10 0 5 9 1 0 5 4 0 5 2 35 1 4 0 1 2 B 1 2 1 11 0 6 3 0 5 10 0 5 8 36 1 4 7 1 3 2 1 2 7 12 0 6 10 0 6 5 0 6 2 37 1 5 1 3 9 1 3 1 13 0 7 5 0 6 11 0 6 9 38 1 5 9 1 4 3 1 3 7 14 0 8 0 0 7 6 0 7 3 39 1 6 3 1 4 10 1 4 2 15 0 8 7 0 8 0 0 7 9 40 1 6 10 1 5 4 1 4 8 16 0 9 2 0 8 6 0 8 3 41 1 7 5 1 5 10 1 5 2 17 9 9 1 0 9 1 0 8 9 42 1 8 0 1 6 5 1 5 8 18 0 10 3 0 9 7 0 9 3 43 1 8 7 1 6 11 1 6 2 19 0 10 10 0 .0 2 0 9 10 44 1 9 2 1 7 6 1 6 9 20 0 11 5 0 10 8 0 10 4 45 1 9 9 1 B 0 1 7 3 21 0 12 0 0 11 2 0 10 10 46 1 10 3 1 B 6 1 7 9 22 0 12 7 i 0 11 9 0 11 4 47 1 10 10 1 9 1 1 8 3 23 0 13 2 ; 0 12 3 0 11 10 48 1 11 5 1 9 7 1 8 9 24 0 13 12 10 0 12 1 12 0 1 10 2 1 9 3 25 ‘ 0 14 3 ! 0 13 4 0 12 11 1 12 7 1 10 8 1 9 10 Call or wrila to : — V. JUGALDAS 8 e BROS., 8IDDIMABER BAZAAR, ct HYDERABAD^DieeAN. POn ALL KiNbS OP OlASS, PICTURB FltAMBS, TRI WOOD« blAMDND GLASS CUTTERS, TIN RLATES, MANUFACTURES OF STAINED S LEADED GLASS, FANCY FiCTURBS WITH AND WITHOUT FRAMES, Charges Modpriiiep B^vilhd Glaii Sp^cfality^ trial solictad '^Jugaldas'* means the Best Glass SPORTS E.VENTS ig 36 -HYDERABAD. JANUARY. Moin-ud*Dowlah Gold Cup Cricket Tournament — (1935*-3d there will be na Gold Cup Tournauiont. Inatoad, the Moin-ud-Dowlali XI will meet Maharajah of I’citiala’s 'J’oain ot Austral jan Cricketers in a three days fixture :;i4th, ) Scout Rally JNundy Shield Football Touiiuiuent Sanzefy — Photographer — Sagar Road^ Secunderabad Victoria New South Wales Victoria Vicioria Victoria Victoria Victoria Now South Wales Queensland New South Wales New South Wales Now South Wales New South Wales West Australia Tasmania 276 SPORTS EVENTS 1936~SECUNDERABAD. Hyderabad Continued OCTOBER Salar Jung Cricket Tournament Hyderabad Junior Polo Tournament Sir Atsar Cup Junior Polo Tournament, Fateh Maidan NOVEMBER Hyderabad Athletic Association Sports berhamad-ud-Dowlah Cricket Tournament DECEMBER Moin-ud-Dowlah Gold Cup Cricket Tournament SECUNDERABAD JANUARY Secunderabad Area Boxing Tournament Secunderabad Club Tennis Tournament FEBRUARY Army and Air Foroo Boxing Tournament —Open to Madras Brigade and Deccan District Races, Gymkhana Meeting, two days Secunderabad Area Sports The 7th Dragoon Guards Cup Polo Tournament (Secunderabad Ground) MARCH Egorton Cup Polo Tournament (Hyslop Ground, Bolarum) Races, Gymkhana Meeting, two days D. N. Chenoy Cup Novices Polo Tournament APRIL Inter-Unit Football Tournament MAY Secunderabad Area Swimming Competition (Club Bath) JULY Races, Secunderabad Monsoon Meeting four days AUGUST Secunderabad Horse Show Inter- Unit Cricket Tournament Dara Chenoy Cup Polo Tournament for Seniors OCTOBER Inter* Unit Hockey Tournament NOVEMBER Sahibxada Cup Pole Tournament (Hyslop Ground, Bolarum) DECEMBER Intor-Unit Football Tournament TIB4QLfi SURE REMEDY FOR TUBERCULOSIS 27 HYDERABAD GOVERNMENT HOLIDAYS. F RID AYS Ist .Tanuarv 1936 New Year’s Day Of,h January *36 . T.unar Felipse 14th January *36 . Til Sankara nth 9.Sth January *36 . Basanth Panchami 9th February *36 . Birthday of Walashan Prince Nawa Muazzam Jah Bahadur 21 fit Fnhruarv ’36 Maha Shivrathri 24t,h February to lat March *36 .. Silver Jubilee Hoi ida'^’^a 4th to 8th March ’36 ... .. Bakreod ( 7th Si 8th Holi ) t3t.h March ’36 . Fateha-Third-Khalifa 24th March ’36 . TTeradhi 25th March to 5th April *36 . Moharrum (25th Fateha-Second-Kbalifa) (.31st March Sree Ram Navami) l'’th "^^ay *36 . A r^hin 14th May *36 .. Rendition Residency Bazars 20th May ’36 ... .. TiHst We^’nesdav <'4th May *36 ... Queen Victoria’s Birthday 97th May ’»6 .. Fateh a Hazrath Imam Hussan 2nfl & 3rd Juno *36 .. Dwaz- Dahum Sharif 26th June *36 .. Birthday of Late Nizam Ivt July *36 .. Yaz -Dahum Sharif Sth July ’36 .. Lunar Fdipse 2nd August *36 .. Rakhi-Poonam 9th August *36 .. Janma Ashtami 9th September ’.36 . Fateha First Khalifa 18th September *36 .. H. E H the Nizam’s Birthday loth September ’36 .. Ganosh Chathnrthi 23rd September *36 .. TTnis Hazarath Khaia Moinuddin 29th September ’.36 Anantha Ohathurdaai 30th Sentemher *36 Birthday of Janih Amir Ali-us-Salam 4th & 5th October *36 ... Kosharif Ohserrod onh/ in Hyd’had proper 6th October’ 36 . Fasli New Year’s Day ISHi & 14th October ’36 . Shab-i-Miraj 16th October ’36 Independence Day ‘’4th & 25th October ’36 Dassera .31st October & 1st Novoinher . Shab-i- Barath 6th November ’36 . . . B.»ba Sharifuddin Urus {only for Hydcrahad . Wedding Anniversary of Prince JSawa Walashan Azam Jah Bahadur 12th November ’36 13th & 14th November ’36 .. Deevali 19th November ’36 .. Late Nizam’s Anniversary Day 22iid November ’.36 Accession Dav 5th Docembor ’36 , Fateha Fourth Khalifa 12th to 15th Decemlv'r ’36 .. Shah- i Khader 16th to 19th December ’36 .. Td--ul-Fitr 2.^.th Dccombor ’36 .. X’mas Day SOLE D1STRI3UTORS A. L. D’SOUZA & SONS. STATION ROAD. SCC’BAO 278 BANK HOLIDAYS-HYDERABAO. Ranctiomd by H K H. thn 'Nizam’s GovornmpTil; tinder the Negotiable Instruments Act V of 131 ‘I Fasli. SUNDAYS 1st Jannarv 19.16 .... Wednesd.ay New Year’s Day 14th Jonuarv ,, Tuesday Foil 2 a 1 F'^'hroarv Fridav Maha Shivarathri 5th & 6th March ,, ... Thursday & Friday .. Bakr-Id 7th March ,, ... Saturday Holi 5>4th March „ ... Tuorday TTpadi ?1st March ,, ... do Sri Hama Nav’-ami 3rd Sr 4th April ,, ... Friday & Saturday .. Mob a r rum otilt/ for (S'cf inojprahad) 10th April „ ... Fridav Good Fridav 11th to 11th A])riT ,, .. Saturday to Monday.. Faster Vacation 14th May ,, ... Thursday 5 Fondition of Hosidency Bazars S4th May „ ... Sunday f Fmpire Day *^11 d Jiino ,, ... Tuesday Bara 3rd dune ... Wodn^'sday H. M tho King Emperor’s Birthday 2Rth June ,, ... Friday F H. the late Nizam’s Birthday 1st July „ ... Wednesday ^VnzDuham Sherif 3rd Arpfiist ... Monday Fakhi Foonam loth An post ,, ... do Gcdnil Ashtami l^th Soptenihor „ ... Friday H. E. TT tlu' Niza in’s Birthday 19th Soptenih^T ,, ... Saturday G.mosh Chathurthi Srth S('iit(’n’>h(*r Tuei; b"v Anant Oluiturdashi nth Oct'^bor ,, Monday § t day of Moula Ali Unis 13th Oct oh ''r „ Tnes^^av 5 '^Ivslv’-Mirai 14th October ,, M^odxij.sday M.ihalaya Arnavasvn ?6th October Monday D'jvf.ra 30th Sr 31st Oct. „ ... Friday Sr S. tnrday Sh'»hi-T’ otihf for S(‘rtLr(l(>r